Minneapolis Public Schools

Andersen United Community School Travel Plan: Goal 1

|Goal 1: |Safe Routes Focus |

| |Education |

|Andersen United Community School will build the network of Safe Routes partners within the school and community. |Engineering |

| |Enforcement |

| |Encouragement |

| |Evaluation |

| |

|Background/Purpose: |[pic] |

|Strong Safe Routes efforts need a network of support. Andersen United is fortunate to have a strong Safe Routes Champion in the school’s Assistant | |

|Principal. She is enthusiastic about Safe Routes and needs a network of support. Parent involvement will help strengthen efforts and foster parent |Additional Resources and Materials |

|leadership. Students involvement will also help strengthen safe routes efforts and the community as a whole. |Travel Plan Network and Background |

| |Document. |

| | |

| |SRTS Low-income communities, Examples |

| |described: |

| |

| |dia/file/LowIncomeGuide.pdf |

| | |

| |Parent Workshop: Sat, January 14th, |

| |9:45-11:30 a.m., North Commons Park. |

| | |

| |Safe Routes Toolkit. |

| |

| |_saferoutestoolkit_2.pdf |

| |Safe Routes Handbook: |

| |

| |i/docs/SRTShandbook.pdf |

| | |

| |MPS Safe Routes Efforts: |

| |

| |eport=2446 |

| |Engaging Middle School Students: |

| |

| |ools/tips-engaging-middle-school-studen|

| |ts-safe-routes-school-programs |

|Action Steps/Timeline |What |Who/When | |

| | | | |

| |Attend a parent meeting (site council/PTO) meeting and describe future |MPS Safe Routes--fall | |

| |and potential Safe Routes efforts. | | |

| | | | |

|[pic] |Add one additional parent and/or staff and/or local business and/or |MPS Safe Routes, Champion, fall | |

| |organization and/or student to the team and add to the Travel Plan | | |

| |Background & Network document. | | |

| | | | |

| |Find a parent or middle school student or staff to attend District | | |

| |parents’ safe routes workshop. (Or consider hosting a Spanish language |SRTS Champion (MPS SRTS)—January | |

| |parent Safe Routes workshop at/near Andersen in February) | | |

| | | | |

| |Add the names of the staff people who bike or walk to school to the | | |

| |Travel Plan Background & Network document. |MPS Safe Routes—March | |

| | | | |

| |Consider adding a Safe Routes link to the school or District website | | |

| | | | |

| | |Champion, MPS safe Routes--spring | |

|Evaluation |Inclusion Efforts | |

|Names will be added to the Travel Plan Background Network Document. Parent and student involvement and leadership|All are welcome. Spanish translation | |

|in Safe Routes Efforts will grow. |required. | |

Andersen United Community School Travel Plan: Goal 2

|Goal 2: |Safe Routes Focus |

| |Education |

|Andersen United Community School will participate in one or more school-wide walk to school days every year. |Engineering |

| |Enforcement |

| |Encouragement |

| |Evaluation |

| |

|Background/Purpose: |[pic] |

|Walk to school events are a great way to grow walk-to-school efforts, conduct pedestrian education and create enthusiasm for walking and biking to school | |

|and more. Walking to School one time is so much more than zero. Students feel proud of their efforts. |Additional Resources and Materials |

| |District Parent Walk-to-School |

| |Workshop January 14th. |

| | |

| |Top Ten Walk to School Activities: |

| |

| |ite/topactivities.html |

| | |

| |Toolkit: Tip Sheets |

| |

| |-tools/education-tip-sheets |

| | |

| |Mileage Clubs and Contest: |

| |

| |ragement/mileage_clubs_and_contests.c|

| |fm |

| | |

| |Flyers, press releases, and more. |

| |

| |/index.cfm |

|Action Steps/Timeline |What |Who/When | |

| |Identify dates through the PTA or Site Council and secure principal’s|Starting one month before event. | |

| |support. | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify park and walk sites for families who usually drive children | | |

|[pic] |to school. Revise walk map, as needed. | | |

| | | | |

| |Connect with school staff and students to support the event. Possible| | |

| |ideas: music teacher helps find musicians/students to greet walkers, | | |

| |art teacher helps students create banners or visuals to promote or | | |

| |reflect on event. Connect with bilingual and special education staff.| | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Promote event through website and newsletter. Invite special guest |One week before event. | |

| |walkers. | | |

| | | | |

| |Promote event through flyer. Add walk to school safety tips to back |Each day three days leading to the event | |

| |of flyer. If desired, identify press contact and submit press | | |

| |release. | | |

| | | | |

| |Promote event through school intercom. | | |

| | | | |

| |Celebrate the arrival to school with banners, coffee for parents, |Day of the event. | |

| |raffles, music or other recognition. | | |

| | | | |

| |Reflect on event—and use reflections to address pedestrian safety |Right after the event. | |

| |concern and improve the next walk to school event. Revise walk map as| | |

| |needed | | |

|Evaluation |Inclusion Efforts | |

|Andersen United Community School will participate in one or more walk to school events each year. |Flyers in Spanish and English. Allow all | |

|Walk-to-School events will become part of the school culture and families will look forward to them year after|students participate in incentives. Use | |

|year |inclusive language in promotions. | |

Andersen United Community School Travel Plan: Goal 3

|Goal 3: |Safe Routes Focus |

| |Education |

|Andersen United will connect students and families with resources that foster safe walking, biking, and physical activity. |Engineering |

| |Enforcement |

| |Encouragement |

| |Evaluation |

| |

|Background/Purpose: |[pic] |

|This fall the Champion was concerned when children arrived at school without helmets. Bikes were observed on the racks but some were |Additional Resources and Materials: |

|not locked. Lack of bicycles also keeps students from biking to school. |Trips for Kids 612-604-5330 (also on background document, |

| |Allie Rykken, 612-604-5333) |

| |Free Ice Skating: |

| | |

| |Free Bikes for Kidz: |

| | |

| |Bike Safety: Spanish |

| |

| |kesafetyspan/images/KidsBikesSpan.pdf |

| |Bike Safety English: |

| |

| |kesafetyweb/images/KidsandBikeSafety.pdf |

| |Safe Walking English: |

| |

| |_kids.bw_.pdf |

| |Safe Walking Spanish: |

| |

| |_kids.esp_.bw_.pdf |

| |Helmet Fit English: |

| |

| |web/images/EasyStepsEngColor.pdf |

| |Helmet Fit Spanish: |

| |

| |Span/ |

|Action Steps/Timeline |What |Who/When | |

| | | | |

|[pic] |Provide helmets and locks for students without them. |Champion, SRO October | |

|[pic] | | | |

| |Offer inside bike parking for students without locks. |Champion, fall | |

|[pic] | | | |

| | | | |

| |Provide safe walking tips and biking tips for students. Provide |MPS Safe Routes, fall, | |

| |helmet fit handouts at family events. |ongoing | |

| | | | |

| |Discuss safe walking with parents at a parent leadership meeting. |MPS Safe Routes, fall | |

| | | | |

| |Connect students and families with resources for free and low cost |Champion, MPS | |

| |bicycles, helmets and locks. Connect families with community |Safe Routes, ongoing | |

| |resources that promote safe biking and walking. Connect students with| | |

| |small incentives for bike/walk efforts. | | |

|Evaluation |Inclusion Efforts | |

|More bicycles on bike racks this spring. Students wear helmets and secure bicycles. |Eng/Span tips | |

Andersen United Community School Travel Plan: Goal 4

|Goal 5: |Safe Routes Focus |

| |Education |

|Andersen United Community School will create a primary walk routes map. |Engineering |

| |Enforcement |

| |Encouragement |

| |Evaluation |

| |

|Background/Purpose: |[pic] |

|A primary route map is a Safe Routes to School tool. The map communicates the ways in which a community walks and bikes to school. MPS Safe Routes shares these|Additional Resources and |

|maps with MPS transportation, Safety and Security, City of Minneapolis Public Works, and the Minneapolis police department. The map also shows the public works |Materials |

|infrastructure and can be useful for families in mapping other routes in the neighborhood. |Andersen Walk Map and Shell Map |

| | |

| |Other great maps from the City |

| |of Minneapolis |

| |

| |icycles/bikemap2/ |

| | |

| |Bike Route Mapping: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Walk tab feature: |

| | (estimate|

| |times) |

|Action Steps/Timeline |What |Who/When | |

| | | | |

| |Obtain shell map for Andersen United Community School with streets, |MPS Safe Routes/ September | |

|[pic] |walk zone, and public works infrastructure. | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify primary routes for the Andersen United Community School. Share| | |

| |and gather input and revisions at evening family events, through school|MPS Safe Routes Team, Andersen parents, | |

| |patrols, leadership team and informally in front of school at arrival |Champion, March (or vet at bike night?) | |

| |and/or dismissal. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Share primary routes with MPS Transportation, Safety and Security, City| | |

| |of Minneapolis Public Works and City of Minneapolis Police. |MPS Safe Routes/ April? | |

| |Add routes to map. | | |

| | | | |

| |Share map with community |SRTS Champion, Principal/ At least yearly | |

| | |Contact | |

| |Revise map |with revisions to your map. | |

|Evaluation |Inclusion Efforts | |

|Shell map and primary routes map are included in the Andersen United Community School Travel Plan. The map is |Include drop & walk locations. | |

|shared with the community and revised as needed. | | |

Andersen United Community School Travel Plan: Goal 5

|Goal: |Safe Routes Focus |

| |Education |

|Andersen United Community School will add a yearly bike safety event to its school calendar. |Engineering |

| |Enforcement |

| |Encouragement |

| |Evaluation |

| |

|Background/Purpose: |[pic] |

|The Safe Routes Champion identified a bike safety event as a Safe Routes goal. In addition, Andersen United Community School has a history of |Additional Resources and Materials |

|well-attended family nights. |SEE Travel PLAN Network—many |

| |Possible resources and partners listed there. |

| | |

| |SRTS MN DOT Conference Call dedicated to |

| |planning bike events: |

| |Jan 18th, 9:30-10:30 |

| |Feb 29th, 9:30-10:30 |

| | |

| |An Organizer’s Guide to Bike Rodeos: |

| |

| |4.2.pdf |

| | |

| |

| |.htm |

| | |

| |

| |_club |

| | |

| |National Bike Week, May 14-18, |

| |2012

| |th/events.php |

|Action Steps/Timeline |What |Who/When | |

| |Examine calendar and set a date. Gain administration/parent leadership |Champion/ February | |

|[pic] |support and perhaps SRO. Identify an event leader. | | |

| | | | |

| |Connect with Bike Walk Ambassadors and/or the Bike Alliance of | | |

| |Minnesota for assistance with event |Event Leader/Team, MPS Safe | |

| |Connect with resources that may include: |Routes March | |

| |Police/SRO |(MPS may host a Safe Routes | |

| |Kenny Community School |workshop in March to help plan | |

| |Hale Community School |these events.) | |

| |Edison or South High School’s Green Council | | |

| |Wellstone Bike Club | | |

| |The Hub | | |

| |Freewheel Bikeshop on the Midtown Greenway | | |

| |Hennepin County Trauma Nurses | | |

| | | | |

| |Promote event in flyer, website and announcements. | | |

| |Hold event | | |

| |Reflect on event, make notes for next year. |Weeks, days before event | |

| | | | |

| | |Event Team May | |

|Evaluation |Inclusion Efforts | |

|Andersen United will hold an annual bike safety event. |Whole school benefits from this | |

| |event. | |


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