
South Dakota Student Nurses Association Excellence in Writing Award $500This application is open to all students in their junior or senior year and/or their last year of a nursing program in a South Dakota accredited college or university. _________________________________________________________________Name of ApplicantTelephone # (Cell)_________________________________________________________________AddressAnticipated Graduation Date_________________________________E-mailThe SouthDakotaSNA Excellence in Writing Award highlights the goals and aspirations that nursing students have for their future nursing careers. In the essay, you must include answers to the following questions: What ignites your passion for nursing? What is your goal for your nursing career and how do you plan to better the profession of nursing? How will you utilize research and writing skills learned in school into your practice (examples include: participating in research studies, presenting a case presentation, etc)? Please use articles to support your vision. Paper GuidelinesThis paper is to be 500-1000 words in length and written in APA format. Text should be Times New Roman, font size 12 and double spaced. A reference page included. All articles should be within the last 10 years. The deadline to submit this essay is January 13, 2019. Please submit essay via email to Lauren.McCreery@jacks.sdstate.edu ................

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