Activity 2.3.2 Seven-Segment DisplaysIntroductionWhat do alarm clocks, cable TV converter boxes, home answering machines, and inexpensive calculators all have in common? In addition to being built from electronics, many also include seven-segment displays as part of their design.There are two types of seven-segment displays: common cathode and common anode. Understanding how these displays work and the differences between them is fundamental to designing many different types of electronic devices.In this activity you will learn how to use seven-segment displays to display both alpha and numeric characters. You will also be introduced to the Seven-Segment Display Driver.Equipment Circuit Design Software (CDS)Breadboard (DMS or DLB)#22 Gauge solid wireIntegrated Circuits (74LS04 & 74LS32)Common Cathode Seven-Segment DisplayProcedureLet’s investigate what alpha-numeric characters we can display on a seven-segment mon Cathode Common AnodeUsing the CDS, enter the common cathode seven-segment display test circuit shown below. Please note that the seven-segment display is a common cathode display.For the seven switches (i.e., A through G), determine the settings required so that the seven-segment display will display 0-9. Use the results to complete the table shown below.DisplayABCDEFG01111110101100002110110131110001401100115101101161011111711100008111111191110011Using the seven SPDT switches (i.e., A thru G), determine at least ten alpha characters that you could display using the seven-segment display. Don’t forget to include lower case characters. Record your findings in the table shown below.DisplayABCDEFgA1111011B1111111C1001110E1001111F1000111H0110111I0110000L0001110O1111110P1100111Now, let’s see how you can use a seven-segment display in a logic circuit.Analyze the seven-segment display circuit shown below and complete the display table shown. The display is a common cathode.What message do you predict will be displayed? HIJKDisplay00H01I10I11HSimulate the circuit to see if you were correct with your analysis.Seven-Segment Display DriversIn a previous activity, you were introduced to the Digital Hex Display. The Digital Hex Display translates four lines of binary into hexadecimal.To display numbers on a seven-segment display, you will need to use a specific driver that will translate four lines of binary into seven-segment numerical code. The 74LS48 SSD Driver is designed for the Common Cathode SSD. The 74LS47 SSD Driver is designed for the Common Anode SSD. Simulate the circuit shown below.74LS48N Seven-Segment Display Driver with Common Cathode SSDIf output QA is on “high”, is segment A on or off?OffEnter 00002 to 11112 and note the number displayed on the SSD. How is it different from what is displayed on the Digital Hex Display?00002 presents a blank display 11112 presents a 0Now let’s simulate the 74LS47N SSD Driver with Common Anode SSD.74LS47N Seven-Segment Display Driver with Common Anode SSDIf output QA is on “high” is segment A on or off?OnEnter 00002 to 11112 and note the number displayed on the SSD. What is the major difference between a Common Cathode Display and a Common Anode Display?00002 displays all output on but a blank display 11112 displays a zeroWhat if you only had access to a Common Anode Seven-Segment Display with a 74LS48 SSD Driver? Could you modify the circuit to display the numbers correctly?Yes, switch the inputs in a reverse order or put an inverter over the outputs.Simulate the modified circuit using a CA SSD and 74LS48 SSD Driver.ConclusionComplete the wiring of the seven-segment displays shown below so that they will display your age. If you are 15, display a (1) on the common cathode display and a (5) on the common anode display. List five words of three characters or more that you could spell out using a seven-segment display. Don’t forget about lower-case characters. Be creative. Be polite.HEYPIEdIgLOgbAgDescribe what you should look for if you designed a circuit with an SSD that appears to work in simulation, but does not appear to be working when you create the circuit. (Hint: it may actually be working) If you are using the right component, switching out a Cathode with an Anode ................

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