Food Friendliness

MATA HARKI DEVI SR SEC SCHOOLYear2016Food FriendlinessISA Collaborative ActivityE ReportPartner School – Jamalkhan Kusum Kumari City Corporation Girls High School, Bangladesh30th milestone,nh10,dabwali road,odhan,distt.sirsa,haryana,india58483534988530708603594105318760359410Introduction to Food Friendliness: - This activity meant to make students understand about the common food items eaten by the people of China, Italy and India. The studedents of grade 4th to 6th had a detailed study to understand the calorific and ingredient value of the food items mentioned below:-Indian – Chapati,Dosa,Idli,Paratha,Sarson ka Saag & DaalChinese – Noodles,Chow Mein,Moo Shu & Veg Spring RollItalian – Spaghetti,Macroni,Caprese,Salad,Mushroom RisottoProject ObjectivesThe findings of the study are mentioned in this e report. Knowledge – Explain about the different items of food eaten by the people of chosen countriesSkills – Analyze the reasons of eating a particular type of food by the people of chosen countries.Attitudes – Appreciate the food items of chosen countries.Activity DescriptionSearched information on internet, magazines and newspapers.Read and studied about the ingredients and calorific values of different food items.Prepared scrap books on different food items from three countriesMade Bar graphs and pie charts to understand it better.Students also presented it in groupsTeachers & students made an e report at the end of the activityScrap Book SamplesScrap Book SamplesStudents working in GroupsComparative Study of Calorific ValueChapati Ingredients:-Wheat and Maize flour DosaIngredients: - regular rice, parboiled rice, spilt black lentils, flattened rice, fenugreek seeds, salt to taste, water as require337185-80645Idli394335318770Ingredients:-Urad dal, Idli rice, fenugreek seeds and SaltParatha260985323850Ingredients: Various stuffings, Flour, Ghee or butter or cooking oil Sarson ka saag (Vegetable made from Mustard leaves)384810518795Ingredients: - Fresh mustard leaves, Fresh spinach leaves, Bathua, Olive oil, Ginger sliced, Garlic sliced, Onions sliced, Green chiliesDaal241935523875Ingredients :- clarified butter, diced onions, minced garlic, jalapeno peppers, cored, seeded and minced, cumin seeds, toasted and crushed, orange lentils, finely minced ginger, Garam MasalaChinese FoodNoodles Ingredients: Egg Noodles (enriched, cooked), Salt270510147955Chow MeinIngredients:- Egg noodles, sesame oil, plus , boneless, skinless chicken breasts, groundnut oil, garlic cloves, mangetout, Parma ham or cooked ham, soy sauce48139351397025565101397037528513970Moo shu327660318135 Ingredients: - Vegetable oil, Cornstarch Vegetable Spring Roll327660516890Ingredients: - White flour (all purpose, bleached, enriched), Celery, Cabbage, Mung beans (mature seeds, sprouted), Scallions or spring onions, Water chest nuts, Soy sauce, Egg, Peanut oil, WaterItalian FoodSpaghetti212725318770Ingredients: - Spaghetti (without added salt, enriched, cooked), Salt.Macroni136525320040Ingredients: - Macroni (enriched , cooked), Onions, Celery, Sweet pickle relish, Soybean oil mayonnaise, SaltCaprese Salad288925316230Ingredients: - Tomatoes, mozzarella, basil leaves, olive oil & salt.Mushroom RisottoIngredients: - white rice, milk.33718525400 Findings:- Comparative study of bar graph and pie chart tells that the food items of the chosen countries are rich in nutritions and calories. All the items are carrying more or less number of calories and nutritions in them. Rotation of food items supplies necessary nutritions which are required to our body time to time. People chose food items as per their food habit,taste and economic status.Study also reveals that choice of food depends upon religious beliefs also. For example a person having deep faith in Hindu/Sikh religion, won’t eat non vegetarian food. Either s/he will prefer vegetarian only.Choice of food is also based upon climatic conditions and type of land.For example, for a few thousand years till modern agricultural methods and practices changed it, people were dependent on whatever the local conditions allowed them to grow. In the North of India, it was fertile soil fed by rivers, which promoted growth of wheat. In the South, marshy land helped cultivation of rice more than wheat. Hence, the staple diet was woven around wheat in the north, and rice in the south.Things have changed drastically now due to sustained efforts of Agricultural scientists. Punjab probably grows more rice per acre than anywhere else. Wheat production has increased in south India. Youngsters in cities in the north prefer eating rice - less effort to chew rice. OTOH, roti is becoming popular in south - more fashionable to order north Indian dishes, and more variety at home.Appreciative note:- After doing the study of the given food items of India,China and India, the students found that the ingredients and nutritions found in a food item are more or less the same.The people of these countries utilized natural vegetation for making their food items. In due course of time, they have brought innovations in traditional food items.It shows that the people of each part of the world are creative in nature.Peope of the given countries are very much aware about the nutritional need of the body, so there is variety in the food items. It shows that the people of these countries take food in order to live healthy life,not for the sake of satisfying apetite of their tummies.Group PresentationConclusionThe study of this project given several benefits to the students. They searched about eating habits of the people of above mentioned countries. They not only learnt about the nutritional value of the given food items but the findings of the project widen their perspectiveabout food and cultures. They learnt that climatic condition and type of land including availability of water determines staple food 0f a particular country. They also came to understand that any food item can be a junk food or it can easily be turned into a healthy food by just changing the ingredient list. Website links calories-in.asp?food=risotto ................

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