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This Little Light of Mine

Bible Story: This Little Light of Mine (Sermon on the Mount, salt and light) • Matthew 5:14-16

Bottom Line: Use your imagination to do more good.

Memory Verse: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10, NIV

Virtue: Creativity—using your imagination to do something unique.

Power Up: Engage the Heart (Large Group, 20-25 minutes)

Engage children’s hearts in a Large Group setting through interactive worship, prayer, and an innovative re-telling of today’s Bible story.


1. Opener/Closer

What You Need:

• Host

• Bible (preferably NIV)

• Row of empty chairs (and desks if you have them)

• Clothes in the style popular when the Host was in high school

• Music that was popular when Host was in high school

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):

• Virtue Slide

• Memory Verse Slide

What You Do:

• Download all LGV slides and have them ready to use.

• Download and print this week’s production schedule and distribute to everyone helping with Large Group.

• Set up the chairs (and desks) to look like a classroom but facing the audience.

Note: To really make an effect, the clothes for Host’s high school life should be over the top and very dramatic. You could even download music popular during this era to use as kids enter and exit. Just make sure to check and see that all the lyrics are appropriate!

Also: If your Host is currently in high school, adjust the script to fit specific examples from his elementary school days.

2. Bible Story

What You Need:

• Storyteller

• Bible (preferably NIV)

• Prop box

• 2 matching or identical saltshakers

• Clear tape

• A large popcorn tub

• A globe

• A flashlight

• Aluminum foil

• Lots of different lights, examples:

o Glow necklaces

o Battery-powered Christmas lights

o Circle lights that you tap to turn on

o Floodlights

o Headlamps

o Lanterns

Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):

• Bottom Line Slide

Music and Sound Effects (SFX):

• “Light it Up” / track 9 from the album Light it Up! cued to start at the chorus (available from )

What You Do:

• Download all LGV slides from website.

• Tape one saltshaker closed with the clear tape.

• Mark the Bible so it’s easy to find and read from Matthew 5:13-16.

3. Worship

What You Need:

• Worship Leader(s)

Music and Sound Effects (SFX):

• Upbeat music to use as kids enter and exit the room (like the downloadable MP3 virtue song from the website)

• “Glow” from Jump!

• “Tell the World” from The Big Story: Kidjam Classics*

• “You are the Light” from Chase the Light

• BONUS entering song suggestion: “Time to Celebrate” from Stars, Guitars & Megaphone Dreams*

• BONUS exiting song suggestion: “So Long” from

*Live lyrics video available from .

What You Do:

• Download (or import from a CD) all songs and have them ready to use, including music to play as kids enter and exit the room.

• Download and print this week’s tech sheet for everyone helping with Large Group.

4. Additional Resources

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: It’s time to start packing! If you’re encouraging families to participate in Operation Christmas child, be sure they have the Parent Cue and Packing Instructions in hand this week to allow enough time for planning, packing and drop off.

GET REEL: This month with Get Reel 2.0, create an environment that helps kids “Imagine That” we can all show CREATIVITY because we are created in the image of our really creative God.

This week, we recommend playing the Virtoon video. The Virtoon video features a boy creatively figuring out a way to rescue a cat from a tree.

Also on Get Reel 2.0, you can enhance your environment with a Countdown video to create anticipation and set up your Large Group production. (This Countdown showcases numbers drawn on a wall.)

FEATURE PRESENTATION: We know that sometimes you want to “mix things up” to keep kids engaged with the most important thing you do every week in your Large Group: tell the Bible story.

You also like having a back-up plan in case your Host or Storyteller cancels at the last minute. This is why our Large Group script is interchangeable with the Feature Presentation DVDs so that you can plug and play the way you need to each week. Similar to the flow we create with our Large Group script, Feature Presentation also has weekly Intro and Outro videos with a Host. The Intros set up the Bible story and virtue, while the Outros smoothly transition from Large Group to Small Group.

For the 4th-5th grade age group, we recommend playing 252 Movie, which takes you through a fully dramatized presentation of the story in a contemporary and comedic sketch of the Bible story.


GOD VIEW: the connection between CREATIVITY and God’s character,

as shown through God’s big story

In the beginning, the earth was formless and empty. Nothing existed that now exists. But God, with an imagination beyond our understanding, created a universe with stars and moons and planets. He created oceans and rivers and waterfalls. He created forests and glaciers, tigers and platypus, whales and butterflies. Then He did something even more amazing: He created humanity, men and women, and He made them “in His image.” From the very beginning there has always been something about the human race that bears the thumbprint of God. The image of God, a part of the great creative imagination, is in each of us.

The apostle Paul wrote about it this way. He said, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” We are created by a creative God. He’s imparted some of His own creativity into us, so that we are a remarkable and creative species.

But what does all of this mean? We are creative, but so what? It means that we have creative minds which enable us to solve problems and lead others to accomplish remarkable tasks. It means that we have creative hands that can make art and music and write stories. It also means that we have a unique ability to use our creativity to make a difference in this world by helping others. So this month, discover the creativity that God has given you, and find a way to put your remarkable creativity into practice.

This month, let’s think about how:

(1) God is creative and exemplifies it.

(2) God instills that virtue in us as He shapes us to be more like Him.

(3) God uses that virtue in us to influence our families, friends, and neighbors.

Remember: A virtue is something God does in us to change the world around us.

This week we’re discovering:

If we think about how God described what He made in the Creation story—what did He say over and over? That it was good. God is both creative and good. This week, we’re talking about another aspect of creativity: Using your imagination to do more good.

Today, we’re looking at part of Jesus’ longest talk, called the Sermon on the Mount. Our Bible story is a parable about salt and light (Matthew 5:14-16). What talents and abilities do we each have and how can we share them with the world around us? Take a minute today to specifically encourage each kid about one way you’ve seen them creatively do more good and show God’s true character. The Message version says we can add God-flavor to the world around us.

Our memory verse reminds us: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10, NIV How can we use our hands, our minds and our hearts to love others and be a light that points them to God? Leaders and parents can be great examples of this for kids to follow!

This Little Light of Mine

Bible Story: This Little Light of Mine (Sermon on the Mount, salt and light) • Matthew 5:14-16

Bottom Line: Use your imagination to do more good.

Memory Verse: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10, NIV

Virtue: Creativity—using your imagination to do something unique.

SFX: Play high-energy music (could match the era that the Host would have been in school) as kids enter. Keep it playing throughout the Opener.

Host should be in the crowd as the kids walk in, nodding his head to the music. He’s dressed in clothes from his high school days.


HOST: “Oh, yeah. That song takes me back to [insert year you were in high school]. I’m telling you, it was BIG. Bigger than Bieber and Taylor Swift combined! And then there were the clothes. (Point to your clothes) Isn’t this stuff the coolest?

“I’m not sure if you guys know this, but when you’re an adult, you have these crazy things called high school reunions. Believe it or not, people actually come back after 10 or 20 years to see what everyone else is up to: who got married, who has kids, who still has hair—that kind of thing.

“I remember when I was in high school, I …

Host: Tell a true story about an embarrassing or funny moment that happened to you in high school.

“I kind of hope people DON’T remember that one.

Move onstage and look at the empty chairs (in rows).

Host: The following examples are just options—if you prefer, you could talk about actual kids from your class growing up, to make it more personal (just be sure to change their names).

“You know, these chairs actually remind me a lot of my classroom when I was in school. (Point to a chair in the front.) This is where Henry used to sit. I remember because he had these really thick glasses that weren’t thick enough. He always had trouble reading what was on the board.

(Move to another chair) “This is where Heather sat. I remember her, because she was always so sad. I never did find out why.

(Move to another chair, chuckling as you remember) “Oh, yeah, Andy sat here. He wasn’t the sharpest tack on the bulletin board. Every day, I’d see this other guy, Neil Ogilve, steal something out of Andy’s Yogi Bear lunch box. Andy never could figure out why he always had food missing.

Pause, look around, and see ‘your chair’ toward the back. Go sit in it.

“I think I remember now where I sat. I think this was me all the way in the back. I was the kind of kid who tried to blend in with the background. I stayed out of trouble, but I kind of flew under the radar. I didn’t want to call too much attention to myself. I guess I’ve changed a little bit since high school.

“I wonder if when Heather or Andy or Neil Ogilvie walk into a classroom, if they remember where I sat. Do they even remember me at all? I’d probably have to wear a nametag if I went to a reunion now. Could I have done more to make myself stand out? See, we’ve been talking about creativity this month—

CG: Virtue Slide

“Using your imagination to do something unique. I probably could have been a lot more creative in high school. I probably could have reached out more to other people and been a good friend. I probably could have done a lot more good in their lives.

(Check out your clothes) “But hey, at least I looked cool.

Worship Team enters.

“We’re going to rock out for God right now with some classic worship songs from the [insert decade the Host was in high school]. Just kidding. Back to 2011. Take it away, Worship Team!”

Host exits.


WORSHIP LEADER: “Alright, I hope you’re ready to sing out loud with us today. This song reminds us to let our lives glow! We are shining the light of Jesus. Everybody sing this with us.”

SFX: “Glow” / track 5 from Jump!

WORSHIP LEADER: “That was awesome. Wave your hand at me if you have one thing you can think of that God has done in your life. (Get a response.) That’s so cool. We must never forget to tell the world what God has done for us. Whether it’s your friends or family or someone new that just moved in across the street. We need to ‘Tell the World’ about the love of Jesus. Let’s sing this.”

SFX: “Tell The World” / track 4 from The Big Story: Kidjam Classics

Storyteller enters as last song is ending; Worship Leader exits.

Telling the Bible Story

STORYTELLER: “Today, we’re going to dive into a super-important message that Jesus told a whole crowd of people. You can read about it in the book of Matthew. (Hold up Bible.) Jesus had a lot to say to the people gathered that day—and to you and me today!

“When He gave this talk, Jesus had just begun His work on the earth. He had just chosen His disciples. He had been healing sick people, and the news had started to spread. So, there were all these people who had been healed, following Jesus to see what they could learn from Him. Those crowds of people were so excited to hear what He would say!

“So, Jesus went up on a mountainside, so everyone could see and hear Him, and He started to teach. [Insert Host’s name], can you come on out here? I need your help to explain this story.

Host enters, still in his high school clothes, carrying the prop box.


STORYTELLER: (To kids) “See, first you guys have to understand something about the way Jesus taught. Sometimes He said things that didn’t make much sense the first time people heard them. They had to use their imaginations to discover what He meant.”

HOST: “Oh, I get it—imagination! Creativity!”

STORYTELLER: “Yep. Exactly. See if you can ‘crack the code’ and figure out what Jesus meant.

“So, Jesus was teaching, and He said, (open the Bible to Matthew 5:13 and read): ‘You are the salt of the earth. But suppose the salt loses its saltiness. How can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything. It will be thrown out. People will walk all over it.”

Storyteller looks at Host to see what he will do.

HOST: “Okay, right, so if we’re following Jesus, then we are the salt of the earth. (To kids) So what do you use salt for? (Pause.) To make food taste better!”

Host pulls out the saltshaker and popcorn tub and starts to “salt” the popcorn.

“So, maybe Jesus meant that we should make the earth super-delicious!”

Host pulls out the globe and starts to “salt” the globe.

STORYTELLER: “Um, no. Try again. I’ll give you a hint—it’s about people.”

HOST: “People. Fascinating! We must make the people delicious!”

Host goes out into the crowd with the salt shaker that’s taped at the top (although it looks just like the other one.) He shakes it over a couple kids’ heads, but it’s a fake-out and nothing comes out.

STORYTELLER: “Uhhhh, I think you’re scaring the audience. What don’t you come back up here for a second?

Host jumps back onstage.

STORYTELLER: “What Jesus was saying is that maybe it’s up to us—His followers—to make the world a better place. You see, in Jesus’ day, pure salt (point to Host’s salt shaker) was worth a lot of money. Jesus was saying that the people following Him were really valuable. And just like salt, they could use their unique imaginations to add ‘God flavor’ to the world—to show how awesome God is to the people around them.


STORYTELLER: “So, then Jesus said, (move your finger down in the Bible to Matthew 5:14-15 and read): ‘You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can't be hidden. Also, people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand. Then it gives light to everyone in the house.’”

HOST: “Okay, I’m going to crack the code! We are the light of the world. Hmmmm. Lights. (Rummage around in the prop box.) Here we go! Time to light it up!

SFX: “Light It Up” (starting at the chorus)

While the song plays, Host runs through the crowd, putting lights on different kids—glow necklaces, battery-powered Christmas lights, tap lights, floodlights, headlamps, lanterns, etc.

He also rolls aluminum foil all around his torso, then hands a flashlight to the Storyteller.

(To Storyteller) “Okay, now shine that on me! Brilliant!”

Host strikes a superhero pose in the flashlight beam.

STORYTELLER: “Okay, well, that was interesting. (Motion to tech team to cut the song—make a ‘turn down the volume’ motion with your hand.)

SFX: Fade out ‘Light It Up’

(To Host) “It’s true—we ARE supposed to light it up. But not exactly like that. Jesus was saying that we should live our LIVES in a way that shines. We should live our lives to show everybody how amazing GOD is! Jesus explained it this way (move your finger down in the Bible to Matthew 5:16 and read): ‘Let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father who is in heaven.’”

HOST: “Okay, I think I get it. If I believe in Jesus, and I want to be like Him, then I can’t keep that hidden from everyone.”

STORYTELLER: “Right—you’ve got to use your imagination to come up with ways to show God’s love to people. It’s not enough to just be a good guy. You’ve got to shine—like a light!


STORYTELLER: (To kids) “God created each one of us to be salt and light. (Hand the saltshaker and flashlight to the Host.) He wants us to add ‘God flavor’ to the world, and to shine brightly for everyone to see. You can do that by serving others. You can be salt and light in a world that desperately needs what’s good. And you can [Impress] use your imagination to do more good.

“We should do everything to point people to God, because He is the source of everything that’s good. And He wants us to love and serve others. In the book of 1 Peter, it says (open the Bible to 1 Peter 4:8-11 and read): ‘Most of all, love one another deeply … God's gifts of grace come in many forms. Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others. You should use it faithfully. If you speak, you should do it like one speaking God's very words. If you serve, you should do it with the strength God provides. Then in all things God will be praised through Jesus Christ.’”

HOST: “Awesome! Salt and light!” (Hold up salt shaker and flashlight.)

STORYTELLER: “Yeah, man! Thanks for your help today.

Host gives the saltshaker and flashlight to the Storyteller, then exits.


STORYTELLER: “When Jesus stood in front of the crowd and talked about salt and light, all the people understood Him in different ways. After all, there’s more than one way to be a light. And that’s what’s so cool about parables—which is what we call these kind of stories that Jesus told. All the different people in the crowd had to ‘crack the code’ for themselves, to really discover what it meant for THEM. They had to use imagination—creativity—to figure out what God wanted them to do.

“And it’s the same for us today! We need to think about how to be salt and light. We need to figure out what God created US to do—how He wants us to serve others and do more good in the world. What kinds of things can you think of? Shout 'em out. How can we be salt and light? (Pause.) Yep. Maybe it’s being generous with our time, and with our stuff. Maybe it’s drawing pictures to cheer people up, or helping the older man living next door with his yard work. Whatever it is, we need to be a light that points people to God—the One who gave us creativity in the first place.

“And think about this. When you and I [Recycle] make the wise choice, or [Recycle] trust God no matter what, even in a tough situation. Or when we [Recycle] treat others the way we want to be treated, we’re sending a loud and clear message that our God is worth it. He’s the reason we live our lives that way! And when we do, we add ‘God flavor’ to the world. (Hold up the saltshaker.) We SHINE for Him. (Shine the flashlight.) [Impress] Use your imagination to do more good.”

CG: Bottom Line Slide

“Let’s pray.”


STORYTELLER: “God, You are amazing! Thanks so much for giving us creativity. We want to use that creativity to do more good. Help us to know exactly what You want each one of us to do. Help us to know how to serve others. And most of all, help us to always remember to point to You. We want everyone to know how awesome You are. We want to live our lives to SHINE for You! Please help us to do that. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Storyteller exits. Host enters, still in his high school clothes.


HOST: “Man, Jesus’ stories are the coolest! And when I read them, it’s like He told them right to ME! That's why they’re so powerful. (Hold up Bible.) And the Bible is full of awesome, powerful stories like this. They're true for me, they're true for you—they're true for the whole WORLD! (Hold up the globe.) And they show us the best way to live, every day of our lives.

“Now, [Storyteller’s name] really got me thinking today …

Sit down at ‘your chair’ again. Just like before, you can use your own real-life examples instead of these options.

“I wish when I was a kid, that I knew what it meant to be the light of the world. Then, I would have really stood out in this class. Instead of just blending in and staying out of trouble, I could have used my imagination to do more to help others.

(Move to Henry’s chair) “I could have helped Henry when he couldn’t see the board clearly by copying down what the teacher wrote and letting him read it up close.

(Move to Heather’s chair) “When I saw that Heather was sad, I could have asked her what was wrong. Maybe I could have done something to help. Or maybe all she needed was somebody to listen.

(Move to Andy’s chair) “I could have told Andy that Neil was stealing his lunch instead of keeping quiet about it. I could have stood up for him. Or maybe I could have brought an extra lunch for Neil so he wouldn’t have to take someone else’s.

“I wasn’t a bad kid. A lot of you are like me. You follow the rules. You stay out of trouble. But is that enough when you’re trying to be the light of the world? God made you with very unique talents, and He wants you to use those talents to do more good for the people in need around you.

“You have the opportunity to be a light—to help others see God through you—and nobody can impact the world the way you can! Our memory verse this month is Ephesians 2:10 (open the Bible to Ephesians 2:10, NIV, and read): ‘For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’

CG: Memory Verse Slide

“I can’t help the past, and I can’t do anything for the people in my class anymore. They’ve all grown up and gone to who knows where. But I can start today, looking for people in need around me. You can start today, too. There’s probably someone you’ve already thought of who you could help. That’s how powerful Jesus’ stories are—and the Holy Spirit will make it clear for you. Where do you need to do more good? How can you be salt and light? You can use the gifts God gave you to serve others. It’s the absolute best way you could spend your time. And you may get to tell someone that God is the reason for it all!

“So, don’t blend in with the background. Be salt and light!

Host exits and Worship Leader enters.


WORSHIP LEADER: “Just like we’ve been hearing and learning today, we are the light that shines to this world. It’s important that we are shining the light of Jesus in all we do. This song is a great reminder to us of what God has asked us to do in regard to shining His light to our world. Let’s worship and sing this to Him and commit to shining His light brightly!”

SFX: “You Are The Light” / track 4 from Chase the Light

WORSHIP LEADER: “Great job singing and worshiping God today! You guys are going to talk about being salt and light some more in your Small Groups. So have fun!”

SFX: Play high-energy music as the kids exit.


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