,- CCTV on 'pause' .my

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CCTV on 'pause'

Residents associations and the. Selangor police are concerned over the

Selangor government's delay in installing a -CCTVnetwork as they feel



playa vital ~~"-'-.-~












Subang Jaya Municipal , Council officers have access to about 100 CCTV cameras in areas underjts jurisdiction. giving it a clear picture of what is going on.



. Tarikb:..~)')\,

.S.gor CPO:More

CCTVs needed

. Khalld feels that cameras are not a

. priority for the state government

By ELAN PERUMAL eian@.my

- SElANGORpolice chiefDatIJk Khalid , Abu Bakar has called for the installa-

. tion of as many c16secircuit television cameras (ccrV) as possible at strategic locations. He said there were no doubts that

ccrvs would playa role in crime prevention efforts.

Khalidsaid hehad made itc1earto both the previous and the present Selangor Government on the need

. for the ccrvcameras to be fixed at

strategic areas. Khalid said he had, informed the

, state that ecrvs were a vital tool --'t-h'-'at woul,d act as. a dete"r.'r.'e- n' t to



"Look at Kuala Lumpur, there are

ccrv cameras covering more than

half of its area and they have helped

to bring down the crime rate.

"Criminals probably have- shifted

their operatiol1s to Selangor as they find it easier here since not many

places are equipped with the cameras,"

he said in response to the comments

made by Selangor'sSultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah that there should be more ccrv cameras in .the state.

From his observation. Khalid said

the previous government showed more interest in installing the cam-

eras than the present government.

Installing ccrvs, he said,seemed

not to be a priority of the Pakatan


"I strongly feel that sl.IChcameras

must b~ fixed at busy cities and

towns' like Petaling Jaya, Ampang,

Subang Jaya and Klang where there Speaking out: Khalid said there

is too much commercial activity.

"Besidescrime prevention. ccrv

were no doubts that CCTV cameras could curb crime.

cameras can also help to identify the

criminals," he said.

The company, which was involved

Khalid hoped that the state would in renting out 414 ccrv cameras to

seriouslycc)Osider installing the all the local authorities in Selangor.

cameras at crime-prone areas in the had been told to justify the high cost


. of the installation.

On March 10, StarMetro had. State local government committee

reported that the RM120milccrv chairman -Ronnie Liu said a directive

cameras deal between a private had been iss1led to all 12 local

company and the SelangorGovern- authorities not to proceed with the

ment would be reviewed and. if installation of the remaining ccrv


cameras in their areas.

Tarikh:..~"~, lkc ...2..0..0..i-

Selangor residents also want CCTVs installed

By THO XIN YI thoxinyi@.my

THESelangor govern mentneeds to expedite the in, stallation of , COV cameras throughout the

state as no less than the Sultan of

Selangor himself wants the surveil-

I lance network implemented fast for .1 the safety of his subjects.

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had

said during -an exclusive interview with The Star group chief editor

Datuk Wong Chun Wai that he was frustrated at the delay in the imp le~ mentation of the COV network in

the state and he wanted to see the

system in operation statewide as,

soon as possible. Most of the officials of residents




StarMetro voiced their support for

I the royal expression, saying that

I those responsible for the COV surj veillance scheme should start crack-

ing to get the network functioning.

Currently, there are about400 COV cameras in areas under the

I Subang jaya Municipal Council

I (MPSj) and 22 in petaling jaya.

All-Petaling jaya Selangor' . Residents Associations Coalition I chairman UewWei Bengsaid he was

I disappointed with the Petaling jaya

j City Council (MBPj) for its unsatis-

r factory maintenance and operation

of the facility.

Liew'is not just making some armchair criticism of the MBPj but has a

very valid complaint as he himself

~ had a real bad experience with the council's, COV scheme.

Uew discovered the shocking fiasco when he visited the MBPj complex to check on the COV recording' of his car being broken into.

"My car was vandalised in Taman Megah in March. The culprit was caught on the COV, but the images were not sharp enough for us to identify. his face and his vehicle," Uew said.

"I requested for a copy of the

image but was only given a CD,five months later. When I realised that I

could not open the file, I went back

to ask for another copy. That's when I was told about the malfunction of

the COV cameras," he said. "I was told that 18 of the COV



You are being watched: Officers manning the MPSJ CCTVcontrol room.

cameras are not functioning.

the officers monitoring the images

"Theone at the Taman BahagiaLRT to inform the: relevant parties right

station is missingand, until today,has away.

not been replaced,"Uew said.

"Thefootagecan be rewound but it

He said the whole purpose of will be too late already,"Changsaid. installing COV cameras was to curb Under the MPSj municipality,

crime and the MBPjshould repair there are 38 Coy cameras in Subang

the faulty equipment immediately. jaya, 27 in Serdang, 16 in Seri

'The MBPjofficertold me they do Kembanganand nine in Kinrara.

not have the funds to replace the Subangjaya assemblyman Hannah


. Yeoh is concerned about the costs

"Another thing is, only real time involved in the installation and

images can be zoomed in and not the maintenance of the COV network.

recordings,"he added.

"The people, of course, want the

According to United Residents COV system but the cost is too high.

Association Puchong chairman ChJk It takes about RMl00,OOOto rent the

Chum, there are no COV cameras system each month. installed in PuchongIntan, where he "With the money, 100 policemen

is residing.

can be employed to patrol the streets

"I certainly hope that the council instead," she said. can consider installing some in our Yeah also expressed the need to

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ituasiyangoerl,aku ".berikufper)9'~n)umKarrkeriaikarie1aunahl\(:.

,SeriDr Mohamad Khirlbyo.lgambary

,,:, " .. BangoniLmJMNQS~la~gpr;dt;slbner:la.'i."l1ajr~)tarR~M5,Q", O"" g~R'~lO;d.oO

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