Primary Software Map - Herefordshire Computing Support

The Herefordshire Primary Computing Progression: ______________Primary School – KS2 Long Term Planning Map (page 1 of 2) – Class / Year Group(s): ___

A good approach to long term planning, certainly as we get to grips with the new computing curriculum is to plan the information technology strand into the whole curriculum across the year (or planning cycle). It is essential that a long term plan is in place to ensure that all areas are covered. A good way to do this will be to use the grid below; all that is needed is a topic or unit heading, and perhaps subject links, medium term and lesson planning can then take whatever form is used in your school and should be informed by the progression statements from the appropriate phase of the Herefordshire Primary Computing Progression. It is reasonable to aim to have each of the heading below covered at least once within each phase (KS1 / LKS2 / UKS2). Larger schools will find it helpful to work together in phases to ensure continuity etc.

|Computing strand & possible host subject |Autumn 1 |Autumn 2 |Spring 1 |Spring 2 |Summer 1 |Summer 2 |

Information Technology |Text & Design |En, any | | | | | | | | |Image | Film | Animation |En, Ge, La(m), any | | | | | | | | |Sound | Music composition |En Art, DT, any | | | | | | | | |Research (Internet) |En, Mu, any | | | | | | | | |Spreadsheets |Ma, Sc, any | | | | | | | | |Data logging |Ma, Sc | | | | | | | |

The Herefordshire Primary Computing Progression: ______________Primary School – KS2 Long Term Planning Map (page 2of 2) – Class / Year Group(s): ___

The computer science and digital literacy strands can also be linked to, or better still embedded into, the whole curriculum (and there will be an overlap with the IT strand). However in the short term, and while we are still getting to grips with the new computing curriculum, it will be easier to treat them as separate units and to teach lessons from the Herefordshire Primary Computing Progression as discrete units of work. It will be helpful to have some idea of when you plan to do this in the course of the year and any curricular links that you hope to draw out. To facilitate this you could block them out on the grid below.

The amount of time you allocate is up to you, but anything up to two half terms on computer science (especially given that you will need to dedicate a few lessons to the computers and networks strand) and one half term on digital literacy (online safety) would seem reasonable.

You may want to adapt the grid in your school.

Computing strand & possible host subject |Au1 |Au 2 |Sp 1 |Sp 2 |Su 1 |Su 2 |Notes / Cross curricular links | |Computer Science |Programming

(perhaps half a term) |Ma, Sc, En … any | | | | | | | | | |Programming + Computers & Networks

(perhaps half a term) |Ma, Sc, En … any | | | | | | | | |DL (e-safety) |Online safety |Co, PSHE | | | | | | | | |


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