
Section 1: Map Skills (SS6G5)

For questions 1-5 match the letter on the map with the correct physical feature. Example: if a question was the Atlantic Ocean, you would match it to letter F on the map.


1. Arctic Ocean ____ 2. Canadian Shield ____ 3. Hudson Bay ____

4. St. Lawrence River ____ 5. Rocky Mountains ____

Section 2: Multiple Choice

For questions 6-20 answer each question to the best of your ability. Mark your answer choice on the space provided after each question. Select the best answer choice provided.


6. Which statement is TRUE about where most Canadians live? ____

a. Most Canadians live close to the U.S. border

b. Most Canadians live in the north of Canada

c. Most Canadians live in Quebec

d. Most Canadians live in the Northwest Territory

7. Why is it easy for Canada to trade with the United States? ____

a. the two countries are neighbors and share a border over 3,000 miles long

b. Canada has access to major ocean ports in three oceans

c. Canada does not trade with the United States

d. both countries cannot grow crops because it’s too cold

8. The climate in northern Canada is called the tundra. Why is this? ____

a. the ground is wet

b. it is very cold with lots of trees

c. it is very cold with lots of snow and ice

d. tundra is another name for the North Pole


9. Which of these is one of the main sources of the chemicals in acid rain? ____

a. bicycles

b. coal-burning factories

c. forests

d. students who walk to school

10. Where in Canada are the most valuable mineral resources found? ____

a. Hudson Bay

b. Golden Horseshoe

c. Canadian Shield

d. Rocky Mountains


11. The primary languages and religions in Canada have been influenced by which two countries? ____

a. Spain and United Kingdom

b. France and Russia

c. United Kingdom and France

d. Spain and Russia

12. Canada gained its independence from Britain by? ____

a. Winning the war against Britain

b. Buying the land from Britain

c. Peaceful means

d. Going to war


13. Why do some citizens of Quebec want to be free from Canada? ____

a. French descendents living in Quebec feel their culture and language is being overwhelmed by the English

b. Oppressed Quebec citizens desire freedom of speech and religion

c. Large deposits of fossil fuels that Quebec does not want to share with the rest of Canada

d. Canada conquered Quebec during World War II

14. What is one things Canada has done to keep the Quebecois happy? ____

a. given them free subs on Tuesdays

b. decided to call them Becies

c. added French to the official language of Canada

d. they haven’t done anything nice for the Quebecois


15. What is the head of the Canadian government called? ____

a. King

b. President

c. Mounties

d. Prime Minister

16. What is the role of Queen Elizabeth II in Canada’s government? ____

a. she looks pretty

b. she is the queen of Canada

c. she has nothing to do with Canada

d. she is the Chief of State

17. Canada and the United States have a lot in common. Which of the following is a true statement? ____

a. both allow citizens to vote at age 18

b. both have federal systems of government

c. both have many freedoms and rights to protect their citizens

d. all of the above

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18. What 3 economic questions are asked when studying the similarities of a traditional, command and market economy among nations of the world? ____

a. What to produce, why to produce, when to produce?

b. What is your opportunity cost, what economic resources are needed, why should these resources be used?

c. What to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce?

d. What is your opportunity cost, why are economic resources needed, when should these resources be used?

19. Only 5% of Canada is arable land (land that can be farmed). Because of this, Canada has to do what in order to get what crops it needs. ____

a. shop online

b. import goods from other countries

c. export goods from other countries

d. build enormous skyscrapers with farms on each level

20. Which country is Canada’s biggest trading partner? ____

a. Russia

b. Alaska

c. United States

d. Greenland

Section 3: Short Answer

For each question write the answer that best explains the question. Use complete sentences!

21. Canada has a literacy rate of 99%. Explain what that means.

22. This is the Canadian flag. Label the following onto the flag. (Hint: you won’t use all 6 but you may use some more than once)

1. red 2. white 3. blue 4. black 4. beaver 5. hockey 6. maple leaf



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