Home - Osceola County, Iowa

Sibley, IowaJuly 17, 2020The Osceola County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to law and adjournment at 8:45 am at the Osceola County Courthouse courtroom with the following members present: LeRoy DeBoer, Mike Schulte, Jayson VandeHoef, and Ed Jones. Absent – Jerry HelmersSchulte moves to approve the July 17th, 2020 agenda. Second by DeBoer. All vote aye. Motion carried.It was moved by VandeHoef, second by DeBoer to approve the June 30th, 2020 minutes. All vote aye. Motion carried. The board discussed the zoning administrator which currently is handled by the engineer’s office. Since the county currently doesn’t have an engineer the board will look into having another office take over zoning. Ernie Villaneuva, custodian told the board there is a small area on the exterior of the jail house that repairs need to be done to the brick. The board told Ernie to have it repaired.The board received two bids for curb replacement from Harms and Henrichs Construction for $7,084.00 and Tom Doeden Construction for $10,180.00. Schulte moves to award the bid to Harms and Henrichs Construction for $7,084.00. Second by DeBoer. All vote aye. Motion carried.It was moved by VandeHoef, second by Jones to approve the following resolution: RESOLUTION # 1 - 20/21A RESOLUTION OF THE OSCEOLA COUNTY, IOWA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ESTABLISHING FEES FOR ZONING PERMITS AND RELATED ZONING ACTIVITIESWHEREAS, the Osceola County Board of Supervisors have adopted a zoning ordinance pursuant to Chapter 335, Code of Iowa, as amended: andNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Osceola County, Iowa, that the following fee schedule is adopted for zoning permit fees and additional related fees applicable within the rural unincorporated zoned areas in Osceola County, Iowa, effective upon passage of this resolution.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Osceola County, Iowa, that those uses determined to be wholly agricultural in nature and in support of any farm operations, farmhouse, farmstead, or other legally defined agricultural operations shall be exempt from paying fees.PROPOSED FEE CHANGESBuilding Permit$ 50Special Exception Use Permit$200Zoning Change$200Variance$200Public Hearing on Subdivision$200Appeals to Board of Adjustment $200Part of the recommendation in increase includes an offset to pay a stipend of $20 per meeting for the members of the Board of Adjustment and Zoning Commission. Roll call vote: Aye- VandeHoef, Jones, Schulte, DeBoer. Nay-None. Passed and adopted this 17th day of July, 2020 in Sibley, Iowa.Schulte moves to approve August 14th, 2020 at 9:30 am as a public hearing date to proposed changes to amend the Osceola County, Iowa 2013 Zoning Ordinance, Article XIII Wind Energy Regulations, Section 13.7 review and approval, subsection 2. Agency notice/review. Second by DeBoer. All vote aye. Motion carried.Josh Folkerts and Cassie Radtke from Premier Network Solutions talked to the board about the IT services they provide. The board asked if did a multi-year contract if would get a price break for services. They told the board there would be little break if did a three-year contract. It was moved by VandeHoef, second by Jones to proceed with IT services with Premier Network Solutions for a three-year contract. All vote aye. Motion carried. VandeHoef moves to approve to revise the employee handbook to include language to provide for jury and witness duty. Second by DeBoer. All vote aye. Motion carried.The board talked about the new firearms law that went into effect July 1st. The handbook language needs to be revised according to the law change. It was moved by DeBoer, second by Schulte to approve the replacement language in the handbook for firearm restrictions. All vote aye. Motion carried. The board also talked about how to enforce the restrictions on firearms on the 3rd floor of the courthouse on court days. The county also needs to replace the signage currently have in place. The board is frustrated that once again have these unfunded mandates. Nolan McGowen, county attorney will talk with the sheriff’s office about having a deputy up in the courtroom on court days and will report back to the board.It was moved by VandeHoef, second by DeBoer to enter into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5(1) (j) discuss potential land purchase. Aye-VandeHoef, DeBoer, Schulte, Jones. Nay-None. Motion carried. Schulte moves to end closed session and enter into regular session. Second by DeBoer. All vote aye. Motion carried. It was moved by Schulte, second by DeBoer to direct the county attorney to gather more information and report back to the board. All vote aye. Motion carried.Chris Bennett, Stone Group Architects presented to the board specs for the courthouse window replacement project. The board had some questions that Chris will report back to the board on before they approve the final specs for this project.The board was informed that the related party vendor dollar amount increased from $1,500 to $6,000 in a fiscal year. The board would still like to put an ad in paper regarding this matter.Due to courtroom being unavailable on Tuesday morning and that is the only room in the courthouse that can social distance. The board decided to move their meeting day to Friday morning instead of Tuesday morning. VandeHoef moves to approve FY 20/21 certify tax levies. Second by Schulte. All vote aye. Motion carried.It was moved by Schulte, second by VandeHoef to disapprove Solutions Information Technology Service Agreement. All vote aye. Motion carried.The board reviewed Godbersen-Smith Construction pay estimate for $90,012.66. After a brief discussion it was moved by VandeHoef, second by DeBoer to approve to pay 50% of the pay estimate which will be $45,506.33 will take further consideration to pay the rest of pay estimate once road project is completed. All vote aye. Motion carried.The board reviewed quarterly reports submitted by the auditor and recorder’s office.The board was told that the county would follow the CDC guidelines for any employee who might come down with Covid. If the county is ever in that situation the county would be in contact with the local public health nurse for guidance. The board review payroll registers from June 30th, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 15th and 17th. Jones move to approve claim#2347 to Bosma Water Service. Second by DeBoer. Aye- DeBoer, Schulte, Jones. Nay- None. Abstain-VandeHoef. Motion carried. It was moved by VandeHoef, second by Schulte to approve the remainder of the claims presented by the auditor’s office. All vote aye. Motion carried. ................

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