The Basics: - Liberty Union High School District / Overview

3175317500 If you are a student that HAS access to technology, this is not the packet for you. This packet is for students who pick up and drop off their work at the front office every week. If you have access to technology, please go back to your teacher’s website and complete the correct assignment. Name: ________________________________________________________________ Period: ____________ Teacher: Distance LearningWeek 5: May 4th -May 10th & Week 6: May 11th- 17th ( or 25th)-2857542500550033528004259580003323590267843000-66675263080500-66675478155005.0: Scientific Notation Notes3327400225425006.1: Online Calculator TutorialIn this assignment you will learn to use the online Desmos calculator, particularly when calculating numbers in scientific notation. You will need to be able to calculate with Avogadro’s number for this week’s assignment! If you have your own calculator that is fine too—just make sure you are getting the right answers by doing the practice problems. Every calculator is a bit different but if you are entering the computations correctly, you should get the same answer as me.The Basics:Go to scientificDo a few test calculations to get a feel for the calculator. Here is an overview of some of the specific buttons:38862002204720005499734216662000552450109220ExponentInsert answer from previous calculationEnter/ Calculate/ New LineBackspace (delete last character)Move cursor forward/backUndo00ExponentInsert answer from previous calculationEnter/ Calculate/ New LineBackspace (delete last character)Move cursor forward/backUndoTry the following calculations. The answers are given—make sure you get the correct answer! 468 x 25 = Answer: 117000.025 ? 13 x 51 = Answer: 3.77 x 10-534 ? 0.53 = Answer: 152.8For c, after entering the exponent, press the ? key to get out of the exponent!5.0: Scientific Vs. Normal Notation PracticeIf you have access to the internet here is an online calculator a video on how to use Scientific notation on your calculators from Scientific Notation: Write the following numbers in normal notation (convert from scientific notation). Use a scientific calculator to figure out how to convert from normal notation to scientific notation 1.52 x 10-7_____________________3 x 104_____________________2.09 x 102____________________4.3 x 10-4 _____________________Converting to Scientific Notation: Write the following numbers in scientific notation (convert from normal notation).4,008,013________________0.0016087 ________________455 ________________0.000003________________3,444________________56483250005.1 – What is a Mole? Please read the following:The mole is a counting unit? (similar to a dozen)Except instead of 12, it’s?602 billion trillion?602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000?It is commonly written as: 6.02 X 1023 (in scientific notation)?The mole works just like other counting units1 dozen cookies = 12 cookies?1 mole of cookies = 6.02 X 1023?cookies?1 dozen cars = 12 cars?1 mole of cars = 6.02 X 1023?cars?1 pair of shoes = 2 shoes 1 mole of shoes = 6.02 X 1023?cars?This number is named in honor of?Amedeo?AVOGADRO?(born 1776 – died 1856), who studied?quantities of gases and discovered that no?matter what the gas was, there were the?same number of molecules present?So 6.02 x 1023 is known as Avogadro’s NumberLearning Check – please circle the correct answerHow many sulfur atoms are in a mole of sulfur atoms?6.02 x 1023 atoms6.02 x 1012 atomsSuppose we invented a new collection unit called a rapp. One rapp contains 8 objects. How many oranges are in 2.0 rapps?16 oranges6.02 x 1023 orangesThe coolest thing about the mole: you can find the mass of 1 mole of an atom by looking up its atomic mass from the periodic table! The mass of a mole of any compound is equal to the total of the atomic masses of the elements that make up that compound! This means:1 mole of atoms is 6.02 x 1023 atoms and has a mass of that atom’s atomic mass!5.2: Calculating Molar MassHow to calculate Molar mass:Look at the chemical formula of the compoundFind the Atomic Mass for each element (there is a periodic table on the last page of this packet!)Add the totals togetherRound to the nearest 0.01 place Example 1: Find the Molar Mass of SO3 12700120015001 S atom x 32.066 = 32.066 g/mol146050067945003 O atoms x 15.999 = 47.997 g/mol32.066 g/mol + 47.997 g/mol = 80. 063 g/molThe molar mass of SO3 is 80.06 g/mol Example 2: Find the Molar Mass of Ba(NO3)21 Ba atom x 137.327= 137.327 g/mol2 N atoms x 14.007 = 28.014 g/mol6 O atoms x 15.999=95.994 g/mol137.327 g/mol + 28.014 g/mol + 95.994 g/mol = 261.335 g/molThe molar mass of Ba(NO3)2 is 261.34 g/molCalculate the molar mass and mass of 1 mole of each compound.??Show you work and don’t forget units. Molar mass is in?grams/mole. Mass is in?grams.??N2Molar mass of N2?____________.?1 mole of N2?has a mass of?____________.???H2O?Molar mass of H2O?____________.?1 mole of H2O??has a mass of?____________.???CuCl2?Molar mass of CuCl2?____________.?1 mole of CuCl2?has a mass of?____________.???C6H12O6?Molar mass of C6H12O6?____________.?1 mole of C6H12O6?has a mass of?____________.????Answer Keys 39243002152650left17716505.0:5.1:1) 6.02 x 10 23 atoms2) 16 oranges 5.2:?N2Molar mass of N2?______28.01 g/mol______.?1 mole of N2?has a mass of?_____28.01g_______.???2. H2O?Molar mass of H2O?_______18.02g/mol_____.?1 mole of H2O??has a mass of?_____18.02g _______.??? 3. CuCl2?Molar mass of CuCl2?____134.45g/mol________.?1 mole of CuCl2?has a mass of?____134.45g________.???4. C6H12O6?Molar mass of C6H12O6?_____180.16g/mol_______.?1 mole of C6H12O6?has a mass of?_____180.16g_______.????1Periodic Table of Elements181HHydrogen1.008213141516172HeHelium4.0033LiLithium6.9414BeBeryllium9.012Key:138430387350063289306921500C3765554318000Carbon414655673100012.01Atomic NumberSymbolNameAverage Atomic Mass5BBoron10.816CCarbon12.017NNitrogen14.018OOxygen16.009FFluorine19.0010NeNeon20.1811NaSodium22.9912MgMagnesium24.31345678910111213AlAluminum26.9814SiSilicon28.0915PPhosphorus30.9716SSulfur32.0717ClChlorine35.4518ArArgon39.9519KPotassium39.1020CaCalcium40.0821ScScandium44.9622TiTitanium47.8823VVanadium50.9424CrChromium52.0025MnManganese54.9426FeIron55.8527CoCobalt58.9328NiNickel58.6929CuCopper63.5530ZnZinc65.4131GaGallium69.7232GeGermanium72.5933AsArsenic74.9234SeSelenium78.9635BrBromine79.9036KrKrypton83.8037RbRubidium85.4738SrStrontium87.6239YYttrium88.9140ZrZirconium91.2241NbNiobium92.9142MoMolybdenum95.9443TcTechnetium(98)44RuRuthenium101.145RhRhodium102.946PdPalladium106.447AgSilver107.948CdCadmium112.449InIndium114.850SnTin118.751SbAntimony121.852TeTellurium127.653IIodine126.954XeXenon131.355CsCesium132.956BaBarium137.357LaLanthanum138.972HfHafnium178.573TaTantalum180.974WTungsten183.975ReRhenium186.276OsOsmium190.277IrIridium192.278PtPlatinum195.179AuGold197.080HgMercury200.681TlThallium204.482PbLead207.283BiBismuth209.084PoPolonium(209)85AtAstatine(210)86RnRadon(222)87FrFrancium(223)88RaRadium22689AcActinium(227)104RfRutherfordium(261)105DbDubnium(262)106SgSeaborgium(266)107BhBohrium(264)108HsHassium(277)109MtMeitnerium(268)110DsDarmstadtium(269)111RgRoentgenium(272)112UubUnunbium(277)113UutUnuntrium(284)114UuqUnunquadium(289)115UupUnunpentium(288)112UubUnunhexium**Note, lanthanide and actinides have been removed so it fits on one page ................

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