MARCH 9, 2017

7:00 P.M.

Place: Superintendent’s Office

Note: As required by section 311, Title 25, of the Oklahoma Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of Independent School District I-001 (Moss) Hughes County, Oklahoma, will hold a meeting.

Note: The Moss Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disapprove, vote to table or decide not to vote on any item on this agenda.

1. Call the meeting to order with the recording of members present.

2. Prayer (Mr. Fletcher), Pledge of Allegiance, Oklahoma Flag Salute (Mr. Nolen).

3. Vote to adopt the agenda.

4. Swear in and present oath of office for Board Seat # 2 Bryan Smith.

5. Election of Board Officers.

6. Consent Agenda:

All of the following items a –k, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one board vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items.

a. Approve and sign the minutes from the February 13, 2017, Regular Board Meeting.

b. Approve the Treasurer’s monthly financial statement.

c. Approve Activity Fund’s monthly financial statement.

d. Approve General Fund Encumbrances #146 - #154, and Child Nutrition Fund Encumbrances #19 - #21, payments and appropriations FY 2017.

e. Accept any tendered resignations. ( )

f. Approve employing Barlow and Associates to review and evaluate Federal Programs.

g. Approve e-rate resolution to authorize Kellogg & Sovereign to file the FCC Form 471 for the 2017-2018 school year and authorize payment of applicant’s share of discounted portion of remaining balance due.

h. Approve and sign the contract with Barlow and Associates for the use of the Tulsa model for Teacher Leader Effectiveness for the 2017-2018 school year, and the use of the McCreal model for principal evaluations for 2017 – 2018 school year.

i. Approve the transfer of $750.00 from athletics to the Jr. Prom account.

j. Approve fundraiser requests.

k. Approve J & J School Services for Impact Aid.

7. Vote to approve or vote not to approve raising lunch prices to $2.00.

8. Vote to convene or vote not to convene to executive session in order to discuss the contract for Mr. Brett Hill. (Supt., H.S. Principal.)

25 O. S. § 307 (B) (2)

9. Acknowledge the Board’s return to open session with the executive session compliance statement.

10. Vote to sign or vote not sign Mr. Brett Hill’s contract for employment for 2017-2018.

11. Vote to hire or vote not to hire Mrs. Amy Williams as a Teaching Principal for 2017-2018.

12. Vote to convene or not to convene into executive session in order to discuss certified personnel.

25 O. S. § 307 (B) (1)

13. Acknowledge the Board’s return to open session with the executive session compliance statement.

14. Vote to hire, vote not to hire, or table hiring certified personnel as a group or individually, as listed on

Schedule A

15. Administrator’s Report: Superintendent’s Report. Update on finances.

Principals report: Elem., H.S.

16. New Business

17. Adjourn

This agenda was posted at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, at the outside entrance to the Superintendent’s Office, at the Lower Elementary School Building of Moss Public School.


Gil Turpin, Superintendent

Moss Public Schools


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