© Erin Kathryn 2015

? Erin Kathryn 2015

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Westward Expansion Internet Scavenger Hunt WebQuest

Directions: Click on the link below to answer the following questions.

1. The original ______________________ colonies of the United States were settled along the _____________ coast of North America.

2. For many years, few colonists went beyond the _____________________________________________.

3. When more land was needed, what did the country begin to do? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Early Expansion

4. How many colonists lived in the American colonies in 1700? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

5. By 1775, the number of colonists had grown to ________________ __________________.

6. One of the first areas settled west of the Appalachian Mountains was called the ___________________________________.

7. Who led settlers across the Cumberland Cap into Kentucky? _____________________________________________________________

Louisiana Purchase

8. In 1803, President Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from the __________________for ________________________.

? Erin Kathryn 2015

9. The Louisiana Purchase ____________________ the size of the United States.

10. Who did President Jefferson send to explore the vast frontier? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Manifest Destiny

11. What is Manifest Destiny? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Continued Expansion


After a _____________________________ over the rights to

_________________, the country gained much of the southwest

including the land of ___________________________.

13. What area of land did the United States also gain after a

treaty with Britain?



Settling the West

14. Pioneers and settlers moved west to claim _______________ for ranching and ___________________ from the government through the __________________________ Act.

15. Why did many people go to California? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Wild West

16. As the first pioneers moved west, there was little ________________________. The law was the ____________________.

? Erin Kathryn 2015

17. Name two people who became famous during the Wild West. _____________________________________ _____________________________________

End of the Frontier

18. What happened in 1890? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

19. The country now had _____________ states.

Interesting Facts about Westward Expansion and the Old West

20. Name three interesting facts. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

? Erin Kathryn 2015

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Westward Expansion Internet Scavenger Hunt WebQuest

Answer Key

Directions: Click on the link below to answer the following questions.

1. The original thirteen colonies of the United States were settled along the east coast of North America.

2. For many years, few colonists went beyond the Appalachian Mountains.

3. When more land was needed, what did the country begin to do? They began to move west of the Appalachians.

Early Expansion

4. How many colonists lived in the American colonies in 1700? 250,000 colonists

5. By 1775, the number of colonists had grown to 2.5 million. 6. One of the first areas settled west of the Appalachian

Mountains was called the Northwest Territory. 7. Who led settlers across the Cumberland Cap into Kentucky?

Daniel Boone

Louisiana Purchase

8. In 1803, President Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from the French for $15 million.

9. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States.

? Erin Kathryn 2015

10. Who did President Jefferson send to explore the vast frontier? Lewis and Clark

Manifest Destiny

11. What is Manifest Destiny? The belief that it was the country's destiny to expand westward all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Continued Expansion


After a war with Mexico over the rights to Texas, the

country gained much of the southwest including the land of


13. What area of land did the United States also gain after a

treaty with Britain?

Oregon Territory

Settling the West

14. Pioneers and settlers moved west to claim land for ranching and farming from the government through the Homestead Act.

15. Why did many people go to California? To strike it rich during the California Gold Rush

Wild West

21. As the first pioneers moved west, there was little government. The law was the local sheriff.

22. Name two people who became famous during the Wild West. Wild Bill Hickok Jessie James

? Erin Kathryn 2015

End of the Frontier

23. What happened in 1890? The US government announced that the west had been explored.

24. The country now had 44 states.

Interesting Facts about Westward Expansion and the Old West

25. Name three interesting facts. The population of the United States grew from 5.2 million people

in 1800 to 76.2 million in 1900. President James K. Polk played a major role in expanding west.

During his presidency much of the land west of the Louisiana Purchase was added to the county including Texas, the Mexican Cession, and the Oregon Territory. The Transcontinental Railroad and Transcontinental Telegraph were both important in keeping the large country together in the early days. Westward Expansion had a large impact on the Civil War. The South wanted western states to be slave states while the North wanted slavery to be illegal in the new states.

? Erin Kathryn 2015

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?Erin Kathryn 2015

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