Required Online Finance Training

Required Online Finance Training

In addition to workflow training, the following online (web-based) Finance training courses are available for UH employees.  (While employees of UHCL, UHD, and UHV may also take these classes, they may be instructed to complete alternate courses if procedures differ at their campus.)


|Name of Course |Required for UH Employees Below |

|Cash Security Procedures (See Note A) |Employees that handle cash (currency or checks) |

| |Petty cash custodians |

| |Change fund custodians |

|Cash Deposit and Security Procedures |Employees that handle cash (currency or checks) and process deposits in the Finance System |

|(See Note A) |Business administrators whose department handles cash |

|Petty Cash and Change Fund |Petty cash custodians |

| |Change fund custodians |

| |Business administrators whose department has a petty cash fund |

|Credit Card Accounting |Employees who create journals to record credit card receipts for departments that accept credit |

|(see Note B) |card payments |

| |Supervisors of the above employees |

| |Business administrators whose department accepts credit card payment |

| |Others who oversee credit card operations in a UH department |

|Credit Card Processing |Employees who process credit card transactions (i.e., receive, handle, or send credit card |

|(see Note B) |information) for departments that accept credit card payments |

| |Supervisors of the above employees |

| |Business administrators whose department accepts credit card payment |

| |Others who oversee credit card operations in a UH department |

|Credit Card Data Security (see Note B) |Employees who have access to sensitive credit card information, such as the full account number |

| |received by their department for credit card transactions |

| |Supervisors of the above employees |

| |Business administrators whose department accepts credit card payment |

| |Others who oversee credit card operations in a UH department |

|Procurement Card Cardholder (see Note C) |Employees who use P-Cards to make University purchases that are direct-billed to the department |

|Procurement Card Business Office (see Note|Employees who perform administrative tasks related to P-Cards, such as updating the bank’s online|

|C) |system (SDOL) and preparing Expense Reports for signature |

|Travel Card Cardholder |Employees who use Individual Travel Cards to purchase airfare and/or make other University |

|(see Note D) |travel-related purchases that are direct-billed to the department |

|Travel Card Business Office |Employees who perform administrative tasks related to Travel Cards, such as updating the bank’s |

|(see Note D) |online system (SDOL) and preparing Expense Reports for signature |

| |Employees who use Department Travel Cards to purchase airfare and/or make other University |

| |travel-related purchases that are direct-billed to the department |


Note A: Employees who are also involved in creating or approving cash deposit journals only need to take the Cash Deposit and Security Procedures training, since it includes information reviewed in the Cash Security Procedures training.

Note B: Credit Card Accounting, Credit Card Processing, and Credit Card Data Security are intended for departments that accept credit cards as a form of payment for goods or services they provide (e.g., auxiliaries, Bursar’s Office, etc.).  They are not intended for departments that only have P-Cards and/or Travel Cards.

Note C: P-Card cardholders who are also involved in updating the bank’s online system (SDOL) only need to take the Procurement Card Business Office training, since it includes information reviewed in Procurement Card Cardholder training.

Note D: Employees with Individual Travel Cards that also update the bank’s online system (SDOL) only need to take the Travel Card Business Office training, since it includes information reviewed in Travel Card Cardholder training.

All of the above courses share the following characteristics:


• They are required for employees with certain job functions or responsibilities (e.g., handles cash, uses a P-Card, creates journals to record credit card receipts for a UH merchant, etc.).

• They must be taken before an employee can start performing the job function or is given the responsibility.

• They must be taken annually during the established mandatory training period (once each fiscal year) to remind employees of the appropriate procedures and their responsibilities.

• They include a short quiz, which the employee must complete after the training to verify that they understand the key concepts. (Minimum acceptable grade for course credit is published on the course home page in UHS Training.)

• The results of the training for FY2008 (who completed which courses within a department) can be viewed by running the following query in the HR System: HR_TRN_FY08_STATUS_BYDEPT


Employees may enroll online using their Empl ID and birth date:

An email will be sent to the employee with a link to the course, when the course is available (usually within one business day).

If you have any questions, please call the Administration & Finance Customer Service Center at 713.743.3988.


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