Prayer List - Indian Run CC

Prayer List

Dale and Ella Bailey

Dick Beebe

Willard Berkebile

Richard Borne

Judy Bucher

Helen Cross

Jim Davis

Chris Ehmer

Deb and Greg Hartman

Stephanie Iser

Bonnie Kramer

Darlene Krider

Kathy Mitchell

Alivia Maurer

Family of Tyler Naquin

Matthew and Jessica Oberly

John Powell

Archie Sanders

Stanley Family

Chris Steinborn

Continuing Needs

Jim Beavers

Dick Borne

Helen Cross

Erik Loy

Joseph Moore

Steve Phillips

Sophia Rae

Annika Shankle

Reagan Terry

Logan Trizna

Nursing Homes

Ethel Adkins – St. Joseph’s

Joyce Carroll - Canton Christian Home Sue Halsey - Altercare - Louisville

Carolyn King - Hospitality House

Marion Lowery - St. Joseph's

Denise VanVoorhis – Hennis Care

Gary Young – Group home


Elmer Snider

Indian Run Christian Church

Oct. 25, 2015

The Lord's Day

8368 Hill Church Street, SE

East Canton, Ohio 44730



"Like" Us on Facebook

Terry Bailey, Minister 330-488-2957

Caleb Bailey, Youth Minister 330-904-4419

Sunday Services

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - Worship

9:15 a.m. - Sunday School

6:00 p.m. - Social Time

6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study

6:30 p.m. - Youth Group


Worship Leader Norma Johnson


Meditation Mark Cook

Offering Prayer Mike Felcyn, Jr.


Washing Mike Felcyn, Jr.

Servers Archie Sanders (Usher)

Craig Yoho (Usher)

Jeff Burner (Usher)

Fritz Haines (Usher)

Mike Felcyn, Jr.

Paul Fox, Jr.

Lonnie Lowry

Tim Piatt

Dick Sutton

Wendell VanVoorhis

Order of Worship


Time of Silent Prayer

Scripture John 5:36


A Time for Praise

Praise Team

A Time for Prayer

Grace Greater than Our Sin No. 344

(Please pass your Prayer Cards to the aisle)

Review of Prayer Concerns and Prayer

A Time for Preaching and Response

Special Music - Melody Jones

Message - The Witness of Works

*O How He Loves You and Me No. 349

A Time for Remembrance

and Giving

Jesus Paid It All No. 305

(All Christians are welcome to partake)

The Solid Rock No. 526



Birthdays and Anniversaries


*He Has Make Me Glad No. 214

* Congregation please stand if able

Today's Activities

6:00 p.m. - Social Time

6:00 p.m. - Youth Group Trunk or Treat

6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study

Activities this Week

Oct. 28 - Nativity Workshop in barn at 7

Nov. 1 - The Needhams Concert

Upcoming Activities

Nov. 2 - Women's Bible Study Dinner and Final Lesson

Nov. 3 - Elder's Meeting at 6:30 pm

Nov. 3 - Deacon's Meeting at 6:30 pm

Nov. 5 - Pregnancy Support Center Event

Nov. 6 - Shop for a Cause

Nov. 7 - IRCC Rake Leaves Day

Nov. 8 - Annual Congregational Meeting

Nov. 22 - Ruritan Singspiration at 7pm

Items of Interest

On Nov. 1 at 6:00 pm IRCC will welcome The Needhams in Concert. Please join us for this free concert featuring Christian Music for the whole family.

Nov. 2 will be the ladies final night for the Women's Bible Study Video Series. We will conclude with a dinner and social time as well as final lesson.

5:30-8:30 come when you can.

Join Pregnancy Support Center Thursday, Nov. 5 at 6:00 pm for an evening with Author & Radio Host Janet Parshall. The event will be held at The University Center at Kent State Stark Campus. Tickets are required to attend. Visit to reserve tickets.

Shop for a Cause to benefit Annika. Nov. 6 from 5:30-8:00 pm at IRCC. Vendors such as Premier Jewelry, ThirtyOne, Mary Kay, Tupperware and many more. Any questions contact church office at 330-488-2938.

Meet at IRCC on Nov. 7 at 1:00 pm to rake leaves for families in the congregation. We will meet back at the church for hotdogs, cider and cookies at 5:00 pm. - sooner if all work is done before 5:00 pm.

Preparations for the youth Christmas Eve Program are beginning! Practices will be held primarily Sunday evenings beginning in November. We would love to have all our amazing youth involved! If you have a child interested in participating please sign them up. See Jeanelle Thorn, Amy Burner, or Caleb Bailey with questions.

October Birthdays

26 - Gaylon Ferguson

27 - Jackie Anthony

27 - Kelsey Haines

27 - Korryn Haines

29 - Trina Griffith

30 - Devin Avery

30 - Joyce Ludy

October Anniversaries

25 - Greg and Deb Hartman

28 - Silas and Stephanie Stubblefield

29 - Bill and Cheryl Costello

Oct. 18, 2015

| |Att. |Offering |Totals |

|8 a.m. |32 | | |

|Sunday School |60 | | |

|Worship |142 |$2,620.00 | |

|Budget amt. needed | | |$3,426.11 |

|per wk. | | | |

|Faith Promise | |$181.00 |$8,047.00 |

|Faith Promise Pledge | | |$21,000.00 |

|Faith Promise amt. | | |$403.85 |

|needed per wk. | | | |

|Bread Offering | |$26.00 |$906.00 |

|~ Building Vision Fund ~ |

|Clay Pot | |$0 |$760.00 |

|Scrap Metal | |$265.00 |$4,450.00 |

|Paper Drive | |$0 |$0.00 |

|Matching Funds | |$582.50 |$11,009.00 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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