Name # Living Environment Exam “Cheat Sheet” - Lake Shore Middle School

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Name _____________________________ #______!

Living Environment Exam "Cheat Sheet"

You need to memorize all of this. ! You cannot take this into the exam room!!


My exam is on ______________________ at _______________" location: _____________________________" The earliest that I can leave the exam room is________________" The longest I can stay is until __________________" I need to bring the following with me___________________" I need to leave my cell phone at home. (It is NOT allowed in the exam room!)"


General Info:! 1. If a multiple choice answer has any of the following words in it: all, always, only, never it is the wrong answer!"


Unity and Diversity! 2. Label everything in the diagram to the right." 3. The diagram to the right is a plant cell because it has chloroplasts, a cell wall and large vacuoles." 4. Only animal cells have centrioles to help the cell divide but plant cells do not." 5. Multicellular organisms use organs to carry out life functions." 6. Single celled organisms use organelles to carry out life functions." 7. Homeostasis and dynamic equilibrium are the same (keeping everything in balance)"

exams used to create this: Jan 2014, Aug 2013, June 2013, Jan 2013, Aug 2012, June 2012

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8. Ribosomes are very small and cannot be seen with our microscopes." 9. The mitochondria is where respiration happens." 10. Respiration makes energy AKA:ATP." 11. Chloroplasts have chlorophyll and are where photosynthesis happens." 12. The nucleus stores genetic information (DNA)." 13. The cell membrane allows materials to move in and out of the cell and allows cells to communicate with one another." 14. Organic molecules have carbon. Examples: carbon dioxide, Glucose, amino acids, proteins, starches." 15. Inorganic molecules do not have carbon. Examples: water, oxygen." 16. Taking in carbon dioxide and water and making glucose and oxygen is the process of photosynthesis. Only plants and algae perform photosynthesis." 17. Taking in oxygen and glucose and making energy and carbon dioxide is the process of respiration. All organisms including plants and animals perform respiration." 18. Yeast mixed with sugar will perform respiration and produce carbon dioxide bubbles." 19. To calculate total magnification of a microscope, you multiply the magnification of the eyepiece with one of the objective lenses." 20. The diaphragm of the microscope controls the amount of light passing through the object." 21. When you switch from low power to high power, the object viewed appears larger and darker."

exams used to create this: Jan 2014, Aug 2013, June 2013, Jan 2013, Aug 2012, June 2012

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22. When you switch from low power to high power, the field of view decreases. (You are looking at a smaller area so the object looks bigger)" 23. Paper chromatography is used to separate pigments. " 24. The smaller pigments travel the farthest in paper chromatography."


Transport! 1. The cell membrane exchanges gases just like the lungs and respiratory system in larger organisms." 2. Diffusion and Osmosis do not need energy." 3. Osmosis is the movement of water only." 4. Passive transport goes from high to low naturally (without energy)" 5. Active transport goes against nature from low to high so it needs energy." 6. AIDS and HIV weaken the immune system." 7. Stomates are the openings or pores in the leaf. Guard cells open and close the stomates. This is to control gas exchange and to prevent water from being lost. AKA: to maintain homeostasis" 8. Small molecules can diffuse through a cell membrane. Examples are: oxygen, water, glucose, Starch Indicator solution." 9. Large molecules cannot diffuse through a cell membrane. Examples are: proteins, starches, salt"

exams used to create this: Jan 2014, Aug 2013, June 2013, Jan 2013, Aug 2012, June 2012

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10. The immune system protects your body from infection." 11. Vaccines are made of weakened or dead viruses." 12. When you get sick or receive a vaccination, your body recognizes the antigens from the bacteria or virus and makes antibodies (white blood cells) to protect your body and fight off infection." 13. Antigens and pathogens are the same types of organisms." 14. An allergic reaction is when the body sees something harmless and thinks that it is an antigen and produces antibodies and histamine. " 15. Antibiotics are medicine...your body does not make antibiotics. Your body makes antibodies." 16. Cells communicate with receptor molecules." 17. Receptor molecules have to be the same shape as the hormone." 18. Blood drops off carbon dioxide at the lungs and picks up oxygen." 19. Blood drops off oxygen at the muscles and picks up carbon dioxide." 20. When muscles don't receive enough oxygen they get fatigued (tired) because waste products build up." 21. Salt water makes cells lose water." 22. Distilled water makes water enter the cell."

" "

exams used to create this: Jan 2014, Aug 2013, June 2013, Jan 2013, Aug 2012, June 2012

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Reproduction! 1. Organisms that reproduce asexually have exactly the same genes as their parent." 2. Organisms that reproduce sexually have a mixture of both parents genes." 3. Body cells are made by mitosis" 4. Sex cells are made by meiosis." 5. Meiosis only happens in the ovaries and testes of a human." 6. Mitosis happens everywhere. " 7. Sperm and egg join together in the process of fertilization when a zygote is created." 8. A zygote's cells reproduce by mitosis." 9. The zygote's cells start to look and function differently from one another when it goes through differentiation. " 10. Meiosis--> sex cells (gametes)--> fertilization--> zygote --> mitosis --> differentiation" 11. Ovaries produce eggs." 12. Ovaries produce the female sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, lutenizing hormone." 13. Testes produce sperm." 14. Testes produce the male sex hormone: testosterone." 15. The uterus is where the embryo spends 9 months." 16. The placenta is attached to the mother's uterus, and the embryo's belly button." 17. The placenta passes nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the embryo by diffusion."

exams used to create this: Jan 2014, Aug 2013, June 2013, Jan 2013, Aug 2012, June 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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