5th Grade Early Release Schedule - St. Mary Parish School ...

Patterson?Junior High School2020-2021Student Handbook?Home of the LumberjacksOur MissionRespect school, self, and othersOur MottoPrepare to achieve-strive for successPJHS vision statement: Making Individuals into Lifelong Learners (M.I.L.L)5th Grade Bell Schedule6th Grade Bell Schedule 7th & 8th Grade Bell Schedule 6:55 Enter campus7:25-9:20 ELA9:20-11:10 Math11:10-11:40 Lunch11:40-11:50 Recess11:50-1:40 Science and S.S.1:40-2:25 PE/band/library2:25 5th grade dismissal2:35 Jr. High dismissal6:55 Enter campus7:25-8:38 1st period8:35-8:38 Travel8:38-9:40 2nd period9:40-9:43 Travel9:43-10-45 3rd period10:45-11:05 LUNCH11:05-11:08 Travel11:08-12:10 4th period12:10-12:14 Travel 12:14-1:16 5th period1:16-1:19 Travel1:19-2:25 6th period2:25 5th grade dismissal2:35 Jr. High dismissal655 Enter campus7:25-8:38 1st period8:35-8:38 Travel8:38-9:40 2nd period9:40-9:43 Travel9:43-10-45 3rd period10:45-10:48 Travel10:48-11:50 4th period11:50-12:10 LUNCH12:10-12:14 Travel 12:14-1:16 5th period1:16-1:19 Travel1:19-2:25 6th period2:25 5th grade dismissal2:35 Jr. High dismissalAll 5th graders will dismiss from school grounds prior to Jr. High School Students5th Grade Early Release Schedule 6th Grade Early Release Schedule 7th & 8th Grade Early Release Schedule 6:55 Enter campus 7:25-8:45 Group 1 8:45-10:00 Group 210:00-11:15 Group 311:15-11:35 Recess 11:35-11:55 Lunch 11:55-12:25 Specials 12:25 5th grade dismissal 12:30 Jr. High dismissal 6:55 Enter campus 7:25-8:19 1st period 8:19-8:21 Travel 8:21-9:02 2nd period 9:02-9:05 Travel 9:05-9:46 3rd period 9:46-9:49 Travel 9:49-10:30 4th period 10:30-10:50 Lunch 10:50-10:54 Travel 10:54-11:35 5th Period11:35-11:38 Travel 11:38-12:28 6th period 12:28 1st Bus dismissal 12:30 Jr. High dismissal 6:55 Enter campus 7:25-8:19 1st period 8:19-8:21 Travel 8:21-9:02 2nd period 9:02-9:05 Travel 9:05-9:46 3rd period9:46-9:49 Travel 9:49-10:30 4th period 10:30-10:33 Travel 10:33-11:14 5th Period10:14-11:34 Lunch 11:34-11:38 Travel 11:38-12:21 6th period 12:28 1st Bus dismissal 12:30 Jr. High dismissal 1st day of School: Tuesday September 8 (Full days begin for 5th graders and Hybrid schedule begins for Jr. High)Beginning of the year paperwork requiring parent review and signatures:Parish newsletter cover letterMedicaid information formHealth information sheetResidency questionnaire formRelease of student consentLouisiana Migrant Family SearchStudent information cardItemSchool FeeReplacementClass Fee (includes PJHS face mask): $8.00$15 Student fees are due the first day of school for on campus students. $15 Virtual Student fees are due when checking out laptop. Temporary ID: $1.00Student ID: $5.00Replacement ID: $5.00Lanyard: $2.00Replacement lanyard: $2.00Computer lab fee: $5.00Replacement planner: $5.00Additional PJHS face mask: $5.00Face mask: Everyone must wear a school approved mask or neck gaiter when on school buses and on school campus. Face masks shall completely cover the nose, mouth, and chin. Masks may have patterns (flowered/cute material) or team (LSU/Saints)/school name (PJHS). Masks or neck gaiters may have student name or initials. Every student will receive a PJHS Lumberjack mask, included in school fees. Face shields, bandanna prints, words, phrases, political images and large logos are examples of face coverings not permitted. If a mask is in question, please email a picture of the mask to Mrs. Rentrop at larentrop@. ?Student planner- Student planners will be given to all students on the first day of school upon paying fees.Hall passes-Hall passes are in student planners and may be used to obtain permission to go to the restroom, locker, library, etc.? If any student has a medical condition that requires excessive restroom use, a doctor’s excuse is required to be kept on file in the nurse’s office. Students who have medical excuses will not be penalized for excessive restroom use.?Teachers have the authority to offer?students?a Minor Discipline Referral in lieu of hall passes.Restroom-Students may visit the restroom before school, at lunch/recess, and after school. Students are not permitted to use the restroom at will during class change. Students may use a hall pass found in the student's planner.Campus Behavior-Students are expected to adhere to the Top Jack Expectations, which are posted throughout the school.? Students are not to run, throw objects, horseplay, or in any other way interfere physically with other students. It is important to stay to the right of hallways and?staircases and?walk quietly while moving from one class to the next. Chewing gum is strictly prohibited on campus.??Classroom behavior?-Refusal to complete classwork and/or bring necessary materials to class can result in a minor discipline referral (MDR). Students are to be seated immediately upon entering the learning area and refrain from talking unless permission has been granted by the teacher. A student is expected to give his/her attention to the teacher until instructions are finished even if the bell signaling the end of the class has sounded. Tardy students are to enter the learning area as quietly and unobtrusively as possible to avoid disruption of class activities.??Students will be expected to meet school wide expectations in all school settings. Non-compliance will result in discipline actions.? According to the St. Mary Parish Student Code of Conduct, administrators are deemed the responsibility and authority to assign and/or alter disciplinary consequences.??Before school procedures??Morning drop off: All car riders will be dropped off at the main front entrance under the canopy on Catherine St. A Temp Team will take the temperature of all car riders. Two cars will be temp checked at that time. Please have students sitting on the passenger side of the car for quick drop off. Students will open and close car doors, not teachers.Once temperature screened, students will stand on an ax under the canopy, while waiting for bag checks.Bus drop off: All bus students, walkers, and bike riders will enter under the bus canopy. Students will stand physically distanced on an ax under the canopy. A Temp Team will take the temperature of all bus students prior to entering the building.Once temperature screened, students will enter bag check.ALL students will proceed to the cafeteria to wash hands and walk through the breakfast line. Students can choose to grab a free breakfast, then everyone will report directly to homeroom class. Teachers will be monitoring hallways and classroom, while students consume breakfast in the classroom.Following breakfast, students will discard garbage in large hallway garbage cans, not in the Jack ExpectationsMake smart choices?Follow directions quickly?Have all necessary materials, including ID visible at all timesRaise your hand for permission to speak or?leave your seat?Speak respectfully?Keep your hands, feet and all other objects to yourself??Consequences?Verbal warningTime to think intervention, not more than 10 minutes?Minor Discipline Referral, teacher makes phone call home?Major Referral, administration makes phone call home and assigns consequenceBullying Act 861Report incidentInvestigation procedure Disciplinary action according to the St. Mary Parish School Board Code of Conduct Cafeteria Guidelines-Food or plate lunches from fast food restaurants or other establishments are not permitted in the cafeteria. Soft drinks in original containers are not permitted in the cafeteria. Energy drinks such as Power Aid or Gatorade bottles are not permitted in the cafeteria. 100% fruit juice and water are allowed. Any other allowable drink must be brought into the cafeteria in a thermos type bottle so that the contents are not recognizable. Water bottles must be clear in color.? Students are not permitted to add powder flavoring into clear water bottles.??Any beverage brought to school must be consumed in the cafeteria. Students are not allowed to consume beverages in classrooms, hallways, or at recess. The St. Mary Parish School Board voted to re-establish PJHS as a CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) school for the upcoming school year.??Free and reduced lunch forms will not be collected?All students eat breakfast and lunch for free. This begins on the first day of school.??Students will present their?ID card?to be scanned at the point of service.??CEP letters will be sent home??Cafeteria expectations:Students are always expected to behave in a manner?that is?acceptable??Students are expected to maintain a clean eating environment including table, seating, and floor areas?Junior High students have the choice to select one of two meal options for lunch?Students are not permitted extra food items, or?additional?visits through the lunch line?PJHS will have 3 different lunch periods this school year, each twenty minutes in length. Lunchrooms have been arranged throughout the school building to ensure physical distancing while consuming lunch. Teachers will escort students to cafeteria, wash hands, grab lunch, then report to designated eating area. Teachers will monitor students and allow staggered groups of students to visit restroom and wash hands.Medication Policy-Faculty and staff are not permitted to administer medication to students for any reason. Only students with proper paperwork and doctors' orders may take medication from a designated secretary or school nurse upon approval of the school nurse. Homework- PJHS students are expected to complete all homework assignments. Teachers will instruct students to write homework assignments in the student’s planner and send via Remind App. Upon request, the office can gather homework assignments for ill students who have missed two or more consecutive days. Parents are asked to please notify the office before 8:30 A.M., for the need to obtain assignments. Homework packets can be picked up after 1:30 P.M.?Homework is designed to reinforce skills taught in class?Homework shall not be collected for a grade in elementary grades?Homework may be for a grade in Jr. High grades, not exceeding more than 10% of the?9-week?total points??Behavioral consequences shall not be assigned for failure to complete homework; however, recess privileges can be revoked for all grade levels providing students adequate time to complete homework?not completedCheating?- Cheating is considered a Class II misconduct according to the St. Mary Parish School Board. Administration has the privilege and authority to determine and/or alter discipline consequences at their discretion, according the St. Mary Parish Student Code of Conduct. Consequences may include, but not limited to conference, detention, ISS, etc. Make-up Work Policy-Teachers will provide the opportunity for students to make up missed assignments/test during recess time in designated classroom. Teachers must submit the names of the students to Ms. Andrews by 3pm the day before. No student will be permitted to enter the detention room if administrators have not been notified. Dismissal: 5th Grade Dismissal: 5th graders will dismiss first. Car riders will dismiss on Twin street car rider line FIRST. Those picking up students in grades 6, 7, or 8 should not get into the car rider line until after all 5th graders have left campus. Those picking up a 5th grader AND a student(s) in grade 6, 7, or 8, will pick up following 5th grade dismissal. You are kindly asked to form a line hugging the curb of Twin, not entering the circle driveway pickup line until all 5th graders have dismissed. Anyone entering the 5th grade line for students in other grades will kindly be directed to exit the line, circle the block, and re-join the correct line. Please share this information with ANYONE that may pick up your student(s) this school year.6-7-8th grade dismissal: Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will dismiss once 5th graders have left campus. Jr High students will access hallway lockers to gather personal items, including cell phones which must remain powered off until students have left school grounds. When Jr High students dismiss, each student will be given breakfast and lunch for the days they will be home for “Hybrid Virtual Days.” Food carts will be organized at both bus and car dismissal areas for quick distribution of meals. 5th graders are scheduled to attend school daily, therefore they will not be given at home meals.Library?Students may check out books from the libraryStudents must have ID to check out books?Students will be charged $.05 each day for overdue books?Fines will be assessed for excessive damage or lost books?Elementary students will visit the library weeklyAccelerated Reader-Students are required to read library books and take Accelerated Reader quizzes as part of their English language arts grade. An AR grade is worth 50 points in the English language arts class. Goals are set for each student to determine how many points they must earn each nine-week period. AR grades will depend on how successful students are in reaching their goal. Parents and students may access student AR records by visiting the library page on the school website under Renaissance Place. In order to view reports, parents and students must use the student log-in information that is located on page one of the student planner.?Lockers: Teachers will allow staggered groups of students to access hallway lockers following breakfast. Students will secure all personal items, including backpack and powered off cell phone in his/her assigned hallway locker. Students will not access hallway lockers during class change throughout the school day. Students must have their own school supplies, sharing and borrowing will not be permitted due to health and safety concerns. Therefore, students should have a zipped binder with loose leaf, folders, pencil bag of various supplies, etc. Students are encouraged to store extra notebooks, composition books, loose leaf, pencils and color pencils in hallway lockers for quick access when personal supplies run low. All students in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 need wired personal use headphones daily. Bluetooth enabled devices are not permitted. 5th grade students are not issued hallway lockers and are not permitted to possess cell phones at school, according to the St. Mary Parish District Policy.Student check out requestStudents requesting to?speak to the guidance?counselor,?phone home for medication or to check out must submit a check out slip to the front office?Students shall not be denied the opportunity to request parental medical decision making?A student helper will deliver the?checkout?slip to the office?in a sealed envelopeThe front office will phone home?Students may be called out of class to the Nurse’s office?Class Parties?Elementary grades are permitted to host a Christmas party and an Easter party?Elementary parties must be held in the last 30 minutes of the?day of dismissalParents are not permitted to attend class partiesJr. High grades may conduct content related holiday activitiesPromotion requirements- A student must end the school year with 4 quality points to be eligible to pass for the academic school year. A student must pass the last nine weeks with a minimum grade of a D. Any student that fails the last nine weeks of the school year, fails that subject for the year. Quality Points A=4 pointsB= 3 pointsC=2 pointsD=1 pointF=0 pointDates for Parent-Teacher Conferences:Progress reportThursday September 10, 2020Early release 12:30Report cardWednesday October 14, 2020Full school dayProgress reportWednesday November 18, 202Early release 12:30Report cardWednesday January 6, 2021Full school dayProgress reportTuesday February 9, 2021Early release 12:30Report cardThursday March 18, 2021Full school dayProgress reportWednesday April 28, 2021Full school dayReport cardWednesday May 26, 2021Grab and goParent-Teacher Conference Protocol- Conferences will be scheduled for each student failing, in danger of failing, behavioral concerns, etc. A minimum of two conferences (face to face or phone) must be conducted with every student failing or in danger of failing. Student progress-The parent command center on the PJHS webpage allows parents to view student information such as (not limited to) grades and attendance.Parent Volunteers- All guests shall report to the front office. Guest are not permitted to enter the hallways without clearance from the front office. Parents are not permitted to assist or attend classrooms with students present. With principal approval, volunteers are permitted to assist in making copies, or assisting in other areas of need.LEAP Spring Testing: DatesContentGrade April 6-April 30ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies5, 6, 7, 8School dances-Only eligible PJHS students will be allowed to attend and must be present at least (4) class periods on the date of the dance. Students attending a dance must wear shirts and dresses with sleeves. No visible skin may be seen between the top of the pants, skirt, or shorts and bottom of the shirt in the front or back. The length of skirts, dresses, shorts must conform to school policy. Any student with dress code violations will not be allowed in the dance. All school debts must be cleared prior to attending.Extracurricular Club and Sport OpportunitiesBETA Club-Admission to this club is by invitation only. Beta is a?service-oriented?club and is made up of elementary and junior high students who maintain a 3.25 grade point average.??Art Club- A group developed for artist to perfect skills and collaborate with other artists. The art club will conduct school group projects that will beautify the school and community. Garden Club- After school garden club provides a great way for students to learn about gardening and gain hands-on experience growing their own food and tasting the fruits (and vegetables!) of their labor.Glee Club-A group organized to sing short songs. Possible performances to be held at pep-rallies, ceremonies, concerts. R.A.K (Random Acts of Kindness)- Besides the obvious goal of doing kind acts for others, to build self-esteem and raise school morale by showing every person at our school that he or she really can make a difference, to bring everyone at our school together in a cooperative, caring way, to remind students to look for the good they see in people! To change the world with kindness!Cheerleading-Cheerleading tryouts are open to incoming seventh and eighth grade students. Any student who wishes to try out for cheerleading must be in 7th or 8th grade and maintain a 2.0 grade point average with no more than one F. Team members must remain in good academic standing and adhere to all team rules and bylaws.???Dance Team-Dance Team tryouts are open to incoming sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. Those wishing to try out must maintain a 2.0 grade point average with no more than one F. Team members must remain in good academic standing and adhere to all team rules and bylaws.??4-H-The 4-H club is open to boys and girls in all grades and involves activities in the area of agriculture and home economics.??Insight-Insight is a club for young Christians. Membership is open to any student interested in joining. Meetings are held weekly during lunch recess.??Student Council-PJHS Student Council acts as the student government of the school. Members are elected by the student body and are involved in?several?activities throughout the year.??Debate Team- The debate team is open all students in grades 6, 7, and 8 and involves discussion topics where each team has a set time period to prepare an argument. Quiz Bowl- Quiz bowl is a quiz-based competition that tests players on a wide variety of academic subjects. Quiz bowl team is open to 6, 7, and 8th grade students. Tryouts consist of two after school meeting days in which students complete a minimum of 30 standardized questions comprised of history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. Anime Club-The Anime Club is open to all 6, 7, and 8th grade students. The club members meet to discuss, show, and promote anime in local community settings and also focus on broadening Japanese culture. Sports-Football, baseball, softball, girls and boys track, volleyball, girls and boys basketball. To be eligible to participate in athletics at the junior high school level, one cannot reach the age of fifteen (15) before September 1st of the current school year. A student who reaches the age of fifteen (15) on or after September 1st will be eligible for the entire school year and must have a minimum grade point average of 1.5, in the traditional eight period schedule, a student shall have no more than one (1) F. All junior high/middle school students shall begin each school year eligible for athletics. To ensure continued eligibility grades shall be calculated after each nine-weeks grading period for eligibility/ineligibility for the following nine-week period. Eligibility status for the second, third, and fourth nine-weeks grading period will be adjusted on the report card day preceding the respective nine-weeks grading periods. Participation in these activities is a privilege not a right. Field trips-are designed to supplement different aspects of the curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the community. Parents will receive notices of field trips well in advance of the scheduled trip and will be asked to sign field trip permission forms. Administration will do background checks for potential chaperones before being permitted for the trip.Field trip expectations:Students should conduct themselves as if they were in the classroom.Parents should conduct themselves in an orderly manner. No cursing, no smoking, and no modeling of other inappropriate behaviors will be tolerated.Students will ride the bus to the field trip and return to school on the bus.Students are not allowed to be checked out during the field trip. Check outs are handled through the office only.Parents who attend as chaperones are expected to dress accordingly: no tank tops, short shorts, half-shirts, sagging pants, etc.Pictures should not be taken of children during the field trip and posted online via social media.Not complying to these expectations can result in dismissal of future chaperoning at PJHS.Possible Minor Referral Offenses and ConsequencesMinor Referral OffensesConsequencesAccessing hallway locker during non-specified timeStudents may be issued minor discipline referrals (MDRs). On the 2nd MDR, students will be assigned to lunch detention. Once the student has received three minor infractions, the student will receive a major referral.?Documentation of the 3 minor incidents will be submitted with the major referral.Teachers will contact parents for each MDR.Teacher’s failure to contact parents according to set procedure will void the MDR. Minor discipline referrals will be calculated per 9 weeks and will start over on each report card day. Students may be issued minor discipline referrals (MDRs). On the 2nd MDR, students will be assigned to lunch detention. Once the student has received three minor infractions, the student will receive a major referral.?Documentation of the 3 minor incidents will be submitted with the major referral.Teachers will contact parents for each MDR.Teacher’s failure to contact parents according to set procedure will void the MDR. Minor discipline referrals will be calculated per 9 weeks and will start over on each report card day. Smacking lipsRolling eyesTalking back, disrespectfulHaving to be told multiple times to take out materialsHaving to be told multiple times to get to workHaving to be told multiple times to take a seatRefusal to discontinue a misbehavior after being warnedRough play, horseplay, slapping, kicking, or shovingHolding handsBeverage, food, or gumFailure to complete classworkInattentive, sleepingExcessive talkingTardy to classHall PassAccording to the St. Mary Parish Student Code of Conduct, administrators are deemed the responsibility and authority to assign and/or alter disciplinary consequences.*Depending upon the seriousness of the offense, the above may be alteredPossible Major Referral Offenses and ConsequencesMajor Referral OffensesConsequences?Willful disobedience/refusal to cooperate or comply with school/district expectations 1st Offense: 2 hours2nd Offense: 4 hoursLeaving class without permission/skipping class1st Offense: 4?hours 2nd?Offense: 1 Day ISS,??Improper use of technology1st Offense: 2 hours2nd Offense: 4 hoursFailure to report to assigned alternate teacher1st Offense: 2 hours2nd Offense: 4 hoursFightingArrest made with Patterson Police Department with a minimum?3 days?ISS?Hitting/excessive horseplay not deemed a fight/instigating a fight1st Offense: 4?hours 2nd?Offense: 1 Day ISS,?Skipping school/leaving campus??1st Offense: 1 day ISS2nd Offense: 2 days ISS3rd Offense: ISS/HearingDefacing school property1st Offense: 2 hours2nd Offense: 4 hours??Cheating/plagiarismConsequences may include, but not limited to conference, detention, ISS, etc.Forging the signature?1st?Offense: 2 hours2nd Offense: 4 hours 3rd Offense: ISSVerbal, written, or drawn profanity, yelling at faculty or student, profane gesture, racial slur, inappropriate comments of sexual nature??1st Offense:?4 hours2nd Offense: ISSSagging pants/shorts/jeans1st Offense: 2 hours2nd Offense: 4 hoursDisrespect for authority (depending on severity)?1st Offense: 2 hours 2nd Offense:?4 hours 3rd Offense: ISS??Assault and battery/threatening a faculty memberArrest; ISS pending a hearingVaping, smoking, chewing, dipping, or possession of?tobacco?or smokeless tobacco products??Consequences assigned per District PolicyStealing (depends on severity):1st Offense: 2 hours 2nd Offense: 4 hours3rd Offense: ISSVerbal harassment, name calling, threatening,?etc.Consequences assigned per Zero Tolerance Bully Policy Possession or use of dangerous weaponCriminal charges, ISS pending hearingIllegal drugs/alcohol or controlled substanceCriminal charges, ISS pending hearing?Student contact (kissing, hugging, grabbing, groping, inappropriate touching of any kind)1st Offense: 4 hours2nd Offense: ISS?According to the St. Mary Parish Student Code of Conduct, administrators are deemed the responsibility and authority to assign and/or alter disciplinary consequences.Students on A/B hybrid schedules may be assigned ISS on any of the 5 school days. ??? Cellular phone & device policy for students-No student shall use or operate any cellular telephone or other electronic telecommunication device, including but not limited to any facsimile system, radio paging service, mobile telephone service, intercom, electromechanical paging system, cameras, video tape recorders, MP3 players, all Bluetooth enabled devices, watches, Apple watches, fitbits, headphones, electronic pads, writing tablets, any other smart device, or similar electronic telecommunication device, etc. in any public elementary or secondary school building or on the grounds thereof, or on a school bus, during the regular academic day. Any-cellular telephones and/or other electronic telecommunication device in use or operation during the regular academic day shall be confiscated by a faculty or staff member at the time of the infraction. A student’s refusal to relinquish the device shall result in the student being recommended for expulsion. The confiscated device shall be held in the school’s office, and the student’s parents or guardian shall be contacted. Parents shall be allowed to retrieve the device before, or at the end of the regular academic day. When a student’s device is confiscated pursuant to this policy, he/she shall be disciplined in accordance with the Guide to St. Mary Parish Schools. As used in this policy, the terms below shall be defined as follows-Use or operation of a cellular telephone or other electronic telecommunication device means the device is being held by a student, or is turned on, makes an audible sound, or is in a mode capable of receiving or transmitting signals. The regular academic day shall begin at the time students arrive on campus prior to the tardy bell and conclude upon the dismissal bell at the end of the day. Electronic telecommunication device usage for any purpose is not permitted during school hours. Use or operation includes but is not limited to the following: (1) Any visual and/or audible signal during school hours (2) Talking, sending or receiving text messages, listening to music, taking or receiving pictures/video on the phone (3) Students choosing to bring an electronic telecommunication device to campus must secure it in the off position completely powered down in a car or school locker during school hours.Students in Grades PK- 5-Electronic Telecommunication Devices are not permitted on campus during regular school hours for any reason for students in PK – 5th grades.Students in Grades 6-12-Use or operation of electronic telecommunication devices is not permitted on any school bus used to transport public school students.Consequences for Violation:? First offense - The electronic telecommunication device/cell phone will be confiscated by school officials; parent will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours.? Second offense- The electronic telecommunication device will be confiscated by school officials; parent will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours. The student will be assigned detention.? Subsequent offense – The electronic device/cell phone will be confiscated by school officials; parent will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours. The student will receive one (1) day of in-school suspension. Revised July 9, 2020 PJHS Student Dress Code Guidelines Student Dress Code-The mandatory school uniform policy adopted by the St. Mary Parish School Board and outlined in?A Guide to St. Mary Parish Schools?must be adhered to by all students. Please see the parish publication for the full policy; a summary is listed below.?Shirts: Plain navy or white polo-style or button up dress shirts with a collar. Shirts must be long enough to be tucked in,?and always remain tucked in. Shirts repeatedly not tucked in will result in?a uniform infraction.??Excessively tight shirts?are not allowed.??Undershirts: White only; students will be asked to remove any undershirt not solid white.??Undergarments: May not be visible through clothing, no sagging pants or visible undergarments.??Belts: Solid black, brown, navy– no decorations or large belt buckles. Students will be asked to remove any belt not school approved, and this will result in a uniform infraction.Pants:?Plain khaki pants, no capri or rolled pants.??Tights and jeggings are strictly prohibited.Shorts/Skirts: Plain khaki shorts, no shorter than 2 inches above the kneeJackets: Solid black, white, red, blue jean jackets or designated PJHS jackets can be worn during the day.?Students will be asked to remove any jacket not school approved.??No hoods can be worn on outerwear inside of the building. Sweatshirts/Sweaters:?Solid white, black, or designated PJHS spirit sweatshirts.??No hoods allowed on outerwear. Shoes: A full shoe must always be worn. No heels on any footwear. Pants must be worn on the outside of boots. Proper footwear must be worn for Physical Education classes daily. Socks:?Solid white, black, or gray socks must be visible. ID’S: IDs must always be worn during school. Students are responsible for lost or damaged IDs. IDs cannot be defaced in any way including writing, stickers, holes, chewed edges, etc. Photo and student name must be visible, and barcode must work. Students will be required to purchase a replacement ID if their ID is lost or defaced in any way.??A temporary ID may be purchased upon arrival to school for $1. If a student fails to go to the temporary ID line, an MDR will be issued in homeroom for a uniform violation. A replacement ID may be purchased at any time for $5. Blue Jeans:?(when designated) Jeans may be solid blue or black, no holes, no frayed hems, no jegging style jeans, no capri or rolled jeans. Jeans may not be baggy, nor too tight. Jeans must be of traditional jean material. Jean shorts and skirts are not permitted.?Administrators have the authority and responsibility to revoke the participation and privilege of dress down days to any student for non-compliance.Spirit shirts: (when designated) The students have the option of wearing a school-approved spirit shirt or a standard school uniform.?Dress down guidelines: Students may wear jeans and/or spirit shirts each Friday for a $1 donation. Students must adhere to the following:No holes in jeans or any clothing. No frayed bottoms. No elastic waist bottoms or joggers. No capris or jean shorts, no rolled jeans, no yoga style pantsJeans should be blue denim or black in color--no other colors allowedSpirit shirt should be PJHS or generic Patterson Lumberjack shirt. Political/racial logos, images, and/or phrases are not permitted.IDs must always be visible Grades 6-8 Uniform Violation ActionsUniform Violation Offence CountConsequenceFirst offenseWarning: Parent notified via JTextSecond offenseWarning: Parent notified via JTextThird offenseMinor referral; lunch detention; Parent notified via JTextFourth offense Minor referral; lunch detention; Parent notified via JTextFifth offense Major referral; Parent notified via phone callStudent of the Year requirements-Principal’s List Students earning an overall GPA of 4.0, all A’sBreakfast with the principal???Popsicle/ice cream at recess?Honor Roll?Students earning an overall GPA of 3.0, A’s, B’s, and Cs. Students must have one A for every C to qualifyAny grade lower than a C disqualifies a?student?from Honor roll??Popsicle/ice cream at recess?Top Jack?Positive behavior Students will be rewarded by administration designated dress daysNo major referrals??Positive behavior Punch Cards: Each student will receive a Punch Card on the first day of school Teachers will initial the student’s Punch Card when the student is witnessed exhibiting exceptional, positive behavior according to the school wide expectations. Students will have the opportunity to trade punched cards at the concession stand for one week per nine weeks.Principal’s 100 Club: Students receive a Top Jack Ticket for going ABOVE AND BEYOND (examples: cleaning up trash without being asked to, caught helping someone who dropped something, student seen consoling or encouraging others-without adult prompt). When a student earns a Top Jack Ticket, they are sent to the office to sign the Celebrity Book & share with office staff what they did to earn the ticket. Students then choose a number out of a jar (1-100) and place their name on the corresponding number on the Principal’s 100 Club Board. When a row, column, or diagonal is complete (10 student’s names in a row) the students will receive a special treat. Student of the Month-PJHS recognizes outstanding students from each grade level monthly that exemplify Top Jack expectations. Principals’ Awards?are presented to students having a GPA of 4.0 entire academic year. Honor Roll Awards are presented to students having earned Honor Roll entire academic year. ?Highest GPA Awards?are presented to the student with the highest academic average for the year in math, science, social studies, and language arts.Citizenship awards?are presented to a male and a female student in each grade. These awards are voted on by the faculty of PJHS.??STUDENT FEES, FINES AND CHARGES ITEM 18* The St. Mary Parish School Board may impose certain student fees or charges to help offset special costs incurred in the operation of specific classrooms or subjects. Generally, students should not be denied or delayed admission nor denied access to any instructional activity due to failure or inability of their parent or guardian to pay a fee. Report cards and other academic records cannot be withheld for failure to pay a fee, pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:112(C).The School Board shall publish the Student Fees, Fines and Charges policy and procedures on its website. Each school shall publish the policy on its website and include it in the school's student handbook which shall be provided to each student and his/her parent or legal guardian at the beginning of each school year in the manner determined by the School Board. The Student Fees, Fines and Charges policy shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary.DEFINITIONS-Fees shall mean any monetary payment or supplies required as a condition of a student being enrolled in school or participating in any curricular or co-curricular activity. Fees shall not include suppli s or monetary payment for extracurricular activities. Fees shall not mean the cost of school meals. Curricular and co-curricular activities are activities that are relevant, supportive, that are an integral part of the program of studies in which the student is enrolled, and that are under the supervision and/or coordination of the school instructional staff. Extracurricular activities are those activities which are not directly related to the program of studies, which are under the supervision and/or coordination of the school instructional staff, and which are considered valuable for the overall development of the student.REGULATIONS-1. A school shall not charge or access a fee unless the fee has been set and included in the School Board's approved Schedule of Fees. 2. Fees charged for the same item or service shall be consistent among all schools under the jurisdiction of the School Board. 3. Failure by a student, or parent on behalf of their child, to pay any required fee shall not result in the withholding of a student's educational record.ITEM 18*A list of authorized fees, including their purpose, use, amount or authorized range, and how each fee is collected, shall be as listed on the Schedule of Fees (Appendix A) attached to this policy.Economic Hardship Waivers-A student or his/her parent or legal guardian may request and receive a waiver of payment of a fee due to economic hardship. Waivers of fees shall be granted based on objective criteria which shall include, but not be limited to the following, relative to the student or his/her family: 1. Is receiving unemployment benefits or public assistance including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, supplemental security income, or Medicaid. 2. Is in foster care or is caring for children in foster care. 3. Is homeless. 4. Is serving in, or within the previous year has served in, active military service. 5. Is eligible for free or reduced priced meals in schools not participating in the Community Eligibility Provision Program 6. Is an emancipated minor.A written request for a waiver of fees shall be submitted to the principal of the school or his/her designee for consideration. Proof of eligibility shall be included with the fee waiver request. A written decision on the waiver request shall be rendered within five {5) school days of the date of receipt of the request. Should the initial request to the principal of the school for a waiver be denied, a written appeal may be made to the Superintendent or his/her designee. who shall respond to the appeal in writing within five (5) school days of the receipt of the appeal. All requests for economic hardship waivers of student fees and any and all supporting documentation used in considering the validity of any request for a waiver shall be confidential. All records associated with a fee waiver request due to economic hardship shall not constitute a public record, but may be audited to ensure compliance with the School Board's policy. A student's personally identifiable information associated with such a waiver request shall not be made public. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ITEM 18*School supplies requested by classroom teachers of a student's parent or legal guardian shall not exceed a published amount per student per school year as determined by the School Board. Each school principal shall approve all school supplies requested by classroom teachers. Prior to assessing a fee for school supplies or developing a school supply list, consideration shall be given to the existing school supply inventory. A student shall not be denied the opportunity to participate in a classroom activity due to his or her inability to provide requested supplies. DAMAGE TO TEXTBOOKS/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS*The School Board may require parents and/or legal guardians to compensate the school district for lost, destroyed, or unnecessarily damaged books and materials, and for any books which are not returned to the proper schools at the end of each school year or upon withdrawal of their dependent child. Under no circumstances may a student of school age be held financially responsible for fees associated with textbook replacement. Compensation by parents or guardians may be in the form of monetary fees or community/school service activities, as determined by the School Board. In the case of monetary fees, fines shall be limited to no more than the replacement cost of the textbook or material, but may, at the discretion of the School Board, be adjusted according to the physical condition of the lost or destroyed textbook. A school system may waive or reduce the payment required if the student is from a family of low income and may provide for a method of payment other than lump-sum payment. In lieu of monetary payments, both school systems and parents/ guardians may elect to have students perform school/community service activities, provided that such are arranged so as not to conflict with school instructional time, are properly supervised by school staff, and are suitable to the age of the child. Under no circumstances may a school or school district refuse the parent/guardian the right to inspect relevant grades or records pertaining to the child nor may the school or school district refuse to promptly transfer the records of any child withdrawing or transferring from the school, per requirements of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Under no circumstances may a school or school district deny a student promotional opportunity, as a result of failure to compensate the school district for lost or damaged textbooks. Students shall not be denied continual enrollment each grading period nor re? entry in succeeding school years as a result of lost or damaged books. Students shall not be denied the use of a textbook during school hours each day. The school system shall annually inform parents and/or legal guardians of the locally adopted procedures pursuant to state law and regulation, regarding reasonable and proper control of textbooks. Revised: October, 2001-Revised: September 14, 2017-Revised: November, 2019-ITEM 18* Ref: 20 USC 1232(g-i) (Family Educational and Privacy Rights); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:8, 17:81, 17:112, 17:177, 17:178; Board minutes, 9-14-17. ................

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