SCHEME OF WORKSOCIAL STUDIES: FORM 5TERM 1: SEPTEMBER 2015 – 11 DECEMBER 2015)PERIODS PER WEEK: 6 TEACHER: ANN MAUREEN SAMM-REGISWEEKTOPICOBJECTIVESRESOURCESASSESSMENTSWeeks 1-3Sept 09-25REGIONAL INTEGRATIONThe student should be able to:Define the following terms and concepts related to regional integration: Bilateral agreement, multilateral agreement, common market, single market, single economy, economic integration, independent state, underdeveloped country, developing country, developed country, trade liberalization, globalization, multinational corporation, regionalism, trading bloc, fiscal policy, monetary policy Discuss major challenges facing the Caribbean Region Discuss major stages in the integration movement Outline major functions of the various organizations (OECS Secretariat, CARICOM Secretariat, Conference of Heads of Government) List major objectives of the various organizations: OECS, CARICOM, CSME Discuss factors that promote regional integration Discuss factors that hinder regional integration Discuss benefits of regional integration Discuss the role of individuals, businesses and government in the integration process Discuss the role of regional agencies in the integration process TextbooksInternetSS WebpageSupplementary reading materialNewspaper articlesCase studiesStudy GuidesPast papersComputers/laptopsProjectorWhiteboard/markers/erasersMCQs, pg 441 # 1-47Past-paper CXC questionsWeek 4Sept 29-Oct02TOURISM: INTRODUCTION & DEFINITIONSSBA Task1-2The student should be able to:Define the following concepts: tourism, (international, regional, domestic), excursionist, (cruise passenger, tourism sector, economic leakage, economic linkage, tourism product, nature tourism, sports tourism, health tourism, heritage tourism, all inclusive, time share, host country, supply country, home portingDifferentiate between the types of tourism products available in the Commonwealth Caribbean (sun, sea, sand, eco, health, sports, heritage/cultural, festivals and special eventsExplain the factors that influence the development of tourism in the host and supply countriesTextbooks:Modules in Social Studies (Ramsewak and Umraw)CSEC Social Studies (Waterman and Fisher)Social Studies for CSEC (Buckle-Scott, Davis Morrison, Jaimungalsingh, Lunt)Social Studies Essentials for CSEC (Sandy)Social Studies Revision Guide (Fisher)Social Studies for CSEC Study Guide (Buckle-Scott, Davis Morrison, Jaimungalsingh, Lunt)NewspapersInternetSS webpageBrochures/fliers/ads/websitesProjectorLaptopWhiteboard markers/eraserQuizPast paper questionsStudents must complete one of the following in an effort to market the tourism product in their country:Write an advertisementMake a brochureDesign a t-shirtMake an ad suitable for radio or television (video recording)Week 5Oct05-09TOURISM: CONTRIBUTION TO THE ECONOMYCAREERS IN TOURISMSBA Task 3-4The student should be able to:Analyse the contribution of land-based and cruise tourism to the economy of the Commonwealth Caribbean (foreign exchange, direct and indirect employment, government revenue, infrastructural development, effect on availability of land and labour for agriculture etc)Outline employment and career opportunities in the tourism industry (types of occupation, conditions of employment, qualifications needed, opportunities for training and entrepreneurship)QuizPast paper questionsWeek 6Oct 12-16TOURISM: SOCIOCULTURAL IMPACTSBA Task 5The student should be able to assess: the effects of tourism on land ownership, land use, natural beauty and use of beachesvisitors’ perception of Caribbean societiesrelationships between citizens and visitors, cultural exchanges, influence of lifestyles, language, dress, valuesattitudes of citizens to tourism (alienation, indifference, enthusiasm)effects on traditional culture and artistic expression (revitalization, commercialization)government policies re: land acquisition by non-nationals, stay-to-get away incentives, beach control, immigration regulations etcPast paper questionsWeek 7, 8Oct 19-30TOURISM: CONTRIBUTION OF GOVERNMENT , LOCAL, REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AGENCIESSBA Task 6, 8, 9The student should be familiar with:Government policies that influence the development of tourismRole and function of the various support services for tourism (Hotel Associations, Tourist Boards, Departments, Bureaus and Ministers of Tourism, Caribbean Tourism Organisation, Caribbean Hotel Association, Hospitality Training InstitutionsRole of donor agencies (Caribbean Development Bank, European Union, Organisation of American States, Canadian Inter-development Agencies)Students will be required to collect brochures on tourism for a scrapbook.Week 9-10Nov 09-20TOURISM: CHALLENGES FACING THE INDUSTRYPROMOTION OF REGIONAL INTEGRATIONSBA Task 7 TOURISM: IMPACT OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY ON THE INDUSTRYSBA DUEThe student should be able to discuss:Sources of funding for investment, marketing, research, training, labour shortages, water supply, global terrorism, unavailability of direct air access, emerging destinations, cruise ship policies The importance of marketing the region as a single destinationThe various tourism products offered by each Caribbean countryCommon economic and marketing policiesCommunication linkages within the CaribbeanAviation hubs Communication technology utilised by the industry e.g. E-ticketing, internet booking, information gathering, advertising, feedbackStudents will brainstorm possible solutions to the challenges facing tourism in the region (group work)Students will write a letter to a regional newspaper pointing out the importance of regional collaboration in matters related to tourism.Students will write a letter to the Chief Immigration Officer of a CARICOM country expressing dissatisfaction with the way you and other citizens of your country have been treated on arrival in his/her country. Students will go online and surf the internet to determine the difficulty or ease of accessing information for making decisions regarding vacations/travel etcWeek 11-12Nov 23-Dec 04EXAMSDec08All marks due to form teachersDec10Reports to be submitted to the officeDec 11END OF TERM ................

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