Biology 309 Name Cell Energy Review Packet (ATP ...

Name _________________________

Biology 309

Cell Energy Review Packet

(ATP, Photosynthesis and Respiration)

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants capture and change _light _, energy into _chemical energy transforming _water _, and _carbon dioxide _, into a high energy food molecule called _glucose _, while releasing _ oxygen _, into the air as a

by-product. The whole process is catalyzed by many enzymes and a green pigment called

_chlorophyll _,. Complete the equation below for photosynthesis:

PHOTOSYNTHESIS: (be sure to include the catalysts on the arrow)

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ENERGY ---------------------------------- C6H12O6 + 6 O2

The whole process of photosynthesis takes place in a plant organ that has its cells organized for

efficiency of the process. The plant organ is the _leaf _.

From your knowledge gathered of leaf structure gathered from Lab work and the Textbook, give the function of each of the tissues and leaf parts as they are related to the process of Photosynthesis. Also, label these parts in the diagram on the next page.

PALISADE MESOPHYLL main photosynthetic cells

SPONGY MESOPHYLL some photosynthesis; spaced out to allow gases to diffuse

XYLEM transports water PHLOEM transports glucose CUTICLE prevents water loss EPIDERMIS (Upper and Lower) protective covering STOMATA opening that allows gases to diffuse in and out of leaf GUARD CELLS control the opening and closing of the stoma CHLOROPLASTS organelle that performs photosynthesis

Biology 309

Check Labels in your notes or Leaf anatomy worksheet or uploaded PPT notes.


1. List the factors that affect photosynthesis.

Temperature, Light, Carbon dioxide and water

2. What is a pigment?

A molecule that absorbs light energy 3. What is the main pigment responsible for photosynthesis in the leaf? chlorophyll

4. What is the role of accessory pigments?

To absorb light that chlorophyll can't

5. List the accessory pigments in the leaf.

Xanthophylls I and II (yellow pigment) Carotene (orange pigment)

6. Why does a green light lower the rate of photosynthesis? Explain.

Because green is REFLECTED not absorbed for energy


9. Where does the light phase occur in the cell (be specific)? Thylakoid membrane 10. What two raw materials are needed to start the light phase? H20 and CO2 11. What happens to the water in the light phase? Light splits H20 into H and O 12. Which molecule is known as the Hydrogen acceptor (Hydrogen carrier)? NADP 13. What are those Hydrogens eventually used for? To make Glucose in Calvin Cycle

14. What are the three products of the light phase and what happens to each of them?

Oxygen air ATP goes to Calvin Cycle NADPH2 goes to Calvin Cycle

15. Which of the products of the light phase continue into the Calvin Cycle? ATP and NADPH2

Phase 2: CALVIN CYCLE 16. Where does the Calvin Cycle occur in the cell?


17. What are the three things necessary for the Calvin Cycle to occur?

CO2 ? comes in from atmosphere ATP - from light phase NADPH2 - from light phase

18. What is the main final product of the Calvin Cycle? Glucose


19. What are the raw materials (reactants) needed for photosynthesis?

H20, CO2 and Light

20. What are the products of photosynthesis?

C6H12O6 and O2

Biology 309

Respiration and ATP:

RESPIRATION is the process in which cells must break down the food molecule, _glucose


by adding oxygen to release the potential energy in its bonds and use it to convert ADP + P into

ATP . This process leaves water and carbon dioxide (which is a waste gas) as

byproducts. Most respiration is


because it requires oxygen and takes place

in the cell organelle known as the mitochondria . Respiration is necessary because cell

activities require energy from the high energy bonds between phosphate molecules in ATP.

Below write the balanced overall equation summary for Respiration:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ------------------------------6 CO2 + 6 H2O + E( 38 ATP )

During Respiration, one

glucose molecule has enough energy to provide for the formation

of how many ATP's? 38 ATP In order for this to happen, oxygen gas molecules must be present.

However, if you can't get enough oxygen to your tissues, such as during strenuous exercise, then

lactic acid fermentation will start and the products will cause pain and fatigue and

only 2

(#) ATP's will be formed from each glucose molecule. Fermentation is

anaerobic since it takes place without oxygen present.

Answer the following questions: 1. What are the three molecules that make up ATP?

Adenine, Ribose, Phosphate

2. Where exactly is the energy stored in ATP? Explain.

In the high energy bonds between phosphates

3. What is the difference between ATP and ADP?

ATP has three Phosphate while ADP has two.

4. Complete the following chart. Number of phosphate molecules



Number of ribose molecules


Number of adenine molecules


Number of high energy phosphate bonds 2


2 1 1 1

Biology 309

5. The ultimate source of energy for all living things is the sun , but in order for it to be usable

by cells, it must be in the form of ATP.

6. Why must cells convert glucose energy into ATP molecules (what is the purpose of ATP)?

Glucose stores too much energy; it must be broken down into

smaller, usable amounts energy (ATP).

7. Where are most of a cell's ATP molecules made (organelle)?


8. Which molecule has more stored energy, ATP or ADP, and why?

ATP b/c it has two high energy phosphate bonds.

9. Breaking a phosphate group off an ATP molecule releases energy and results in the

formation of an ADP molecule.

(releases or stores)

10. Adding a phosphate group onto an ADP molecule stores

energy and results in the

formation of an ATP molecule.

(releases or stores)

11.Explain why some organisms have chloroplast and mitochondria in their cells, while other organisms

only have mitochondria.

Plants have both because the make glucose (chloroplast), and

break glucose down into usable energy, ATP (mitochondria).

12. According to fossil data, plants existed on earth before animals. Support this idea using your

knowledge of energy in cells. Plants are autotrophs that make their own food so they don't have to depend on other organisms for their food.


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