Introduction .com

Jasmine Carter10th October, 2015 my outlineintroduction This outline discusses my journey in literature. Through out my first couple of months in college I thought I wouldn’t have to worry so much on writing nor did I think that I would be expressing myself either. Through my journey I learned more about others and myself though my Blog pages, Who am I speech, Literacy Narrative, and my Rhetorical Analyzes outline on BUCK.Blog pageMy blog page consisted of my reaction to BUCK, my introduction to my page, the who am I speech, and my literacy narrative. As I was creating the blog I found I had some strengths and weaknesses on it. For example, I found it really hard to customize the site or to make a blog. I couldn’t figure out how to word the topics but I found a way. The easy thing about it was creating multiple folders.WHO AM I SPEECH The Who Am I Speech talks about who I am as a person. I thought this speech was goring to be an easy speech; however, I was mistaken. The pros to the situation is that I got to record it on an iPad and I didn’t need a script if I didn’t want one. The cons was I never could make the right video because of lighting, freezing up, or the over all background. Literacy NarrativeThe Literacy Narrative talked about my life, my struggles, and how writing helped me over come my challenges. While I was writing, I felt conflicted to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth for example, the bullying topic and uncle thing were hard topics to explain so I tried to say it without telling the whole story in fear or judgement and sympathy. My strength was writing. While I was writing I felt so much power and memories flow through me that I couldn’t help but to continue writing more and more.Rhetorical Analyzes on buck The Rhetorical Analyzes on BUCK explained MK Asante’s ethos, pathos. and logos. It was easy to find his pathos, emotions he had towards the book and ethos was very easy to see especially since they were shown throughout the texts. But find the logos was very difficult for me and to explain it was even harder. I couldn’t find the logic behind the story. I couldn’t see it until later on when Asante started talking about his the thug life, gangs, and how much death was in Philly. closer The Blog pages, Who Am I Speech, Literacy Narrative, and The Rhetorical Analyzes on BUCK all help my writing skills to go up. Each essay I did help developed my writing, my comprehension and induction technique. I also realized that they all had a hidden topic discussing black lives, how we struggle to survive and how much we matter in society. ................

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