G Office Memo Template

Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.

707 S.W. Washington Street, Suite 1300

Portland, OR 97205-3530


Date: December 2, 2009

To: Brad Holt, Boise Inc.

From: Jonathon Belmont, Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.

Subject: Invasive Species List Request

Mason, Bruce and Girard, Inc. (MB&G) has compiled a list of invasive species known, suspected, or with the potential to be present in Oregon. For the purposes of this list, invasive species are those defined as species introduced from another country of geographic region outside its natural range that may have fewer natural controls in the new environment, becoming a pest or nuisance species. The compiled invasive species list has been limited to terrestrial vertebrate and invertebrate animal species and terrestrial and aquatic vascular plant species; the list is in spreadsheet format, and contains the following information:

Common Name

Scientific Name

Category (e.g., mammal, bird, invertebrate)

Agency Contacts (for control measures)

Additional Notes


The invasive species list was compiled from a variety of sources (see ‘References’ below and within list), including state agencies, private publications, and personal experience. In Oregon, the primary agency to contact for control measures is the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Specifically, the Weed Control Board () and Oregon Invasive Species Council () provide information on specific species and control measures. However, some species included in the compiled invasive species list are beyond or not practicable for control. As a result, they are not recognized by state or federal agencies as invasive species; however, they do meet the definition of an invasive species used for the compilation of this list. For those species that do not have established or recommended control measures in place, the ‘Agency Contacts’ has been completed as “Not Applicable (N/A)”.

Given scheduling and time restraints, photos of individual invasive animal species and some plant species were not compiled. However, public domain photos are available at the following websites:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Digital Library:

U.S. Forest Service Find-a-Photo:

U.S. Bureau of Land Management Image Library:

U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library:


Boersma, P.D, S.H. Reichard & A.N. Van Buren. 2006. Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 285 pp.

Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health (CISEH). 2009. Invasive and Exotic Species Profiles. The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Accessed online at: on 11/25/09.

Nugent, Martin. 2005. Oregon Invasive Species Action Plan. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Portland, OR. Accessed online at: on 11/25/09

Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA). 2009. Oregon State Noxious Weed List. Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, OR. Accessed online at: on 11/25/09.

Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC). 2009. 100 Most Dangerous Invaders to Keep Out. Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, OR. Accessed online at: on 11/25/09.

|US Department of Agriculture. June 30, 2006. Federal Noxious Weed List. Accessed online at: |

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|US Department of Agriculture 2009. National Agriculture Library. Species Profiles. Accessed online at: |

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