
Teacher: Sample Week of: #10 Topic: All About _______: an author study Georgia’s Pre-K Program 2011-2012

Weekly Lesson Plan Template (LPT2013#1)

|Time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Book #1: |Book #1: |Book #1: |Book #1: |Book #1: |

| |insert title of book |insert title of book |insert title of book |insert title of book |insert title of book |

| |Read book by selected author |Review book from yesterday; introduce|Review two books - compare |Read book; connect to author's real |Re-read book; ask children to recall |

| | |author/illustrator | |life |major points |

| | | | | | |

| |S: CLL5.4a, CLL5.4c |S: CLL5.4d |S: CLL5.4c |S: CLL5.4d |S: CLL5.4c |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

| |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |

| |recorded music - cd |live music/sing or chant |recorded music - cd |live music/sing or chant |recorded music - cd |

| | | | | | |

| |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

8:30 -9:00 Small Group Time (see small group template for detailed plans)

|9:00-9:15 |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |

| |book by selected author | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

|9:15-9:45 Materials and/or activity choices for outdoor play:       |

|9:45-10:00 |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity       |

| |movement song then fingerplay to calm|movement song then fingerplay to calm|movement song then fingerplay to calm|movement song then fingerplay to calm|movement song then fingerplay to calm|

| |and focus |and focus |and focus |and focus |and focus |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

|10:00-10:15 |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy: |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |

| | | |      | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

10:15-11:30 Center Time (11:15-11:30 Clean-up )

|11:30-11:45 |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

11:45-12:15 Lunch Time

|12:15-12:30 |Book #3:       |Book #3: child choice |Book #3:       |Book #3: child choice |Book #3:       |

| |Choose book based on children’s |Child chooses book; preview before |Choose book based on children’s |Child chooses book; preview before |Choose book based on children’s |

| |interests or another book related to |reading |interests or another book related to |reading |interests or another book related to |

| |topic | |topic | |topic |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|

| |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |

12:30-1:30 Rest time

|Planning for Additional Instructional Activities (story times, music/movement, transitions, large group meetings, etc) This space is provided for optional use to document additional instructional activities |

|planned throughout the week. |

|1:30-2:00 |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |

| |center |center |center |center |center |

| |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |

| |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |

2:00-2:10 Snack and Pack

|2:10-2:30 |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |

| |      |     |      |      |      |

| |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |

| |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |

| |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

*Small Group Instruction: See small group lesson plan page for the current week.

*Documentation of plans for collection of assessment will be reflected on lesson plan or optional Planning for Assessment Template

Small Group Template Three Teacher: Sample Week of: #10

Suggested use: two teacher directed activities with two independent activities. As children grow independent they can work alone without consistent teacher support, allowing teachers to plan more needs based activities with both adults providing guidance.

.**Refer to the FAQ for Planning Instruction and the FAQ for Small Groups for further explanation.

**Documentation of small group reading (book title with brief description of the follow-up activity) is required one time weekly but may be planned more often.

|Group |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Teacher directed |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:       |

| |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students:       |

| | | | | |select one group 1-4; enrichment or|

| | | | | |remediation |

| |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator | |

| | | | | |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |

|Teacher directed |Activity:            |Activity:       |Activity:       | Activity:       |Activity:       |

| |topic- based activity |topic- based activity |topic- based activity |topic- based activity |small group reading/activity |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students:       |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |

|Independent |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:       |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students:       |

| | | | | | |

| |S:      fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |

|Independent |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:       |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students:       |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |S:       fill in GELDS indicator |

|Planning for Individualization (use this space as needed) |

|Planning for individualization may be documented below or on the main page of the Lesson Plan Template |

| |Student(s):       |Student(s):       |Student(s):       | Student(s):       |Student(s):       |

| |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |

Planning for Assessment Template

|Teacher: SAMPLE - Week #10 |

• Required documentation of plans for collecting assessment throughout the instructional day can be noted on the lesson plan template or by using the following format.

• Spontaneous collection of documentation (such as photos, notes and collection of work samples) will occur throughout each day, therefore there will be no evidence of planning for many items collected.

Indicate specific activities below. Not all spaces are expected to be filled in weekly. This is an organizational tool to help with weekly planning and preparation for collecting assessment documentation. See sample online at decal..


|MON |      |      |      |      |

|TUES |      |      |      |      |

|WED |      |      |      |      |

|THURS |      |      |      |      |

|FRI |      |      |      |      |

| |Notes, comments & reminders |

|Many teachers find it helpful to document the functional component and the performance indicators on assessment documentation. This information helps to |      |

|clearly define the area in which the information is most relevant. | |

|PS = Personal and Social Development |M = Mathematical Thinking |A = The Arts | |

|LL = Language and Literacy |S = Scientific Thinking |PDH = Physical Development and Health | |

| |SS = Social Studies | | |

Teacher: Sample Week of: #11 Topic: All About _______: an author study Georgia’s Pre-K Program

Weekly Lesson Plan Template (LPT2013#1)

|Time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Book #1: |Book #1: |Book #1: |Book #1: |Book #1: |

| |insert title of book |insert title of book |insert title of book |insert title of book |insert title of book |

| |read book by same author, different |      |      |      |      |

| |style; ask "what do you notice is | | | | |

| |different?" | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S: CLL5.4c |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

| |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |

| |recorded music - cd |live music/sing or chant |recorded music - cd |live music/sing or chant |recorded music - cd |

| | | | | | |

| |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |S: : PDM5.4a, CR1.4a |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

8:30 -9:00 Small Group Time (see small group template for detailed plans)

|9:00-9:15 |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

|9:15-9:45 Materials and/or activity choices for outdoor play:       |

|9:45-10:00 |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity       |

| |movement song, then fingerplay to |movement song, then fingerplay to |movement song, then fingerplay to |movement song, then fingerplay to |movement song, then fingerplay to |

| |calm and focus |calm and focus |calm and focus |calm and focus |calm and focus |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

|10:00-10:15 |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy: practice letter|Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |

| | | |ID with Mother Hubbard's cupboard | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S: CLL7.4a |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) | |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

10:15-11:30 Center Time (11:15-11:30 Clean-up )

|11:30-11:45 |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

11:45-12:15 Lunch Time

|12:15-12:30 |Book #3:       |Book #3: child choice |Book #3:       |Book #3: child choice |Book #3:       |

| |Choose book based on children’s |Child chooses book; preview before |Choose book based on children’s |Child chooses book; preview before |Choose book based on children’s |

| |interests or another book related to |reading |interests or another book related to |reading |interests or another book related to |

| |topic | |topic | |topic |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|

| |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |

12:30-1:30 Rest time

|Planning for Additional Instructional Activities (story times, music/movement, transitions, large group meetings, etc) This space is provided for optional use to document additional instructional activities |

|planned throughout the week. |

|1:30-2:00 |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |

| |center |center |center |center |center |

| |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |add a topic-related activity |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |S: APL1.4b; CR2.4a |

| |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |add appropriate indicator (s) |

2:00-2:10 Snack and Pack

|2:10-2:30 |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |

| |      |     |      |      |      |

| |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |music or movement activity; |

| |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |connecting activity – review day; |

| |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |Daily News; goodbye song |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

*Small Group Instruction: See small group lesson plan page for the current week.

*Documentation of plans for collection of assessment will be reflected on lesson plan or optional Planning for Assessment Template

Small Group Template Three Teacher: Sample Week of: #11

Suggested use: two teacher directed activities with two independent activities. As children gain independence they can work alone without consistent teacher support, allowing teachers to plan more needs based activities with both adults providing guidance.

.**Refer to the FAQ for Planning Instruction and the FAQ for Small Groups for further explanation.

**Documentation of small group reading (book title with brief description of the follow-up activity) is required one time weekly but may be planned more often.

|Group |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Teacher directed |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:       |

| |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |activity based on assessment |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students:       |

| | | | | |select one group 1-4; enrichment or|

| | | | | |remediation |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       | |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |S:       |

| | | | | |fill in indicator |

|Teacher directed |Activity:            |Activity:       |Activity:       | Activity:       |Activity:       |

| |topic- based activity |topic- based activity |topic- based activity |topic- based activity |small group reading/activity |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students:       |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |

|Independent |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:       |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students:       |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |

|Independent |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:       |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students:       |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |

|Planning for Individualization (use this space as needed) |

|Planning for individualization may be documented below or on the main page of the Lesson Plan Template |

| |Student(s):       |Student(s):       |Student(s):       | Student(s):       |Student(s):       |

| |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |

Planning for Assessment Template

|Teacher: SAMPLE - Week #11 |

• Required documentation of plans for collecting assessment throughout the instructional day can be noted on the lesson plan template or by using the following format.

• Spontaneous collection of documentation (such as photos, notes and collection of work samples) will occur throughout each day, therefore there will be no evidence of planning for many items collected.

Indicate specific activities below. Not all spaces are expected to be filled in weekly. This is an organizational tool to help with weekly planning and preparation for collecting assessment documentation. See sample online at decal..


|MON |      |      |      |      |

|TUES |      |      |      |      |

|WED |      |      |      |      |

|THURS |      |      |      |      |

|FRI |      |      |      |      |

| |Notes, comments & reminders |

|Many teachers find it helpful to document the functional component and the performance indicators on assessment documentation. This information helps to |      |

|clearly define the area in which the information is most relevant. | |

|PS = Personal and Social Development |M = Mathematical Thinking |A = The Arts | |

|LL = Language and Literacy |S = Scientific Thinking |PDH = Physical Development and Health | |

| |SS = Social Studies | | |

Teacher: Sample Week of: #12 Topic: Your Choice Georgia’s Pre-K Program

Weekly Lesson Plan Template (LPT2013#1)

|Time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Book #1:       |Book #1:       |Book #1:      |Book #1:       |Book #1:       |

| |Choose book that develops your topic |Choose book that develops your topic |Choose book that develops your topic |Choose book that develops your topic |Choose book that develops your topic |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

| |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:       |Music with Movement:      |Music with Movement:       |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

8:30 -9:00 Small Group Time (see small group template for detailed plans)

|9:00-9:15 |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |Book #2:       |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

|9:15-9:45 Materials and/or activity choices for outdoor play:       |

|9:45-10:00 |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity       |

| |Choose moderate movement activity |Choose moderate movement activity |Choose moderate movement activity |Choose moderate movement activity |Choose moderate movement activity |

| |followed by a fingerplay or other |followed by a fingerplay or other |followed by a fingerplay or other |followed by a fingerplay or other |followed by a fingerplay or other |

| |calming activity |calming activity |calming activity |calming activity |calming activity |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

|10:00-10:15 |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |Large Group Literacy:       |

| |read book, discuss author, title, |same book as yesterday or new |act out a story or book |Use Big Book or other printed |discuss book read previously using |

| |illustrator, other concepts about |book/shared reading; class book or | |material; invite children to “show me|symbols for main character, setting, |

| |print |chart / shared reading | |what you know” |problem, feelings |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

10:15-11:30 Center Time (11:15-11:30 Clean-up )

|11:30-11:45 |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |Phonological Awareness: |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

| |rhyming activity |call and response activity |rhyming activity |syllable segmenting activity |alliteration activity |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

11:45-12:15 Lunch Time

|12:15-12:30 |Book #3:       |Book #3: child choice |Book #3:       |Book #3: child choice |Book #3:       |

| |Choose book based on children’s |Child chooses book; preview before |Choose book based on children’s |Child chooses book; preview before |Choose book based on children’s |

| |interests or another book related to |reading |interests or another book related to |reading |interests or another book related to |

| |topic | |topic | |topic |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|S:       Select GELDS indicator based|

| |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |on reason for reading book |

12:30-1:30 Rest time

|Planning for Additional Instructional Activities (story times, music/movement, transitions, large group meetings, etc) This space is provided for optional use to document additional instructional activities |

|planned throughout the week. |

|1:30-2:00 |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |Activity: table activities, writing |

| |center, |center, |center, |center, |center, |

| |add topic-related activity or art |add topic-related activity or art |add topic-related activity or art |add topic-related activity or art |add topic-related activity or art |

| |project |project |project |project |project or continue cooking activity |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

2:00-2:10 Snack and Pack

|2:10-2:30 |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |Closing Activity: |

| |music or movement activity |music or movement activity |music or movement activity |music or movement activity |music or movement activity |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

| |connecting activity (review day or |connecting activity (review day or |connecting activity (review day or |connecting activity (review day or |connecting activity (review day or |

| |show object and talk about something |show object and talk about something |show object and talk about something |show object and talk about something |show object and talk about something |

| |that happened) |that happened) |that happened) |that happened) |that happened) |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

| |Daily News (one child dictates |Daily News (one child dictates |Daily News (one child dictates |Daily News (one child dictates |Daily News (one child dictates |

| |sentence – teacher writes) |sentence – teacher writes) |sentence – teacher writes) |sentence – teacher writes) |sentence – teacher writes) |

| |Goodbye ritual |Goodbye ritual |Goodbye ritual |Goodbye ritual |Goodbye ritual |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

| |     |     |     |     |     |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |insert appropriate indicator (s) |

*Small Group Instruction: See small group lesson plan page for the current week.

*Documentation of plans for collection of assessment will be reflected on lesson plan or optional Planning for Assessment Template.

Small Group Template Three Teacher: Sample Week of: #12

Suggested use: two teacher directed activities with two independent activities. As children grow independent they can work alone without consistent teacher support, allowing teachers to plan more needs based activities with both adults providing guidance.

.**Refer to the FAQ for Planning Instruction and the FAQ for Small Groups for further explanation.

**Documentation of small group reading (book title with brief description of the follow-up activity) is required one time weekly but may be planned more often.

|Group |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Teacher directed |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |

| |activity based on assessment; this|activity based on assessment; this |activity based on assessment; |activity based on assessment; |Choose one group for remediation or|

| |determines your groups |determines your groups |this determines your groups |this determines your groups |enrichment or conduct small group |

| | | | | |reading |

| |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students: choose Group 1-4 |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |

|Teacher directed |Activity:       |Activity:       |Activity:       | Activity:       |Activity:       |

| |topic-related activity |topic-related activity |topic-related activity |topic-related activity |Choose one group for remediation or|

| | | | | |enrichment or conduct small group |

| |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |reading |

| | | | | |Students: choose Group 1-4 |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |

|Independent |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |

| |Select an activity that meets the |Select an activity that meets the |Select an activity that meets the |Select an activity that meets the |Select an activity that meets the |

| |needs of your group |needs of your group |needs of your group |needs of your group |needs of your group |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 3 |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students: choose Group 1-4 |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |

|Independent |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |Activity:      |

| |Select a second activity that |Select a second activity that meets|Select a second activity that meets |Select a second activity that meets |Select a second activity that meets|

| |meets the needs of your group |the needs of your group |the needs of your group |the needs of your group |the needs of your group |

| | | | | | |

| |Students: Group 4 |Students: Group 1 |Students: Group 2 |Students: Group 3 |Students: choose Group 1-4 |

| | | | | | |

| |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |S:       |

| |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |fill in indicator |

|Planning for Individualization (use this space as needed) |

|Planning for individualization may be documented below or on the main page of the Lesson Plan Template |

| |Student(s):       |Student(s):       |Student(s):       | Student(s):       |Student(s):       |

| |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |Activity/Skill:       |

Planning for Assessment Template

|Teacher: SAMPLE - Week #12 |

• Required documentation of plans for collecting assessment throughout the instructional day can be noted on the lesson plan template or by using the following format.

• Spontaneous collection of documentation (such as photos, notes and collection of work samples) will occur throughout each day, therefore there will be no evidence of planning for many items collected.

Indicate specific activities below. Not all spaces are expected to be filled in weekly. This is an organizational tool to help with weekly planning and preparation for collecting assessment documentation. See sample online at decal..


|MON |      |      |      |      |

|TUES |      |      |      |      |

|WED |      |      |      |      |

|THURS |      |      |      |      |

|FRI |      |      |      |      |

| |Notes, comments & reminders |

|Many teachers find it helpful to document the functional component and the performance indicators on assessment documentation. This information helps to |      |

|clearly define the area in which the information is most relevant. | |

|PS = Personal and Social Development |M = Mathematical Thinking |A = The Arts | |

|LL = Language and Literacy |S = Scientific Thinking |PDH = Physical Development and Health | |

| |SS = Social Studies | | |


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