Welcome to Radio Classrooms of America

Welcome to Radio Classrooms of America


s a participant in Radio Classrooms of America (RCA), you are now a member of the Radio Team for Waking Up In America, a premier radio talk magazine launched 1987. Waking Up In America is currently recorded over the #1 Internet Radio Network, Voice America and re-broadcast on ABC Affiliate KTBL in Albuquerque, NM, WMNY, WHLD in Buffalo, New York and on WSIR 1490am Lakeland, FL through the Citadel Radio Network. Our show has a combined audience of 100,000 listeners from all over the world via the Internet and traditional radio air play.

Benefits of RCA:

✓ LIVE ON-AIR Radio Personality as a Segment Editor of your unique show on Waking Up In America

✓ Featured as an Editor on the home page of

✓ Your own Editor’s page on Waking Up In America website

✓ Links and promotion of your own personal website

✓ Column in the Waking Up In America

✓ Press Release announcing your show segment

Respected Media Credentials

✓ As an on-air personality you become a member of the media corps and are furnished a media credential and badge

✓ Waking Up In America personalized letterhead to verify your legitimacy as a member of the media

✓ Invitations to media events as a member of the Waking Up In America team

ON-AIR Training

✓ Veteran Radio Personality, Dr. Valerie Anne Kirkgaard provides monthly training and feedback to improve the on-air quality of your show.

✓ Inclusion as an interviewer with featured quests and for pre-recorded Special Reports

✓ 1 hour of practice recording/consulting each week

Marketable Products

✓ Turn your recorded segments mp3 files into:

✓ Audio Products for re-sale

✓ Transcripts for your book or newsletters

✓ And more…..

Here’s What is available to members of RCA


Medial Credentials

Media Stationary

And much more

Participant’s Responsibility and Code of Ethics

As a participant in Radio Classrooms of America you become a member of the Waking Up In America Radio Team. It is your responsibility to be an active member of the team for the quality and continuity of the radio show. As a professional radio show we have an obligation to our listeners and sponsors to produce a consistent product of excellence. Your participation and responsibilities include:

← Weekly team Consulting Calls – currently from 7 am to 8 am PST on the morning of the show.

← Present for Show Recording – currently at 11:50 to 1:05 PST on

Wednesdays. If an emergency or conflict prevents you from

participating live your segment must be arranged and pre-recorded with

our Chief Technical Officer.

← Completion of all requests for marketing and promotion of the show

This includes:

1. Submitting a print quality (300 dpi) head shot for publicity use

2. Submitting your bio

3. Submitting a brief description of your segment and Title (300 words)

4. Submitting 13 Tips or Techniques each quarter in your content area to be included in the Waking Up In America Newsletter

5. Introducing Waking Up In America to your mailing list

Once accepted into Radio Classrooms of America, I understand that I am a professional member of the media. As such I will abide by the accepted standards and conducts of broadcast media professionals, including appropriate language at all times while on the air. I understand my rights and responsibilities as a member of the Waking Up In America broadcast team and agree to complete all requests asked of me that forward the promotion and marketing of the show.

________________________________ _______________________________

Signed: Dr. Valerie Anne Kirkgaard

Print Name_____________________________


Media Credentials Checklist

You may purchase these credentials

Media Badge fee $25.00

Letterhead (pdf) fee $25.00

250 Business Cards* fee $50.00

Letter of Authenticity fee $25.00

*Additional Business Cards may be ordered at the same time.


← Waking Up In America email address:yourname@

← MP3 of each show

← Interviews with you and your A-List guest

← Waking Up In America Marketing Materials for your use for sponsorship/ advertising purposes

← Invitations for you and your guest for Waking Up In America events

All shows are furnished as an mp3 for no charge, which can be downloaded from our site. If you would like CD’s burned for you at $20.00 per CD, which includes shipping.

Upon acceptance to the program, your web presence and web page will be designed for you. Our webmaster must have your photo (72 dpi), a headshot and show description is required. Please allow 14 days for the website changes to be made from the time we receive your information. It is our desire to have you on the site before your segment premiers, please help us to make that happen for you.

Welcome to the Waking Up In America team, we look forward to a long and profitable relationship with you.

Dr. Valerie Anne Kirkgaard, Founder of Radio Classrooms of America and Host/Producer of Waking Up In America. Riveting the airways of America and now the world with a fresh voice for over 21years. You have joined a long legacy of authentic and successful graduates of Radio Classrooms of America. Our past editors include published authors, experts, and professionals doing great things in our world.

Sponsors and Affiliations For Waking Up In America

[pic] [pic] [pic] WHLD WLOG





Sponsors and Affiliations For Waking Up In America


a member benefit for


a member benefit for




|Editor Profile |Full Name of Editor: |

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|Editor’s Business Address: |Segment Title: |

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|Spouse’s name: | |

|Children (s) (name & ages) |Point wakingupinamerica email to: |

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|Birthday: | |

|Specific area of Expertise: |Segment Topic Category: |

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|Books or Publications: |Speaking Experience: |

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|Media Experience, especially broadcast media: |Personal Media Coverage: |

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|Membership in Professional Organizations: |Educational Background and Degrees and dates received: |

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|Potential Sponsors Worksheet |Category: title sponsor, segment sponsor, ads only |

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Interviews with Champions

The Olympic Series


|Champion |Sport |Medals/Year |Fast Facts |

|Peter Vidmar |US Men’s Gymnastics |2 gold 1 silver (1984) |Highest scoring American gymnast|

| | | |in history |

|[pic] | | |Captain, men’s team |

| | | |America’s first team gold over |

| | | |China |

| | | |!st All-Around Medal winner with|

| | | |a perfect 10 |

| | | | |

|Chris Ahrens |US Men’s Rowing |Gold (2004) |Led team that ended 40 year |

|[pic] | | |drought |

| | | |6-time Sr. National Team Member |

| | | |Led team for 3 world titles |

| | | |9177-99 |

| | | | |

|Brian Volpenheim |US Men’s Rowing |Gold (2004) |On Men’s Eight team |

| | | |Beat Netherlands by 1.27 seconds|

|Champion |Sport |Medals/Year |Fast Facts |

|Annia Hatch |US Women’s Gymnastics |Double Silver (2004) |Recovered from a torn left ACL|

|[pic] | |Vault |370 days before events |

| | |Team Silver | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Terin Humphrey |US Women’s Gymnastics |Double Silver (2004) |Identified as Olympic |

|[pic] | |Uneven Bars |potential at age 9 |

| | |Team Silver |Favorite event is bars |

| | | |Known for her graceful ballet |

| | | |like movements |

| | | | |

|Mohini Bhardwaj |US Women’s Gymnastics |Silver (2004) |Began gymnastics at the age of|

| | |Team Silver |4 |

|[pic] | | |Name means Illusion in Hindi |

| | | |2001 Vault National Champion |

| | | | |

|Misty May |US Women’s Volleyball |Gold (2004) with Teammate |Recovering from abdominal |

| | |Kerri Walsh |injury months before Olympics |

|[pic] | | |One of only three players to |

| | | |be named a two-time AVCA |

| | | |National Player of the Year |

| | | | |

|Mark Spitz |US Men’s Swimming |7 Gold Medals (1972) |1st Athlete to win 7 medals in|

| | | |any Olympiad event |

|[pic] | | |World records set in all 7 |

| | | |events |

| | | |Started swimming at age 2 |

| | | | |

|Billy Mills |US Men’s Track Team |Gold (1965) |Won Gold in one of the biggest|

| | |10,000 meters |upsets in Olympic history |

|[pic] | | |Orphaned at the age of 12 took|

| | | |up running for boxing |



Swimming Legend, Mark Spitz  




Our Guests

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. She has published eight books, four of which - including the mega bestseller A Return to Love and the newly-released Everyday Grace - have been #1 New York Times bestsellers.

In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. Today, Project Angel Food serves over 1,000 people daily.

Ms. Williamson also co-founded the Global Renaissance Alliance (now called The Peace Alliance), a worldwide network of peace activists. The mission of The Peace Alliance is to harness the power of non-violence as a social force for good.

Her new book, The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life, was released from Harper Collins on November 9, 2004 and is available at bookstores everywhere. To learn more about Marianne, please visit


Byron Katie

Byron Kathleen Reid, a business-woman and mother living in the high desert of southern California, became severely depressed while in her 30s. Over a 10-year period her depression deepened, and Katie spent almost two years seldom able to leave her bed, obsessing over suicide. Then one morning, from the depths of despair, she experienced a life-changing realization.

Katie saw that when she believed that something should be different than it is (“My husband should love me more,” “My children should appreciate me”) she suffered, and that when she didn’t believe these thoughts, she felt peace.

Katie developed a simple yet powerful method of inquiry, called The Work, that helped make this transformation practical.

Katie’s insight into the mind is consistent with leading-edge research in cognitive psychology, and The Work has been compared to the Socratic dialogue, Buddhist teachings, and 12-step programs. But Katie developed her method without any knowledge of religion or psychology. The Work is based purely on one woman’s direct experience of how suffering is created and ended.

TIME magazine has profiled Katie, calling her “a visionary for the new millennium.” In March 2002, Crown Harmony published Katie’s first book, Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, co-written with renowned author/translator Stephen Mitchell.

To learn more about The Work, please visit


Gail Kasper

Gail Kasper is a high-energy motivational strategist whose mission is to inspire individual achievement.

An internationally renowned public speaker, Gail has come a long way from the 19-year-old who moved to California with no job, car, or place to live. Struggling her way to the top, today, multi-billion dollar companies, top CEOs, associations, Ivy League universities, and professional sports teams have adopted Gail’s ideas, leadership techniques and sales programs to increase performance and achievement the “Gail Kasper” way.

Gail is the author of the time management and goal setting audio CD program Make a Decision to Win . For more information about Gail, please visit


Dean Lindsay, Progress Agent

Internationally recognized business development strategist, author, and speaker Dean Lindsay is the founder of The Progress Agents LLC – an idea studio dedicated to empowering progress in sales, service, and workplace performance.

Clients range from Fortune 100 companies to budding entrepreneurs, and from national and state associations to successful small businesses on both sides of the Atlantic.

Dean is the author of Cracking the CODE: 4 Steps to Priceless Business Relationships As a successful entrepreneur, business owner, and sales executive, Dean has experienced firsthand how vitally important building priceless business relationships and cherishing customers are to becoming successful in today’s world.

For more information about becoming a Progress Agent, please visit Dean at


Marcella Vonn Harting

Marcella Vonn Harting has been on a life long quest for living and teaching others to have a balanced life. As a trainer for Young-Living Essential Oils, Marcella created a successful business that brought healing to others. A student of Nutrition, Health, Acupuncture, Iridology, Reiki and Aromatherapy and learned how to empower people with holistic self-help methods.

In her book, Yes, No, Maybe, Marcella teaches us that how most people can eat ANYTHING they want as long as it’s consumed at the right time. Known as Chronobiotic nutrition, the action of timing your eating accelerates healing and abundant health. To learn more about Marcella, please visit her website at [pic]

Eva Gregory

Prosperity Coaching is a one-on-one relationship that empowers you to align all areas of your life with your values and desires using the Abraham-Hicks Universal Laws of Attraction. What if you only did what brought you joy on a daily basis? The best way to have your life be different is through Prosperity Coaching and practice. In coaching sessions, (conducted by phone) you clarify and reach your true desires that support a fulfilling lifestyle and career In her book, The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity, Eva The principles Eva writes about aren’t new. But, she writes about them in a way that is clear, fun, and accessible to anyone. To learn more about Eva, please visit her website at

Nancy Stafford

An actress for twenty years, Nancy has starred in numerous TV movies and series, including five years as Andy Griffith's law partner, Michelle, on ABC's "Matlock", and three years on the NBC Emmy-award winning "St Elsewhere".

For the past nine years Nancy has been the host of TV's "Main Floor", the network-syndicated fashion, beauty, and lifestyle magazine series that airs in over 40 countries around the world. Her column, Nancy's Notebook , appears on the show's website where she writes about beauty--both inside and out.

In her book, Beauty by the Book: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You (Multnomah Publishers, 2002), Nancy shares her story of God's healing and transformation in her life from insecurities and unworthiness to wholeness and acceptance. In her latest book, The Wonder of His Love: A Journey into the Heart of God, Nancy offers a fresh glimpse into the nature of God’s heart, and invites you to venture deeper into the mystery and majesty of His love. To learn more about Nancy, please visit her website at


Tippi Hedren, Actor and Humanitarian

From Hitchcock and Chaplin to Ed Wood, Jr,and from drama and terror to droll comedy, the career of actress Tippi Hedren has been meteoric, and eclectic. Often remembered for her work in "The Birds" with Alfred Hitchcock, Tippi has had an amazing career and life.

Her passion for life is also expressed through her nature preserve, Sambala & The Roar Foundation, which houses wild animals in need of care & shelter. Perched on the edge of the Mojave Desert, forty miles northeast of Los Angeles, CA, Shambala is a surprising paradise and the only wild animal preserve of its kind in the United States. Since 1972, this unique eighty acre wildlife habitat has provided a haven for endangered exotic big cats & other animals. For more information on Tippi and Sambala, please visit


J. J. Virgin, CNS, CHFI

As a 20 year veteran of the health and fitness industry, JJ Virgin has worked extensively both in the business side and the performance side of the industry. She began as a dance teacher and aerobics instructor and quickly moved up to running and owning gyms and aerobics departments, hiring and training other instructors, making videos and teaching and training internationally.

She is currently the nutritionist for Dr. Phil’s Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge and appears frequently on his nationally syndicated program Dr. Phil and contributes to his website "" and newsletter The Next Level. JJ has also been featured as part of The Extreme Team on ABC’s Extreme Makeover season finale. JJ recently appeared as the nutrition and fitness expert for Subway to help launch their F.R.E.S.H. Steps campaign in Washington D.C.. For more information on J.J., please visit


Angelica Eberle Wagner

Angelica Eberle Wagner is widely known as a dynamic and inspirational author, trainer and filmmaker. As CEO of Miracleworks Inc, "Angie" challenges the corporations and individuals that she serves to search within themselves for the creation of miracles that are possible in learning to walk the path of excellence.

As an author, her voice is cutting edge in the field of business and health. She'll wake you up to your spiritual purpose, mission and vision, and put you right in the path of your well deserved financial abundance. Angelica shares her personal revelations based on her vast experience for your benefit and fulfillment. She has dedicated her life to the purpose of creating a miracle in your life.

To learn more about Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, please visit


Dennis Weaver

Actor and Environmental Pioneer, Dennis Weaver, is leading the charge for a hydrogen economy.

Throughout an acting career spanning five decades, Dennis Weaver has brought to television and motion pictures the distinctive qualities that have always made a star appealing to all generations....strength, sincerity, truthfulness, sensitivity and talent. You do not simply believe a Dennis Weaver performance.....you trust it. And that trust means staying power!

There was "Chester" in TV's longest running series, GUNSMOKE Here, Dennis created one of the most endearing sidekicks in the history of Westerns and won an Emmy in 1959 in the process. After nine years on that mega hit show, Dennis traded in his patented and now world famous "limp" for stardom in such series as GENTLE BEN, KENTUCKY JONES, EMERALD POINT N.A.S., STONE, BUCK JAMES *and of course, MCCLOUD, the role that brought him three Emmy nominations.

His greatest work is still yet to come. To learn more about Dennis, please visit


Dr. Zhi Gang Sha

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, author of Power Healing:The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind & Spirit ,is an M.D. in China, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Canada, and a renowned teacher and speaker in the U.S. and abroad. A San Francisco Chronicle best-selling author, Sha was the subject of a PBS nationwide special “Power Healing with Master Sha.”

Dr. Sha is a pioneer in Soul Mind Body™ medicine and an expert in self-healing, remote healing, acupuncture and Chinese herbs. He has achieved master level in a variety of Eastern disciplines including Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, I Ching and Feng Shui. A previous faculty member of the World Health Organization’s International Acupuncture and Qi Gong Center in Beijing, Sha was recently named Qi Gong Master of the Year at the 5th World Congress on Qi Gong in San Francisco.

Dr. Sha is also the author of Zhi Neng Medicine, Sha’s Golden Healing Balland Soul Study (Zhi Neng Press). Vist him at

Dr. Eugene Charles, D.C.,DIBAK

Good news for holiday revelers! Health Expert, Dr. Eugene Charles shows us how to have our cake and eat it too, in moderation of course, in his new book, Antidotes to Indiscretions.

In an easy to swallow format, Dr. Charles will share the healthy antidotes to our favorite indulgences, alcohol, coffee, sex and pizza to name a few. Tune in to discover how to be healthy and live in the real world.

Dr. Charles lectures around the country and has a private practice in Manhattan. Visit him at


Glynis McCants, Hollywood's Celebrity Numerologist

Glynis McCants has been studying Numerology for 19 years. She uses the Pythagoras Number system, which is over 2,500 years old. After doing over 9,000 readings, Glynis wrote the book Glynis Has Your Number. She is the creator of The Numerology Kit, The Individual Reading Chart, and the Are We Soul-mates Program. You may have seen her on Beyond with James Van Praagh, The Caroline Rhea Show, The Other Half, The Leeza Show, The View and Entertainment Tonight.

Glynis is also a reoccurring guest On Coast-To-Coast AM radio with George Noory and Barbara Simpson where she averages no less than a million hits on her website after each radio appearance. Why such a massive response? Because listeners cannot get over Glynis' exceptional speed and accuracy. When she does live readings, SHE DOES NOT MISS.

Glynis believes that knowledge is power, and when you have someone's name and date of birth, you can discover who they really are. However, numbers are not just in people, but also in everything: our homes, our business, every city, state etc. Glynis McCants has truly mastered the Science of Numerology, and her goal is to get everyone to do the same.

Jonathan Granoff, President

The Global Security Institute

Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, is also Co-Chair of the American Bar Association's Committee on Arms Control and National Security. He is Vice President of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the UN, and serves on numerous governing and advisory boards including the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, the Lawyers Alliance for World Security, the Jane Goodall Institute, the Bipartisan Security Group, and the Middle Powers Initiative. Mr. Granoff has lectured worldwide emphasizing the legal, ethical and spiritual dimensions of human development and security, with a specific focus on the threats posed by nuclear weapons. He is an award-winning screenwriter, and has been featured in more than 30 publications. He has practiced law in Philadelphia as an individual practitioner, in several medium sized firms, and as in-house counsel in a public company.

To download an excerpt of the report by Jonathan Granoff to the 5th Annual World Summit of Nobel Prize Laureats, right click here and save the report World Summit Report.

Former Guests in Alphabetical Order

Matthew E. Adams author, Chicken Soup for the Soul of America

"Mr. Green Acres" Eddie Albert Actor and Environmentalist

Lita Albuquereque Public Works Artist and painter

Angela Amado leader, The Wisdom Course & Partnership

Caroline Anderson from the Global Family

Dr. Stevanne Auerback aka "Dr. Toy" author, Dr. Toy's Smart Play: How to Raise a Child with a High Play Quotent

Dr. John Bagozini The Art of Pitching

Chuck N. Baker author, Flowers for Princess Diana

Danna Beal author, Tragedy in the Workplace

Ed Begley Actor and Environmentalist

Dr. Eve Berman author, Culinary Potions; Eating Joyously with Food Allergies

Bert Boyar Broadway Columnist and the co-author of the authobiography of Sammy Davis Jr, SAMMY, How Franco Stopped Hitler

George and Sedena Cappanelli Authors of Say Yes to Change

Admiral Eugene Carroll U.S. Navy, Retired

Dr. Sharon Caulder author, Soul Marks

Carol Channing Actor, Broadway Star, and most human experience in positive thought.

Melanie Chartoff Actor and Environmentalist, the Mommy Rugrat

Deepak Chopra Author and Spirtual Leader

Gothan Chopra Author

Sonia Choquette Ph.D. Psychic & author, The Psychic Pathway

Dr. William T. Close author, A Doctor's Life and Ebola, daddy of Glen Close and other remakable offspring

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles President, New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.

Dr. Gabriel Cousins author, Zero Point

Alan Cranston Senator

Laura Davis author, I Thought We'd Never Speak Again

Diane Delano Actor and Nice Human Being

John Denver Singer, Actor and Environmentalist (in memorium)

Kathlene DesMaisons Ph.D. author, Potatoes Not Prozak & Your Last Diet

Bob Een cellist, overtoning sacred music

Michael Gerber author, E-Myth

Arun Ghandi Humanitarian

Dr. Caron Goode author, Nurture Your Child's Gift: Inspired Parenting

Thomas Graham Ambassador

Jonathan Granoff Director of the Global Security Institute

Craig Hagstrom author, The Passionate Ape

Valerie Harper Actor and Activist

Tippi Hedren Actor and Animal Advocate

Ivy Helstien Psychic and author, Infinite Abilities

Jean Houston Author, Jump Time

Barbara Marx Hubbard Author

Dr. Jerald Jampolski Author and Speaker, in partnership with his wife Diane

Richard & Janie Jarvis authors, Family Fusion

Raul Julia Actor and Humanitarian (in memorium)

Mark Kamin Communications Consultant

Casey Kasem That top 40's guy and man of great wisdom.

Byron Katie Loving What Is

Viki King author, How to Write a Movie in 21 Days

Loral Langemeier Maker of Millionaires

Greg Little author Mound Builders, Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America

Dr. Turk Logan author Rap, Ritual & Reality

Dr. Harold Magoun Osteopath and author, Structured Healing

Steven Marksman author, Saving a Son

John Marshall Security Expert

Durga McBroom singer & actor, Pink Floyd & Flashdance

Bruce McGill Actor, The Legend of Bagger Vance

Billy Mills Olympic Gold Medalist

Marta Monahan Author, The Courage to Be Brilliant

Aman Motwane author, The Power of Wisdom

Glenn Mullen author, The Fourteen Dalai Lamas

Julie Newmar Actor and great Mom

Pejuta Medicine Man and author, Spirit Journey on the Acre

James Redfield author, The Celestine Prophecy

Joy Redfield creator, The Joy of Meditation

June Rhee Taekwondo Master

Michael Reidenback Author, Legacy and Destiny

Al Secunda Author, The Fifteen Second Principle

Victorus Skulvinkas Raw Food Expert

Colin C. Tipping author, Radical Forgiveness

Dr. Carlos Warter, MD, PhD author, Pathways to the Soul

Dennis Weaver Actor and Humanitarian, founder of Ecolonomics

Elizabeth White author, It's Not That Complicated, Twelve Rules for Raising Happy Self Reliant Children

Janice Wood Widdle author, Will's War

Boyd Willat co-creator of Day Runner & Creator of Sensa Pens

Benjamin Zander Co-author and Conductor, Boston Philharmonic Orchestra

Rosamund Stone Zander Benjamin's amazing wife, co-author, The Art of Possibility

Mary Louise Zeller The Ninja Grandma, Tae kwon do Champion

Ron Zeller leader The Communications Course & The Forum



And Billy Mills, Olympic Gold Medallist


Benefits Package


Editors On-Air Now

869 Via de la Paz, Suite F

Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

866 604-9966

e-mail: val@

(1987 – 2008 - Dr. Valerie Anne Kirkgaard, All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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