This is Limerick |

Limerick References in the Journal of the

R.S.A.I., 1849-1999

Subject Vol. Page Notes



Dinely, Thomas 1864-66 278 plate (Abby Ony)

Seymour, St. John 1907 165-180, 360-373 "Abbey Owney, County Limerick" (1 illus.)

Westropp, Thomas 1911 120 ref to Donald More O'Brien, king of Munster


Butler, W. F. 1925 8 ref to burial of Theobald at Owney

Guest, Edith M. 1936 120 lists item previously thought to be a Sheela-Na-Gig but not

now regarded as one


1889 159-160 account of visit to Adare by members of RHAAI

1890-91 626 report of visit of Association members

MacLeod, Catriona 1947 130-131 "Adare Statues" in article "Mediaeval Statues From the 17th

Century" (plate)

Adare, archaeology

Hewson, George J. 1890-91 484-485 finding of bronze arrowhead at Tuagh, Adare

Hewson, George J. 1890-91 485 finding of remains of Irish elk at Cappagh bog

Hewson, George J. 1894 181-184 report re. ancient buildings in Adare

Ffrench, J. F. M., 1898 136 description of the Quin Chalice (Adare Chalice) (plate p.133)

Hewson, G. J.

Westropp, Thomas 1921 181-182 "Remains near Adare, Co. Limerick - Clorane Dolmen"


Westropp, Thomas 1921 183 "Mondellihy Rings"


Adare, Augustinian Abbey

Hayman, Canon, 1879-82 433 ref. to establishment of Monastery of St. Augustin


Hewson, George J. 1894 181-184 report re. ancient buildings in Adare

Westropp, Thomas 1915 151-152 "Paintings at Adare "Abbey", Co. Limerick"


Adare, Desmond Castle

Westropp, Thomas 1907 24 "The Principal Ancient Castles of the County Limerick"

Johnson (illustration)

Adare, Franciscan Friary

Brash, Richard Rolt 1856-57 61-70 description of Franciscan Friary at Adare, Co. Limerick

Westropp, Thomas 1915 151-152 "Paintings at Adare "Abbey", Co. Limerick"


Mooney, Canice 1955 160 lists existing published descriptions of the Franciscan Friary

Mooney, Canice 1955 171 historical information about the friary

Mooney, Canice 1957 5 plate of Franciscan Friary

Adare, Trinitarian priory

Hewson, George J. 1894 181-184 report re. ancient buildings in Adare


Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Annesley's Lot

Dunlop, Robert 1924 135-136 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Robert Annesley, James Golok [sic.

Gold?], Earl of Thomond)


Westropp, Thomas 1916 2-26 "The Progress of Irish Archaeology"


Subject Vol. Page Notes


Archaeology Societies

1889 248-249 reprint of article from The Munster News re. visit of the Royal

Historical & Archaeological Association to Limerick

1897 83 note re. the establishment of 'The Limerick Historical &

Archaeological Society'

1916 189-199 report of meeting of RSAI in Limerick and excursions to

various sites in the vicinity of Limerick

1939 232-233 notice re Vol I. No 4 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1941 28 notice re Vol II. No 2 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1942 77-78 notice re Vol II. No 4 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1943 71 notice re Vol III. No 1 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1943 72 notice re Vol III. No 2 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1943 154 notice re Vol III. No 3 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1945 62 notice re Vol III. No 4 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1945 119 notice re Vol 4. Nos 1& 2 issues of North Munster

Antiquarian Journal

1945 271 notice re Vol 4. No 3 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1947 165 notice re Vol V. Nos 1, 2 & 3 issues of North Munster

Antiquarian Journal

1950 106 notice re Vol V. No 4 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1951 83 notice re Vol VI. No 1 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1952 76 notice re Vol VI. No 2 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1958 198 notice re Vol VII. No 4 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1965 256 note re meeting of RSAI in Limerick

1966 181 notice re Vol IX. No 4 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1967 187 notice re Vol X. No 1 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1968 208 notice re Vol X. No 2 issue of North Munster Antiquarian


1970 229 notice re Vol XI issue of North Munster Antiquarian Journal

Ireland, Aideen 1982 92 table showing membersip of RSAI from Limerick in article

"Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1849-1900"


Ua Danachair, 1945 248 "Traces of the Buaile in the Galtee Mountains" (sketch plan

Caoimhghin of Buaile house & photo of remains)

O Danachair, 1972 89-90 plans of small houses in West Limerick in article

Caoimhin "Traditional Forms of Dwelling House in Ireland"

Donnelly, Colm J. 1998 26-34 "Sectionally constructed tower houses: A review of the

evidence from County Limerick" (plates)

Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates) includes gazetteer of Tower Houses in

Limerick, pp.37-38


Dunlop, Robert 1924 135 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Robert Collum)

Ardagh Chalice

Buckley, J. J. 1942 supplement 182 in article "Some Irish Altar Plate (plate)

Richardson, Hilary 1984 28-47 several plates showing detail of the Ardagh Chalice in

article "Number and Symbol in Early Christian Irish Art"

Subject Vol. Page Notes



Lucas, A. T. 1976 54-56 "Decorative Cobbling: examples from counties Limerick…"



1926 66 letter sent to Minister of Commerce re preserving any

artefacts which may be discovered during the work on the

Shannon Scheme

Ardpatrick Round Tower

Crawford, Henry S. 1908 75-76 Photograph and sketch


Roe, Helen M. 1979 111, 139 St. John's Cathedral included in list of "Illustrations of The

Holy Trinity, 13th - 17th Centuries"

Arthur Cross, The

Hunt, John 1955 84-87 (plates)

Arthur family

Lenihan, Maurice 1864-66 114-117

Arthur Manuscript

MacLysaght, 1950 90-91 "The Arthur Manuscript"


Arthur, Nicholas

Westropp, Thomas 1898 45 "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its plan and Growth"


Arthur, Richard, Bishop of Limerick

Redmond, Gabriel 1885-86 369-371 paper on the "Vestments and Chalice of Richard Arthur, R.C.

Bishop of lImerick, 1623-46"

Buckley, J. J. 1939 supplement 46-47 biog note in article "Some Irish Altar Plate" (plate) (see also

pp.49-50 & plate p.54)

Hunt, John 1955 84-87 description of "The Arthur Cross"

Arthur, Thomas, Dr.

Lenihan, Maurice 1864-66 183 the fee-book of Dr. Arthur

Graves, James 1867 iii short preface note re the issuing of Dr. Arthur's Fee-Book as

a separate volume

Lenihan, Maurice 1867 10-33, 139-176, description and reproduction of extracts of Dr. Arthur's

239-248 Fee-Book

Westropp, Thomas 1898 41-42 "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its plan and Growth"


MacLysaght, 1950 90-91 "The Arthur Manuscript"



1889 158-159 account of visit to Askeaton by members of RHAAI

1890-91 626 report of visit of Association members

Westropp, Thomas 1903 25-40 Part I. - The History, A.D. 900 to 1579 (4 plates)


Westropp, Thomas 1903 153-174 Part II. - The History After 1579 (4 plates)


Westropp, Thomas 1904 111-132 "Notes on Askeaton…" Part IV. - The Church and the Castle


Dunlop, Robert 1924 131-132 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Francis Barckley, Maurice Barkley,

Askeaton Castle)

Askeaton, Abbey

Westropp, Thomas 1903 239-254 Notes on Askeaton, Co. Limerick. Part III. - The "Abbey" (10

Johnson plates)

Subject Vol. Page Notes


Askeaton, archaeology

Hewson, George J. 1883-84 67-68 description of bronze rings found near Askeaton

Armstrong, E. C. R. 1917 29 ref to a find of gold at Askeaton

1971 211 bronze spearhead found near Askeaton (no. 264)

Askeaton, Castle

O'Brien, Robert & 1867 79 note re Askeaton Castle in Extracts from Dinely's Journal

James Graves

Westropp, Thomas 1904 117-125 "Notes on Askeaton…" Part IV. - The Church and the Castle


Askeaton, Franciscan Friary

1901 304 ref. to a paper entitled "Askeaton and its Franciscan Friary"

by Westropp

Westropp, Thomas 1903 32-35 in article titled "Notes on Askeaton…" (plates)


Westropp, Thomas 1914 166 "Bells of Askeaton Franciscan Friary, Co. Limerick"


1921 194 ref to Askeaton in review of book on Franciscan history

Mooney, Canice 1956 151 photo of the cloister arcade of Askeaton Franciscan Friary

Askeaton, St. Mary's Church

Westropp, Thomas 1904 111-117 "Notes on Askeaton…" Part IV. - The Church and the Castle


Athea, archaeology

Went, Arthur E. J. 1956 102-103 "Two Irish Salmon Spears" - one of which came from

Gortnagross near Athea

Ballingarde Castle

Dinely, Thomas 1867 196-7


Molony, Henry 1905 255-263 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Ballingarry Castle

Molony, Henry 1905 262 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Ballingarry, archaeology

1951 73 "Notes on Archaeological Excavations, 1950 - Ballingarry

Down…" investigated by John Hunt

1971 211 bronze spearhead found at Ballingarry (no. 278)


O Riordain, Sean 1949 126-145 "Lough Gur Excavations : Three Marsh-Land Habitation

P. Sites" (sketches, maps, plates)


Dunlop, Robert 1924 133-134 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - George Thornton)


Donnelly, Colm J. 1998 26-34 "Sectionally constructed tower houses: A review of the

evidence from County Limerick" (plates)


Dinely, Thomas 1864-66 282


Dunlop, Robert 1924 133-134 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

Subject Vol. Page Notes


(names mentioned - Richard & Alexander Fitton, Thomas

Butler, Walter Bourk, James Rushell, Edmond Fitzgerald

(White Knight), Maurice Fitzgerald, William Fenton, Gibbon

FitzMorris, William Hanly)

Ballyguileataggle Castle

Molony, Henry 1905 263 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Ballyine, archaeology

1972 185 chert arrowhead found at Ballyine (no. 753)

1972 189 stone disc found at Ballyine (no. 752)

Ballylin, archaeology

Cody, Eamon 1981 70-80 "A Hill-Fort at Ballylin, Co. Limerick…" (maps, sketches,


Ballynagarde, archaeology

1961 101 iron horseshoe found at Ballynagarde (item 46)

1962 161 17th century iron horseshoe found at Ballynagarde item 271)

Ballynahinch Castle

Graves, James, ed. 1876-78 50 description & plates

Ballyneety, archaeology

1958 138 report on iron crucible found at Ballyneety (item no.163)

Ballyroe, archaeology

1964 92 bronze sword found at Ballyroe (item no.18)

1964 93 bronze spearhead found at Ballyroe (item no. 19)

Barry family

1930 103 details of James Grene Barry's antecedents

Barry, James Grene

1930 102-104 obituary


Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Begley, John F.

1906 440-443 review of Begley's "The Diocese of Limerick, Ancient and


W. F. B. 1928 66-68 lengthy review of Begley's "The Diocese of Limerick in the

16th and 17th Centuries"

1942 124 obituary


Cooke, T. L. 1852-53 60 description of the bell from Scattery Island in article titled

'On ancient Irish bells'

Westropp, Thomas 1900 237-244 "The Clog an Oir, or Bell Shrine of Scattery"


Robinson John L. 1912 161 short ref to bells cast in Limerick

Westropp, Thomas 1914 166 "Bells of Askeaton Franciscan Friary, Co. Limerick"


Armstrong, E. C. R. 1919 132-135 "The Bell-Shrine of St. Senan, Known as the Clogan Oir"

Crawford, Henry S. 1922 8 ref to St. Senan's Bell, Scattery Island

Crawford, Henry S. 1923 159 "List of Irish Shrines and Reliquaries"

Berkeley family

Westropp, Thomas 1903 155-156 in article titled "Notes on Askeaton…"


Black Book

Westropp, Thomas 1903 425 note re. Island Molana Abbey, Co. Waterford


Subject Vol. Page Notes


Bourchier Castle

1868-69 360 a series of 4 plates illustrating Bourchier's Castle, the Black

Castle and Causeway, the various buildings around Lough


Barry, James Grene 1903 194-197 "Notes on Bourchier Castle and New Church, Lough Gur" (1


Westropp, Thomas 1907 160 photograph


Donnelly, Colm J. 1998 26-34 "Sectionally constructed tower houses: A review of the

evidence from County Limerick" (plates)

Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Bourchier family

Langrishe, Richard 1905 28-33 family pedigree

Bourchier, George, Sir

Dunlop, Robert 1924 130 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

Bourke family

Barry, James Grene 1889 192-203 "The Bourkes of Clanwilliam" (includes pedigree)

Brittas Castle

Orpen, Goddard H. 1908 183-184 "Brittas Castle, County Limerick, with the original 'bretesche'"


Browne, George, Baron

Cavanagh, 1927 119 biographical note of Browne, grandson of Ulysses Browne of

Lieut-Col. Camas in article "Irish Colonels Proprietors of Imperial


Browne, John George, Count

Cavanagh, 1926 101 biographical note of Browne, son of George Browne of

Lieut-Col. Camas in article "Irish Knights of the Imperial Military Order

of Maria Theresa"

Browne, Joseph Ulysses

Cavanagh, 1927 121 biographical note of Browne in article "Irish Colonels

Lieut-Col. Proprietors of Imperial Regiments"

Browne, Maximilian, Field Marshall

Harvey, Kevin J. 1988 5-12 some refs to the Browne family in article "The Wild Geese in

the Service of Austria"

Browne, Ulysses Maximilian, Field-Marshal

Cavanagh, 1927 120-121 biographical note of Browne, son of Ulysses Browne and

Lieut-Col. Anna Fitzgerald in article "Irish Colonels Proprietors of

Imperial Regiments"

Franks, George 1941 121-129 descendant of the Brownes of Camas


Buckley, J. J. 1942 supplement The "John Hanrahan" Chalice


Byrne, Thomas

Longfield, Ada K. 1947 120 listed as paper-stainer in article "Dublin Wallpaper Industry

in 18th Century" (in Ferrar's 1769 directory)

Caherelly East, archaeology

Hunt, John 1947 158-159 "An Unrecorded Sheela-Na-Gig from Co. Limerick"

Cahernarry, archaeology

1961 69 stone axehead found at Cahernarry (item 47)


Tohall, Patrick 1960 82 short ref to Cahirconlish in "Notes on Some Gaelic Place


Cahirguillamore, archaeology

O Riordain, Sean 1942 37-63 "Medieval Dwellings at Caherguillamore, Co. Limerick"

Subject Vol. Page Notes


P. & John Hunt (sketches, plates, map)

1958 123 report on two Neolithic vessels found at Cahirguillamore

(items 343, 344)

1962 151 items found at Cahirguillamore (nos. 320-365)

1969 101 bronze flat axehead found at Cahirguillamore (no.16)

Eogan, George 1974 74 refs to pins found at Lough Gur & Cahirguillamore in article

"Pins of the Late Bronze Age"


Franks, George 1941 121-129 "Field-Marshal Ulysses Maximilian Browne"


Otway-Ruthven, J. 1951 9 ref to the division of properties of Earls of Ormond

Carpet Makers

Longfield, Ada K. 1940 80 & 86 mention of Denis Duffy, carpet maker in article "History of

Carpet Making in Ireland in the 18th Century" (also listed in

Ferrar's directory)

Carrig Aille, archaeology

Henry, Francoise 1965 57 illustration of a bronze terminal found at Carrig Aille, Co.

Limerick in article "Early Christian Objects in the Ulster



1892 417 ruins of church and round tower listed as protected under

Ancient Monuments Protection Act, 1892


Barry, James Grene 1903 197-200 "Eschluen, or Eschluona Church, near Limerick"

& Thomas

Westropp, Thomas 1911 385 "O'Brien of Carrigogunnell, Co. Limerick"


MacWhite, Eoin 1945 101 listing of Bronze Age trumpet found at Carrick O'Gunnell


Carrigogunnell Castle

O'Brien, Robert & 1867 89-90 lengthy note in Extracts from Dinely's Journal

James Graves

Westropp, Thomas 1907 374-392 "Carrigogunnell Castle and the O'Briens of Pubblebrian…" (2

Johnson illus.)

Westropp, Thomas 1908 141-159 Part II of "Carrigogunnell Castle…" (3 photos & sketches)


Castle Blathach

Orpen, Goddard H. 1909 40-41 in "Notes on Some County Limerick Castles"

Castle Troy

Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)


Barry, James Grene 1889 192-203 "The Bourkes of Clanwilliam" (includes pedigree)

Crawford, Henry S. 1912 240 in list of Cross-Slabs and Pillars in Co. Limerick

Went, Arthur E. J. 1951 156 ref to Castleconnell in article "Fishing Scenes From Irish

Topographical Prints"


Lucas, A. T. 1976 49-53 "Decorative Cobbling: examples from counties Limerick…"



Dinely, Thomas 1867 176-204

Hewson, George J. 1889 9-10 report re. the old castle at Kilmallock

& P. J. Lynch

Westropp, Thomas 1904 344-345 chronological table of early castle building in Ireland -

Johnson includes Limerick, Karkinliss (Caherconlish), Iniskefty

(Askeaton), Kilmallock

Westropp, Thomas 1907 24-40, 153-164 "The Principal Ancient Castles of the County Limerick"

Johnson (includes sketch map on p.29 showing Co. Limerick's

Subject Vol. Page Notes


principal castles)

Westropp, Thomas 1907 39 illustrations of Cappagh, Ballingarry, Lisnacullia, Clonshire

Johnson & Askeaton

Orpen, Goddard H. 1907 123-152 makes many references to Westropp's theories

Orpen, Goddard H. 1909 30-41 "Notes on Some County Limerick Castles"

Westropp, Thomas 1909 42-58, 350-368 "The Desmonds' Castle at Newcastle Oconyll, Co. Limerick"

Johnson (plates)

Orpen, Goddard H. 1914 167-170 Orpen deals with some points re castles raised by Westropp


Dunlop, Robert 1924 132-133 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Thomas Fitzgerald, William Drury,

William Carter, Arthur Carter, Henry Davills, John Fitzgerald

(Sir John of Desmond), George Beeston, Lancelot Bostock,

Anthony Aucher, Gregory Bland, Edmond Ashton, Castleton



Coleman, J. C. 1947 74 Red Cellar cave, Lough Gur listed in article "Irish Cave



Buckley, J. J. 1939 supplement 39 The "Brother Farrell" Chalice listed in article "Some Irish

Altar Plate"

Buckley, J. J. 1939 supplement 46-48 The "Richard Arthur" Chalice listed in article "Some Irish

Altar Plate" (plate) (see also pp.49-50 & plate p.54)

Buckley, J. J. 1939 supplement 46-53 The "Honora McCormockn" Chalice listed in article "Some

Irish Altar Plate"

Buckley, J. J. 1939 supplement 46-76 The "O'Callaghan-Butler" Chalice

Buckley, J. J. 1942 supplement The "John Hanrahan" Chalice


Buckley, J. J. 1942 supplement 182 The "Ardagh" Chalice in article "Some Irish Altar Plate


Buckley, J. J. 1942 supplement 183 The "Bronze Ardagh" Chalice in article "Some Irish Altar


Buckley, J. J. 1943 supplement 198 "Uninscribed Chalice. The Propert of Robert Day, of Cork"

Buckley, J. J. 1943 supplement 203 "Uninscribed Chalice. Lent by the Very Rev. Canon

Fitzgerald, Shanagolden, Co. Limerick..."


O'Neill, Timothy P. 1973 18 ref to cholera outbreaks in Newcastle in 1833 & Bruff in 1834

Christian Brothers

O Raifeartaigh, T. 1950 142-143 ref to CBS, Sexton Street in article "What Was an English


Church plate

White, John Davis 1887-88 176-182 "Some account of the Church Plate of the Diocese of Cashel

& Emly"


Waddell, John 1970 122 Limerick listing in Inventory of Irish Cist Graves (lists Cush,

Knockadea, Lough Gur, Mornane & Oldabbey)

Waddell, John 1970 94, 100 mentions cist at Cush, Co. Limerick


Westropp, Thomas 1903 297 note titled Temple-na-Caille and the Churches near Kilkeedy


Cloncagh Church

Westropp, Thomas 1913 251 ref to Cloncagh Church in article "Prehistoric Remains in

Johnson Corofin District…" (sketch)

Cloncagh, archaeology

1961 93 stone lamp found at Cloncagh (item 753)

Cloncanane, archaeology

1970 148 stone line-sinker found at Cloncanane

Subject Vol. Page Notes



Seymour, St. John 1907 367-369 "Abbey Owney, County Limerick" (1 illus.)

Clonkeen (Barrington)

1892 417 ruins of early church listed as protected under Ancient

Monuments Protection Act, 1892

Cloonreask, archaeology

1963 128-129 bronze chisel & three potsherds found at Cloonreask (275 &


Clorane Dolmen

Westropp, Thomas 1921 181-182 "Remains near Adare, Co. Limerick - Clorane Dolmen"



Frazer, William 1894 135 "The Shamrock: its history" refers to coins issued by

Sarsfield used in Limerick

Hewson, George J. 1894 292-293 "Coin of James II struck in Limerick" - refutes Frazer's theory

re. Sarsfield's coins

Armstrong, E. C. R. 1921 180-181 "Find of coins near St. John's Hospital"

Dolley, Michael 1970 67-68 lists one Limerick penny of King John's reigh in article "The

King John Portion of the Anglo-Irish Element in the 1908

Brussels Hoard"

Gerriets, Marilyn 1985 134 table showing Viking Age coin hoards in Ireland (Mungret,

Adare and Limerick listed)

Colleen Bawn

1889 252 notice from The Cork Examiner re. the grave of Eily O'Connor

[sic], the Colleen Bawn

Colopys, George

Barry, James Grene 1898 72 ref. to this Limerick-person

Comyn, Nicholas, Bishop

Cavenagh, W. O. 1911 251 ref. to Comyn, Bishop of Waterford, as being a Limerick



Westropp, Thomas 1912 287 refs to Donald More O'Brien driving inhabitants of this part of

Johnson Co. Limerick into Kerry and consequences

Westropp, Thomas 1912 310 refs to Donald More O'Brien driving inhabitants of this part of

Johnson Co. Limerick into Kerry

Cooperhill, archaeology

1960 32 Viking sword found, Cooperhill (item no. 143)


Lynch, P. J. 1920 99-127 "Topographical Notes on the Barony of Coshlea, Co.

Limerick, including Lackelly, The Lake District, Cenn Abrat,

Claire, Tara Luachra, &c." (includes map of barony and


Lynch, P. J. 1924 171-173 further notes on Coshlea (see photocopy files - Archaeology



Westropp, Thomas 1898 124-125 "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its plan and Growth" (plates)

Johnson section headed "Munster Costume in 1380"


Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Cromwellian Account Books

Westropp, Thomas 1906 202-204



Phillips, J. J. 1883-84 157 ref. to a donjon erected by the Geraldines

Croom…" (3 plates)

Subject Vol. Page Notes


Westropp, Thomas 1889 232-238 "History of the Abbey and Battles of Monasteranenagh,


Butler, W. F. 1913 54 ref to Croom as one of the holdings of the Fitzgerald family


Graves, Charles, 1890-91 346-349 "On Similar Forms of the Christian Cross Found on Ancient

Bishop of Limerick Monuments in Egypt and Ireland"

Crawford, Henry S. 1907 210 note in paper "A Descriptive List of Early Irish Crosses" that

the author has not heard of any in Co. Limerick

Currachase, archaeology

1968 95 axehead found at Currachase (item no.43)

Cush, archaeology

Waddell, John 1970 94, 100 mentions cist at Cush, Co. Limerick

1970 152 pottery items found at Cush

Kavanagh, R. M. 1991 79, 92 refs to Cush & Glenaree in article "Razors in the Irish Earlier

Bronze Age"

De Burgos family

Butler, W. F. 1913 53 ref to the district of Clanwilliam held by a branch of the De


De Lacy family

Synnott, Nicholas 1919 113-131 "Notes on the Family of De Lacy in Ireland" (refs to Limerick,

J. p.125-126

Decorative Arts

Lucas, A. T. 1976 31-72 "Decorative Cobbling: examples from counties Limerick…"


Desmond Castles

Westropp, Thomas 1904 117-125 "Notes on Askeaton…" Part IV. - The Church and the Castle


Westropp, Thomas 1907 24 "The Principal Ancient Castles of the County Limerick"

Johnson (illustration)

Westropp, Thomas 1909 42-58, 350-368 "The Desmonds' Castle at Newcastle Oconyll, Co. Limerick"

Johnson (plates)

Dinely, Thomas

Dinely, Thomas 1864-66 42 account of his journey from Bunratty Castle to Youghal

makes passing reference to Sixmilebridge & Gallows Hill

1864-66 277-289 Dinely's description of various parts of County Limerick


MacLeod, Catriona 1947 122 "The Statue of Our Lady of Limerick" in article "Mediaeval

Statues From the 17th Century" (plate)

Donaghmore Church

Malone, Michael, 1872-73 77-81 description of the old church with a plate showing its

Rev. doorway

Dongan, John

Dungan, Thomas 1988 106-107 ref to deeding of lands in Co Limerick to Dongan in article

P. "John Dongan of Dublin, An Elizabethan Gentleman"

Dongan, Thomas, Earl of Limerick

1860-61 9 A document regarding the case of the recovery of ancestral

lands by Dongan

Dowd, James

1910 71 obituary of Rev. Dowd

Dowdall, Christopher J.

1943 77 obituary (Dowdall supervised repairs of many historic

buildings including Kilrush Church, Glenquin, Askeaton

Abbey, Collegiate Church, Kilmallock)


Crawford, Henry S. 1912 240 in list of Cross-Slabs and Pillars in Co. Limerick

Subject Vol. Page Notes


Duffy, Denis

Longfield, Ada K. 1940 80 & 86 mentioned as carpet maker in article "History of Carpet

Making in Ireland in the 18th Century" (also listed in Ferrar's


Dunnaman Castle

Guest, Edith M. 1936 112 listing of Sheela-Na-Gig at this location

Dunraven, Earl of

1870-71 567-68 note regarding the passing of the Earl of Dunraven and

commenting on his work in archaeology

1872-73 4-5 note regarding the passing of the Earl of Dunraven and

commenting on his work in archaeology


Brash, Richard Rolt 1868-69 54-61 "The Round Tower and Church of Dysert, County of Limerick"

Earl of Limerick

Dungan, Thomas 1988 108 ref to William Dongan, who became Earl of Limerick, in

P. article "John Dongan of Dublin, An Elizabethan Gentleman"

Earls of Desmond

Hayman, Samuel 1868-69 361-416 The Earls of Desmond

Graves, James, ed. 1876-78 16-52 various references to Limerick, Kilmallock, Knocklong,

Ballynahinch Castle, Castle Burgate,

Curtis, Edmund 1917 176 ref to Maurice's arrest by Lucy at Limerick

Ebrill, Stephen F.

1930 78 listed as presenting an artefact to the National Museum


O Raifeartaigh, T. 1950 142-143 ref to CBS, Sexton Street in article "What Was an English


Elton, archaeology

1973 182 bronze axehead found at Elton (no. 3)


Lucas, A. T. 1976 31-38 "Decorative Cobbling: examples from counties Limerick…"



Went, Arthur E. J. 1951 156 ref to Enrights of Castleconnell, makers of the "world

famous" Castleconnell fishing rods

Eschluen, or Eschluona Church

Barry, James Grene 1903 197-200

& Thomas


White, John Davis 1889 139 explanation of saying "paying down on the nail"

Fane, Henry, Sir

Upton, Henry A. S. 1925 38 & 41 governor of County Limerick


Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Farranshone, archaeology

1962 144 polished stone axehead found at Farranshone (item 579)


Dunlop, Robert 1924 131 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Ed. Manwaring, Earl of Thomond,


Fiachra, King

Westropp, Thomas 1912 57 ref to death of Fiachra at battle of Kenry, Co. Limerick


Subject Vol. Page Notes



Shearman, John Francis 1879-82 475 short ref. to Sengann, ruler of the province including Limerick


Curtis, Edmund 1918 65 ref to fisheries at Limerick in 1300's

Went, A. E. J. 1981 107-118 "Historical Notes on the Fisheries of the Estuary of the River


O'Brien, A. F. 1988 19 ref to the 'Lexwere' in article "The Royal Boroughs in

Medieval Ireland"

Fitzgerald family

Butler, W. F. 1913 54 ref to Fitzgerald family as, "By far the most powerful lords in


Roe, Helen M. 1969 16 & 17 inscription on tomb at St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock (plate)

Fitzgerald, Maurice

Curtis, Edmund 1932 39 "Expedition of Sir Henry Sidney against Sir Edmund Butler…"

in article "Heralds' Books in Trinity College"

Fitzgibbon family

Hickson, Mary 1876-78 335 Fitzgibbons who conformed to the Established Church of

Agnes Ireland

Fitzmaurice family

Orpen, Goddard H. 1914 109 ref to Fitzmaurice's in Limerick in article "The Fitzgeralds,

Barons of Offaly"

Fogerty, George J.

1916 85-86 obituary


Hackett, William 1853 316 bovine legend from river Deel area

Day, Mr. 1887-88 471 ref. to Co. Limerick in paper re. 'charms & cures'

Westropp, Thomas 1890-91 491-492 "Milk folk-lore in Limerick & Clare"


Westropp, Thomas 1892 291 "Witchcraft in County Limerick" (short note)


Westropp, Thomas 1896 256-257 "Weasel Folklore in Munster"


Westropp, Thomas 1903 32 short ref. to a Lough Gur legend


O Suilleabhain, 1945 47 Foundation Sacrifices



Dobbs, M. E. 1917 44 ref to Art Imlig, builder of forts in S.E. Limerick (Cliu)

Foxhall East, archaeology

1960 39 Iron horseshoe found at Foxhall East (item no. 42)


Mooney, Canice 1955 133-173 "Franciscan Architecture in Pre-Reformation Ireland"

mentions Franciscan Friaries at Limerick, Adare, Askeaton &


Mooney, Canice 1955 140, 142, 155, 157 Franciscan friary in Limerick shown on c.1590 drawing of the


Mooney, Canice 1955 164 map of Ireland indicating the sites of pre-Reformation

Franciscan First Order Foundations

Mooney, Canice 1956 125-169 continuation of paper "Franciscan Architecture in

Pre-Reformation Ireland" with further refs to Galbally,

Askeaton(photo) & Adare

Mooney, Canice 1957 1-38, 103-124 continuation of paper "Franciscan Architecture in

Pre-Reformation Ireland" with further refs to Galbally,

Askeaton, & Adare (photo)

Frankfort, archaeology

Kavanagh, Rhoda 1977 69-70, 85, 94 illustrations of pygmy cups from Frankfort and Lough Gur


Subject Vol. Page Notes



Crawford, Henry S. 1909 59-69 "Some Early Monuments in the Glen of Aherlow"

Galwey's Castle

Barry, James Grene 1894 386-389 report re. demolition of Ireton's House (aka Galwey's Castle)

(2 plates)

Galwey, Edmund

Westropp, Thomas 1898 43-45 "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its plan and Growth"


Gibbon, Maurice

Buckley, J. J. 1939 supplement 46-76 The "O'Callaghan-Butler" Chalice

Glasgow, Frank

1965 256 Deputy Mayor of Limerick, welcomed the RSAI for their

meeting in Limerick

Gleeson, Dermot F.

J. R. 1963 88-89 obituary

Glenaree, archaeology

Kavanagh, R. M. 1991 79, 92 refs to Cush & Glenaree in article "Razors in the Irish Earlier

Bronze Age"

Glenbaun, archaeology

1969 101 bronze socketed axehead found at Glenbaun (no. 30)


Barry, James Grene 1895 379 description of church in Glenogra

Glin castle

Dinely, Thomas 1867 188-189

Fitzgerald, Walter 1923 143 ref to Patrick Crosbie's effort to take over Glin Castle


Armstrong, E. C. R. 1914 160 ref to Jonathan Buck, goldsmith in Limerick from 1720 -


Gortakillen, archaeology

1963 116 stone axehead found at Gortakillen (item no. 235)


Upton, Henry A. S. 1925 38 list of governors & deputy governors of counties of Ireland

Upton, Henry A. S. 1925 48-49 details of Sir William King, Charles Oliver, George Evans &

John Ormsby, Deputy Governors of Co. Limerick


O Riordain, Sean 1949 127-134 "Lough Gur Excavations : Three Marsh-Land Habitation

P. Sites" (sketches, maps, plates)

Graves, Charles, Bishop of Limerick

1872-73 524-528 note re. observations of Bishop Charles Graves on the

Lennan Cromlech

Wakeman, W. F. 1879-82 540 passing ref. to Graves as "eminently conspicuous" in the

antiquarian field

1890-91 721 note that a new book, "Archaeologica Hibernica" is

dedicated to Bishop Graves

1899 v-vi obituary in preface of journal

Grillagh, archaeology

1962 142 3 thumb-scrapers & 4 miscellaneous scrapers found at

Grillagh (items 426, 430, 433 & 425, 431, 436, 439)

1962 145 crystal artifact found at Grillagh

1962 151 twenty urn sherds found at Grillagh (items 404-423)

1962 168 hone fragment found at Grillagh (possibly modern) (item no.


Subject Vol. Page Notes


1962 169 glass gaming piece (?) & three blobs of glass found at

Grillagh (item nos. 441 & 442-444)


Kelly, Richard J. 1914 120-121 mentions battle at Limerick in 622

Hallinan, D., Dr., Bishop of Limerick

Buckley, J. J. 1942 supplement open letter by Hallinan thanking F. J. Bigger for his

173-174 presentation of the "John Hanrahan" Chalice to the diocese

Herbert, Robert

1958 138 Limerick City Librarian, through whose good offices a

medieval iron crucible was presented to the National Museum

Hewetson, or Hewson family

Garstin, J. R. 1906 428-429 "The Hewetsons or Hewsons in Ireland"

Hewetson, John 1909 155 reference to Limerick Hewsons in article "The Hewetsons of

the County Kildare"

Hewson, George James

1905 83 notice of death of this Adare resident, frequent contributor to

the IAJ


Longfield, Ada K. 1947 120 listed as paper-stainer in article "Dublin Wallpaper Industry

in 18th Century"


Cody, Eamon 1981 70-80 "A Hill-Fort at Ballylin, Co. Limerick…" (maps, sketches,


Holy Wells

O Danachair, 1955 193-217 "The Holy Wells of County Limerick"



Lenihan, Maurice 1874-75 154 ancient effigal tombs at Hospital (short note)

Scully, Rev. 1893 84 report re. Commandery Church, "…one of the few remaining

churches of the Knights Hospitallers…"

House of Industry

O'Neill, Timothy P. 1973 5 ref to foundation of House of Industry at Limerick in 1776 in

article "Public Health in Pre-Famine Ireland"

Hunt, Vere, Sir

A .K. L. 1968 89 ref to the "stage acount books of Sir Vere Hunt…" in review of

book "The Irish Stage in the County Towns 1720-1800" by

William Smith Clark

Hurley, Michael

1958 120 of Spa Hill, Cloonahard West, presenter of bronze falstave to

National Museum

Inis Sibton

Shearman, John 1876-78 376-77 ref. to siege of Limerick in AD 965


Ireton's House

Barry, James Grene 1892 441 short report re. condition of this and other historical sites in

the city

Barry, James Grene 1894 386-389 report re. demolition of Ireton's House (aka Galwey's Castle)

(2 plates)

Joyce, Patrick Weston

Westropp, Thomas 1898 78-79 review of Joyce's "A Child's History of Ireland"


1904 78-82 review of Joyce's book "A Social History of Ancient Ireland"

Joyce, Patrick 1906 1-10 paper by Joyce titled "On the Headstone of Lugna…"


1909 204-207 review of Joyce's book "Old Irish Folk Music and Songs"

1915 69-71 obituary

Subject Vol. Page Notes


O Ceallaigh, 1950 172-173 O Ceallaigh begins his paper "Old Lights on

Seamus Place-Names…" with an anecdote about P.W. Joyce

Lucas, A. T. 1965 65 critique of Joyce's work on the topic of this paper, "Washing

and Bathing in Ancient Ireland"


Westropp, Thomas 1912 57 ref to death of Fiachra at battle of Kenry, Co. Limerick


Westropp, Thomas 1914 73 ref to King Fiachra's fall



1903 91 notice of reward of 20 guineas offered by a Mrs. M. Mac

Nemarra [sic] for the return of her kidnapped 13-year old



Westropp, Thomas 1904 325 & 343 note re. Kilfinane Mote in article "On Irish Motes and Early

Johnson Norman Castles"

Lynch, P. J. 1911 387-389 "The Mote of Kilfinnane, Co. Limerick" (sketches & photos)

Westropp, Thomas 1918 111-120 "Temair Erann, an Ancient Cemetry of the Ernai on

Johnson Slievereagh, Co. Limerick"

Herity, Michael 1993 146 description of mote at Kilfinnane in article "Motes and

Mounds at Royal Sites in Ireland"

Kilkeedy, Clarina

Westropp, Thomas 1903 297 note titled Temple-na-Caille and the Churches near Kilkeedy



Westropp, Thomas 1893 187-201 "Killaloe: Its Ancient Places and Cathedral" (5 plates)


Killeedy Castle

Orpen, Goddard H. 1909 30-33 in "Notes on Some County Limerick Castles" (sketch and


Killeedy North, archaeology

1969 101 bronze flanged axehead found at Killeedy North (no.29)


Dunlop, Robert 1924 135 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Henry Billingsley, Kilfinny, John

Killonahan, fort

E. J. Bennett 1934 140-141 Description of Killonahan Fort

Kilmacanearla Abbey

Molony, Henry 1905 261 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Kilmacow Abbey

Molony, Henry 1905 261 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Kilmacow Castle

Molony, Henry 1905 262-263 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Kilmacow Church

Molony, Henry 1905 260 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"


Graves, James, ed. 1876-78 19 Maurice, The White Knight - ref. to building of Church of St.

Dominick and Knight's Castle

1876-78 492 ref. to condition of ruins inc. Dominican Abbey & Tomb of

the White Knight

1889 146-147 news re. contributions towards preservation of ruins at


Subject Vol. Page Notes


Dowd, James 1889 204-215 "Kilmallock, County Limerick" (plate of Kilmallock Abbey)

Day, Robert 1889 217-220 "Additional Notes on the Kilmallock Chalice…"

Hickson, Mary 1890-91 162-164 (see also note on p.248)

Hewson, George J. 1890-91 321-322 Note re. Mary Hickson's comments on Kilmallock

1890-91 623 report of visit of Royal Historical & Archaeological

Association members

Murphy, Denis 1895 326-327 "The De Verdons of Louth"

Langrishe, Richard 1904 374 & 378-379 "The Bourchier Tablet in Kilkenny Cathedral"

Langrishe, Richard 1905 22 "The Bourchier Tablet in Kilkenny Cathedral"

Armstrong, E. C. R. 1914 160 note re "Matrix of the Seal of the Corporation of Kilmallock,

Co. Limerick" (plate)

Curtis, Edmund 1932 39-40 "Expedition of Sir Henry Sidney against Sir Edmund Butler…"

in article "Heralds' Books in Trinity College"

Roe, Helen M. 1969 16 & 17 description of tomb at St. Peter & Paul's, Kilmallock (plate)

Ellis, Steven G. 1977 7 ref to expedition against O'Brien from Kilmallock in 1384 in

article "Taxation and Defence in Late Medieval Ireland : the

Survival of Scutage"

Kilmallock Castle

Hewson, George J. 1889 9-10 report re. the old castle at Kilmallock

& P. J. Lynch

1897 71-72 document objecting to the proposed demolition of the King's


1898 175 report re. repairs carried out on King John's Castle,


Kilmallock, archaeology

Eogan, George 1967 172 gold ornaments found at Kilmallock in 1852, now lost

Roe, Helen M. 1969 16 & 17 description of tomb at Kilmallock (plate)

Kilmallock, Dominican Abbey

1870-71 710-711 includes 5 plates of the Dominican Abbey

1889 153-154 report update on the abbey

Hill, Arthur 1889 168-170 further note re. condition of the abbey (plate)

Crowe, J. 1889 216-217 "Notice of the Kilmallock Chalice" (2 plates)

Day, Robert 1889 217-220 "Additional Notes on the Kilmallock Chalice…"

1889 80 report re. poor condition of the abbey

Hill, Arthur 1890-91 160-161 Report on Kilmallock Abbey

Roe, Helen M. 1966 Pl 17(inter plate showing detail



Hickson, Mary 1890-91 162-164

Kilshane Abbey

Molony, Henry 1905 259-260 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Westropp, Thomas 1905 268


King John's Castle, Limerick

Lenihan, Maurice 1864-66 57 plate

Westropp, Thomas 1907 32 "The Principal Ancient Castles of the County Limerick"

Johnson (illustration)

Knights of St. John

Hickson, Mary 1889 184-191 "The Knights of St. John in Kerry & Limerick"


Power, Patrick 1931 55-56 "Three Cinerary Urns, Knockadea, Limerick" (plates)


Shearman, John 1879-82 478 ref. to megalithic structures at Knockainey


Subject Vol. Page Notes


Crawford, Henry S. 1917 82 note "Primitive Bridge or Causeway at Knockainey, Co.


Dunlop, Robert 1924 129-130 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Edward Fitton, Rowland Delahide,

James Gough, Walter & Edward Browne, James Gold,

Alexander Fitton, Edward Fitzharris, Patrick Fox, Richard

Raleigh, Garret Raleigh)

Knockea, archaeology

O'Connor, Lil 1991 45-76, 73 refs to Knockea and Raheenamadra in article "Irish Iron Age

and Early Christian Whetstones"


Molony, Henry 1905 255 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Crawford, Henry S. 1906 47-50 "An Ogham Stone in County Limerick"

Knockfeerina, archaeology

1971 223 zoomorphic brooch found at Knockfeerina Hill, Killoughty

(no. 414 illus.)


Hickson, Mary 1876-78 299 article "The Sept of the Old Knight"


Lynch, P. J. 1920 123-24 Battle of Knocklong

Morris, Henry 1936 20 ref in article about Muirchertach's tour of ireland, 941 A.D.

1972 plate 11b, inter Farmhouse at Knocklong

pp.48 & 49


Ua Danachair, 1945 248 "Traces of the Buaile in the Galtee Mountains" (sketch plan

Caoimhghin of Buaile house & photo of remains)

Knocksentry, archaeology

1966 18 rotary quern, upper stone found at Knocksentry (item no. 3)

Lacy, Francis Maurice, Field Marshal

Cavanagh, 1926 97 biographical note of Lacy, son of Count Peter Lacy of the

Lieut-Col. family of Ballingarry in article "Irish Knights of the Imperial

Military Order of Maria Theresa"

Cavanagh, 1927 121, 125 2 mentions of Lacy in article "Irish Colonels Proprietors of

Lieut-Col. Imperial Regiments"

Lacy, William, Count

Cavanagh, 1926 100 biographical note of Lacy of Ballingarry in article "Irish

Lieut-Col. Knights of the Imperial Military Order of Maria Theresa"

Ladyman, Samuel, Archdeacon of Limerick

White, John Davis 1858-59 317 Extracts from Ladyman's Will

Lanigan, Maire

1965 256 expression of thanks to Maire Lanigan, City Librarian for

assisting the arranging of RSAI meeting in Limerick

Lenihan, Maurice

1870-71 115 ref. to "Mr. Lenihan, having been ill…had been unable to

finish the transcript…"

Limerick Castle

Lenihan, Maurice 1864-66 57 plate

Westropp, Thomas 1907 32 "The Principal Ancient Castles of the County Limerick"

Johnson (illustration)

Limerick City (Description)

Dinely, Thomas 1864-66 425-446 Dinely's description of Limerick City - includes: origin of the

name; walls of the city; Thomond Bridge; the river;churches;

Arthur family; inns; Tholsel

Subject Vol. Page Notes


1916 189-199 report of excursions of RSAI members around Limerick and

its vicinity (photos of Limerick from the Treaty Stone,

Desmond's Castle, Askeaton, Trinitarian Priory, Adare,

Franciscan Friary, Adare, Dominican Priory, Kilmallock)

Limerick Diocese

Nicholls, K.W. 1971 84 mention of Diocese of Limerick in article "Rectory, Vicarage

& Parish in the Western Irish Dioceses"

Limerick Gaelic Association

Frazer, William 1887-88 200 description of medal

Limerick Militia

Frazer, William 1887-88 319 description of medal commemorating engagement of

Limerick Militia under Col. Vereker, against Gen. Humbert

Limerick, archaeology

Lenihan, Maurice 1872-73 118-121 "observations relative to this most rare, if not unique,

example of an ancient Celic Bronze shield found in

Ireland…" includes plate (see vol. 1876-78, p.487)

1872-73 524-528 note re. observations of Bishop Charles Graves on the

Lennan Cromlech

Graves, James 1876-78 487 ref. to Bronze Shield presented by Maurice Lenihan (see vol

1872-73, pp118-121)

1889 149-153 report of meeting of the association in Limerick on July 17


Barry, James Grene 1890-91 50-53 "Ancient Mural Inscriptions, County Limerick" (2 plates)

Westropp, Thomas 1910 351 "Carved beam in Limerick" - ref to an old beam discovered in

Johnson a house at the junction of Broad Street and Mungret Street

Armstrong, E. C. R. 1911 59 ref to a bronze shield from Co. Limerick

Crawford, Henry S. 1912 240 list of Cross-Slabs and Pillars in Co. Limerick

Westropp, Thomas 1919 1-24 "The Ancient Places of Assembly in the Counties Limerick

Johnson and Clare"

Westropp, Thomas 1919 156-157 further note on the topic covered in article "The Ancient

Johnson Places of Assembly in the Counties Limerick and Clare"

Hayes-McCoy, G. A. 1948 42 mentions a claymore found in Limerick

Coles, John M. 1967 114 map of Ireland showing distribution of Bronze Age Horns

which indicates one in Co Limerick

Waddell, John 1970 122 Limerick listing in Inventory of Irish Cist Graves (lists Cush,

Knockadea, Lough Gur, Mornane & Oldabbey)

1971 201 bronze axehead found Co. Limerick (no. 291)

1971 206 flanged bronze axehead found Co. Limerick (no.318)

1971 208 socketed bronze axehead found near Limerick city (no. 332)

1971 209 socketed bronze axehead found Limerick (no. 343)

1971 215 short dagger found Limerick (no. 246, illus.)

Harbison, Peter 1973 93-152 various Limerick references, particularly Lough Gur, in article

"Earlier Bronze Age in Ireland"

Pryor, Francis 1976 89 index of metalwork items held at Royal Ontario Museum,

Toronto - several entries for Limerick

Flanagan, 1982 96 map showing distribution of provenanced axes of Earlier

Laurence N. W. Bronze Age types

O'Sullivan, Muiris 1984 152 review of book "Survey of the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland,

Vol. IV, Counties Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary" by R. de

Valera and S. O Nuallain

Wallace, Patrick F. 1992 35-66 refs to Limerick in article "The Archaeological Identity of the

Hiberno-Norse Town"

Nevin, Monica 1993 44 plate of gold gorget found "…on the estate of Mr. Bury." in

article "General Charles Valancey 1725-1812"

Somerville, Orna 1993 59-101 ref to brooch found in Co. Limerick in article "Kite-Shaped

Brooches" (sketches, plates)

Limerick, general

1944 180 ref to article of Limerick interest in review of Archivum

Hibernicum, vol 10, 1943

Subject Vol. Page Notes



Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Lisnafeean fort

Molony, Henry 1905 255-256 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"


Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Lissaniska East

Lucas, A. T. 1976 38-49 "Decorative Cobbling: examples from counties Limerick…"


Lissard, archaeology

O Riordain, Sean 1936 173-185 account of excavations carried out at Lissard (photos,

P. sketches)


Thunder, John M. 1889 71 ref. to Lucinda Brien of Limerick who lived to the age of 108

Milligan, Seaton F. 1892 227 notes the passing of Mr. Felix O'Neill, aged 106, servant of

the Gubbins family for 80 years

Milligan, Seaton F. 1892 233 106 year-old Thomas McGrath

Milligan, Seaton F. 1892 233 100 year-old Thomas Mannix

Lough Gur

Dinely, Thomas 1864-66 287-288

Dinely, Thomas 1867 194-196

1868-69 360 a series of 4 plates illustrating Bourchier's Castle, the Black

Castle and Causeway, the various buildings around Lough


1870-71 202 short report of some archaeological findings at Lough Gur

Ffrench, J. F. M. 1892 42-45 "On two rare stone implements found at Lough Gur…"

Barry, James Grene 1900 374-375 report re. various objects omitted from Ordnance Survey

6-inch maps

Barry, James Grene 1903 194-197 "Notes on Bourchier Castle and New Church, Lough Gur" (2


Dunlop, Robert 1924 130-131 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - George Bourchier, Glenogra Castle,

James Gromwell, John Suppell, Garrett Suppell, Henry

Meath, John Hoare, Morris Huckley, Thomas Brett, George

Sexton, Nicholas Meath, William Cardin, William Blurt,

James Lea, Henry Verdon, Maurice FitzDavid)

Raftery, Joseph 1939 170-172 "An early Iron Age Sword from Lough Gur, Co. Limerick"


Raftery, Joseph 1944 158 illustration and description of Bann flake found at Lough Gur

in article "The Bann Flake Outside the Bann Valley"

O Riordain, Sean 1947 39-52 "Lough Gur Excavations : Site J, Knockadoon" (sketch plan

P. & Caoimhin O of site, plates, sketches of objects)

Coleman, J. C. 1947 74 Red Cellar cave, Lough Gur listed in article "Irish Cave


O Riordain, Sean 1949 126-145 "Lough Gur Excavations : Three Marsh-Land Habitation

P. Sites" (sketches, maps, plates)

O Riordain, Sean 1950 262-263 "Lough Gur Excavations : Ballingoola V"


O Riordain, Sean 1955 34-50 "Lough Gur Excavations: the Megalithic Tomb"

P. & Gearoid O

Liversage, David 1958 67-81 "An Island Site at Lough Gur" - Geroid Island (Garret Island)

1962 143 polished stone axehead found at Lough Gur (item 403)

Raftery, Joseph 1963 108 ref by Raftery in his Presidentail address to the RSAI to

types of finds at Lough Gur

1969 94 stone axehead found near Lough Gur (no.19)

1969 94 stone axehead found at Grange (no.17)

Subject Vol. Page Notes


1969 94 stone axehead found at Lough Gur (no.18)

1971 218 bronze flange-hilted sword found at Lough Gur (no.232)

1971 223 bone spearhead found at Lough Gur (no. 34)

Harbison, Peter 1973 93-152 various Limerick references, particularly Lough Gur, in article

"Earlier Bronze Age in Ireland"

Eogan, George 1974 74 refs to pins found at Lough Gur & Cahirguillamore in article

"Pins of the Late Bronze Age"

Simpson, D. D. A. 1988 31, 37 ref to stone maceheads found at Lough Gur

Lower Lacka

1892 418 ruins of church listed as protected under Ancient

Monuments Protection Act, 1892

Lynch, Patrick Joseph

1931 83 obituary of founder North Munster Archaeological Society

MacNamara family

Harbison, 1989 98-112 "William of Windsor and the Wars of Thomond"


MacNamara, George Unthank

1920 84-85 obituary (son of Dr. Michael Macnamara and of Eliza

Unthank, a "member of an old Quaker family of Limerick")


Westropp, Thomas 1889 232-238 "History of the Abbey and Battles of Monasteranenagh,

Johnson Croom…" (3 plates)

Barry, James Grene 1895 378-379 note re repairs to the abbey (Monasteranenagh)

Barry, James Grene 1920 178-179 note titled "Monasternenagh or Nenay de Magio, County



Mooney, Canice 1955 138 plate showing drawing of Limerick c. 1590 in article

"Franciscan Architecture in Pre-Reformation Ireland"

Cooney, Gabriel 1981 131-132 review of new O.S. map of Limerick, 1980

Marisco family

Brooks, Eric St. 1932 56 mentions of Adare & Kilmallock in article "The Family of

John Marisco"

Brooks, Eric St. 1932 68 mentions of Limerick in article "The Family of Marisco"


Massy family

1890-91 596 review of "A Genealogical Account of the Massy Family"

Westropp, Thomas 1915 152-155 note re the origins of the Massy family of Munster


Massy, Hugh, Captain

1903 91 quote from a Dublin newspaper re. Massy's attack on a group

of Raparees


Dunlop, Robert 1924 134 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Henry Outred, George Courtney, Paul



1874-75 241-244 silver medal struck in 1798; seal of the Barber-Surgeons

(plate); seal of the Tholsel Court

Day, Robert 1890-91 168 query re. medal inscribed "Limerick Union" and "1776"

Day, Robert 1890-91 459-461 answer to query on p.168

Medcalfe, William

Berry, Henry F. 1911 34 listed as a hatter in Limerick in 1712

Subject Vol. Page Notes


Medieval Limerick

James, David 1978 7 ref to burning of Limerick in article "Two Medieval Arabic

Accounts of Ireland"

Doherty, Charles 1980 83 ref to oenach or margad at Limerick in article "Exchange and

Trade in Early Medieval Ireland"

Doherty, Charles 1980 84 ref to the dominance by the native Irish lords of trading at

Limerick in article "Exchange and Trade in Early Medieval


O'Brien, A. F. 1988 13-26 refs to Limerick in article "The Royal Boroughs in Medieval


Moher, archaeology

1971 227 2 rotary querns found at Moher (nos. 19 & 20)

Morenane Church

Molony, Henry 1905 261-262 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Moroe, archaeology

1960 16 bronze axe-head found, Moroe (item no. 43)

Mount Trenchard

Dunlop, Robert 1924 132 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - William Trenchard, Francis Trenchard)


Crawford, Henry S. 1908 52-60 "Description of an Ogham Stone at Mountrussell…" & "The

& John Rhys Mountrussell Inscription"

Muirchertach na gCochall gCroiceann

Morris, Henry 1936 20-22 Muirchertach travelled around much of Ireland in 941 A.D.

Limerick area refs on these pages


1889 158 short account of visit to Mungret Abbey by members of


Murphy, Denis 1889 171-181 paper on "Mungret Abbey, County Limerick" (plate)

1890-91 626 small plate showing window of the Ancient Church of


1892 418 ruins listed at Castlemungret & Dromdarrig as protected

under Ancient Monuments Protection Act, 1892


Dunlop, Robert 1924 134-135 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - Robert Stroud, John Dowdall, Henry

Billingsley, Henry Oughtred, George Courtney)

Neary, Thomas

1958 138 of Ballyneety, presenter of medieval iron crucible to National



Dunlop, Robert 1924 134 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(names mentioned - William Courtney, George Courtney)

Newcastle Oconyll, Desmond Castle

Westropp, Thomas 1909 42-58, 350-368 "The Desmonds' Castle at Newcastle Oconyll, Co. Limerick"

Johnson (plates)

Newcastle West

Westropp, Thomas 1909 42-58, 350-368 "The Desmonds' Castle at Newcastle Oconyll, Co. Limerick"

Johnson (plates)

Newtown Castle

Guest, Edith M. 1936 118 short reference


Westropp, Thomas 1890-91 284-293, 381-387, "The Normans in Thomond" (2 plates)

Johnson 462-472

Subject Vol. Page Notes


Westropp, Thomas 1911 13 ref to Normans at Limerick in article "St.Mochulla of Tulla…"


North Munster Studies (publication)

C. S. 1967 181-182 review of 'North Munster Studies' ed. by Etienne Rynne


Lee, Timothy 1889 227-231 "The Northmen of Limerick"

O Bruadair, David

O Cuiv, Brian 1959 135-136 quotes O Bruadair's poem about James Cotter in paper

"James Cotter, A 17th Century Agent of the Crown"

O'Brien family

Westropp, Thomas 1907 374-392 "Carrigogunnell Castle and the O'Briens of Pubblebrian…"

Johnson (includes map showing O'Brien's lands in Pubblebrian)

Westropp, Thomas 1908 141-159 Part II of "Carrigogunnell Castle…" (includes pedigree of

Johnson O'Brien of Pubblebrian)

Westropp, Thomas 1908 400 note re O'Briens of Carrigogunnell


Westropp, Thomas 1911 385 "O'Brien of Carrigogunnell, Co. Limerick"


Armstrong, E. C. R. 1913 72 short ref to O'Brien monuments at Limerick Cathedral in


Butler, W. F. 1913 103 ref to the rise of the O'Briens

Harbison, 1989 98-112 "William of Windsor and the Wars of Thomond"


O'Brien, Domnall or Donaldmore

Westropp, Thomas 1892 74-79 "Carvings in St. Mary's Cathedral" (2 plates)


O'Brien, Donal, King of Limerick

Shearman, John 1876-78 395 various refs. in article on "The Early Kings of Ossory"


White, John Davis 1885-86 481 founding by O'Brien of church at Cashel in 1172

Westropp, Thomas 1911 120 ref to Donald More O'Brien, king of Munster


O'Brien, Lucius, Canon

1906 92 ref. to Canon O'Brien of Adare as illustrator of "Castles of


O'Dea Crozier & Mitre

Hunt, John 1955 84-87 in paper "The Arthur Cross"

O'Dea, Cornelius, Bishop

Westropp, Thomas 1898 41 "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its plan and Growth"


O'Grady, Standish Hayes

1893 94-96 review of "Silva Gadelica: a collection of Irish Tales"

O'Halloran, Sylvester

Ffrench, Rev. 1905 236-245 various refs. to O'Halloran's paper on "The Ancient Arms of

Canon Ireland" in article, "Arms of Ireland and Celtic Tribal Heraldry"

O'Hurley, Dermot, Dr.

Hughes, James 1868-69 69 passing reference to Dr. Hurly [sic], Limerick-born

Rev. Archbishop of Cashel and martyr in article "The Butlers of

O'Kelly, Michael J.

Lucas, A. T. 1983 149-151 obituary of co-author of, among other publications,

"Illustrated Guide to Lough Gur, Co. Limerick"

O'Nunan, William

Curtis, Edmund 1918 65 King's surgeon who, in 1341, cured the king's son Lionel and

was granted the revenues of the fishweirs of Limerick for life

Subject Vol. Page Notes



Atkinson, George 1889 155-156 among various points raised in a letter, mentions that the

M. ogham stone from Knockfierna is missing

Crawford, Henry S. 1906 47-50 "An Ogham Stone in County Limerick"

Westropp, Thomas 1907 242-245 note re. "The Knockfierna Ogham Stone…" (1 illus.)


Crawford, Henry S. 1908 52-60 "Description of an Ogham Stone at Mountrussell…" & "The

& John Rhys Mountrussell Inscription"

Old Abbey

Wardell, John & 1904 41-64 "The History and Antiquities of St. Catherine's, Old Abbey…"

Westropp, Thomas (4 plates) & "The Conventual Buildings" (7 illustrations)

Westropp, Thomas 1904 53-64 "The Conventual Buildings" (7 illustrations)


Oliver family

Armstrong, E. C. R. 1914 160-161 note re "Matrix of the Seal of the Corporation of Kilmallock,

Co. Limerick" (plate)

Oliver, Captain

Dinely, Thomas 1864-66 283


Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)


Flood, William H. 1910 231 ref. to organ at Limerick and salary of Limerick Cathedral

Grattan organist

Ouseley family

Kelly, Richard J. 1910 132-146 various short refs to Limerick members of the Ouseley family

Kelly, Richard J. 1910 355 note specifically on the Ouseley family of Limerick


Hick, Vivien 1996 5-36 "The Palatines: 1798 and its Aftermath"


Longfield, Ada K. 1947 120 3 Limerick entries on list of paper stainers or paper stampers


Westropp, Thomas 1893 74-75 "A 'Lost Find' at Attyflin…"


Lynch, P. J. 1905 174-175 note re. "Well of St. Patrick, at Patrick's Well, County

Limerick" (plate)

Pery, Edmund Sexton, Viscount

Frazer, William 1885-86 448-449 description of medal made by Mossop

Petty, William, Sir

Wood, Herbert 1934 37 refs to Petty's holdings in Limerick City


Cotterell, Howard 1917 47-66 list of Pewterers in Ireland

Herschel & M. S.

Cotterell, Howard 1917 54 William End, listed as Pewterer of Limerick, died c.1804

Herschel & M. S.

Cotterell, Howard 1917 57 John Macdonnell, listed as Pewterer of Limerick, mentioned

Herschel & M. S. in 1820

Cotterell, Howard 1917 57 Michael McDaniel, listed as Pewterer of Limerick, mentioned

Herschel & M. S. in 1779

Cotterell, Howard 1917 58 John Parker, listed as Pewterer of Limerick, mentioned in

Herschel & M. S. 1768 (also in Ferrar's Directory)

Cotterell, Howard 1917 60 Francis Russell, listed as Pewterer of Limerick, mentioned

Herschel & M. S. in 1766 (also in Ferrar's Directory)

Cotterell, Howard 1917 60 John Russell, listed as Pewterer of Limerick, died in 1747

Herschel & M. S.

Subject Vol. Page Notes


Place Names

Hickson, Mary 1892 137-144 "Old Place Names and Surnames" - some Limerick names


Price, Liam 1958 83-84 chart showing the numers of occurrences of place names

beginning with Dun, Lis and Rath

Tohall, Patrick 1960 82 short ref to Cahirconlish in "Notes on Some Gaelic Place



Dunlop, Robert 1924 128-146 "An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622"

(see photocopy files - 'Plantations' file)


Gough 1913 340 queries a note from an English newspaper mentioning

"Plassey, Co. Clare"

Barry, James Grene 1914 166-167 answer to previous query re Plasasey

Powell, Eyre Evans

1911 399 passing ref to this High Sheriff of Limerick


Wight, Joshua 3, 1854-55 82 short description by Wight (a Quaker) of a procession in

Limerick in 1752

Purdue, William

Langrishe, Richard 1879-82 459 ref. to Purdue's tombstone in Limerick Cathedral (St. Mary's


Langrishe, Richard 1883-84 475 ref. to Purdue in paper on "Irish Church Bells"

Rathfreedy, archaeology

1960 39 socketed iron knife-dagger found at Rathfreedy (item no. 43)

Rathkeale Abbey

Hewson, George J. 1879-82 86-90 description & plate

Hewson, George J. 1890-91 484 report on condition of the abbey

Rathlaheen Castle

O'Brien, Robert & 1867 82-83 note in Extracts from Dinely's Journal

James Graves


Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Rathurd Castle

Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates)

Reynolds, Patrick

Longfield, Ada K. 1947 120 listed as paper-stainer in article "Dublin Wallpaper Industry

in 18th Century"

Ring Forts

1951 73 "Notes on Archaeological Excavations, 1950 - Ballingarry

Down…" investigated by John Hunt

Round Towers

Crawford, Henry S. 1908 75-76 Photograph and sketch of Ardpatrick Round Tower

Rylands, Peter

Rylands, J. Paul 1879-82 562-563 memoir of the Rev. Peter Rylands or Rilands of St. Mary's

Cathedral, Limerick

Sarsfield family

Cavenagh, W. M. 1931 159-160 "Irish Families in Flanders"


Westropp, Thomas 1912 289 ref to this name in footnote


Subject Vol. Page Notes



White, John Davis 1889 139 explanation of saying "paying down on the nail"

Scattery Island

Cooke, T. L. 1852-53 60 description of the bell from Scattery Island in article titled

'On ancient Irish bells'

Wilde, W. R. 1870-71 57 ref. to St. Senan, Scattery & the bell, Clogh Or in article

"Memoir of Gabriel Beranger and his Labours in the Cause of

Irish Art, etc"

Malone, Sylvester 1874-75 106-117, 255-278 "Iniscathay since the twelfth century"

Lenihan, Maurice 1874-75 182 Danish sword found at Scattery Island

1890-91 627 report of visit of Association members

1897 276-286 includes description of Scattery, photograph of Round Tower

and sketches of plan of ruins and silver brooches

Westropp, Thomas 1900 237-244 "The Clog an Oir, or Bell Shrine of Scattery"


Westropp, Thomas 1904 126 note re. the statement that Scattery formed part of the

Johnson diocese of Limerick

Flood, William H. 1904 384 suggesting that Scattery was in Diocese of Killaloe in 14th

Grattan century

Westropp, Thomas 1904 384-385 response to Flood's suggestion that Scattery was in Diocese

Johnson of Killaloe in 14th century

Malone, Sylvester 1905 152-160 "Iniscathy after ceasing to be a See"

Westropp, Thomas 1905 409-412 "Iniscatha (1188-1420)"


Westropp, Thomas 1908 399-400 "pattern at Scattery Island, Co. Clare"


Armstrong, E. C. R. 1919 132-135 "The Bell-Shrine of St. Senan, Known as the Clogan Oir"

Crawford, Henry S. 1922 8 ref to St. Senan's Bell, Scattery Island

Crawford, Henry S. 1923 159 "List of Irish Shrines and Reliquaries"


1903 89 note that seal of John Mothell, Bishop of Limerick

(1426-1468) is at the British Museum

Armstrong, E. C. R. 1914 160-161 note re "Matrix of the Seal of the Corporation of Kilmallock,

Co. Limerick" (plate)

Senan, St.

Crawford, Henry S. 1923 159 "List of Irish Shrines and Reliquaries"

Sexton, Edmund, Mayor of Limerick

1860-61 331 reference to dispute between Sexton and the citizens of

Limerick in 1538

Shanaboha Church

Molony, Henry 1905 262 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Shanagolden, archaeology

1969 101 bronze socketed axehead found near Shanagolden (no. 31)

Shanid Castle

Westropp, Thomas 1904 338 & 343 illustration (some references on pp. 338 & 339)


Orpen, Goddard H. 1909 34-39 in "Notes on Some County Limerick Castles" (2 photos)

Shannon River, archaeology

Long, J. 1870-71 264-267 a paper "on the age of the various stone and bronze

antiquities, found during the Shannon Navigation


1968 133 axehead dredged from the River Shannon at Limerick (item

80, illustrated)

Shannon Scheme

1926 66 letter sent to Minister of Commerce re preserving any

artefacts which may be discovered during the work

Subject Vol. Page Notes



Guest, Edith M. 1936 112 lists 2 Sheela-Na-Gigs in Co. Limerick

Guest, Edith M. 1936 117 lists Sheela-Na-Gig at Clonlara Old Canal Bridge (photo)

Guest, Edith M. 1936 120 lists item at Abbeyowney, Abington previously thought to be

a Sheela-Na-Gig but not now regarded as one

Hunt, John 1947 158-159 "An Unrecorded Sheela-Na-Gig from Co. Limerick"

Siege of Limerick, 1642

1893 233 ref. to a paper read entitled "A Contemporary Narrative of the

Siege of Limerick, 1642" by M. J. McEnery

McEnery, M. J. 1904 163-187 (plates)

Siege of Limerick, 1691

O'Shaughnessy, 1905 203-204, Limerick refs. in article, "The Jacobite Tract: "A Light to the

Richard 113-122(1906 vol.) Blind""

Cavenagh, W. O. 1912 38 some refs in article "Castletown Crane and its Owners"


Westropp, Thomas 1918 111-120 "Temair Erann, an Ancient Cemetry of the Ernai on

Johnson Slievereagh, Co. Limerick"

Westropp, Thomas 1919 9 ref to Temair Erann in article "The Ancient Places of

Johnson Assembly in the Counties Limerick and Clare"


Dinely, Thomas 1864-66 277 "so fertile a soyle that no part of England exceeds it…"

Spa Hill, archaeology

1958 120 report on bronze palstave found at Spa Hill, Cloonahard

West (item no.131)

St. John's Cathedral

Roe, Helen M. 1979 111, 139 included in list and gazeteer of "Illustrations of The Holy

Trinity, 13th - 17th Centuries"

St. Mary's Cathedral

Lenihan, Maurice 1864-66 114-117 Lenihan takes Ferrar and Fitzgerald & McGregor to task for

errors in their histories!

Graves, Charles, 1872-73 528 reference to the belief that marks on a wall of the cathedral

Bishop of Limerick were caused by Cromwell's troopers sharpening their swords

Rylands, J. Paul 1879-82 562-563 memoir of the Rev. Peter Rylands or Rilands of St. Mary's

Cathedral, Limerick

Langrishe, Richard 1883-84 479-481 description of the bells in paper "Irish Church Bells"

(includes inscriptions)

1889 157-158 description of various historical sites around Limerick

Westropp, Thomas 1892 70-79 "Carvings in St. Mary's Cathedral" (2 plates)


Barry, James Grene 1895 378 note re. restoration work done at the Cathedral

1897 98 ref. to a paper entitled "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its

plans and canopied tombs" by T. J. Westropp

Westropp, Thomas 1898 35-48, 112-125 "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its plan and Growth" (plates)


Flood, William H. 1910 231 ref. to organ at Limerick and salary of Limerick Cathedral

Grattan organist

Lynch, P. J. 1912 150 ref to carvings in St Mary's

Crawford, Henry S. 1912 240 in list of Cross-Slabs and Pillars in Co. Limerick


MacLeod, Catriona 1947 122 "The Statue of Our Lady of Limerick" in article "Mediaeval

Statues From the 17th Century" (plate)

MacLeod, Catriona 1947 130-131 "Adare Statues" in article "Mediaeval Statues From the 17th

Century" (plate)

Stephenson family

Westropp, Thomas 1904 129-131 "Notes on Askeaton…" Part IV. - Appendix D


Story, Dean of Limerick

Cavenagh, W. O. 1912 37 quotes from Story's account of Williamite wars

Subject Vol. Page Notes



Hickson, Mary 1892 137-144 "Old Place Names and Surnames" - some Limerick names



M. M. 1938 312 review of "The Civil Survey, 1654. Vol IV. County Limerick"

ed. by Robert C. Simington

Taylor family

Westropp, Thomas 1904 131-132 "Notes on Askeaton…" Part IV. - Appendix E


Thomond Bridge

Lenihan, Maurice 1864-66 57 plate

Thomond, Wars of

Harbison, 1989 98-112 "William of Windsor and the Wars of Thomond"



Hewson, George J. 1890-91 485 note of tradesman's token

Drury, Henry C. 1920 46-60 item 90-94 of Limerick interest, item 111 Kilmallock, items

114-122 Limerick, items 131 & 132 Newcastle. Article "The

Later 19th Century Farthing Tokens of Ireland"

Tory Hill, fort

E. J. Bennett 1934 139-140 Description of Tory Hill Fort (Drumasail)

Tower Houses

Donnelly, Colm J. 1999 19-39 "A Typological Study of the Tower Houses of County

Limerick" (plates) includes gazetteer of Tower Houses in

Limerick, pp.37-38

Treaty Stone

1892 297 report re. vandalising of the Stone

Tullavin Castle

Guest, Edith M. 1936 112 listing of Sheela-Na-Gig at this location

Tullovin house, Croom

Donnelly, Colm J. 1998 26-34 "Sectionally constructed tower houses: A review of the

evidence from County Limerick" (plates)


Seymour, St. John 1907 369-370 "Abbey Owney, County Limerick" (1 illus.)

Twigge, name

Rylands, J. Paul 1879-82 562-563 refers to Rev. William Twigge, Arch-deacon of Limerick

Vandeleur family

O'Brien, Robert & 1867 83 note in Extracts from Dinely's Journal

James Graves

Verdon family

Murphy, Denis 1895 326-327 "The De Verdons of Louth"

Walcott, John

Westropp, Thomas 1911 364 ref to Walcott of Croagh in article "Prehistoric Remains in

Johnson the Burren…"

Waller family

Upton, Henry A. S. 1925 41 ref to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Hardress Waller of


Walsh family, Abington

Seymour, St. John 1907 165-180, 360-373 "Abbey Owney, County Limerick" (1 illus. of the Walsh Tomb,


Subject Vol. Page Notes



O Danachair, 1955 193-217 "The Holy Wells of County Limerick"


Westropp, Thomas Johnson

Munro, Robert 1902 419-429 lenghty note re. Westropp's "The Ancient Forts of Ireland…"

Orpen, Goddard H. 1907 123-152 makes many references to Westropp's theories

1916 84 election as President of RSAI

1920 x photograph portrait of Westropp

1922 102 note of Westropp's death in minutes of RSAI meeting

1923 108-110 obituary


White, John Davis 1858-59 317 Extracts from Samuel Ladyman's Will

Westropp, Thomas 1898 112-125 "St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick: its plan and Growth" (plates)

Johnson gives details of wills of Richard Bultingfort, Philip Russell,

Geoffrey Galwey

Wood Sculptures

Ryan, D. J. 1947 159-160 comments on MacLeods article "Mediaeval Statues From the

17th Century" with particular reference to Kilmallock area

MacLeod, Catriona 1947 57 wooden Madonna sculpture from Bruff described in article

"Some Late Medieval Wood Sculptures in Ireland" (plate)

Woodstock Castle

Molony, Henry 1905 262 "Ancient Churches and Topography of Ballingarry Parish,

Co. Limerick"

Compiled at Limerick City Library by Mike Maguire, Reference Librarian


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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