Opening the Door to God’s Plans

Advent Worship Series - Week 1 (December 3, 2006)


|Each worship outline contains all elements needed for your worship service. The order of each service presented is only a |

|suggestion. No doubt changes will be needed to accommodate the flow and worship style of your corps. The outlines are flexible |

|and allow opportunities to “cut and paste” as needed. If you are blessed with instrumental or vocal music resources, you may find|

|there is more structured material here than needed. It is recommended that the headings of each section of the service be |

|included in the bulletin. |

Announcements & Offering

Call to Worship:

Before Jesus’ birth, an angel announced God’s plans to Mary, who risked her own dreams for her life and opened the door to what God wanted for her. In return, Mary was honored to be the mother of the promised Messiah. We, too, can experience the great wonder of the Son of God coming to earth when we set aside our own plans for this Advent season and open our hearts to what God has in store.

(Mainstay Church Resource, Advent Implementation, page 7)

We come before the God of great plans. The God who is able to do new and exciting things in your life is seeking for those who will worship him in Spirit and truth. Today, he wants to give you a fresh touch of his Spirit. Today, he wants to bless you in meeting a specific need. Today, he wants to use you as a vessel of his love.

(Mainstay Church Resource, page 59)

|SB#104 – Come, Thou long expected Jesus, |TB-370 – Hyfrydol |HTD1-T14 (3 vs.) |

| Additional Optional Songs |

|SB#100 – Angels, from the realms of glory |TB-398 – Come and Worship (Regent|HTD4-T12 (4 vs.) |

| |Sq.) | |

| |HC-280 | |

|HC#280 – Angels from the realms of glory | |HCD26-T20 |

|SB#112 – It was on a starry night |TB-535 – same | |

|HC#180 |HC-280 |HCD16-T20 |

|SB#113 – Joy to the world! |TB-87 – Joy to the World! |HTD4-T9 (3 vs.) |

|SB#114 – Light of the world |TB-653 – Here I am to Worship | |

| |HC-146 | |

|HC#146 – Here I am to Worship | |HCD13-T16 |

|SB#107 – Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, |TB-87 – Joy to the World! |D4-T9 (3 vs.) |

|SB#108 – Hark! The herald angels sing |TB-270 – Hark! The Herald Angels |HTD4-T5 (3 vs.) |

| |Sing | |

|HC#270 – Hark! The herald angels sing |HC-270 |HCD25-T20 |

|SB#126 – The first noel the angel did say |TB-857 – The First Noel |HTD6-T18 (3 vs.) |

Movie Clip

Close to Jesus – The Stories of Those He Touched

Disc 2 – Joseph of Nazareth

(Distributed by Artisan Home Entertainment)

Scene 4 – Handmaid of the Lord

Length: 2:13

Start: 21:54 City Scene

End: 23:48 “…Let it be as you have said”

(Additional Optional Movie Clips)

Jesus of Nazareth (Distributed by Artisan Home Entertainment)

Scene 5 – Message from God


Start: 9:04 Mary sleeping

End: 13:02 “…and I must go and visit her”

Mary of Nazareth (Distributed by Questar, Inc.)

Scene 2 - Handmaiden of the Lord


Start: 8:08 Bread on table

End: 12:38 “…Let it be done to me as you have said”

Responsive Reading:

[NOTE: Readers 1 and 3 should be men and Reader 2 should be a woman. If no video clip is used, start the reading at the beginning. If a video clip is used start at *]

Reader 1: In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy…

Reader 2: God sent the angel Gabriel to the Galilean village of Nazareth--

Reader 3: To a virgin engaged to be married to a man descended from David.

Reader 1: His name was Joseph.

Reader 2: And the virgin's name was Mary.

Reader 3: Upon entering, Gabriel greeted her:

Reader 1: "Good morning!—You're beautiful with God's beauty—beautiful inside and out!”

Reader 3: She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind a greeting like that. But the angel assured her:

Reader 1: "Mary, you have nothing to fear.

Reader 3: You will become pregnant and give birth to a son—

Reader 2: --and call his name Jesus.

Reader 1: He will be great—‘Son of the Highest.' The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David.

Reader 3: He will rule Jacob's house forever—there will be no end, ever, to his kingdom.”

Reader 1: Mary said to the angel—

Reader 2: "But how? I've never slept with a man."

Reader 3: The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you—the power of the Highest will hover over you.

Reader 1: Therefore, the child you bring to birth will be called Holy—Son of God.” Mary said:

Reader 2: "I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say." (Luke 1:26-35, 38A) (Mainstay Church Resource, Advent Implementation, page C-66-67)

[Start reading here if a video clip is used]

*Reader 1: When Mary submitted to God’s will, she subjected herself to great risk. In the balance hung not only her reputation, but her life. At worst, she would be stoned. At best, she would be ridiculed. As Mary’s story would become public, the rumors would harden to ridicule.

Reader 2: Imagine the looks.

Reader 3: The smirks.

Reader 1: The comments…“An angel visited her? Uh-huh. And said what?

Reader 2: The Holy Spirit.

Reader 3: She said that? And you believe her?”

Reader 1: Who in their right mind would?

Reader 2: Joseph?

Reader 3: Her in-laws?

Reader 2: The rabbi.

Reader 1: Maybe no one would believe. But that wouldn’t keep her from believing.

Reader 3: Her faith was courageous.

Reader 1: We know that because her decision was quick, and her obedience complete.

Reader 3: She would submit to God.

Reader 1: Regardless of the questions it would raise.

Reader 2: Or the eyebrows.

Reader 1: Regardless of the cost.

Reader 2: Or the consequences.

Reader 3: Regardless if it meant losing her reputation.

Reader 2: Or the man she loved.

Reader 3: Even her very life.

Reader 1: And maybe, of all the favorable qualities this young woman had, maybe it was this “regardless” quality that made her most suited to the task of raising such a wonderful promise. For “regardless” had to be a quality that was instinctive if the promise were ever to grow up and reach fulfillment as Savior of the world.

(Moments With the Savior, pages 26-27)

|SB#492 – God will make a way |TB-639 |No CD |

|HC#65 – God Will Make a Way |HC-65 |HCD5-T15 |

| Additional Optional Songs |

|HC#3 – He is Able |HC-3 |HCD1-T3 |

|HC#72 – Emmanuel |HC-72 |HCD6-T12 |

|SB#82 – Jesus, name above all names |TB-714 – same |No CD |

|HC#82 – Jesus, Name Above All Names |HC-82 |HCD7-T12 |

|SB#114 – Light of the world |TB-653 – Here I am to Worship |No CD |

| |HC-146 | |

|HC#146 – Here I am to Worship | |HCD13-T16 |

|HC#169 – Hallelujah |HC-169 |HCD15-T19 |

|HC#176 – Holy is the Lord |HC-176 |HCD16-T16 |

|HC#187 – Jesus, Messiah |HC-187 |HCD17-T17 |

|SB#376 – King of kings, majesty |TB-732 – same |No CD |

|HC#219 – King of Kings, Majesty |HC-219 |HCD20-T19 |

|HC#220 – Incarnate |HC-220 |HCD20-T20 |

|SB#117 – O come, O come, Immanuel |TB-444 – same |TD11-T8 (3 vs.) |


Lord, the honor bestowed on Mary was staggering. So was the responsibility. To be the one not only to bear you but to protect you, raise you, teach you. I pray that even across so many centuries she could teach me too. There is so much I could learn from her. What wonderful things would be birthed in my life if only I could learn to pray, “I am your servant. May it be to me as you say.”

If that were my prayer, how would it affect the thoughts I think, the plans I make, the words that come from my mouth? If I read my Bible this morning with such a response, how different would this afternoon be? How different this afternoon would I be?

“I am your servant.” The words seem so religiously correct. But are they really true? Am I really your servant? Am I willing to submit to whatever plans you have for my life, regardless of the risk, the cost, the consequences?

For years she taught you, Lord, with so many words and in so many ways. It’s sad so few words have been saved for us. But thank you for saving the words, “I am your servant. May it be to me as you say.” If I learn nothing else from her, those words have given me a model not only of how to pray but how to live… Amen.

(Moments With the Savior, pages 27-28)

Candle Lighting:

Leader: The first Sunday in Advent initiates a season of wonder and longing expressed in three tenses:

• Christ came into the world as a baby, interrupting the plans of a busy world.

• Christ comes to each of us in salvation and in a thousand ways in our everyday lives.

• Christ will come again when he returns to earth as reigning King and Lord.

[Lighting the first candle]

As we light the first candle, we are called to step outside of time for these weeks, opening our hearts to the miracle of Christ's coming and to his blueprint for our lives.

All: Lord, help us see your plans as more wonder-full than ours.

Leader: What are your plans for Christmas? is a question we'll all be asked many times this season.

These plans mean shopping, entertaining, baking and eating, playing, decorating, giving, worshipping, traveling, and communicating with those we care about.

What an amazing adventure we could have if we consulted God in setting our daily agendas!

All: Lord, help us listen for your voice as we map out our days.

Leader: Mary was astonished when the angel interrupted her life with the startling announcement that she would be the mother of Jesus. Yet she regrouped and fully opened her heart and life to a radical change of plans.

Lord, give us the courage to lay down our plans and planners and embrace your unique design for these days and for our lives.

All: Lord, help us affirm with Mary, "Let it be with me just as you say."

(Mainstay Church Resource, Advent Implementation, page C-60)

|HC#136 – We All Bow Down |HC-136 |HCD12-T16 |

| Additional Optional Songs |

|SB#82 – Jesus, name above all names |TB-714 – same |No CD |

|HC#82 – Jesus, Name Above All Names |HC-82 |HCD7-T12 |

|SB#114 – Light of the world |TB-653 – Here I am to Worship |No CD |

| |HC-146 | |

|HC#146 – Here I am to Worship | |HCD13-T16 |

|HC#186 – When I look into your holiness |HC-186 |HCD17-T16 |

|HC#187 – Jesus, Messiah |HC-187 |HCD17-T17 |

|SB#376 – King of kings, majesty |TB-732 – same |No CD |

|HC#219 – King of Kings, Majesty |HC-219 |HCD20-T19 |

|HC#220 – Incarnate |HC-220 |HCD20-T20 |

|SB#117 – O come, O come, Immanuel |TB-444 – same |TD11-T8 (3 vs.) |

|CF#15 – What Child is This? |CF-15 |No CD |

|Drama: Building the Future |

Message – Open Your Heart’s Door to God’s Plans

|HC#122 – Bow the Knee |HC-122 |HCD11-T12 |

| Additional Optional Songs |

|HC#77 – Change My Heart, O God |HC-77 |HCD6-T17 |

|HC#42 – Step by Step |HC-42 |HCD3-T12 |

|SB#492 – God will make a way |TB-639 |No CD |

|HC#65 – God Will Make a Way |HC-65 |HCD5-T15 |

|HC#120 – In the Manger |HC-120 |HCD10-T20 |

|HC#123 – Shine on Us |HC-123 |HCD11–T13 |

|HC#136 – We All Bow Down |HC-136 |HCD12-T16 |

|SB#439 – There is a message |TB-879 |No CD |

|HC#139 – There is a Message |HC-139 |HCD12-T19 |

|HC#156 – Enter In |HC-156 |HCD14-T16 |

|HC#169 – Hallelujah |HC-169 |HCD15-T19 |

|HC#186 – When I look into your holiness |HC-186 |HCD17-T16 |

|SB#376 – King of kings, majesty |TB-732 – same |No CD |

|HC#219 – King of Kings, Majesty |HC-219 |HCD20-T19 |

|HC#220 – Incarnate |HC-220 |HCD20-T20 |

|HC#226 – I Worship You |HC-226 |HCD21-T16 |

|SB#153 – Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown |TB-94 – Margaret |HTD10 –T6 (4 vs.) |


Your plan of redemption was advanced when one simple peasant girl said yes to you—a yes that would change the world. There was no complicated ritual, nor advanced theological training involved. Just the trusting words, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Lord, may it be the same in my life. Help me to cooperate with your plan for the world by saying yes to you. Even now, I say yes to you, Holy Spirit. Come upon me so that the life of Christ may be manifested through me to the needy world around me. Amen.

(Praise & Worship Bible, page 1372)

Vocal Benediction:

|SB#116 – O come, all ye faithful |TB-496 – Adeste Fideles |HTD3 –T1 (3 vs.) |

| |HC-140 | |

|HC#140 – O Come, All Ye Faithful | |HCD12-T20 |

| Additional Optional Songs |

|HC#61 – Crown Him King of Kings |HC-61 |HCD5-T11 |

|SB#73 – All hail the power |TB-69 – Diadem |HTD6-T7 (4 vs.) |

|HC#141 – All Hail the Power |HC-141 |HCD13 –T11 |

|SB#861 – In Christ alone |TB-132 |No CD |

|HC#149 – In Christ Alone |HC-149 |HCD13-T19 |

|SB#77 – Fairest Lord Jesus |TB-206 – Ascalon |HTD5-T1 (3 vs.) |

|HC#151 – Fairest Lord Jesus |HC-151 |HCD14-T11 |

|SB#112 – It was on a starry night |TB-535 – same |HCD16-T20 |

|HC#180 – It was on a starry night |HC-280 |No CD |

|SB#106 – Go, tell it on the mountain, |TB-631 – same |HTD11-T4 (2 vs., start with |

| | |chorus) |

|HC#260 – Go, tell it on the mountain |HC-260 |HCD24-T20 |

|Week #1 |


|Building the Future |

|By Martyn Scott Thomas |

|© 2006 by Martyn Scott Thomas. All rights reserved. Used by permission. |

|Scripture: |Luke 1:28-38 |

|Synopsis: |A daughter reveals to her father that she will not be going to work in the family business. |

|Characters: |Karen Riley – (23) a soon to be college graduate |

| |Jackson (Jack) Riley – (51) her father |

|Props/Costumes: |Business dress. Desk with a laptop computer, phone, lamp and assorted papers. |

|Setting: |Jack’s office. |

|Running Time: |5:00 minutes. |

[Karen is seated at the desk.]

Karen: [She runs her hands along the desk and looks around, “getting a feel” for the office. Pretends to answer the phone.] Hello, Riley Engineering, Karen Riley speaking. [hangs up phone and tries again.] This is Riley Engineering, you’ve reached Karen Riley. [hangs up phone and tries again.] Karen Riley here . . .

Jack: [enters and interrupts] It has a nice sound to it doesn’t it. But I think I like the first one better.

Karen: [hanging up the phone, embarrassed] Oh, hi Dad. I didn’t see you there. [stands to give Jack his seat]

Jack: [walks over to desk] That’s okay, Sweetie. Sit down. You might as well get used to it.

Karen: But this is your office.

Jack: For the time being. I’m just keeping the seat warm for you.

Karen: Dad, please don’t talk like that.

Jack: Why not? You’re graduating in less than two weeks – at the top of your class, no less – one of the finest civil engineers State U. has ever produced.

Karen: But Daddy, this is your company and this is your office. I don’t know that I could ever . . .

Jack: Nonsense. I’ve never seen anyone that has your natural talents and instincts. You see things so clearly – everything has its place. You’ll take this company farther than I ever could.

Karen: You’re only saying that because I’m your daughter.

Jack: No. I’m saying that because it’s true. The fact that you’re my daughter just makes me that much more proud.

Karen: I just want you to be proud of me no matter what I do.

Jack: How can I not be proud? I know that with you in charge, you’ll keep this company [gestures with his hands as if reading a marquee] “Building for the Future.”

Karen: [looking away, almost talking to herself] Building for the future.

Jack: That’s our company motto. It always has been.

Karen: [hesitantly] Dad, about the future.

Jack: Look. I know all about Justin; your mother told me all about him. She makes him sound wonderful. But to me, he’s just another boy that wants to steal my baby away.

Karen: [standing and turning away] She hasn’t told you everything.

Jack: What are you telling me?

Karen: I think it’s your time to sit.

Jack: [sternly] What have you done?

Karen: I’ve made some decisions about my future – my immediate future.

Jack: [sits down] I don’t think I like where this is going.

Karen: [turns toward Jack] I can’t come work for you.

Jack: What?!

Karen: I can’t come to work for Riley Engineering.

Jack: I can’t believe what I’m hearing. [angrily] Did that boy do this to you?

Karen: Yes and no.

Jack: Are you pregnant?

Karen: [shocked] No!

Jack: Then what?

Karen: I’ve decided to go overseas.

Jack: [calming down a bit] Is that what this is about? You want to travel? Well, I can wait for you to get back. What are you going to do, travel around Europe for a month or so?

Karen: I’m not going to Europe. I’m going to Africa.

Jack: A safari. That sounds great. Pick me up an animal skin of some kind. I’ll hang it on the wall above my desk.

Karen: Dad, I’m not going on a safari – and I’ll be gone more than just a month.

Jack: Fine, take three months – whatever makes you happy. Just get over this wanderlust and get back here as quick as you can.

Karen: Dad. I’m not going to Africa to travel. I’m going there to work.

Jack: What?

Karen: And I’m going for three years, not three months.

Jack: I don’t understand. What’s in Africa?

Karen: Nakuru.

Jack: Nakuru? Is that Justin’s last name? I knew that boy was up to no good.

Karen: Nakuru is a town in Kenya. I’m going there to help build a school.

Jack: But what about our plans? You were supposed to work here. You were supposed to take over my business – our business.

Karen: And that could still happen – just not now.

Jack: All through school, this company was all you could talk about. All your training was so you could follow in my footsteps. You couldn’t wait to finish school and start working here. What happened?

Karen: I met a man.

Jack: I know, Justin.

Karen: No. I met a different man. I met Jesus.

Jack: But, I thought . . .

Karen: Justin is my boyfriend, Dad, but Jesus is my Savior. And he’s the reason I’m going to Africa.

Jack: I don’t understand how knowing Jesus gets you to Africa. Your mother knows Jesus and she’s just fine staying here.

Karen: But that’s his plan for her. His plan for me is to go to Africa. Mom and I have talked and prayed about this.

Jack: I see. It’s a conspiracy. Everyone is out to get Jack. You, Justin, Jesus and even your mother.

Karen: Don’t you see? I have to follow his call. I have to go where he’s leading me.

Jack: But couldn’t he lead you to something around here? I’m sure you could help build a church or something.

Karen: But this is a chance to make a difference. I have a chance to impact a whole village – to give them something that they so desperately need. We don’t need another church in town. Most of them are half empty anyways.

Jack: The roof is leaking over at St. John’s. I bet they’d like a new church. It would make a difference to them.

Karen: [trying to get him to see her point] Dad.

Jack: Isn’t there anything I can say to change your mind?

Karen: God’s plan is clear. I’ve prayed about this for nearly a year. I know this is what he wants me to do.

Jack: But what about our plans? What about my hopes and dreams? What about all the time and money I’ve given to get you where you are? Doesn’t that fit into this somehow?

Karen: Sometimes we have to set aside our plans in favor of God’s plans.

Jack: Even if it means hurting your father.

Karen: I hope you’ll see things from God’s perspective.

Jack: And how do I do that?

Karen: You could start by going to church with Mom.

Jack: I think they need a new ceiling in that place. And the carpet needs to be replaced. And the air conditioning is broken.

Karen: Who knows? Maybe God will call you to help them build a new church.

Jack: If he’s calling, I’m not sure I want to pick up the phone.

Karen: If he’s calling, you won’t have to. You’ll just know.



Opening the Door to God’s Plans

Advent Worship Sermon - Week 1

Text: Luke 1:26-38


Opening the front door of your home can be a life-changing experience. Just ask anyone who has responded to the doorbell in the middle of the night, only to find a minister and a police officer standing side-by-side on the front porch asking if they can come in to share some sad news. A person’s life can be forever changed by the tragedy that ring of the bell represents.

Or, can you imagine what a life-changing experience it would be to open the front door of your home and have someone introduce himself as your half-brother you never knew you had?

Perhaps those examples give you a bit of insight into what a young girl in a village in northern Israel felt like when she opened the door to find an angelic messenger with an unbelievable assignment. Mary was not prepared for how Gabriel’s unexpected visit would change her life. Unlike those who fill out a postcard and mail it in hoping a courier with a check will one day come knocking at the door, Mary hadn’t a clue about what God’s plans called her to do. She hadn’t signed up for a chance to be the mother of the long-awaited Messiah. She hadn’t gone looking for doors left ajar that would open into instant celebrity status.

But what Mary did do was open the door of her heart to the message the messenger at the front door announced. Here was a godly young girl who was willing to do whatever the God she worshiped desired. The way the scenario unfolds in Luke’s account provides us with a model to follow if we would be as willing a participant in God’s plans as Mary was.

God has plans for ordinary people (v. 26)

In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendent of David. The virgin’s name was Mary (vv. 26-27).

Here was a young woman who had a common name—Mary. We don’t know anything about her parents or family. She didn’t have great wealth, nor was she from any royalty. She was an ordinary commoner.

In fact, the village where Mary lived was the object of discrimination. In John 1:46, Nathaniel says, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” It was a small obscure village that was off the beaten track, between the Lake of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea.

Did you know that God has plans for you? It doesn’t matter if you are a cashier at WalMart, a stay-at-home parent, a factory worker or an accountant. You don’t have to live in London or Paris to be part of God’s plans—he uses ordinary people in ordinary places for his extraordinary purposes.

God’s plans take precedence over our plans (v. 27)

Mary was a young woman in the process of making wedding plans. She wanted to make sure that she could offer her betrothed the best possible linens, robes, jewels and other valuables. Mary’s goal in life was to get married and have children—especially sons—and all of her time and energy went into those plans.

She was going about her daily routine when there was a knock at the door. Her life was interrupted. Have you ever been trying to accomplish a task when the telephone rings with news that changes the course of your day? God will often interject his plans into our lives, helping us to discover a greater purpose for us.

God’s plans are accompanied by a sense of his presence (v. 28)

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God” (vv. 28-30).

Not only did the messenger twice say that Mary was the object of God’s pleasure; he also told her that the Lord was with her.

Perhaps you have stepped out in faith to do something for God that appeared to be much bigger than you could accomplish on your own. It is amazing when you feel God’s presence supporting you and helping you! He will never ask you to do something that you and he together cannot handle.

God-size plans leave us with God-size questions (vv. 31-34)

Mary responds to God’s plan with a question that we, ourselves, often ask when faced with seemingly impossible plans: “How can this be?”

What God wants to bring about begins with him. Rick Warren’s opening statement from his book, A Purpose-Driven Life, says: “It’s not about you.” Understanding that simple statement is the key to opening your heart’s door to God’s leading in your life.

The angel announced to Mary that she was to be part of God’s plan for the whole world:

“You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end” (vv. 31-33)

The disclosure of what God has in mind is specific enough to cause us to rely in faith.

God’s plans need to be acted upon (v. 38)

Mary willingly accepted her assignment in spite of her questions. With this new assignment came changes that had to take place. She needed to prepare for the arrival of a new baby! She couldn’t just sit around until the day arrived, but needed to actively prepare for the coming of the Savior of the world!

But what would God have done if she had closed the door in his face? After all, there was a lot at stake:

• What would Joseph say when she told him she was pregnant?

• Would Joseph divorce her?

• How would the village treat her?

• Would she be publicly humiliated?

Mary did as the Lord asked. She became a servant of God, and willingly accepted his plans for her life.

Today begins the period of the Christian calendar called Advent. It is a way in which we anticipate the coming of the Christ of Christmas. For us, the wait for Messiah is over. This prophecy is fulfilled in Matthew 1:22-23 and Luke 1:31-35. Immanuel has been born. And yet we still find ourselves waiting; only now we wait for the Second Advent. How do you prepare for Christ’s coming? Would your waiting be characterized as active?

What do you need to do to get ready for Christmas? Have the lights been hung, the tree decorated, the gifts purchased, the cards mailed, the cookies baked, etc.? In waiting for Christmas we take care of our families, our homes, our temporal needs and desires—we should be as diligent to also prepare our souls for the coming of Christ.

Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) shows us how two sisters prepared for the visit of their dear friend, Jesus. Martha got caught up in the busyness of the housework: cooking, scrubbing, washing, dusting. She was “fit to be tied” when Mary did not jump in to help her out with the things that needed to be done. But Mary was making her own preparations. She understood the significance of preparing her soul to listen to what her Lord would say.

Richard Foster says, “The great adversary majors in three things: crowds, noise and busyness.”

It is one thing to be busy, like Martha. It is another to be available for the Lord’s business, like Mary. Perhaps you need to separate yourself from the busyness in order to prepare for the coming of Immanuel.


The Bible is filled with countless occasions when God knocked on the door and approached individuals with daring assignments:

• He invited Abraham to leave his family and home.

• He challenged Moses to lead the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt.

• His plan for Esther was to represent her people as the wife of a pagan king.

• Hosea was to marry a prostitute as a visual aid to God’s people.

• Elizabeth was called to bear a child in midlife.

• Paul has his theological ideologies shattered when anointed to be the apostle to the Gentiles.

In each case, the knock at the door resulted in an open door of obedience. God desires that we would respond the same way.

Finally, take a fresh look at the significance of Christ’s birth. Thank God for the opportunities it affords you to represent him to those who need to be encouraged or challenged. And if, in the busyness of all of your preparations for Christmas, there’s a knock at the door, don’t expect someone with a check for seven million dollars. Expect something far more valuable! Expect the childlike wonder of seeing something that those around you aren’t even aware of. Expect to see the Lord whom you adore as this year you open the door on the most wonder-filled Christmas ever!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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