Literacy Memoir/Narrative Assignment: Outline.docx

 Literacy Memoir/Narrative Assignment: OutlineENGL 1103Nat LawlessThesis statement: Writing and reading has been with me all my life. I have had times where I seemed completely successful in these subjects, and other times I felt like a failure. In the end, it all seemed to work out for me once I got my practice in with the great mentors I had my last few years in high school.Paragraphs / Main Ideas:4th grade, 5 on writing test?made a 5 on the 4th grade writing test?was a very big deal to me and my family?I was told that I was good at creative writing ?Started letting me enjoy writing instead of agonizing over it4th through 6th grade, Pendragon?Read the series called Pendragon by D J Machale?really enjoyed reading it?Mom and I both read it so we were able to have discussions on the reading?Great personal reading experience5th grade stories of my friends?Because of the writing test and pendragon, I was compelled to write stories of my friends in 5th grade?The stories were humorous and fun to write?everyone seemed to love them6th grade story of Carlos?Had a close friend named Carlos who had a heartbreaking story of his childhood?I was inspired to write about it?It was hard to write because it was so sad and I gave upCoasting through middle school and freshman year?My english teachers didn't challenge me?I was bored and I really didn't care about the subject because I knew I was good at creative writing.?The classes didn't give that any assignments so my skills started to fadeSuddenly Slater, my wake up call?Wake up call Sophomore year?I made a D first quarter, my lowest grade of my life and I knew something had to be done.?I wasn't good at writing about books or subjects, I only knew how to write creatively.?Mr. Slater helped me out big time?He turned out to be my favorite teacher of all timeThankful for my teachers my junior and senior year?Fortunately for me, my english teachers my junior and senior year were pretty amazing.?They helped me with my writing even more?I was able to learn very valuable skills and tips from them and I am very thankful for that. ................

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