Local 372125 Barclay StreetNew York, New York 10007General ...

Local 372125 Barclay StreetNew York, New York 10007General Membership Meeting Monday October 28, 2019Pres. Francois called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.Prior to the start of the meeting, Pres. Francois introduced two vendors to the membership.Invocation: from Bro. Jordan.A moment of silence for our beloved loved Sis. Sandra Fowler. General Membership Minutes from June 10, 2019 is available at prior to this meeting.Reading of the MinutesPres. Francois asked the membership if they read the minutes from June 10, 2019 meeting that was posted online for members to view, print and or make corrections.A motion to approve the minutes without corrections as stated above was approved by all. Minutes has been Adopted. No discussion on the motion. Secretary Treasurer’s ReportBro. Keye read the Unaudited Financial Statements for the month ending September 30th, 2019.Unaudited Financial Statements for the month ending September 30th, 2019The total membership for the month of September was 23,419The income for the month ending, September 30th, 2019 was $82,521.25 and the total expenses were $255,777.06 which resulted in a net loss of ($173,255.81)The accumulative income for the period of January 1, 2019 through September 30th, 2019 was $2,636,769.89 and the total expenses were $2,343,675.18 which resulted in a net profit of $293,094.71A Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Bro. Sgt. Allen Second by Jerry. Motion Approved by all. No discussion on the motion.President’s ReportPres. Francois introduced two vendors:James Sullivan Senior VP from PRIMEMERICA. A multi-level marketing company that sells insurance and financial services.Bro. Vito Pitta from PITTA & BAIONE LLP, a law firm that specializes in 9/11 Compensation Funds. Pres. Francois introduced to the membership Bro. Kenny Blacks as new Sergeant at Arms. General 372 Counsel Roger V. Archibald reported on:In May of 2019 the SCG’s Oral Argument case was argued before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The Oral Argument decision was issued thirty days later. The local had a decision to make as to whether to further the appeal to United States Supreme Court. Expenses associated with the appeal were paid by Local 372, with the approval of the Executive Board Members.” The Local was not a party of the lawsuit”. The actual plaintiff was the SCG’s. The Court of Appeals agreed that the comparison between a SCG’s function and the function of the Traffic Agents are not equivalent; and the case was declined.Temporary location at 85 Broad Street. Local 372 is acquiring a permanent office Condominium headquarters. A contract of sale will be signed and within ninety days Local 372 will become official owners of a permanent headquarters. With a Condominium purchase theirs a document called the Offering Plan; is a document that the sponsor of a Condo puts together and files with the Attorney General’s Office, it lists all of the expenses, violations and any ownership issues with the Condominium. Based on the type of Condominium and the satisfaction of the Board, the bank and Counsel of Local 372 Archibald, all issues have been resolved by the sponsor. The contract will be finalized within a few weeks. Upon completion of the property, Local 372 will be owners of a $9.5 million dollars headquarters. The property value will be approximately $ 11.5 million.”start off with a $2.000,000 million in equity boost”. Since the move from 125 Barclay, Local 372 has been working diligently to secure a suitable headquarters.Questions/ Comments:Sis. Sullivan D. 12 asked why the Local decided to purchase a Condominium instead of a regular office space.General Counsel Archibald V. Archibald explained to the membership that the Condominium is a building with office spaces organized as a Condominium, and the space purchase is own by Local 372. The Local still owns the real state associated with the Condominium.Bro. Anthony B. Gordon Parent Coordinator D. 19 Kennedy King Elementary School stated the following:The decision to purchase the Condominium should have been shared with the membership prior to the acquisition.The purchase was approved by “twenty-one people” and that the decision that was made was going to affect twenty two thousand members.Bro. Gordon also queried that maybe the membership knows a banker that could have in his opinion offered a better deal. At Chapter meetings the property acquisition was never discussed. The membership is not been informed. Bro. Gordon asked to see the paperwork prior to the signing of the contract.General 372 Counsel Archibald communicated that the membership elects representatives to cast votes on one’s behalf. The entire membership does not partake in these types of issues.Sis. Joan Brown expressed that she does not want to leave” my home 125 Barclay” and why Local 372 needs to relocate; and if membership is responsible to pay for the new property.General Counsel Archibald the Local was forced to relocate in accounts of OSHA difficulties and structural difficulties with the building; and the Condominium will be owned by Local 372 and the membership will has an interest in the ownership of the building.Pres. Francois elaborated on:Local 372 goals are to enhance and move forward towards ownership.SCG’s Negotiated Universal health care coverage thru out the year.” Pledge to not promised fight for holidays, snow days and schools closings “ Clarified, that DOE is not NYPD is two separate entities rules and regulations are beyond union control. The membership was informed about Local’s relocation and purchase of a permanent headquarters.Jae Ko Assistant Director of Research and Negotiations gave updates on:SCG’s starting next summer will not be paying the 10% premium for their health insurance. “ A separate process that was initiated from the previous City contract” STH Family Paras working in the shelters will have a $ 2,000 dollars salary deferential.” A separate process that was initiated from the most recent City wide wide contract.”Contract Negotiations, the critical component goal is maximized member’s input in regards to the contract demands for each title.Once the list of demands is negotiated with the City, Local Leadership and Chapter Chair; and the negotiators the membership votes on an approval.October 26, 2019 members will receive their 2% increase.First paycheck in November will reflect a 3% raise for the October 26th 2019 raise. Please contact the Local Leadership and Representatives if there are any issues or concerns”.Comments/ Question: Deborah Wilson School Assessment Team (S.A.T.) Family Worker D. 29 is there any negotiations in regards to the pay scale for career advancement for school based Family Paras because, this issued has not been updated for the last 15 years.Bro. Jae stated that those issues will be addressed at the upcoming Unit Bargaining Negotiations. Bro. Albert S.S.L.H. D. 12 suggested that during the negotiations can the paystubs be more detailed hours worked and pay rates, and time off. Bro. Jae communicated that the Local and the union is currently working on it. It will be addressed during the negotiations.” Not certain if it is a Contractual issue” Bro. Anthony B. Gordon Parent Coordinator P.S. 219 D.18 asked Bro. Jae that when he refers to Bargaining; is he referring to the Economic Agreement coming up as this contract ends; or the current Bargaining Agreement that will be negotiated as Bargaining Units.Bro. Jae expressed that this is the Non-Economic working conditions bargaining, and it does not affects the union from asking for Economic Bargaining during the negotiations process.Bro. Gordon P.C. D. 18 also stated that currently, every Bargaining Units should have the 0.2% which became available in July 2019, and the 0.2% can only purchase additional or reoccurring annuity. Bro. Gordon also asked in the upcoming negotiations is there a possibility that can we are going to have an additional compensation fund that might be part of the Economic Agreement; and to please inform the Bargaining Committees that the last .02% was signed in 2018 and is been addressed now and unfortuanally is to late do to buy days off.Bro. Jae articulated that it was unclear because the process hasn’t started. He’ll be working diligently at the negotiation table to address the issues and concerns and when the 0.2% was negotiated he was not part of the negotiations. “nothing is off the table”.Sis. Bro. Thomas SCG 63rd precinct need better rain gear and more paid holidays.Bro. Jae expressed that no demand is too small. Equipment reimbursement is an excellent demand that would be looked into. Sis. Griffin D.5 S.L.A to address the possibility during Unit Bargaining for uniform reimbursement allowance to be issued in a separate check because the DOE is adding the uniform allowance with the regular pay, paying taxes on both.Bro. Jae stated that as far as taxation reimbursement is complicated because there are State and Federal Taxation Laws. Bro. Jae suggested to reach out to the Representatives and the Leadership or to contact Bro. Jae Ko to further discusses her concernsSis. Shirley Williams SCG 76 precinct stop complaining about the S.CG. Level’s 2 if the SCG are doing their jobs, they wouldn’t any issues. Level 2’s are Coordinators, a liaison between two entities and are not supervisors. EVP for Local 372 Nesbit clarify to the membership that the raise is not retroactive; retroactive is giving only when a contract expires during that negotiation period. After the contract expires, as long as theirs negotiations and the membership agrees and ratify the contract the back money from the negotiations will be giving to the members. The Contract was settled in 2017 with the percentages moving forward” not the case for the upcoming raise.” O.S.F. is hiring in D. 3 Field Office location is P.S. 208 21 West 111 street N.Y. 10026.Pres. Francois clarified to the membership that, as a local, the information we provide to the membership is transparent. A meeting is held every three months. Prior to sharing any information with the membership, the Local will only release accurate information. Pres. Francois reiterated Local 372 Minutes are available at WWW..Division Director’s ReportMichelle Menduina reported on:Shop Stewards Training held at 1707 Headquarters.October 19th 2019. Shop Stewards were provided with the tools and information required for the New Year. MELS, Health & Security, and Housing Department.New Employee OrientationSchools Division negotiated with the DOE to have new Employee’s Orientations in different Boroughs.Monday November 4th, 2019 5619 Flatlands Avenue Brooklyn, N.Y.Tuesday November 5th 333 7th avenue Manhattan. Thursday November 14th 2019 110 Livingston Street. Brooklyn South. Non-Payers559 contact the Reps to assist with Dues Authorizations.” green cards”OFNS Name TagsEmployees will be wearing name tags due to customer service. Name tags are at management discretion. The choice was not giving to the members as how they want to be addressed.” Ms. Mrs. Mr.”BIC ExtensionsIs been expanded to one hundred and fifty seven schools. Rollout started it will continue thru May 18th 2019.Subs shortage Staffing Ratio in November all the Reps will meet with the Regional Supervisors to go over the staffing in the schools. Early Voting Up to three hours off, a form must be submitted two days in advance Voting Leave Request. Does not apply to Early Voting. Schools will be open to the staff. Notify the Reps if the voting is interfering with service in the cafeteria.Hurricane Sandy The Local filed a group Grievance on behalf of Local 372 who was not paid accordingly. The Local needs members that worked during the hurricane to provide hours worked paid rate, location and tittle. Provide all pertaining information to the Reps.“ The information is need for the lawsuit”.SCG’s UniformsNew green gloves and hats are optional. Member’s participation at rallies and meetings is crucial.Pres. Francois shared the location of Local 372 Property Acquisition 20 West 33rd Street New York, N.Y. 10001. Unfinished BusinessNONENew BusinessNONEGood and WelfareEVP Nesbit October 30th at 5:00 p.m.2019 TWU Local 100 workers is having a rally at 2 Broadway. We need to show strength and solidarity. Sis. Coleman D.1 SSL H/ Cook a nine year cancer survivor thanked the Local for supporting the Cancer Walk.Sis. Murphy P.C. D.1 Scholarship Bus ride to Foxwoods Casino December 7th 2019 tickets $ 50.00 dollars.Pres. Francois A tribute to Sis. Sandra Fowler and our Fallen Heroes at J. Loft Thursday December 19th 20198:00 p.m. to 2: 00 a.m. 1055 East 4th Street Brooklyn, New. York. 11230. Sis. Cynthia Hair was congratulated for organizing the event. Raffles and AdjournmentAFLAC Sis. Juana Precinct 9 umbrella. Weekender Bag Juanita, Messenger bag Bro. Santana.Local 372 Raffle Winning Numbers:Nutra Bullet 4929Utensil Set 5055Towel Set 4931Bathroom Accessories 4878Michael Kors Bag 4895Calvin Klein Bag 4892.Sunbeam Toaster 4867Black & Decker 5007.Crockpot Slow Cooker 4913.Two donated tickets to Foxwoods Casino 4879. A Motion to Adjourn the General Membership Meeting at 8:49 p.m. was made by Sis. Richardson Second by Bro. Joe. Motion Carried.Glenys RiveraRecording Secretary ................

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