West Virginia Department of Education

Project Design Template

Project Title: Creative Citizenship


Project Idea: Creating an Elementary Book on Citizenship

Entry Event: The County Instructional Materials Coordinator has asked your group to create an illustrated children’s book to teach Fifth grade students about citizenship. He has given you the following 5th grade content standard as a basis for your book. West Virginia Content Standard: SS.5.C.1 illustrate the rights, responsibilities, duties and privileges of a patriotic citizen within authentic situations (e.g., election, food drive, jury duty, etc.) and defend these actions as examples or non-examples of good citizenship. See Entry Event Letter.


Twist: Students may be instructed to convert their book into a digital story.

Content Standards:

|Standards Directly Taught or Learned |Identified Learning Targets |Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified Learning Target |

|Through Discovery | | |

|SS.USC.1 Identify the issues |Students can identify various components of |Students will use various methods to create a book to teach 5th graders|

|regarding the evolution of United |citizenship and evaluate the responsibilities and |about citizenship. |

|States citizenship and evaluate |rights of citizens. | |

|responsibilities and rights of United| |In addition to the groups? daily reflection log.  Students will have 5 |

|States citizens (e.g., landownership,| |minutes at the end of class each day to reflect and write in their |

|race, gender and age). | |individual journals about their feelings on being a U.S. citizen. |

| | | |

|DSS.9-12.4 Decision Making and | | |

|Personal Responsibility | | |

|Analyze the relationship between | | |

|behaviors, choices, and consequences | | |

|and apply a decision making model to | | |

|achieve desired goals. | | |

|Develop and implement action plans to| | |

|attain personal, school, and civic | | |

|goals. | | |

|Utilize problem solving techniques to| | |

|generate alternatives and address | | |

|changes to attain goals. | | |

|Identify possible long term | | |

|consequences of decisions and take | | |

|responsibility to achieve desired | | |

|goals. | | |

|DSS.9-12.17 Assume Responsible |Students will create and share a book project on |Students will use various methods to create a book to teach 5th graders|

|Leadership |citizenship with elementary students. |about citizenship. |

|Demonstrate characteristics of | | |

|successful leaders and team members |Working in collaborative groups, students will |Group contracts and Daily Reflection Log (includes Bibliography |

|to reach goals. |complete the total project for use by elementary |section) |

|Exhibit leadership through service to|students. |Collaboration Rubric |

|improve the school and community. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.5 Select appropriate | | |

|platforms and tools to create, share | | |

|and communicate their work | | |

|effectively. | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.6 Create original works or| | |

|responsibly repurpose other digital | | |

|resources into new creative works | | |

| | | |

|TCS.9-12.7 Communicate complex | | |

|ideas clearly using various digital | | |

|tools to convey the concepts | | |

|textually, visually, graphically, | | |

|etc. | | |

Performance Objectives:


Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens

Rights of U.S. Citizens

Duties of U.S. Citizens

Privileges of U.S. Citizens


Use various creative methods to create an illustrated children’s book on citizenship.

Work cooperatively in groups.

Set Goals.

Categorizes the responsibilities, duties, privileges and rights of American citizenship and analyze the differences.

Participate in a volunteer service.

Driving Question:

What are the most important aspects of being a U.S. Citizen?

Assessment Plan:

| |Children’s Book |

|Major Group Products |Daily Reflection Logs |

| |Daily journal entries |

|Major Individual Products |Community Service (read to elementary students) |

Assessment and Reflection:

|Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) |Collaboration |X |Written Communication |X |

| |Critical Thinking & Problem Solving | |Content Knowledge | |

| |Oral Communication | |Other Combination Rubric |X |

|Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all |Quizzes/ tests | |Practice presentations |X |

|that apply) | | | | |

| |Self-evaluation | |Notes | |

| |Evaluation by 5th Grade Teacher |X |Checklists/observations | |

| |Online tests and exams | |Concept maps | |

|Reflections: |Survey | |Focus Group | |

| |Discussion | |Task Management Chart | |

| |Journal Writing/ Learning Log |X |Other Daily Reflection Log |X |

Map the Product:

Product: Citizenship Book for 5th Grade Students

|Knowledge and Skills Needed |Already Have Learned |Taught Before the Project |Taught During the Project |

|1. Categorizes the responsibilities, duties, privileges and rights of | | |X |

|American citizenship and analyze the differences. | | | |

|2. Set Goals |X |X |X |

|3. Work in Cooperative Groups |X | | |

|4. | | | |

|5. | | | |

|6. | | | |


School-based Individuals:

Media Specialist

           Visual Arts Teacher

           Civics Teacher

           Language Arts Teacher


Various Multi-Media Publishing Programs

            Internet Research


Local Elementary Schools

            County Textbook Coordinator



Various Art Supplies

Book Binders

Manage the Process:

Students will be divided into groups of 3 or 4 to create their book.  Each group must create a contract outlining individual responsibilities relating to the project.  Each group could include students with special needs and they will receive accommodations when and if needed. 

Below is a sample flow chart of events for the project:

Entry Event: The County Textbook Coordinator has asked your group to create an illustrated children’s book to teach fifth grade students about citizenship.  He has given you the following 5th grade content standard as a basis for your book.  West Virginia Content Standard:  SS. categorizes the responsibilities, duties, privileges and rights of American citizenship and analyze the differences.  An Entry Event Letter has been provided.


Pass out Book Rubric, Daily Reflection Log, Group Contract Template, and Collaboration Rubric.


Explain to the students that in addition to their groups reflection logs, individually they will be making a daily journal entry reflecting on what they have learned about citizenship and what being a U.S. citizen means to them specifically.


Research Book Topic


Provide each group with an email address or contact information for the 5th grade teacher to who’s class they will be reading their book to (if they do not want to provide contact info, set up a time for them to meet with the groups) in case the group has any questions for the 5th grade teacher.


Begin work on text and illustration of the book


The teacher will meet with each group or group leader on a daily basis to keep track of their progress.


Rough draft of book must be approved by the teacher before work on final copy begins.


Twist may be added here.  Students will be instructed to convert their book into a digital story using movie maker or photo story.


Final copy 


Binding and publishing of Books


Practice Readings of Books (Practice Presentation Checklist)


Final copies of bound and illustrated books taken to local elementary schools to be read.

Project Reflection and Evaluation:

The book will be read to various 5th grade classes in the county.  The students will then receive feedback from the students and teachers of those classrooms.  5th grade classroom teachers and students will be asked to complete a 5th grade teacher evaluation sheet and a student evaluation sheet.  Each group will then bring back a compiled list of their evaluations for discussion.  The group as a whole will then sit down and discuss their evaluations, commenting on the positive and negative aspects of the project and what they would have done differently.  Each student will then be asked to review their daily journal entries and share with the class what they feel is the most important aspect of being a U.S. citizen.

__________________________________ County Schools

To: Senior Civics Class Groups

From__________________________ Instructional Materials Coordinator

Date: ___________________

We are currently trying to come up with a book to teach 5th grade students about citizenship. I am asking your group to create an illustrated Children’s book about citizenship using the West Virginia Content Standard for 5th graders: SS.5.C.1 illustrate the rights, responsibilities, duties and privileges of a patriotic citizen within authentic situations (e.g., election, food drive, jury duty, etc.) and defend these actions as examples or non-examples of good citizenship. I have attached a rubric which you should follow while creating your book. Please let me know when you have completed the book, I am hoping to have the books ready for review in three weeks, so please let me know if you will need more time.

Thank you,

County Text Book Coordinator

Creative Citizenship PBL Combination Rubric

|Criteria | |1 |2 |3 |

|Characteristics of citizens are |40% |Characteristics of a citizen are |Characteristics of a good citizen are |Characteristics of a good citizen are |

|well summarized. Responsibilities,| |briefly mentioned. One or more of the |mentioned; responsibilities, duties, |well noted. Responsibilities, duties, |

|duties, privileges, and rights are | |following were left out: |privileges, and rights of citizens are |privileges, and rights are fully |

|evaluated. | |responsibilities, duties, privileges, |explained. |evaluated. |

| | |and rights of citizens. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5 |6 – 7 - 8 |9 - 10 |

|The 5th grade CSO (SS. |30% |Some parts of the 5th grade CSO were |The 5th grade CSO was used as the basis|The 5th grade CSO was used as the basis |

|categorizes the responsibilities, | |used as the basis of their book. |for their book; however they did not |of the book. They fully analyzed the |

|duties, privileges and rights of | | |note the difference between rights, |difference between rights, |

|American citizenship and analyze | | |responsibilities, privileges and duties|responsibilities, duties, and privileges|

|the differences.) is the basis for | | |of citizenship. |of citizenship. |

|the book. The differences between | | | | |

|each are noted. | | | | |

| | |1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 | | |

| | | |6 – 7 - 8 |9 - 10 |

|The book is bound, creative, and |20% |The book is missing one or more of the |The book is bound and there are |The book is well bound, very creative, |

|colorful and is fully illustrated. | |following components: title. Bound, |illustrations on at least every other |and there is at least one meaningful |

|The illustrations and Title fully | |colorful, meaningful, and illustrated. |page. The book has a title and the |illustration on each page of the book. |

|communicate the meaning of the book| |The book is not age appropriate. |illustrations convey the content of the|The book totally grabs the attention of |

|and grab the audience’s attention. | | |book. |the audience. The Title of the book |

|The book is age appropriate. | | | |conveys its content in a catchy way. |

| | | | |The book is age appropriate. |

| | |1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5 | | |

| | | |6 – 7 - 8 |9 - 10 |

|Students volunteer to go to the |10% |One or no members of the group |Two or more members of the group |Every student in the group volunteered |

|Local Elementary schools and Read | |volunteered to go to the local |volunteer to go to the local Elementary|to go read their book at the local |

|the books. | |Elementary Schools to read their book. |School to read their books. |Elementary School. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5 |6 – 7 - 8 | |

| | | | |9 – 10 |

Team Contract Template

Team Members:

Our Purpose:

Code of Conduct

We will:

1. Provide the opportunity for all members to participate.





Decision Making

We will make project decisions by:





Task Due Responsible Person(s) Checkpoint

Conflict Resolution

When we encounter conflict or someone does not fulfill his/her responsibilities we will:




_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ Date ____________________________

Creative Citizenship

Daily Reflection and Task Management Log







Creative Citizenship Collaboration Rubric

DIRECTIONS: Indicate the number from the following scale that reflects your assessment of the student’s or group’s work.

1= week 2 = Moderately Weak 3 = Average 4 = Moderately Strong 5 = Strong

1. Each member of the group had a clear understanding

of the group’s task. 1 2 3 4 5

2. Each member of the group had an understanding

Of his or her expected contribution to the assignment. 1 2 3 4 5

3. Group members listened willingly to one another. 1 2 3 4 5

4. Members of the groups showed leadership qualities. 1 2 3 4 5

5. Group members presented information in a logical manner. 1 2 3 4 5

6. Group members encouraged one another. 1 2 3 4 5

7. Each member of the group fulfilled his or her

responsibilities. 1 2 3 4 5

8. The group fulfilled all the requirements of its

assigned task. 1 2 3 4 5

9. Overall, the group worked well together. 1 2 3 4 5

10. The group performed to its full potential. 1 2 3 4 5


Total Points _____________

Creative Citizenship Practice Presentation Checklist: (35 points possible)

Title of Book:___________________________________________

Group Members:_________________________________________



o Bound Copy of Book (5 points)

o Book is Illustrated colorfully.(5 points)

o Book Grabs Attention.(5 points)

o Reader speaks clearly and at a proper tone.(5 Points)

o Book has good flow.(5 points)

o Book covers proper content and is age appropriate.(10 points)

Total Points _________/35

Creative Citizenship 5th grade Teacher Evaluation

Title of Book:___________________________________________

Groups Members in Attendance to Read Book:_______________________________________


o Bound Copy of Book . Comments:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

o Book is illustrated colorfully.

Comments:_____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

o Book Grabs Attention and is Age Appropriate

Comments:_____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

o Reader speaks clearly and at a proper tone.

Comments:_____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

o Book has good flow

Coments:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

o Book covers proper content

Comments:_____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Additional Comments:

Teacher Signature/School/Date

Student Evaluation of Creative Citizenship Books


1. What did you learn from this book?

2. What was your favorite part of the book?

3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best) how would you rate this book? (Circle your choice)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Twist (optional)

Final Copy

Edit and make changes

Community service (read books at elementary schools)


Practice presentation

Bind books or publish digital stories

Rough Draft

Begin work on book or digital story


Review Rubrics

Group Contracts

Entry Event


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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