MAY 2010

The Numerology of this year 2010

The number 2010 consists of 20 plus 10 and can be reduced to the numbers 21 and 3. In the Osho Zen Tarot we have the cards Beyond Illusion for number 20, Change for number 10, Completion for number 21 is, and Creativity is number 3.

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This century began ten years ago with the great hope for a New Age. I can remember reading books in the 1970’s about how a new dawn of humanity would occur after a global catastrophe in 1999, World War III was frequently predicted as were earth eliminating meteor strikes. When I met Osho in the 1980’s he echoed these predictions, he frequently urged us to be more urgent with our meditation so that we could prevent the global catastrophe. And I felt we did succeed in that. Although there is no proof that it was the thousands of sannyasins living, loving and meditating together in communes around the world in the mid 1980’s that changed the collective conscious of the planet, I had a clear perception that it did happen just like that.

Osho explained that he was using predictions as a device to get us to meditate, and he continued to use that device even after telling us it was just a method! Without the idea that time is limited we go on postponing, and we often put mediation far down on our list of priorities.

Ten years ago there was a great hope in the world that the new century would be better and brighter than the previous century. But just changing dates does not change our unconsciousness, collectively there is as much an urgent need to transform ourselves now, as there was in the last century. Change only comes from within, so it is always the right time to be more conscious.

The card ‘Beyond Illusion’ tells us that if we are still carrying hopes that somehow magically the world will wake up someday soon by itself, we have to see that is an unrealistic dream. “We are the World” with the emphasis on we, not the world. If we want to change the world we must change ourselves. With Osho I have understood that sannyas if not an attempt to change humanity, it is a means to change our own self. But the magic is that each of us can radiate our love and consciousness, and the more of us that change ourselves into light, the collective brightness of our individual candle flames can dispel the darkness surrounding us.

As despair is the flip side of hope, depression and hopelessness are the shadow part of the dream and illusion we might have about the new dawn of humanity. A major lesson that I teach in all the chakra energy groups is that there are two parts to each duality and that there is transcendence also. This forms an upward pointing triangle with hope and despair as the two points at the base and Tathata ‘suchness’ at the apex. Tathata means things are the way they are, but not in a mundane way. One of Gautama Buddha’s names is ‘The Tathagata’ the one who moves and lives in the way of suchness. The word ‘suchness’ or ‘thatness’ does not exist in our language, so the meaning of Tathata can be easily lost in translation from the original Sanskrit. Osho has also described it as “This, This a Thousand Times This!” and “This Is It!” Tathata, suchness or thatness, includes the transcendental qualities of acceptance and awareness.

‘Beyond Illusion’ means I see reality as it is and I accept it as it is. Then out of this reality, a new moment can be born.


It is also significant to remember that this new century is based on the number 20, which reduces to 2. Two is the number of duality. Thus in our new age we have seen significant splits, division between ‘us’ and ‘them,’ between the ‘good’ and the ‘evil.’ This we have seen this manifested globally in the ‘war on terrorism’ and the conflict between the Christian and Islamic parts of the world. Even Osho’s world was not immune to the division, as immediately as the year 2000 came, there was a major rift over the way Osho’s Vision should be managed. I won’t go into the details of the split or my own vision of what occurred, but basically I see that division did occur and that is in the nature of life. In order for a newly conceived embryo to grow, it has to progress from being a single cell into being a dual cell, then afterwards more and more divisions occur. If we can see that both sides of a division are still part of one organism growing, then the two sides do not need to be in conflict and can be growing in harmony. For this a greater vision is needed, a neutral vision beyond ‘you’ and ‘I,’ beyond ‘us’ and ‘them,’ a vision of oneness.

We are now in the tenth year of this new century. The number 10 is made up of a 1 and a 0. The number 1 signifies a new beginning; the number 0 is a circle, a repeating circle or a revolving wheel. With the number 1 we are not aware that life is moving in a circle, we think everything is new and that we are moving forwards, linearly. This continues until the number 9, when we tend to look back at what has happened, before we can move onto a new cycle.

The Wheel of Life and Death, the cycle of karma, Sansara, is included in the tarot card ‘Change.’ In this year we can look back and see have we changed, are we transforming, or are we repeating an old pattern? When we are focused on the material world, desiring for improvements, despairing our failures, we are well and truly caught in the wheel of Sansara, which is the life of suffering. Real change only occurs through being in our centre, and watching. Witnessing is the nature of our centre. The miracle of meditation is that we just need to watch and transformation does happen.

The tarot card number 21 is Completion, the image shows a jigsaw, this year is helping me understand the meaning of this card further. Individual situations start to seem to be all part of one larger plan. When situations happen that do not correspond to my desires then again I am lost in the duality of hope and despair. But when I realize that actually I cannot judge a situation until I see it in full light, then I am closer to the greater neutral vision of ‘suchness.’

The single digit number for this year is 3, the corresponding tarot card is Creativity. The ability to respond to life in each new moment is creativity. The lesson of creativity includes issues of communication; the lesson of communicating is a clear neutral way – beyond the dualities such as fear-anger, love-hate, victim-tyrant, doubt-faith, etc. Also as creativity is related to the 5th chakra (as well as the 4 ½th chakra) the lesson is to rise to the challenge of creating our own life and not imitating others. Creativity can be expressed through art, music, dancing and singing but also through finding your our style of work. In a world that depends on people being repetitive in their work, it is a challenge to be truly creative. We need to remember that only robots and idiots don’t get bored! Intelligent beings can easily become bored with what is too familiar. Creativity means to find freshness in whatever we need and to add our own uniqueness to what we do. Even factory workers can do their jobs with their own flavour. Another key to non-boredom is to remain in the here and now. Doing something repetitive is actually a chance to witness, and by watching ourselves we can be fresh, because the here and now is always new. Past and future are also a duality with Here-Now as the transcendental point. As 3 is also the number of a triangle, so it is a good year to be aware of the transcendence of life’s dualities. Incidentally in Aura-Soma numerology we also see number 3 as being on the path of meditation.

The Astrology of this year 2010 Q f D r

Astrologically the Saturn-Uranus Opposition that brought the economic crisis will still be continuing until February 2011. Saturn represents structures, traditional and the sense of pragmatism, Uranus represents the breaking from traditional structures, creativity and uniqueness. So we have been in a period of the old vs. the new since September 2008. Astrology is helpful in understanding the collective mood of the moment and seeing dualities. Each planet in a horoscope represents one part of our personality, one inner voice. This is clearest when we see two planets opposite to each other in a horoscope. However it is not just that the voice of new is the good guy in this situation. In the 5th Chakra group, and the Inner Voice Dialogue Course, we discover that each inner voice has its own positive and negative qualities, thought I prefer to say, its own conscious and unconscious qualities.

Uranus, not only brings us the chance to find a new creative solution to problems, it also stimulated the greed to make money through clever but dishonest means. As Uranus has been in Pisces for the last seven years, its usual clarity has been distorted, but at the end of May it moves into Aries where it will be for the next seven years. With the change of sign we have an opportunity to make new clear and creative decisions and actions. We can feel the possibility for a new beginning.

Saturn will also be changing signs on 22 July it will move into Libra where it will stay for two years. This can give us a chance to seek fairness and balance.

The astrological weather forecast until next February is that on the collective and political level we might see governments making laws that favour an older and seemingly fairer way of doing business, but we also see that some of their actions are too extreme. We will continue to witness the conflict between the old and the new. On the personal level we can seek balance in all areas of our life, and make actions based on decisions that we have been thinking of carefully. We will feel a duality between one part that wants to do things quickly without hesitation and another part that wants to wait and consider all implications before committing itself to any action. This will either makes us feel split or if we understand that both these parts have their own necessary function, then we can find a harmony of clear thinking and courageous action.

Using group techniques in your own groups

I have received repeated reports that some of my group participants, including some of the assistants, have been using my group techniques and even leading chakra groups and copying the group advertising. I need to remind those people that taking anything without permission is simply stealing. Although they may be paying attention to the group techniques they still have not learned some essential points:

Imitation blocks the 5th Chakra, and taking something without honouring where it comes from, is a lack of respect and lack of dignity, which causes blocks in the 3rd Chakra.

I understand that those participants who are already working as psychologists will feel that they want to pass onto their clients what they have experienced themselves. However they need to be aware that the chakra groups are not trainings. If they want to lead chakra groups by themselves, then they need to ask for my permission and enter into the training programme, see below.

The challenge of creativity means to find your own way, your unique flavour in your work. One of the lessons I have learned is to always look at myself. So when this issue of imitation of my work comes up again for me, I take it as an opportunity to examine if I am myself creative or imitative, have I myself stolen other people’s work?

I remember that during my internship as a group assistant in the late 1980’s, I was being trained in the chakra work. I had two teachers Wadud and Waduda (now called Prasad and Leela). Waduda passed onto me the 4th chakra group to lead. As it was one of my first group leading experiences, out of nervousness I copied everything she did. Even though I did not like to repeat her exact words, there was nothing else I could do. However after several groups I began to find my own style. One important lesson I learned from her was that whenever I led a technique from another source I would honour that e.g. “Now we are going to do a meditation technique created by Veeresh of Osho Humaniversity in Holland.” Waduda had authorised me to lead her group and even gave me the audio tracks and Osho quotes fitting to each technique.

Wadud was a creative genius, a real wizard. At one time I felt ready to begin leading the Reliving Past Lives group, however he was not willing to pass it onto to me at that time. Despite my disappointment I respected his decision, and I did not lead that group until I was invited to.

I learned many great methods from these teachers as well as from Sagarpriya, the founder of Psychic Massage and Star Sapphire Energywork. Whenever people have the opportunity I recommend them to also do groups with my teachers. Aura-Soma has also been another source of understanding chakras, and it has influenced my teaching tremendously. Of course, Osho is the main source of all my understanding, and I include some of his teaching in every group.

So what I have learned about creativity in my work, is 1. Not to lead a group or a technique until I have been authorized to by its creator and 2. When leading something not of my own creation, to honour the source from which it came.

In literature when we take something from another source without permission or reference it is called plagiarism.

So my message to those people who are imitating from me is – be creative, create your own techniques or ask for permission and enter into the training programme.


Unfortunately because imitation is occurring, which means that those copiers are not respecting the declaration they signed at the start for the group, and in order to protect the work of the Institute and to prevent copying from future participants, I have begun to look into the possibility to copyright the chakra group processes and other groups that I offer. Although I would not like to take anyone to court, I need to take this step because it is now proved that those participants, who are copying, do not remember “rules and laws are needed because people are not aware.”

OETI Training Programme:

1. The Energy Reader Training

This is the basic training that I offer in a city after I have given all the seven chakra groups there. The main purpose is to train the participant in the skill of perceiving another person’s chakra energies, also their inner man and inner woman.

The certificate given out at the end if the training, states that the certificate holder can offer Energy Reading sessions on a non-professional basis if they also hold the certificate for completion of the seven chakra groups. Non-professional Energy Readers can give sessions to friends and acquaintances for free, because they are still practicing the skill they have learned.

To qualify as a professional Energy Reader the trainee will need to prove their ability by giving an Energy Reading session with my observation and feedback, plus show me three reports of sessions that they have given. Once approved they can then advertise themselves as an “Oshō Energy Reader” and ask for money in return for their session, they will also be able to add the name “Oshō Energy Transformation Institute” to their advertisement and name-card.

An Energy Reading session should normally last for one hour, which includes the opening interview (10 – 15 minutes), the energy reading of ten places - the seven chakras, inner male and female energies and the aura (10-15 minutes), report to the client of the ten places as appropriate (20-25 minutes), recommendations for therapy or meditations (5-10 minutes). No actual therapy should be taking place in this session, but demonstrations of meditation techniques or a short guided mediation can be offered.

Another, very important, feature of the Energy Reading Training is to teach the principles of Transformational Energy and its difference from Chakra Energy or mental energies. It is essential that Oshō Energy Readers and the Assistants in the chakra groups know and understand the principles of T.E. If the trainee has fully understood about T.E. it transforms their life forever. I heard some positive feedback to this effect in the latest meeting for OETI group assistants on 8th May 2010 in Ufa.

The next Oshō Energy Reading Training in Russia will be in Yaroslavl’ in Spring 2011.

2. The Energy Counsellor Training

The next level of training is to add therapeutic techniques into an individual session. Basic therapy skills such as the fundamentals of Breath Therapy and Dialoguing are included in the Energy Reading Training. However those skills are just a foundation, while good enough to begin practicing, those skills will need to be further developed through other trainings. I am willing to offer trainings such as Breath Therapy Skills for the assistants at a future time. Either I can offer the OSHO Counselling Skills Training for 10 days, such as I have done in St. Petersburg or I will offer several trainings on specific themes lasting a weekend plus some evenings.

An Energy Counselling session normally lasts for two hours, and includes the first hour for the Energy Reading as already described, then the second hour is devoted to a therapeutic practice that will benefit the client and based upon the result of the energy reading.

Once again, to be a professional Oshō Energy Counsellor the trainee needs to complete three reports of practice sessions given as well as offer a session with my observation.

3. The Assistant Internship

After the Energy Reading Training plus completion of all the seven chakra groups I then give an invitation to the trainee to become a chakra group assistant. So far 48 people (Oct 2015 - 109) can completed the series of seven chakra groups, 33 (Oct 2015 - 58) of them also completed the Energy Reading Training. Some are satisfied with completing the seven groups and the training and do not feel the pull to become an assistant or to work with people. Those that do become assistants can come to whichever chakra groups they feel most attracted to, as to assist also means they get to review the group process for themselves and they see that the chakra groups are continuously being refined and improved. Each group is quite unique, even when the same techniques are practiced.

Assistants also receive training tips and guidance on how to work with people during the group, thus they can feel they are still learning. Working with other people is another way to work on ourselves, as people mirror us.

Internship refers to the possibility that the assistant will one day be group leaders themselves, see point number 6.

4. The Osho Meditation Leader Training

Meditation is the foundation for the life of all Osho’s people. Before teaching people how to be group leaders I want them to be confident in leading Osho’s meditations, both the active and passive methods. That includes all the meditation techniques that have cd’s. Being able to explain the meditation techniques to a group of people is the first lesson of being a group leader. Surprising it is a skill that is not so simple and requires practice.

I have offered the Oshō Meditation Facilitator’s Training in St. Petersburg and I will include it as a prerequisite to any future group leader training.

5. The Osho Group Leader Training

The Oshō Group Leaders Training in St. Petersburg went really deep and included a level of therapy that has not been in other groups. This is an essential training for any chakra group assistant who wants to move onto leading chakra groups.

6. The Chakra Energy Group Leader Training

Abhinandan from Perm’ is the first assistant who has now been trained to lead a chakra group. His dedication over the last several years to his own group process, his enthusiasm to attend all the chakra groups at least twice, plus taking the Meditation Facilitators Training and Group Leader Training, have led to his ability to now become a leader of the First Chakra group.

He had led the “Juice of Life – 1st Chakra Part One” group five times, in Perm, Izhevsk, Neftemkamsk and Chelyabinsk. This is a weekend group of two days and one evening and covers the techniques of the work of the first two days of the usual 1st Chakra group (which I have had to extend from 5 to 6 or 7 days).

Recently I led a “From Fear to Love - 1st Chakra Part Two” as a four day group in Chelyabinsk, and passed onto the Abhi all the techniques, so he is now authorized to lead both parts of the 1st Chakra group.

When other assistants feel they have an interest to lead other chakra groups I will consider their request. The first step for them is to come to assist at least three times in the group of their interest, then we will look at the schedule of techniques for a weekend group and for evening events.

Once I give the authorization to lead chakra groups, then the chakra group leader can use the Institute name on their advertising, and I will place their group information on the schedule page of my website.

7. Other Trainings

Other trainings that are not part of the Chakra Energy Series include the Body-types Training, Inner Voice Dialogue Course, ReLiving Therapy (Childhood and Past Lives). These other trainings help the assistants and session givers to develop further skills in working with people.

The Body-types Training will be offered in Ufa next November and possibly in St. Petersburg in December.

Cities Completing the Chakra Energy Group Series

I began leading chakra groups in Russia and Hong Kong in 2001, since then we have completed the series twice in Ufa, and we now in the middle of the 3rd cycle. With the 6th Chakra group in April, Rostov-na-Donu has become the second city to have completed all the seven chakra groups. Yaroslavl-Kostroma will be the third place with the 6th chakra group scheduled in October. I plan to lead the Energy Reading Training there in Spring 2011, as that the participants of that area have been consistent in attending all of the groups.

It has been interesting to observe that time and time again, many group participants are consistent for the 1st to 4th chakra groups, but once we start exploring the higher chakra many stop attending the groups. I observed this firstly in Moscow, and I thought it might have to do with Moscovites eagerness to always try new things that might prevent them from finishing the full series. But when it happened in other cities, I saw that it is actually not an easy thing for people to complete all seven groups. Despite very reasonable explanations, I actually see that it is an energetic issue that prevents people from completion. Of course it is not obligatory to complete the seven groups, and I do not expect many newcomers to be committed from the first group, but it is interesting to observe from those who do say they want to do all the groups, who can actually achieve that and who cannot.

Hong Kong is another city where the participants are committed and consistent, so far! We have completed the lower four chakra groups and now we will see if there is a change as we start progressing to the upper chakra groups. The schedule in Hong Kong looks like this: 5th Chakra in June this year and 7th chakra in January 2011, then 6th Chakra in June 2011 and Energy Reading Training in January 2012.

Assistant Renewal

It is already four years ago since the first Energy Reading Training was given in Beloretsk, some of the assistants that came out of that training have not been involved for several years. To give them the chance to rejoin the groups as an assistant, I will ask them to join a group as a helper or as a participant again if they have not been in a group for two years (2015 - amended to three years), either as a participant or as an assistant. The reason for this is so that they are in tune again with the group process before attempting to help other people.

Men’s Group

This July there is a rare chance for Men to do a group together. As we know not so many men attend groups, this is a chance for them to get together and also for all our beloved women to invite (not to pressure) their men to do something for themselves!

The dates are 15-18 July in Ufa, the description on my website accessible through the schedule page.

An Osho Quote:

The Dhammapada Volume 2 Number 8 Question 3:



Psychology is still a very, very immature science. It is very rudimentary, it is only the beginning. It is not yet a way of life -- it cannot transform you. It can certainly give you a few insights into the mind, but those insights are not going to be transforming. Why? -- because transformation always happens from a higher plane. Transformation never means solving problems -- remaining on the same plane -- that means adjustment. Psychology is still trying to help you adjust -- to adjust to the society which is itself insane, to adjust to the family, to adjust to the ideas that are dominant around you. But all those ideas -- your family, your society -- they themselves are ill, sick, and to adjust to them will give you a certain normality, at least a superficial appearance of health, but it is not going to transform you.

Transformation means to change the plane of your understanding. It comes through transcendence. If you want to change your mind, you have to go to the state of no-mind. Only from that height will you be able to change your mind, because from that height you will be the master. Remaining in the mind and trying to change the mind by mind itself is a futile process. It is like pulling yourself up by your own shoestrings. It is like a dog trying to catch hold of its own tail; sometimes they do, sometimes they behave very humanly. The dog is sitting in the warm sun early in the morning and he looks at the tail just resting by his side -- naturally, the curiosity arises: Why not catch hold of it? He tries, fails, feels offended, annoyed; tries hard, fails harder, becomes mad, crazy. But he will never be able to catch hold of the tail -- it is his own tail. The more he jumps, the more the tail will jump.

Psychology can give you a few insights into the mind, but because it cannot take you beyond the mind it can't be of any help.

Sam became a psychiatrist and began to prosper. He bought a big expensive limousine and drove it out for the first time. After he had been riding for a few moments, another car slammed into him. He jumped out of his smashed Cadillac, went over to the car that had rammed his, shook his fist at it, and roared, "You idiot! You moron! You crook of a rat! You son of a...!" Then he suddenly remembered he was a psychiatrist and lowered his voice and softly asked, "Why do you hate your mother?"

Psychology cannot help. I have heard another story about this same Sam -- a story of when he was no more in the world, he had died.

The widow was tending to the plants around her husband's grave. As she bent over, some blades of grass tickled the bare flesh under her skirt. Startled, she turned around quickly, but there was no one in sight. Sighing, she turned back to the grave and whispered, "Sam, behave yourself! And remember, you are supposed to be dead."


With Love to you all




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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