NAME ______________________________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ______


1. Go to the Kortman ?Classroom Resources on the Kyrene website to find all of the following links. Task 1 ? Identifying Earth's Spheres r_no=visualization Click "Play" to observe a visual model of Earth's Spheres. Using the text as a guide, record the names of the four spheres shown and write a description of each.

1. ___________________ - __________________________________________________ 2. ___________________ - __________________________________________________ 3. ___________________ - __________________________________________________ 4. ___________________ - __________________________________________________

Task 2 ? Interactions between Earth's Spheres Investigate the chart to see examples of how Earth's spheres can interact. Go to: Everything that happens on Earth depends on complex interactions between the Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere. Read through the eight "Steps" (pages) of information about the interactions between the spheres and look at the descriptions of the images. Complete the following questions as you go:

STEP 1: Looking at the image, what are the major parts of our planet that can interact as a system?

STEP 2: Describe each of Earth's four spheres. List several examples of features in each sphere.

Do you think clouds should be classified as part of the atmosphere, or part of the hydrosphere? Explain why.

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ______ Read Through Steps 3 and 4. Step 5: Choose two images shown on Step 5. Describe how Earth's spheres are interacting in the photograph that you chose. For examples of how Earth's spheres interact in other images, revisit Step 3 and 4. Image #1 Describe the image you chose ___________________________________________________ How are Earth's Spheres interacting in this image? ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Image #2

Chose a second image and describe it. ____________________________________________ How are Earth's Spheres interacting in this image? ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Step 6: How do you impact the earth's spheres? You are part of the biosphere. Think about how you may impact the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere as well. List some Earth sphere interactions that result from your own daily activities.

Read Step 7. No questions. STEP 8: On a new page of your science notebook, labeled SPHERES OF THE EARTH, draw the image on STEP 8. Draw a line connecting each box. On each line write a connection that links one sphere to another.


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