St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

Class: Primary 2 Teacher: Mrs Erika CassarCheck-in Message: Monday 1st February 2021Good morning boys and girls How are you doing today? Today marks the start of our 4th week of home learning and the first day of a new month; February! Can you practise the spelling of this month? This week we will also be celebrating Scottish Focus Week so lots of interesting and exciting activities will be coming your way every single day as a Project Lesson – starting today! So how does all this make you feel? Let me know what zone you’re in this morning by leaving a post on Padlet and also letting me know how you have spent your weekend To accompany today’s daily plan you also have a power point with video clips attached to help you get started for the day. We will be starting off with some writing practice, followed by Numeracy and money revision. We will then have a Health and Wellbeing lesson to focus on listening skills and the Scottish Focus Week lesson. 5898515100330Remember to tweet us some of your work @stfrancisps and @MrsErikaStfr00Remember to tweet us some of your work @stfrancisps and @MrsErikaStfrAs of today, you will also be able to access ThingLink just like the upper school! How exciting is this? I wish you all a wonderful day and a good week of home learning! Mrs Erika xx This is what our time table looks like today: 333184516446500265196814000900198588713810500133401115536200694291156845002289317097800Curricular AreaLearning Intention Learning ActivitiesToolkit resourcesOnline resources313631574600LI: I am learning to write a narrative story Ms Sealy’s Group can look at the ASFL section for their Literacy lesson. Introduction: Let’s start our Literacy lesson by revising our letter-writing. Take a paper and practise writing all the letters of the alphabet. Make sure to write your letters neatly and clearly. Look at the picture below. What are these children doing? Where are they? What are they celebrating? You are right! This must be a birthday party.571516319500Now think about your own birthday parties or a party you were invited to. Can you answer the following questions about it? Who’s birthday was it?When was it?Who was there?What did you do?Who did you stay with?What did you eat?What did you wear? How did you feel at the party? Was it a good or a bad party? Think about the answers to the questions above.Write down words that come to mind when you answer these questions. Ask an adult to help you with the spelling of any tricky words. When you’re done, draw a picture of the party you were thinking about. Write down 3 sentences about the party you were thinking about. Ask an adult to help you with the spelling of any tricky words. Use capital letters when necessary and check your punctuation. When you are done, draw a picture of the party you wrote about. Label the different items. Write 8-10 sentences about the party you were thinking about. Ask an adult to help you with the spelling of tricky words and when you are done, draw a picture and label the different things. Here is an example to help you out: Jotter or paperPencil P L A Y T I M E717183898300LI: I am able to give the right amount of money to pay for an itemRevise the different coins . What other coins can you think of that are not mentioned in the video? Open Shopping Time power point available in the resources section under the Primary 2 section on the school website. Follow the slides.Work out Shop Sheet 1/2/3Topmarks game : Jotter or paperPencilShopping Time power point and Shop Sheet 1/2/3available in the resource section under Primary 2 on L U N C H T I M E79375-2635900LI: I am able to practise my listening skills by following instructions Today we will be checking how good we are at listening. Mimi and Jasper have taught us all about the importance of listening but it has been a while since we spoke about this and therefore it is useful to test ourselves every once in a while Prepare your pencils and colours in front of you, together with the Activity Sheet found in the resources section under the Primary 2 page on the school website. Open Listening Activity Audio File from the same section on the school website and whilst you listen to my instructions, carry out the different tasks I ask you to do.Share your work on Twitter! It would be great to see your work and how well you listened to the instructions Pencil Colours Listening Activity Audio File and Activity Sheet available in the resource section under Primary 2 on : I am able to follow a story and work out tasks linked to itAs you know, it is Scottish Focus Week at St Francis and therefore we will be reading a story related to the Scottish traditions, cultures and places for this week. Today, we will be listening to the story called Mr Men in Scotland.Go on the school website and find the video recording from the resources section under the Primary 2 classroom. Carry out the different activities in the Mr Men Activity sheets and share your work on Twitter! Jotter or paperPencilColours Mr Men in Scotland Video and Mr Men Activitiy sheets in the resource section under Primary 2 on Assessment Strategy: 2 stars and a wish Green for growth & Tickled Pink for progress ................

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