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Assignment X: Online Discussion Participation (XX%) Due: Ongoing (see course outline for specific dates)INSTRUCTIONS: Instructor, please edit the text that is highlighted. You may also need to edit the assignment description and instructions (below). Once complete, remove all highlights and these instructions and, if you are a new instructor or developing a new course, forward to your program manager for approval.InstructionsYour participation in weekly discussions is a large portion of your final grade. You are expected to contribute experiences and ideas that promote discussion and understanding of the course concepts. In response to the given topic, you must author one well-considered initial post and one detailed response to a classmate’s post. Active discussions make online courses interesting and engaging for everyone. Both your initial post and classmate response should be about 200 words in length.To ensure your written comments are respectful and relevant, please plan and re-read each comment before posting it and remember that your audience will not have the benefit of social cues, tone of voice or body language. If a classmate’s post triggers you, ask for clarification from them directly before making assumptions. The following discussion topics will be graded:Week 1: TitleWeek 2: TitleWeek 3: TitleWeek 4: TitleWeek 5: TitleWeek 6: And so onPlease refer to the sample postings below and the rubric at the end of this document for evaluation details.Sample PostingsReview these sample posts and their corresponding scores to better understand discussion expectations. Note – these examples do not meet the 200-word length requirement.Sample PostQuality Score and Evaluation“Hi, my name is Alice. I have three kids and a dog.”1 – Post has minimal integration/use of quality requirements. Post is social in nature and is unrelated to course concepts. “I agree with Alice. We really need to consider all the steps of project management to be effective in our work.”2 – Posts integrate/use some of the quality requirements.Post is related to course content, but does not contribute new insights. Post repeats other’s ideas and does not move discussion forward.“Bob gave some great ideas about applying project management concept Z. I think concept Y could work in that situation as well because of ABC. If we compare the two approaches, how do we know which one is better?”3 – Posts integrate/use most of the quality requirements.Post builds on discussion, integrates concepts from the course and offers a question to drive the conversation forward. Post does not include personal experience or reference to practice, and minimally develops the topic further.“I agree with Alice, but I think we can go even further by considering research done by X. Research (citation) has indicated that you can manage projects with greater accuracy and effectiveness by using model XYZ. I’ve seen some great examples of this in practice at my job. Similarly, in case study A and B, you could really see the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to project management. We discussed some of this in class, but I wonder how this could apply in context ABC? Based on this research and my experiences, I think we should do JKL.”4 – Posts integrate/use all of the quality requirements.Post builds on current discussion, substantiates claims with references to research, and critically examines literature in relation to practice. Offers question and possible solution to move conversation forward.Adapted from: Henri, F. (1992). Computer conferencing and content analysis. In A. R. Kaye (Ed.), Collaborative Learning Through Computer Conferencing: The Najaden Papers (pp. 117-136). Berlin, Germany: SpringerVerlag.EvaluationThis assignment is graded out of 7 points using the following rubric and is worth XX% of the final grade.Learners may receive partial scores or a zero for unacceptable work.CriteriaDoes Not Meet Expectations1Partially Meets Expectations2MeetsExpectations3Exceeds Expectations4Max PointsQuality (See below)Posts have minimal integration/use of quality requirements.Posts integrate/use some of the quality requirements.Posts integrate/use most of the quality requirements.Posts integrate/use all of the quality requirements.4CriteriaDoes Not Meet Expectations1Partially Meets Expectations2MeetsExpectations3Max PointsMechanics(See below)Contributions do not comply with format and timeliness requirements.Contributions partially comply with format and timeliness requirements. Contributions comply with format and timeliness requirements. 3Quality: Demonstrating critical thinking Your postings will be graded based on the degree of integration/use of the following approaches.Avoid repeating peer-submitted ideas, but do acknowledge them.Build on the current discussion.Integrate concepts from the course or your personal experience. Express a difference of opinion when it serves to explore all sides of an issue.Ask thought-provoking questions to foster new insights. Maintain a professional, respectful tone.Mechanics: Format and timing Author your initial post early in the module to allow others time to respond.Remember to post a detailed reply to a classmate before the topic closes.Both your initial post and classmate response should be about 200 words in length.You are welcome to contribute beyond the requirement, but only your initial post and best classmate response will be graded.Check your spelling and grammar.Re-read your posts prior to publishing.Be sure to properly reference external information sources using the APA style guide. ................

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