Bishop Anstey High School East & Trinity College East ...

TRINITY COLLEGE EASTRELIGIOUS EDUCATIONPROGRAMME OF WORKFORM 1 – TERM 12020WeekTopic/objectives: The student should be able to:Teaching/Learning StrategyAssessmentComments1 Importance of RE in schoolsLinks with the real worldTo sensitize students as to the importance of RE in schoolsTo show how Religious education helps in the development of our spiritual, moral, social and cultural self.Student researchVideo clipPPBrainstorming Quiz MC/TF 2Meaning & purpose of “religion” Define termState purposes of religionPP with discussion questionBrain storm studentsVideo clipQuiz MC3 &4Major religions of the worldIdentify the Six Major world religions (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism & Sikhism)Tabulated data re major world religionsPP with discussion questionsGrid informationNote takingUse of Flip GridFill in missing information on missing grid table5 - 6History of Christianity: Students be able to: briefly describe the origins and early life of JesusThe beginningsThe Gospels that tell the story of Jesus: Matthew, Mark, Luke & JohnVideo – Birth of JesusActivity- Research the meaning of GospelQuiz7 The History of Islam:The development of Islam. Students should be able to briefly describe its roots and originThe beginningsProphet Muhammad’s early lifeMeaning of termsActivity: Research the meaning of terms: Hadith, Sunnah & SurahInteractive online session (Nearpod)Quiz- The History of Hinduism:The development of The beginningsIts roots and originsMeaning of termsPP – PresentationActivity: Research the meaning of ‘Sanatana Dharma’Quiz9The history of Judaism. The development of Islam. Students should be able to briefly describe its roots and origin:1.The beginnings2.Identify the Patriarchs3. List the major beliefsPP – PresentationActivity: VideoQuiz10Current festivals celebrated during the termDivaliAdvent,Christmas,Birth of JesusInteractive online session (Nearpod) Individual presentation on ChristmasQuiz 11TERM EVALUATIONRELIGIOUS EDUCATIONPROGRAMME OF WORKFORM 2 – TERM 1WEEKTopic/objectives: The student should be able to:Teaching/Learning StrategyAssessmentComments1Students should be able to understand the central beliefs and practices of IslamPlaces of Worship in Islam: Identify at least three major mosques in the world. Definitions: MosquePP presentation with discussion questionsStudent Projects/presentation of at least three major mosques in the world, one being from Trinidad and Tobago.Quiz – MC/FB2Features of a Masjid (Mosque)Identify and explain the features of the Masjid.PP presentationActivity: Research question.Quiz - FB3Students should be able to understand the central beliefs and practices of Christianity.Places of Worship in Christianity:Identify Places of Worship Describe these placesPP presentation with discussion questions.Quiz – FB4Jesus’ ministry and teachings:Identify the main aspects of Jesus’ ministry and teaching e.g. Love for one anotherReconciliationLove for GodForgivenessPP presentationActivityFlip Grid Activity 5Students should be able to understand the central beliefs and practices of Hinduism:Hindu concept of GodThe Hindu deities(a) Trimurti (b) Brahma and Brahman PP presentationNote taking - EdmonoDiscussion questionsNearpod Activity6Sacred writings in HinduismIdentify and describe Hindu Holy Writings:The ShrutiThe SmritiPP presentationNote taking- EdmonoActivityQuiz MC/FB7Current Religious Festivals celebrated during the termIdentify the significance of the festival to followersExplain different traditions practice in the CaribbeanDivaliAdventChristmasNearpod Note taking – EdmonoActvityGroup presentationsQuiz 8Revision and Term testsMultiple Choice Test. RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONPROGRAMME OF WORKFORM 3 – TERM 1WEEKTopic/objectives: The student should be able to:Teaching/Learning StrategyAssessment1Students should understand the elements of religion:Essentials of ReligionDefine Terms: Religion, Denominations, Sect & CultGive examplesIllustrate using diagramsPP presentationBrief Video clip Discussion questionsFB2Features of Religion Explain terms:Prayer, place of worship,Beliefs systems, Rituals, worship, symbols, sacred writings, deity, festivals, rite of passage Brain storming PP presentationResearchShort answer questions3Human needs satisfied by Religion.Describe human needs which Religion satisfies:Quest for personal identitySearch for harmony with nature, environment& human relationshipPersonal fulfilment in lifeSeeking spiritual meaningProviding moral codes as a guide for lifeVideo ClipPP presentationParts of the human body/human beingMC/FB4Students should be able to understand Central beliefs & practices of Christianity: Christian understanding of God as:Creator, Liberator, Present through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ, Deliverer & as Father and Mother.Video ClipsPP PresentationGroup presentationsDiscussion questionMC/FB/Short answer question5Major Teachings in Christianity:God is One, Almighty CreatorThe TrinityJesus Christ is redemptionThere is Judgement, punishment, forgiveness, reward,Concept of man, sin, salvationConcept of second coming and last daysPP presentationNote taking – EdmonoDiscussion questions6Major Teachings in Judaism.Basic beliefs of Judaism:God is One, AlmightyThere is judgement, punishment, forgiveness, rewardConcept of humanity, sin, salvationConcept of second coming and last daysVarying beliefs of the major sectsTeachings concerning the SabbathPP presentationDiscussion questions7MID TERM Review of work done so far Multiple choice test 8Coming of Islam to the Caribbean: Explain the ways in which Islam came to the Caribbean:Pre-ColumbusThe Era of EnslavementThe Period of IndentureshipPost-Indentureship (Arab traders, Muslim merchants)VideoPP presentationDiscussion questionsWorksheets9Students should be able understand the central beliefs & practices of Hinduism. Identify the sacred places of worship:Home altarMandirsSacred riversSacred plants or treesSacred AnimalsVideoPP presentationDiscussion questions-do-10Major locations in Hinduism.Identify the major locations:IndiaNepalThe DiasporaPP presentationDiscussion questions11End of Term Review and TestMultiple ChoiceRELIGIOUS EDUCATIONPROGRAMME OF WORKFORM 4 – TERM 1WEEKCONTENTOBJECTIVESCOMMENT/EVALUATION 1Concept of Stewardship● Explain the concept of stewardship and its application to everyday lifeCXC Past Papers 2Human life issues:-Biblical teachings on the meaning and purpose of life:-The human family-Creatures of God-Endowed with intelligence● Discuss the meaning and purpose of life as reflected in the BibleStructured questionsCXC Past Papers 3Terms- Religion, Denomination, Sect, Cult Features of Religion- Explain TermsDefinitionsIllustrate using diagrams ●Identify and explain the common features of religion4Concept of Sin● The individual● The society● The environmentDescribe how Sin Affects the Quality of Life of:CXC past papers 5Human needs satisfied by religionDescribe human needs satisfied by religionWorksheet 6Christian understanding of God ●Describe how Christians express their understanding of God 7 Basic Beliefs of Christianity●Identify and outline the basic Christian beliefs. ● Explain the concepts with appropriate biblical referencesSource of authority- The BibleIdentify and describe the written source of authority for Christians 8The Bible● Identify how the books of the Bible were translated and selected The canon of scripture 9Christian Festivals: Designated color for each festival●List and explain the major Christian festivals from Lent to Ash Wednesday.●Identify the colors used for each Festival. 10Basic Beliefs:-Nature of Atma-Classification species of life forms-Karma-Dharma-Incarnation/ Re-incarnationExplain the basic beliefs in Hinduism which govern life 11Major manifestations of God and Sacred Places in HinduismIdentify major manifestations of God in HinduismIdentify and explain the sacred places in HinduismQuiz/SQ 12Hinduism:Major Locations Identify the major places worldwide where Hinduism is locatedQuiz Work sheets13Revision and Term TestTest on the term’s work14PROGRAMME OF WORKFORM 5 – TERM 1WEEKTopic/objectives: The student should be able to:Teaching/Learning StrategyAssessment1Review of term testReview of term three end of term examP1. & P22Ways in which Christians came to the Caribbean.Explain the ways in which Christianity came to the Caribbean through Christian missions & its establishment in the region:Pre – ColumbusThe era of enslavementPost-emancipationPeriod of IndentureshipPost –Indenture shipPost-independenceBrief Video clipsPP presentationClass discussionQuiz – MC/FB3Should understand the biblical responses to human life issues concerning the meaning and purpose of life.Assess issues related to justice and peace and the value and dignity of human life:Child abuse, Substance abuse, Capital punishment, Poverty, Unemployment, Prejudice and discrimination, Male and female roles and relationships, Violence, Vandalism and war, Treatment of the mentally and physically challenged and Dealing with Human Immuno Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)Brief Video clipsPP presentationPresentationsCXC past papers4Hinduism: Sources of authority:Identify and describe Holy books used in Hinduism1. The Srutis2. The Vedas3. Smritis- Ramayana4. Mahabharata/ Geeta5. PuranasBrief Video clipPP presentationPresentations MC/FB5Students should be able to understand the meaning & purpose of life as reflected in the Bible:Discuss the responsibilities of Family life and work as reflected in the Bible.FamilyMarriageChildrenWorkNearpodPP presentationPeer teachingsStructured questions6Love and human Relationships:- Illustrate how the Biblical concept of love applies to different areas of life and relationships.Illustrate the biblical teaching on love and human relationshipExplore ‘Agape ‘ (Love)Brief Video clipPP presentation/discussion questionsPresentations/Flip Grid7The Reign of God:Describe the Old Testament concept of God. Describe N.T. concept of God The O.T conceptBrief Video clip/NearpodPP presentationPresentationsDiscussion questionsCXC past papers8The Bible:Students should be able to describe- How the Books came into being.Identify how the books of the Bible were translated and selectedThe Dead Sea ScrollsPP presentationPresentationsDiscussion questionsStructured Questions 9Types of Biblical writings: Identify the different types of Biblical writings: 1.Poetic2. Apocalyptic, 3. Narrative, 4. HistoryPP presentationPresentationsDiscussion questionsStructured Questions10Festivals in Hinduism:Describe the major festivals in HinduismBrief Video clipPP presentationPresentationsDiscussion questionsQuiz11Applying Biblical passages to daily life:- Explain how Biblical passages may be applied to daily life.The Ten CommandmentsThe Sermon on the Mount.The Golden `RuleThe Greatest CommandmentChristian LoveThe way of SalvationMarriage & DivorceBrief Video clipPP presentationDiscussion questionsStructured questions12Biblical teachings and personal/ social experiences:1. Identify Biblical teachings, which can be applied to personal/ social experiences1. Examples of relationships with peers & family (Gen 4)Comfort in times of SorrowRelief in times sufferingCourage in time of fearProtection in time of dangerHow to behave in professional $ business mattersDealing with material wealthBrief Video clipPP presentationPresentationsDiscussion questionsDO13Review and end of term assessment ................

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