Weekly News from Room 1 - newpaltz.k12.ny.us

Weekly News From Room 1

Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 77

We had a calming sixteenth week in Second Grade! We decoded and coded patterns, sat in stillness, and compared rabbits. Look! There’s more…

Patterning for Success

Decoding and coding patterns are foundational skills for understanding the number system. This week we spent some time experimenting with creating patterns using colors, shapes, objects, and rhythms.

Static Verses Dynamic

Readers Go Far when they Know who Their characters Are!

This week we took pause and thought hard about character. We read The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams and discussed whether or not the bunny changed his personality over the course of the story. Some of us argued yes. Some of us said no. We are currently reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, by Kate DiCamillo. We are certain Edward is a very self-centered rabbit but we predict that he is about to go through a huge personality shift!

Static or flat= a character who stays the same

Dynamic or round= a character who experiences a great personality shift or change.

Recipe Shares

Many of us are interested in sharing recipes this month. Recipes can be shared in a few different ways. A recipe could be shared by choosing one from a cookbook at home and reading it to the class. You could also create your own recipe and present it to us! Another way you could share a recipe is by actually preparing a food for us to share at snack time. A new calendar will go home next week. Parents, please email me soon if there is a day that best works for your family.

Plenty of Pelts


Shared Writing by Room1

On Wednesday, a wildlife expert came to teach us about local animals. Her name is Julie Seyfert Lillis and she is Bridget’s mom. The purpose of her visit was to prepare us for tracking local wildlife behind Duzine on the Millbrook Preserve. Have you ever touched an animal pelt before? Pelts are animal skins with fur. Julie brought some in for us to feel and identify. Exposing us to mammal pelts sparked our curiosity about what we might find on our outdoor adventures with Julie.

Special Schedule Week of Jan 11th– Jan 15th

|Mon | Tues. |Wed. | Thurs. | Fri |

| F | A | B | C | D |

|Music |Music |P.E. |P.E. |Art |

| | | | | |


1. Kindly Start saving 2 and 3 liter plastic bottles for a Second Grade spring project!

Happy New Year!

Home Extension


• Email me if you would like a hard copy of our December worksheet packet


1. Pattern Search!

Patterns are all around us. Look about your home. Where do you see patterns? Make a list or draw a picture in your H/R journal!

2. Creating Patterns

Create a pattern using shapes, colors, objects or movements, or rhythms. Can you code your pattern using letters?


Try making a pattern that matches one of the codes below:



How many units did you make?

Science Writing

Adopt a Tree!


Find a tree near your home. Take a photo or draw it carefully.

Notice, label and write about its:

* trunk

* bark

* leaves

* branches

Date your drawing. And promise to visit again and observe the tree’s changes next month.

[pic]Reading News

Tell me about the books that you are reading at home!

Start a Book Log

Write the title and author of a book or article that you read at home. They can be books that you have read independently, books from your book baggie, or books that have been read to you.

Use the book log attached or make up your own way to share your books.

Readers Go Far When They Know Who their Characters Are!

As readers, we come across so many interesting characters when we open a fiction book. This month we are zooming in on characters by discussing their personality traits and arguing whether the character in question is “static” or “dynamic.”

You can practice at home. Choose a character to follow while you are reading. Does the character change? Why or why not?

Making Words

This week we reviewed the ea vowel combination. In addition, we practiced spelling the long a sound using the CVCe (consonant, vowel, consonant, e) pattern, and the controlled r rules. Find words that belong in each word family below. Make a list in your H/R journal.

ent ea east

art eat eal

ab et est

Other words to practice:

different, treats, stable, tables


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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