Green America GREEN LINE Oberstufe p

Green America GREEN LINE Oberstufe p. 66

| |Partner A: |

| | |

| |Only interested in economy and not in the environment |

| |Didn’t sign the Kyoto Protocol |

| |Have no caps on emissions of greenhouse gases because of influence of |

| |lobbies (Big Oil and Big Three) |

| |Dig for oil in natural reserves |

| |Drive big cars (SUVs, trucks) gas guzzlers |

| | |

| |Partner B: |

| |Only the federal government has shown indifference to global warming/ |

| |environment, state, cities and counties have different attitude |

| |More than 700 cities signed agreement which corresponds with the demands of |

| |the Kyoto Protocol |

• Some companies are urging the federal government to put cap on greenhouse emissions

• West Coast Global Warming Initiative (Oregon, Washington, California) to regulate their emissions and have more energy efficiency is very successful

• 85% of Californians think that rise of economy and the protection of the environment can go hand in hand

• Americans can see it as an economic opportunity: invent technology and make money with it



Partner A:

You meet an American who is on vacation in Germany. You are thinking about immigrating to the United States but you are quite critical in regard to the country’s foreign policy.

You discuss the USA’s superior attitude and the mistakes they have made in the past.

Partner B:

You are on vacation in Germany and a German is talking to you because he/she wants to move to the United States. He/she criticizes the United State’s foreign policy.

You explain to your counterpart that the USA only wants to help people worldwide.


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