Food borne illnesses

| |Well-rehearsed with smooth |Rehearsed with fairly |Portions of delivery are |Delivery not smooth |

| |delivery that |smooth delivery that holds|smooth and holds audience’s|and audience’s |

| |holds audience’s |audience |attention part of the time |attention often lost or |

|Presentation |attention, uses eye contact |attention most of the time,|10 pts. |presentation is read |

|20 points |with audience. Long enough to |uses eye contact with | |5 pts. |

| |adequately cover assigned |audience.15 pts. | | |

| |material 20 pts. | | | |

|Knowledge of Content | Confident and shows an |Fairly well versed on |Unsure of content, but able|Shows very little knowledge of |

|30 points |understanding of the material.|content but may seem a |to manage answers to |content. Unable to answer most |

| | Able to answer questions 30 |little uneasy. Able to |questions |questions. 7.25 pts. |

| |pts. |answer questions. 22.75 |14.5 pts. | |

| | |pts. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Pictures are used to explain |Pictures are used to |Pictures are used. Makes |Little use of color, graphics, |

| |and convey information |explain and convey |use of font, color, |effects etc. |

|Design |visually. Makes excellent use|information visually. |pictures, |Presentation is not interesting|

|15 points |of font, color, graphics, |Makes good use of font, |effects, etc. but |to view, there is no clear |

| |effects, etc. to enhance the |color, graphics, effects, |occasionally these detract |organizational structure of |

| |presentation, content is well |etc. to enhance to |from the presentation |facts. May have completely |

| |organized. Very Creative. Easy|presentation and content |content or content is not |unrelated graphics. |

| |to see and follow. No |organized. Fairly easy to |organized, facts are |3.75 pts. |

| |unnecessary graphics. 15 pts. |follow. |irrelevant. A little | |

| | |11.25 pts. |difficult to follow. | |

| | | |7.5 pts. | |

| | | | | |

|Presentation Requirements|All requirements are met or |All requirements are met |All except one requirement |More than three |

|10 points |exceeded. Personal appearance |but one is not adequately |met or all met but two |requirements were not |

| |is appropriate for presenting.|developed Personal |requirements not fully |completely met. |

| |No gum. Ready when called. |appearance is neat. No |developed. Personal |2.5 pts. |

| |10 pts. |gum. Ready when called. |appearance is neat. Ready | |

| | |7.5 pts. |when called. 5 pts. | |

| | |One - three |Four or five misspellings | |

|Mechanics |No misspellings or grammatical|misspellings and/or |and/or grammatical |Six or more grammatical errors |

|15 points |errors. |mechanical errors |errors. |and misspellings. |

| |15 pts. |11.25 pts. |7.5 pts. |3.75 pts. |

| |Topic is covered thoroughly, |Topic is covered, but not |Topic is understood, but | Topic is not covered well, |

|Content |points are clear and concise. |elaborated. Enough |has holes in information, |facts are not supported |

|10 points |Did not exclude any important |information to understand |facts not supported. May |2.5 pts. |

| |information or include |basics of topic. 7.5 pts. |have some unnecessary | |

| |unnecessary information. 10 | |information. 5 pts. | |

| |pts. | | | |

TOTAL __________/100_


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