Calculators Online - Monroe Career & Technical Institute

TI-30IIS Scientific Calculator

This is the calculator model that we recommend for students to use for math instruction in their CTE program. Many of the program areas have calculators for students to use while in class. The construction cluster programs (Carpentry, Building Trades, etc.) also use a construction calculator. If you wish to purchase a TI-30IIS Scientific Calculator for home use, this model is available for approximately $15.00 at Kmart, Wal-Mart, Target, Staples, etc.

Calculators Online

Scientific Calculator that you can enter fractions

(you can have it along the side)

Click “beta” for a very nice color calculator. This is one is good for exponents, roots, etc., but you can’t enter fractions.

You can change it to accept fractions by clicking on VIEW (upper left corner). A new screen will appear and you can put a “check” in the fractions box. – then click “Make” (at the bottom of the screen). The calculator will re-appear with a series of fraction keys in the middle, just below the white rectangle that displays the numbers. You can enter fractions, mixed numbers; switch from improper to proper, decimal to fraction. You need to play with the buttons to figure out the sequences of key strokes.

Same calculator with the fraction keys– full page size

Cool Math Calculator

Scientific Type

This is also a good site for math and you might find some of the information useful and entertaining.

Three Different Calculators


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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