Señora Green's Spanish Classes - HOME

Práctica con los mandatos For each of the commands in Spanish, please draw and color in a picture which will help you remember what the vocabulary words are in English.abrerepitecierralevanta (la mano)pregúntalesiéntateleeescribedibujacontestalevántatepregúntamesacaentregaescuchaWrite the opposite of each command in Spanish on the line.pregúntale _________________________abre _______________________________levántate ____________________________entrega _____________________________cierra _______________________________contesta _____________________________siéntate _____________________________saca ________________________________Find the following words in Spanish in the puzzle below.Y A H R R P B K I I A F S H LT G C G D E R K T R I I R O EL V G A D C P E S H E D X Z VK D F O S L V I G N X N U L AI P T K J Z F D T U T J V H NP R E G U N T A L E N O D X TC G B C Z C T A T A N T M Y AP S I I J E Y Q G N M Q A T TQ M R E B E O E R B A D H M EN A C R U L R P W L I V E T EX E S R U T S V J B R U E T KK M E A N E S C U C H A E L SC U J E E Q I J I R D F W S NW T O P D P A K H S J Z Y R SA T S E T N O C H F Q D P U Nopenrepeatcloseraiseask(name)ask(me)sit downreadwritedrawanswerstand uptake outlistenturn inWrite which command in Spanish your teacher would use to give the following directions. You do not need to write the entire phrase, only the command from your vocabulary in Spanish.“Listen, class!” ______________“Turn in your homework.” ________________“Repeat after me.” ____________“Read page 4.” _____________“Take out your homework.” _______________“Sit down in your seat.” _______________“Answer the question in Spanish.” ______________“Draw in a picture of your vocabulary.” _________________“Stand up and find a partner.” ______________“Open your books.” _______________ ................

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