Kenwood Academy High School

|Journalism: Year Book I / II Course Syllabus 2018-19 |

|Ms. R.L. Brady |

| Office Hours: by appointment 773-535-1380 |


Journalism: Yearbook is offered to students at Kenwood Academy and meets daily for a 50-minute period. This an elective course .Studies show that elective courses allows students to foster better critical thinking skills, while building values that connect to fellow peers and lead to a better-rounded student. You may earn 0.5 high school credits per semester.


Journalism: Yearbook is an elective course that gives students marketable experience in print-media publishing. This course solely works toward the completion and selling of a large finished product Kenwood Academy’s The Odyssey yearbook. The Journalism Yearbook class is different from any course taught at this school in that it is a real business maintaining an account that must balance-out at the end of term. In class, students compose, construct, and edit all elements of computerized text layout, graphic art, and digital photography. Students work on many clerical operations, make announcements, create and maintain posters, conduct student polls, and will assist Marshall Photographers. This course applies the content standards encountered in English courses, as well as art, business, and computer technology courses. Students must cooperatively work with others, must be industrious, and be eager to be creative. Out of class and after school, students will take digital photos, sell and design advertising, and disseminate yearbook order forms. Students are responsible for the proper care and handling of our digital cameras. This course also examines legal and ethical issues of media law and copyright. These life skills mastered in this course also instill a greater sense of responsibility in our youth that is necessary for their transition to adulthood.

Supplementary TEXTBOOK Student Yearbook Guide: 123 by Jostens


Summative assessments and test will be given at the end of each unit. A variety of formative assessments will also be given throughout the year and include, but are not limited to: quizzes, writing assignments, projects, and presentations.



In addition to the course objectives and CCSS College Readiness Standards will be addressed throughout the year to support:

|Writing: Expressing judgment; focusing on a topic; developing a position; organizing ideas; using language. |

| |

|Reading: Main ideas; supporting details; sequencing, comparisons, cause/effect; meanings of words; generalizations and conclusion |

|English: Topic development; organization, unity, and coherence; word choice, style, tone, clarity, and economy; sentence structure and formation; punctuation. |

A Student Guide to Success

90% of assignments in Journalism: Yearbook I and II are submitted via programs originated by Josten’s, the yearbook publishing company. Assignments are scheduled and deadline -driven. The couse is designed to complete submissions during class time. In the event that more time is allowed Josten’s is an on-line website that is accessible so that assignments can be completed outside of class.

• It is expected that Kenwood High School students turn in all assignments on time, completed in its entirety and of the highest quality.  

• It is always expected that you are doing your own work. If I suspect that cheating has occurred (and it is proven) the assignment will receive a zero and a parent conference will be scheduled.

• Assignments not completed by the due date are automatically late and deductions will be taken on a percentage of its original value. The teacher will not accept your late work after it has been graded as a class and/or reviewed in class. However, if you have an excused absence, submit it the day you return to school with the assignment.

• If you miss a class for any reason other than an excused absence (i.e. class cut, tardiness), any work (including quizzes, exams and major projects) due that day will be not be accepted.

Students’ progress toward mastery of skills will be assessed using a variety of methods. Students will complete inquiry activities, quizzes, a student’s spiral note book, exams, classroom discussions, projects, and yearbook pages. Each assignment will incorporate one or more of the Common Core State Standard(s) related to the task, as well as the relevant SAT Skills.

Required Materials

Students are expected to bring the following materials to class every day:

• Loose- leaf paper (to be used for assignment submission)

• Spiral notebook (specifcally for this class and not to be shared with any other course to house in-class note)

• Two-pocket folder( to house graded assignemnts, graphic organizers, loose- leaf paper)

• Pens (Blue or black ink pens NO WORK IN PENCIL WILL BE ACCEPTED)

• Text (where applicable)

• USB Flash Drive 16GB

Classroom Expectations

• Make every minute count

• Speak strategically and purposefully

• Positive language = positive outcomes

• Be resourceful

• Safety first

Positive and Negative Consequences

• Students who respect classroom expectations will have an opportunity to earn leadership roles in class.

• Students who violate classroom expectations will be receive the following notices:

First Offense: Warning

Second Offense: Personal Conference and Parent Call

Third Offense: Parent-Teacher-Student Conference and/or Referral

Students’ progress toward mastery of skills will be assessed using a variety of methods. Students will complete inquiry activities, quizzes, a student’s spiral note book, exams, classroom discussions, projects, and yearbook pages. Each assignment will incorporate one or more of the Common Core State Standard(s) related to the task, as well as the relevant SAT Skills.

Homework Policy

Homework in this course is about quality and not quantity. In Journalism: Yearbook I and II it is an extension of the day’s class assignment. Student should use this time to review the in-class assignment to recheck comprehension of task given. This course is project-driven some of the performances assessments are dense and will assigned well in-advance of their due date. Working toward completing these task may extend beyond class time.

Extra credit opportunities will be given occassionally. Take advantage of it when it is is offered to enhance lessons in class and not in exchange for missing work.

Late Work Policy

It is expected that all students turn in all assignments on time, completed in its entirety and of the highest quality. Assignments not completed by the due date are automatically late and deductions will be taken on a percentage of its original value. The one exception is an excused absence. You may turn your work in at the beginning of the period on the day you return to school with the proper documentation. The teacher will not accept late work after it has been graded and/or reviewed in class. If you miss a class for other than an excused absence (i.e. class cut), any work (including quizzes, exams and major projects) due that day will not be accepted. You will automatically receive a zero on those assignments.


If a student is absent from class for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to check with Ms. Brady to see what work he or she has missed. Students will be given time to make up any missed work that is appicable to the assignment. When a student turns in work from a day when he or she was absent, it must include the date of absence at the top of the assignment . If a student needs help learning new material presented when he or she was absent, please see Ms. Brady at a scheduled time.

Student Supports

Ms. Brady is available on her prep periods (5th and 8th) to help with course material. Please arrange a time for extra support, when necessary.

GRADING POLICY -Grading categories and their weight are as follows:

|Category |% of grade |Description |

|Formative Assessments |25 |Class assignments and activities, informal writing and collaborative activities. |

|Summative Assessments |40 |Quizzes, exams, projects and formal writing assignments |

|Participation |30 |Presentations, formal and informal discussions and appropriate engagement in learning activities |

|Homework |5 |Independent readings and enrichment activities |

Kenwood Academy High School Grading Scale:

100%-90% = A 89%-80% = B 79%-70% = C

69%-60% = D 59%-0 = F


|UNIT I. Law and Ethics: |CCSS |Skills focus: CRS |Weeks 1-9 |

|The Rules of the Road |Writing |English Writing | |

|The History of Journalism |12.7 |Reading |Sept. 4- |

|Law and Ethics |12-11 | |Nov 1 |

|Theme | | | |

|Class | | | |

|Concept | | | |


|Yearbook Policy Guide for publication, portraits, book sales, advertising | | | |

|UNIT II. Design and Theme |CCSS |Skills focus: |Weeks 11-19 |

|PLANNING A YEARBOOK: |Writing |CRS |Nov 5- |

|Cover |12.8 |English |Jan 31 |

|Content |12.10 |Writing | |

|Coverage | |Reading | |

|Community | | | |

|Commerce | | | |


|A Page Ladder for the 2017 yearbook publication | | | |

|Semester 1 Final Exam | | |TBA |


|UNIT III. Organization and Implementation |CCSS |Skills focus: |Weeks 20 -29 |

|Reporting |Writing |CRS |Feb 4 – |

|Writing |12.8 |English |April 4 |

|Headlines |12.11 |Writing | |

|Captions | |Reading | |

|Editing | | | |

|Photography | | | |

|Typography | | | |

|Graphics | | | |

|Design | | | |

| | | | |


|A Completed Odyssey - the 2017 yearbook publication | | | |

| | | | |

|UNIT IV |CCSS |Skills focus: |Weeks 29-33 |

|Distribution and Application - |W. 12.1 |CRS |April 8 – |

|Marketing |S and L.4-5 |English |May 30 |

|Campaigning | |Writing | |

|Advertising | |Reading | |

|Distribution | | | |

| | | | |


|A business plan for The Odyssey - the 2018 yearbook | | | |

|Semester 2 Senior Final Exams | | |TBA |

Journalism: Year Book I (and II) Course Syllabus 2018-19

Parent Reference Page


Instructor: Ms. R.L. Brady Office: Room 113

Contact: Phone: 773-535-1380


Parent Portal

Please check your student’s grades on a regular basis. You can access your student’s grades by signing into Parent Portal:

School Website

Don’t believe your student if they say they don’t have homework. You can always check the daily assignments on our School website:. . If your student is absent, it is their responsibility to check the website to see missed work. If your student loses an assignment, they must print off another copy from the class website.

Student Tutoring

I encourage students to ask me for help when they are struggling with course material.

Parent Meetings

Email is the most reliable way for parents to contact me. I will respond to all emails within 24 hours, usually sooner. If you would like to set up a meeting, I am available. I require a 1-day notice for all parent meetings.

Required Materials

Students are expected to bring the following materials to class every day.

• Spiral notebook (specifcally for this class and note to be shared with any other course)

• Loose- leaf paper

• Two-pocket folder

• Pens/Pencils

• Textbook (where applicable)


Parent Meetings

Email is the most reliable way for parents to contact me. I will respond to all emails within 24 hours, usually sooner. If you would like to set up a meeting, I am available. I require a 1-day notice for all parent meetings.

Please visit to review the Syllabus


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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