Office of Undergraduate Admissions ... - New York …

Office of Undergraduate Admissions Mid-Term Grade Report for Transfer Applicants

Name: Address:

Social Security Number or NYU ID: College/University presently attending: This report is for the term ending:

(Month and Year) NYU College/Division to which you are applying:

To the Applicant: The purpose of this form is to provide the Admissions Committee with a report of your progress in the courses in which you are currently enrolled. Please ask your instructors to provide your present grades and their signatures. If you are not currently enrolled in a college/university, please note this on the form.

*** Upon completion, please email this form to or fax to 212-995-4911.

To the Professor/Instructor:

This student is applying for admission as a transfer student to New York University. This form was developed to provide the Admissions Committee with the most current information regarding the student's progress in his/her courses. Please record the grade the student is presently receiving in your course, as well as your signature and the date in the spaces below.

Course Title/Number

Credits Grade



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