St Elizabeth's Parish School

Dear Parent/Guardians,Welcome to Week 4!481203025400Term 4 DatesTuesday 29th October5/6KD Reconciliation Mass @ 11.40amThursday 31st OctoberYear 5/6 Sovereign Hill CampFriday 1st NovemberYear 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp3/4 Tennis @ 9am2020 Foundation Students Transition Session 9:30-10.30amMonday 4th NovemberSCHOOL CLOSURE DAYTuesday 5th NovemberMELBOURNE CUP PUBLIC HOLIDAYWednesday 6th November 2.15pm St Elizabeth’s Got Talent ShowFriday 8th November3/ 4 Tennis @ 9am9.15am F-2 Community MassTuesday 12th NovemberYear 3/4 Reconciliation Mass @ 11.40amWednesday 13th NovemberYear 3/4 Community Mass @ 9.15amFriday 15th November 2020 Foundation Students Transition Session 9:30-10.30amTuesday 19th NovemberYear 3 Reconciliation Mass 10amFriday 22nd NovemberYear 5/ 6 Community Mass and BenedictionMonday 25th – Wednesday 27 November Years Foundation, 1, 2, 5 and 6 SwimmingThursday 28th – Friday 29thYears Foundation, 1 and 2 Swimming00Term 4 DatesTuesday 29th October5/6KD Reconciliation Mass @ 11.40amThursday 31st OctoberYear 5/6 Sovereign Hill CampFriday 1st NovemberYear 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp3/4 Tennis @ 9am2020 Foundation Students Transition Session 9:30-10.30amMonday 4th NovemberSCHOOL CLOSURE DAYTuesday 5th NovemberMELBOURNE CUP PUBLIC HOLIDAYWednesday 6th November 2.15pm St Elizabeth’s Got Talent ShowFriday 8th November3/ 4 Tennis @ 9am9.15am F-2 Community MassTuesday 12th NovemberYear 3/4 Reconciliation Mass @ 11.40amWednesday 13th NovemberYear 3/4 Community Mass @ 9.15amFriday 15th November 2020 Foundation Students Transition Session 9:30-10.30amTuesday 19th NovemberYear 3 Reconciliation Mass 10amFriday 22nd NovemberYear 5/ 6 Community Mass and BenedictionMonday 25th – Wednesday 27 November Years Foundation, 1, 2, 5 and 6 SwimmingThursday 28th – Friday 29thYears Foundation, 1 and 2 SwimmingOver the last two weeks we have been blesed with some beautiful warm weather, indicating that Spring is here! With the warmer weather, it is important that all of our children remember to wear their hats while walking to and from school and during recess and lunch breaks. On warmer days, I encourage families to ensure that our students have applied sunscreen before coming to school to help protect them from the sun and UV rays.2450465202024800226695200660000On Friday night, we had our first “Movie on the Green” night, where approximately 50 families came together to watch SING. After rain and gale force winds in the morning, we had a beautiful crisp Spring evening where we were able to come together and mingle, share a sausage and a laugh. It was wonderful to see families enjoying family time together, as well as embracing other families in their friendship circles. It was truly a great night for our community to come togther. We will endeavour to hold another one next year, so hopefully you can make it. Thank you to our P & F, parent volunteers and staff who helped out on the evening. Nights like this don’t just happen. They require a team of people to organise and do the hard yards before, on and after the event. THANK YOU!Year 5/6 CampOn Thursday and Friday this week, our Senior students will be heading off to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat for an overnight experience. This experience will support the learning the children have undertaken about the Gold Fields and what life was like during this era. The weather is set to be nice and warm, so we wish all our children and staff attending a wonderful time.School Fees and LeviesOn Wednesday all families should have received a letter outlining the increases to the school fees and levies as of 2020. Over the years, St Elizabeth’s has worked hard to keep our fees as low as possible to enable families in our community to access a Catholic education, with 2017 being the last time there was a fee increase.After reviewing our financial position, and in consultation with the Parish Education Board and our school accountant, we are simplifying how the fees and levies will be charged.?The positive is families will be invoiced at the start of the school year and include all charges and put an end to requests during the year. There will be no additional costs burdened on parents during the school year, as all costs have been factored into the 2020 schedule of fees and levies. The only extra costs parents will have is for any fundraising activities the school is involved with.The planned increase in all charges equates on average to $2.13 per week per student over the calendar year.By simplifying the fee and levy structure it enables families to clearly understand what their financial commitment is.As a Catholic school, our two streams of income come from Government funding and school fees. Each family upon enrolling their child/ren at St Elizabeth’s has agreed that they will pay the school fees as a part of their enrolment. Thank you to all our families who make regular payments via the many payment options provided. This ensures that we can provide the quality programs and education that are children are entitled to. Just a reminder to those families who are not on a Direct Debit and have not settled their 2019 school fees, they are now overdue and need to be finalised. If any families are struggling financially, please do not hesitate to contact me so we can discuss a support plan for your family.School Fee Agreement FormUpon enrolment at St Elizabeth’s, all families have agreed to pay the annual school fees as a condition of their enrolment. Therefore, all families are required to complete a Fee Agreement form that must be filled in and adhered to each year so that families are in compliance with their enrolment.??Even families on a Direct Debit are required to fill this in, as we need authorisation every year to deduct the nominated amount each year.School Fee Agreement forms will be sent home within the next week which need to be signed by the parent and/or guardian responsible for paying the fees and levies, along with how they will be paid.We strongly recommend families to engage in a direct debit or credit card deduction (options 1 or 2), as this helps families manage their financial commitment and ensures that the account is settled within the required time.This Fee Agreement form is required to be signed and returned to school by Friday 13th December 2019. Please choose ONE option and only return that page. All 2020 school fees and student levies will be required to be paid in full by?30th September, 2020. Tax invoices will be sent out in February stating the amount owing for the year. School ReportsOur Semester Two school reports will be sent home on Monday 16th Decemeber, which will outline the progress your child has made in the second half of the year. There are no scheduled Parent Meetings to chat about these reports, but if parents have any concerns or clarifications, they are more than welcome to make a time to speak to their child’s teacher about this.Late ArrivalsSince our return to school this term, there has been an increase in the number of children arriving late to school. When a child arrives late it doesn’t enable the child the time to have an opportunity to socilaise with their peers before the start of the day, which is extremely important for their wellbeing and academic prgress, along with them missing out on important inofrmation, instructions and learning.It is important that all children are ready to begin their school day at 8.55am, so it is important that all children are at school by 8.45am. We understand that in the busyness of family life things may not go according to plan, but if all families could try and get their children to school on time, this is helping to set up not only a great routine but an opportunity for your child to achieve success.Carols NightOur annual Carols evening will be held on Tuesday 10th December, where we will come together as a community to celebrate the special season of Advent. As this is a school event, ALL children are expected to attend. As a Catholic school, this is an important time in the liturgical calendar and therefore, attendance and participation by all our students and their families is required.On the evening, each level will be singing two songs to celebrate the Advent season. We are hoping (weather permitting) to have it outside, where families are invited to bring along a picnic basket and blanket to enjoy and participate in the festivities. On the night we will have a sausage sizzle for families to purchase something for dinner.COLOUR FUN RUNOur last major fundraiser for this year will be our Colour Fun Run, which will be held on Monday 9th December. All children would have received a pack last week explaining how to go about raising money for the fun run. All monies raised will go towards creating a beatuiful and interactive play area in our back playground for our children.We would encourage all families to support this fundraiser, as not only will it be a great event for our children to be a part of, but will also raise funds that goes straight back to the school for our children to benefit.Wishing everyone a great week.Mrs Christina FergusonPrincipal-5789584068Teaching & Learning0Teaching & LearningLIT STEM Showcase?Last week 8 of our students from across levels 3/4 and 5/6 represented?our school at the Nazareth Literacy STEM Showcase to talk about how they incorporated Literacy into our new Garden in the back playground. Our students were able to highlight how we used our researching skills to learn about the plants growing in the garden, and write about them on a website they created. Our students also created QR codes that?can be scanned using an iPad or iPhone to take you to this website so you can not only learn about the plants but learn how to use these plants and vegetables to cook at home using simple recipes.?Our students did such an amazing job at presenting their learning, that they won first prize at the showcase! Each student received?a $20 Myer gift card and a blue ribbon for their achievements. Well done Rushil, Catherine, Phuong, Lena, Brodie, Praveen, Emelyne and Tam!Kristine KoutroumanisTeaching and Learning Leader?Learning Diversity LeaderLiteracy Intervention Teacher?0-635P.E.0P.E.Last Thursday, our boys and girls softball teams played in the Greater Dandenong Division Softball finals.? Our opposition in both games was Spring Park PS.? Our boys played well against a very good hitting team and were defeated 8 - 12.? Our girls played a team that struggled with their pitching and won comfortably.? They will now be playing in the South Metro Regional finals on Monday 11th November.? I would like to thank the parents that came down to watch and support the team.? I would also like to thank Sue and Miss O for their coaching efforts throughout the season.351274332716006360523335200-2374408514100Friday last week, our students?participated in a fitness activity.? A 250 metre course was set around our oval and the aim was to complete as many laps as possible during the lunch break.? House captains kept a tally of their team's score and urged their team mates to keep on going.? When the music signalled the end of play, it was Yellow house that had completed the most laps.? Combined, the entire school completed 1,024 laps.? That's a total of 256 kilometres!Reminder to all our parents and/or guardians of our Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 students.3594735171450This week a swimming assessment form from Monash Aquatic Centre went home.? It must be filled out and returned back to school prior to the Cup weekend;?Friday 1st November.? You do not have to fill out the "Student I.D. Number" as we can fill this out at school. This will enable the centre to stream the children into groups of children at a similar level.?0250256Performing Arts0Performing ArtsMr Dean AndrewWe are prepared and ready for St Elizabeth’s Got Talent next week! You are all invited to join us on Wednesday the 6th of November at 2.15pm in the PAC, to support our students as they share their talents with the whole school community.Students and teachers are all excited after much discussion and preparation for the event!?0-2607Child Safety0Child SafetyCrossing the roadIt has come to our attention that there a few parents and children who are not using the supervised pedestrian crossing to cross Bakers Road. We have witnessed children and parents crossing the road in between cars, which has nearly ended in serious injury or fatality.It is extremely important that ALL children and parents cross at the crossing to ensure everyone’s safety.Drop off and Pick UpIn the morning, there is a staff member on yard duty at 8:35am. On arrival, students are free to mingle with their friends or stay with their parents or grandparents. The 15 minutes before school provides a wonderful opportunity for students to socially connect with others. At 8:45am the first bell rings and students make their way to the classroom. If you wish to drop your child off before 8:30am, please use the Before School Care service provided by Youth Leadership Victoria - we would hate for your child to arrive at school and no-one be here to care for them. Whilst there is usually someone here around 8:00am, it’s important to remember that staff are busy preparing for the day ahead or involved in meetings. After school, a teacher is on duty until 3:30pm. After this time students who are yet to be picked up will be taken to the office. We will attempt to ring their parents to make sure everything is ok. If, for any reason, you are running late, just give the office a ring and let us know. 54273453365500ParkingIt is still unfortunate to hear and see that parents/guardians/carers/grandparents are not observing the parking outside our school, making it quite unsafe for all. The 2 minute parking bays outside our school are clearly signed by the council and need to be adhered to. It would be devastating if an accident or injury were to occur to one of our community members because the law was not followed.Important and timely reminders:If waiting in the 2 minute bays for your child/ren to arrive, drivers cannot leave their car. If waiting for a parking space in the 2 minute bays, please do not pull up along the outside of a car already in these bays and call your child to the middle of the road to hop in the car. It would be safer to drive around the block and wait for a parking space rather than cause an accident or injury.Never park in the bus stops, driveways, or on the nature strips of our neighbours – this can restrict the view of pedestrians and other road users. It’s also very disrespectful. If you need to cross the road ALWAYS use the pedestrian crossing that is supervised. Walking that extra few metres ensures that there is no injuries, or worse fatalities. Walking out from behind parked cars is asking for trouble.It is imperative that we stay calm and be patient. We are role models for our children on what is appropriate behaviour on our roads, even though they are years off from being road users themselves. Thank you for your support on this matter.If parents keep putting the lives of our community at risk, we will have to be forced to call the bi laws officers from the Greater City of Dandenoenong to come and observe and fine those not adhering to the road rules and putting the community in danger.014538School Community0School CommunityCongratulations to everyone involved in our Movie Night.I know that there were a few anxious moments with our Melbourne weather, the lead up to Friday night wasn’t the best. However, the night was magical, the oval dried out, the sun shone and set, the moon made an appearance. It was a great community night.Thank you to our sponsors InHouse Studio Fitness, Noble Park RSL, Eyecare Plus Mulgrave, Noble Park RSL, Around the Clock Plumbing, Subway Dandenong, Dandenong-Cranbourne RSL, Mulgrave Country Club, Centorrino Technologies.Upcoming events:As mentioned earlier in this newsletter our Colour Fun Run is in the afternoon of Monday 9th December. We encourage all families to come along and watching this fun event. We also wish to encourage you to sponsor your child/ren. You would have received an envelope last week containing an informative letter and booklet. The letter explains the Colour Fun Run and the booklet has a step by step how to create your profile, set a prize goal, organise your sponsorship and order prizes. As the prizes need to be ordered by you before Tuesday 26th November, you will need to act now rather than later. This ensures that all eligible prizes are received before the end of the school year. Should you need another letter/booklet, please come and see Trixie.619083347400Tuesday 10th December is our wonderful Carols Night. This is where we all come together and listen (and join in) to our children. On this night the Parents & Friends will be running a sausage sizzle as well as selling items such as drinks and ice creams. Should you be able to help on this night, please let either Filomena Sepe or Trixie know.-95250-220980Out of School Hours Care0Out of School Hours CareFortnightly Activities ……… Wednesday 6th to Friday 20th SeptemberMondaySplatter Painting, Marbling Bubble Painting, Footy PlayTuesdayPop Art Prints, Stencil Prints, String PaintingWednesdayAbstract Art, Wax Art, Magic Sand,ThursdayChalk Drawings Inside & Outside, Puff Painting ArtFridayMake Colourful Origami. Before School CarePermanent: $13.50 /Casual $16.00 ~ 7am to 8:55am Monday to Friday during school term, excluding all Victorian Public Holidays.After School CarePermanent: $14.50 /Casual $17.00 ~ 3:15pm to 6:15pm Monday to Friday during school term, excluding all Victorian Public Holidays.Vacation Care / Pupil Free DaysPer Day: $50.007am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday (The School Holiday Program in January will be held at St Anthony’s and St. Mary’s)Late Pick Up Fees: Per minute: $1.00For enquires or further information, please contact Elarine on 0422 803 709 during session times.2219092076600374234381000013637616159500313690-16065500 ................

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