Food and Nutrition Project Rubric

Food and Nutrition Project Rubric

|Category |4 Well Balanced |3 Healthy |2 Lacks |1 |Score |

| |Diet | |Nutrients |Malnourished | |

|Shopping List |Shopping List contains |Shopping List contains most |Shopping List contains some |Shopping List does not contain many | |

| |ingredients/items for 3 different and |ingredients/items for different and |ingredients/items for meals that look |ingredients for meals. | |

| |highly nutritional meals. |nutritional meals. |somewhat nutritious. |Ingredients/Shopping items are not | |

| |Shopping List is realistic to carry |Shopping List may be able to |Shopping List may only be able to be able|healthy. | |

| |through and can be applied to the |implemented in your “normal” life. |to partially implemented in your life. |Shopping List will not be able to be| |

| |meals created. | | |successfully implemented into your | |

| | | | |real life. | |

|Meal Description |You created 3 delicious, healthy and |You created 3 delicious and healthy |You created 2-3 meals |You created 1 meal | |

| |creative meals. |meals. |Your 2-3 meals have little nutritional |Your meal(s) have little to none | |

| |Your 3 meals are nutritious. |Your 3 meals have some nutrition. |value. |nutritional value. | |

| |Your 3 meals can be realistically |Your 3 meals can me made. |Only 1 of your meals can be realistically|None of your meals can be | |

| |made. | |made. |realistically made. | |


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