Nursing Portfolio

Essay 1: How will you contribute to the mission of the Nursing Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities?

Underserved communities exist all over the world. Although it may not be ground moving, each person’s effort to help these communities will be a step forward. Commitment and passion can be driving forces through difficult struggles. A goal of mine has always been to help other people find the resources that they cannot find on their own. It is the sole reason that I obtained my Bachelor’s of Science degree in Medical Case Management. Medical treatment can be expensive, and terminology cannot be difficult to understand. I want to reach out to those who are struggling and help them get the care that they deserve.

Another reason that I believe I can help underserved areas is that I search for a challenge. I am not the type of person to sit back and let things come to me. Life is not about what cards you are dealt, but what you do with the hand you are given. I am passionate about helping other people and I have the drive to get things done. I am a hard-working, focused professional who takes pride in helping those who need it most.

A couple ways that I want to be able to personally serve these communities are traveling and spreading information. Rather than having someone tell these people what needs to be done, I want to go to where they are and help them get what they need. Information is only effective if it is understood by those receiving it. This takes patience and perseverance. I know that this task will not be easy, but I also know that it is not impossible.

Finally, I truly care about the world of health care and those who are not getting the treatment they deserve. I have watched several individuals, including family, struggle. It is heart breaking to see this happening, and nothing being done about it. It is my belief that if you’re heart is not in the job that you are doing, you can’t make progress. My heart has been in this job since I was a child. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I can and will make a difference in underserved communities.


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