Defining an allowed amount of elements for exclusion from ...

Adding Custom TitleblockOverviewThis document will outline how to add a custom titleblock to a project. The custom titleblock will reside in a design file of its own and will be referenced into the seed file. Then a custom cell will be created to hold the tag set for the BORDER class of your choice. This will give a lot of flexibility towards updating title block in its own design file and updating all drawings referencing that particular title block.Class EditorClass Editor is a tool that was created to assist the user in modification and customization of the classes and components found in the Project schema's. It can be found at C:\Program Files\Bentley\PowerPID (SELECTseries ?)\PowerPID\assemblies\ECFramework\ECClassEditor.exe * Note "?" has been used to ask you what version of the file or which project is being used. This will change with the SELECTSeries version of PowerPID, but file will be in same locations.The schema's that need to be edited are:OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Imperial.0?.0?.ecschema.xmlOpenPlant_PID.0?.0?.ecschema.xmlThese schema's are found in your respective project here:C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PowerPID (SELECTseries ?)\WorkSpace\Projects\?\Dataset\schemas*Note the project location in this document is for out of the box installation.Modifying Schemas:Right click on Border class and "Add Derived Class"Give the class a name and Display Label as shown below, in this example we will use "MY_CUSTOM_TITLEBLOCK".Right click on MY_CUSTOM_TITLEBLOCK and add a custom attribute "Schematics CAD Custom Attributes" as shown below.Type in the cell library and cell to be called for your titleblock. Note this cell will hold the tag sets which will be placed down on to the titleblock brought in by the seed file later. Here I'm using a cell "my_custom_titleblock".Save all and close class editor.Customize WorkspaceIn this example we are using a scenario where the titleblock could be stored in its own folder.Add a folder named "Ref" inside of the Dataset folder in your respective project. Your directory should be as shown below:C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PowerPID (SELECTseries ?)\WorkSpace\Projects\?\Dataset\RefCopy and paste your custom border inside of the "Ref" folder as shown belowin figure 1.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1Now we will reference in MyTitleblock.dgn into our seed_eng.dgnPlease open seed_eng.dgn using OpenPlant PowerPID located here:C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PowerPID (SELECTseries ?)\WorkSpace\Projects\?\Dataset\SeedReference in MyTitleblock.dgn as shown below fig 2.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2Note: If you have stored your seed file elsewhere other then what's provided out of the box, you can check your .pcf (project configuration file) to change the seed file location being used. It is shown in your pcf file for the project under this variable:MS_DESIGNSEED = $(_USTN_PROJECTDATASET)seed/seed_eng.dgnCell library CustomizationIn this section we will go through creating a custom cell to hold the placement of the tag sets for the Border class. What will happen is when OpenPlant PowerPID is launched, the border class will place down this new cell onto the titleblock already there (via seed file) and it will read the tag sets attached to the cell. The Border class (we name it MY_CUSTOM_TITLEBLOCK) can then populate the tag sets in the drawing. Open cell library "miscellaneous.cel" in PowerPID or MicroStation located here:C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PowerPID (SELECTseries ?)\WorkSpace\Projects\?\Dataset\celGo to File→ModelsAdd a new cell and give it a name of "my_custom_titleblock" as shown below in fig 3.Reference in MyTitleblock.dgn to position the tag sets against the custom title block.Go to Tools→Base Geometry→Points→Place Active Point and place the point somewhere you can see it as shown in figure 3.Point placed. Shown by tiny squareFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3Go to Element→Tags→DefineThis is where you can add more attributes to be placed on to your titleblock cell, but you must make sure they line up with the property names in the schema for respective border class.Go to Tools→Text→Tags→Attach TagsSelect the Titleblock tag set shown in Figure 4 and select the dot placed earlier. Then place all the attributes as shown. It's good to get all the tag sets attached to the dot first before moving them into place. I will add one more tag set in the next step.Place attributesselect dotselect TitleblockFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4 Go to Tools→Text→Tags→Attach Tags Select Equipment tag set, and then select the dot again and place tag set onto the drawing as shown below in Figure 5. Now you will have two tag sets with all the properties needed to populate my drawing. Now we can move then into position.Equipment Tag SetTitleblock tag setFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5Now move the dot to the bottom right corner of the title block shown below in Figure 6.Notice the tag sets moved with the dotDot was moved to hereFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6Now you can move your tag set properties to their locations on the title block. You can see below the properties moved to rightful places on title block. (Figure 7). Before exiting detach the border referenced into the cell in step 8.Tag Sets are moved into placeFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7Defining an allowed amount of elements for exclusion from conversionThe OpenPlant PowerPID conversion is triggered on two conditions1.?????? No embedded OpenPlant PowerPID values are not found in drawing2.?????? The drawing contains elements?To allow for existing elements, such as predefined borders, legends, company logos… (Most of the time defined in the seed file) the existing pid.cfg variable value must be modified. The default is 10. It can be found here with an "out of the box" Windows 7 install:C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\PowerPID (SELECTseries ?)\PowerPID\config\applThis also applies to a drawing that needs to be converted. With the current configuration variable, a drawing that is expected to be converted, which only has 2 items will not convert. The variable value would need to be set to 0 or 1?The following is an example of the override:BMF_CONVERSION_EXISTING_ALLOWED_ELEMENT_COUNT=25Run new TitleblockLaunch OpenPlant PowerPID application.Create a new file Test1.dgnAccept to work offlineUnder the drawings properties, select My Custom Titleblock as shown in Figure 8.My Custom TitleblockTitle Sheets tabFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8Under the properties tag, a description and other attribute information was added. When you hit "OK" you will see the drawing created with the new title block, and you will notice the properties updating on the titleblock. ................

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