Ecology webquest answer key


Ecology webquest answer key

Welcome to the World Wide Eco-Web! Today we are going to undertake an exploration of the essential themes in Ecology. This Webquest consists of several sections for each theme. Make sure you use the information on the websites to respond correctly to questions for each stage of the process. Ecology WebQuest Worksheet Before you start, download and print the worksheet Ecology WebQuest. Use the directions below to find answers to questions... 1. Population First, what do you know about the populations? Take some time to refresh your memory. Click here Use what you learned to answer #a questions through c2. The Communities describe a more specific level of an entire population. Go to the following site to know why. Click here Use what you have learned to answer questions #d and e3. Ecosystems There are many types of ecosystems. Can you name them and describe them all? Click here Use what you learned to answer #f questions through h4. BiodiversityPlanet Earth is rich in biodiversity! To understand why, click here Use the text to answer questions #i and jFactors Affecting Biodiversity: Click here Use what you learn to answer #k and l5 questions. Food chains Make a food chain! You don't remember how? Click Here Use the following organisms to create a food chain and DIAGRAM THIS ON YOUR WORKERS!!!SnakeFrogCaterpillar OwlFlower After finishing this, practicing by doing food chains by clicking "create a possible food web" in the middle of the page"Use the food chain site to answer questions #m through o.6. Food WebsFood chains are simple. Food webs are much more complex. To understand how an ecosystem can be described using a food web, choose one of the three food webs on this site. Click here Put the food web together! Now answer the questions #p through [Bleep Need help]?vocabulary terms. Click here7. Energy in an Ecosystem This short video explains how an ecosystem is divided into an energy pyramid based on energy use. Click Here Use your ownto describe what you learned in question #a8. The rule of 10% Use the following website to know the energy flow and trophic levels. Click Here When you're done, answer the question #b9. Carbon cycle There are many energy cycles described in your book about Earth systems. Go to the following link to learn more. Click here Response #c on your worksheetRead on the carbon cycle and complete #d questions through iDiagram carbon cycle10. Nitrogen Cycle Another important cycle for Earth processes is Nitrogen Cycle. Go to the following site to learn more: Click here Diagram the nitrogen cycle Use the diagram and website to answer questions #j through m11. Water cycleFinally, carefully look at the water states described in the Water Cycle. Click HereDiagram the water cycleAnswer questions #n through o12. Biomes around the Earth WorldPlanet are covered with miniature and expanded biomes, characterized by many unique details. Explore the following website to understand how these biomes are categorized. Click here Reply to questions #p through s 13. Using the worksheet, write a 100 to 200 words card (Times New Roman, size 12 font) addressing the following number: The construction and construction projects were carried out due to the presence of a rare species. Are we really worse if we lose 1 or 2 species? And why is it so important that we have a variety of species? Consider and click on the following topics for ideas that write your document:? Deforestation ? Soil Erosion. Species extinction. Fire. Pollution. Please enter the essay typed at the front of the completed worksheet. Congratulations! Now you should understand why biodiversity is so important. Now you can see why learn about food chains, food webs, flowand the human impact is so essential. Biology BECCIO Organization and Interactions Energy flow Habitat and and andand transport capacity Daily heating Quiz #552320 The newspaper makes the land as a home... What is the environment? What is it made of, how does it work, why does it change around the planet, and how do humans influence it? In this unit you undo: 1) What is the environment: biotic and abiotic factors, levels in an environment, matter and energy ~ web food, pyramids of ecology, and cycles of matter. 2) The influence of climate and terrestrial biomes. 3) Interactions between living things: population growth, limiting factors, transport capacity, prediction, competition and symbiosis... and finally what human beings have on Earth. WebQuest Ecology: Energy connection *Part 1: energy flow & ppHonors: Ocean Food Web Table - Ocean Food Web Diagram (15 pts)Creates a marine (Ocean) food web on the back page of the WebQuest or on a larger and separate sheet of paper. It must contain the following organisms and factors: (use the links I provided to read) Sunlight, water, temperature (look at the ocean temperature for our area), and nutrients (small bits of lemon/sand/sanding in the water;) fitoplankton/algae; zooplankton (shrimp, headdress;) Pacific sardine (or small fish forage;) bigger fish (tuna and salmon; Also add in a dead grey whale, dungeness crabs and shrimps at the bottom. Make sure that your arrows are indicating the direction that energy flows (from producers to various consumers.) Label each organism with its name and type trophic/level (primary producer, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, scavenger/decomposer). If the gray whale was fed by zooplankton, and the zooplankton (shrimp and farpods) fed on fitoplankton/algae, how many hagfish fish pounds that claim if there was a net gain of 1,500,000 pounds of fitoplankton in the ecosystem to start from this food chain?a small pyramid of energy and fill it in. show work. energy flow worksheet: class in yoursecology tuasecologyup to slide 43 biomeviewer hhmi earth: global wind and time mapbook pages: 145-153 145-153

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