IFAST System Security Control Procedure & Information


Please use block capitals everywhere

Please Fax to your CRM once duly signed by an authorized manager

1. Client Identification

|Requesting Site: |MFS |Client Name: |MFS |Client Code: |      |

2. Requestor Information

|Requested By: |      |Phone: |      |Date Submitted: |      |

|Requestor’s Email: |      |User ID/Password will be sent to this address (encrypted) |

3. Request Type - Please choose all applicable options.

|Request: | New User | Delete User | Access Type/Level Update | | |

|Server: | Production | UAT |

4. User Information

|First Name: |      |Last Name: |      |

|IFDS System User ID: |      |(leave blank for new user) |

|User Group: | External User: Dealer, Rep or Shareholder | Fund Company Employee |

| | | IFDS Employee (Toronto Only) |

5. Access Type - Please choose one of the following options and complete the required information.

| Fund Company Employee |

| Advisor |

|Firm # (Broker): |      |Office # (Branch): |      |Rep # (Rep): |      |

| Shareholder |

|Entity #: |      |Memorable Date: |01/01/2000 (pre-filled data) |

|Account #: |      |Memorable Type: |01 (pre-filled data) |

| Shareholder Group |

|Shareholder Group #: |      |

6. Access Level - When adding a new user or changing access, specify all required bands. Access not specified will be removed.

Inquiry Level:

| |Full (iwebFull) |Fund Company only - access to view all available pages online. |

| |Broker (iwebBroker) |Broker and Branch level access to view accounts online. |

| |Advisor (iwebAdvisor) |Representative/advisor access to view their accounts online. |

| |Investor (iwebShHolder) |Shareholder access to view their accounts online. |

| |Shareholder Group (iwebShGroup) |Shareholder Group level access to view their accounts online. |

Trading Level:

| One Step Trading | Input Only | Verify Only | Input and Verify |

|(iwebtrade & iwebvertrade) |(iwebtrade) |(iwebverify & iwebvertrade) |(iwebtrade & iwebverify) |

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7. Authorization and declaration

I authorise the above request to the employee of the organisation above. The following signed parties are responsible to ensure the terms and conditions are in accordance with the Remote Access Agreement and are followed at all times.

Authorised Manager’s Name User’s Manager iFAST/Web User

_________________________ _________________________ _____________________

Name of signatory:       Name of signatory: Name of signatory:      

Title: Title:       Title:      

Date: Date: Date:      

IFDSL/SSII Management Authorization (Authorized CRM)

I authorize the requested access as valid. I understand it is my responsibility to notify Data Security Administrator when access is no longer required and/or employee or contractor has terminated/transferred.

Authorized CRM Name:      __________________________ Signature: Date:

SSII/SSBL LUX-SECURITY Management Authorization (Authorized Administrator)

I verified the request form and above signature and authorize the requested access as valid for processing.

Authorized Name:      ___________________________Signature: Date:      

Please Fax To: Service Desk Canada Fax +1 416-506-8465

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