Established July 1, 2021

Vol. 14


St. Mary Church 105 Herrick Road


Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue

North Riverside

St. Hugh Faith Formation Center 2400 S. 10th Avenue, North Riverside


40 E. Burlington Street, Riverside, IL 60546 708-447-1020

A message from our Pastor

As I reflect on our 10 days of preparation and celebration for the Feast of St. Paul VI, the words of Psalm 116 come to me. "What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?" So, our first thank you is to the Blessed Trinity for the graces poured out on us at our novena and the Mass last Sunday.

There are many people who cooperated with the Holy Spirit and helped us to pray, to reflect, to learn about our parish patron, and to celebrate him. There were those responsible for the novena, chiefly Dr. Geraldine Rohling whose knowledge of St. Paul VI and superb presentation style engaged us for nine evenings. She also brought artifacts from the Basilica in D.C. and we are grateful Msgr. Walter Rossi, the Rector of the Basilica as well. On the eighth night of the novena, we met Msgr. Robert Vitillo, Secretary-General of the International Catholic Migration Commission and learned about their work, which St. Paul VI helped to begin. Thank you, Msgr. Vitillo for coming to us virtually from Geneva, Switzerland, and for all you do to assist those in need.

The novena was planned by our Associate Pastor, Fr. Matt, and enriched by our music ministers and lectors. Thank you all for making our evenings prayerful.

The Mass for the Feast of St. Paul VI was magnificent! Our gratitude goes out to Bishop Kevin Birmingham, our Vicar, to Father Carl Morello, our Dean, and to Father Jason Malave, the Cardinal's Liaison to Renew My Church for their presence with us and their support. We owe thanks also to the Knights of Columbus for the Honor Guard for the Bishop.

The chalice used at the Mass was St. Paul VI's and was loaned to us by Very Reverend John Kartje, Rector of Mundelein Seminary. Bishop Emeritus George Rassas helped locate the chalice and the Sisters of St. Casimir, Theresa Papsis, and Theresa Dabulis who presented the chalice to the Bishop at Mass. Thank you.

Thank you to the Festival Choir and music ministers, and to Siobhan Maguire, Director of Liturgy and Worship, and Michael Silhavy, who prepared the beautiful Mass and worship aid.

The Ministry Fair was a wonderful opportunity to see the vitality of our parish! Thanks to Jane Birmingham, Manager of Stewardship and Development, for pulling it all together and to the representatives of ministries and organizations who participated. The reception was provided by the Women of St. Paul VI Parish, the Holy Name Society, and the Knights of Columbus. Thank you for nourishing us.

A special thank you to Abby Randall for the magnificent decorations for the Mass and the reception. Your talent for making our worship and our gatherings more beautiful is amazing. Thank you. Another special thank you to Bryant Rouleau, our Facilities Manager, for his generous spirit and dedication during 10 days of numerous set ups, tears downs and tech solutions. Thank you. A monumental thanks to Bill Watt, our RMC Project Manager, without whom we would not have had Dr. Rohling nor the artifacts of St. Paul VI nor his chalice. His tireless efforts contributed mightily to our 10 days. Thank you!

Finally, thank you to each of you who participated in the novena and Mass. Your presence and participation made these days a glimpse of what St. Paul VI Parish is!

Having been installed as your pastor by Bishop Birmingham, and with Fr. Matt as my Associate, I am blest indeed and filled with gratitude.

Father Tom May Pastor


Mass Intentions

Saturday, October 2

(MC) 8:00 am The Darnstadt Family (SM) 4:00 pm Nushardt & Jes Families, Laura Pisani,

Salvino & Salerno Families, Dave Dodoer

(MC) 5:00 pm Howard Houcek, Jim Burns, Salvino &

Salerno Families, Dave Dodoer, Lillian Seils, Ed Dulik

Sunday, October 3

(SM/MC) 8:00 am Michael King, St. Paul VI Volunteers,

Juan Infante (for healing)

(MC) 9:30 am Rosa Guzman Jaso, Jose Gonzalez

Monroy, Patricia Poremba

(SM) 10:00 am Mary R. Baker

(SM-PC) 10:30 am Rita Strojny (SM) 11:00 am R J Sanders, Delores Puskaric,

Florinda Gonzalez

(SM) 5:00 pm Ann R. Murphy

Monday, October 4

(MC) 8:00 am and (SM) 8:30 am Roger Kowalski

Tuesday, October 5

(MC) 8:00 am and (SM) 8:30 am Philip Wengren

Wednesday, October 6

(MC) 8:00 am and (SM) 8:30 am Charles Labotka, Jr.

Thursday, October 7

(MC) 8:00 am and (SM) 8:30 am Gene Holzmeister,

Purgatorial Society Friday, October 8

(MC) 8:00 am and (SM) 8:30 am SSND Benefactors,

Myrtle Smith, Laura Pisani Saturday, October 9

(MC) 8:00 am All Mother & Fathers (SM) 4:00 pm Raymond O'Donnell, David Kroll, Jane

Sullivan, Vangie Price

(MC) 5:00 pm Lillian Seils, Vangie Price, Edward &

Henriette Kwik

Sunday, October 10

(SM/MC) 8:00 am Leona & Paul Carrabotta, Lillian Seils,

Member of the Stumpo Family, Jackie Cowan, Maria Maquiraya

(MC) 9:30 am George R. Zdarsky, Dalton Lee Brown,

Rosa Guzman Jaso, Jose Gonzalez Monroy, Ed Dulik

(SM) 10:00 am Levia & Lyman Martin, Robert Peters (SM-PC) 10:30 am Levia & Lyman Martin (MC) 11:00 am Levia & Lyman Martin (SM) 5:00 pm Jorge Jorndt

(MC) - Mater Christi Church (SM) - St. Mary Church (SM-PC) - St. Mary Parish Center

If you have a loved one that you would like to be remembered for a special intention during Mass, please visit our parish office or 708-447-1020 to schedule one.

In our hearts and prayers, we pray...

For the deceased

Richard Scheck and for all those who have died. May they rest in Peace.


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

For the sick and homebound

Virginia Alba Jinnie Allan Arlene Batek Karen Blackaller Jorge Blackaller Linda Bronsteader John Brophy Del Burns Joseph Carrabotta Midge Galloro Anthony Gorski Elena Gorski Irene Gorski Robert Holas Irene Horacek Olga Horacek Juan Infante

Noel Keen Theresa Kledek Norman Kirkley Ramon Lehnen Charlotte Lindauer Emily Martinez Jim Mehr Spencer Mehr Freda Murphy Beth Pennacchio Dean Pennacchio Elsie Piszczor Carol Schaffer Lorraine Schmecht Rose DeSimone Pat Zdarsky

This Week's Scripture Reading

Monday: Jon 1:1 -- 2:2, 11; Jon 2:3-5, 8; Lk 10:25-37

Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 130:1b-4ab, 7-8; Lk 10:38-42

Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11; Ps 86:3-6, 9-10; Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Ps 9:2-3, 6, 16, 8-9;

Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12;

Lk 11:27-28 Sunday: Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90:12-17; Heb 4:12-13;

Mk 10:17-30 [17-27]



Mater Christi Church Daily Mass Monday-Saturday 8:00 am Church (Live replay on YouTube)

Anticipated Mass Saturday 5:00 pm Church

Sunday Mass 8:00 am Church (Live replay on YouTube) 9:30 am Church 11:00 am Church

St. Mary Church Daily Mass Monday-Friday 8:30 am Church

Anticipated Mass Saturday 4:00 pm Church

Sunday Mass 8:00 am Church 10:00 am Church & Livestream 10:30 am Parish Center 5:00 pm Church

Sunday Drive-thru Holy Communion 40 E. Burlington St., Riverside

11:00 to 11:30 am

Please remain in your vehicle and the volunteers will guide you.


Mater Christi Church Saturday 4:00 to 4:40 pm or by appointment

St. Mary Church Saturday after 4:00 pm Mass or by appointment


Mater Christi Church EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday 6:00 to 8:00 pm

St. Mary Church Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary Thursday 3:00 to 4:00 pm





St. Mary Church


Saturday Oct 9

4:00 Fr. Thomas May

Sunday Oct 10

8:00 Fr. Brian Taber, SJ

10:00 Fr. Thomas Unz

10:30 Fr. Robert Banzin (PC)

5:00 Fr. Thomas May

Mater Christi Church


Saturday Oct 9

5:00 Fr. M. Cyril Nemecek

Sunday Oct 10

8:00 Fr. Matt Nemchausky

9:30 Fr. Matt Nemchausky

11:00 Fr. Matt Nemchausky

October 16, 2021 II Reginaldo De La Rosa & Elizabeth Ramirez

II Romney Cirillo & Jeanette Adler

May the Lord Bless You

and Keep You, and continue to watch

over you.

September 18, 2021

Alexa Ortega Ivanna Ortega

September 25, 2021

Evie Valentine Bulleri Dominick Alexander Siciliano

Nikko Santino Siciliano Valeria Lucia Zavala

One Million Hail Mary


As of September 23, 2021 we have prayed

793,315 Hail Marys.

Come pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m.

Join us on this link: Meeting ID: 812 1056 2468 Passcode: 949134 ? pwd=eG80RGRkREdyN0RieUlLVFVhYWVBQT09


S P R E D 2021-2022

Our SPRED groups will begin with a kick-off on October 9 after the 5:00 pm Mass at Mater

Christi church.

SPRED (SPecial REligious Development) is a unique program adapted for persons with physical and/or developmental disabilities.

The program assists individuals with special needs to know God, grow in faith and prepare for receiving the sacraments. SPRED focuses on specific age groups. Classes will be held at the St. Hugh Faith Formation Center.

AGE GROUP Children ages 6-10 Teenagers ages11-16 Young Adult ages 17-21 Adults 22 years and older

If you know of an individual who would benefit from this program, please visit

or call the Parish office at (708) 447-1020.


St. Paul VI parish is preparing to begin the journey with those adults who are interested in exploring the Catholic faith and entering into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church He founded through our R.C.I.A. program.

R.C.I.A., The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of inquiry and conversation for unbaptized adults, adults baptized in another Christian faith tradition and adults baptized as Catholic, who are seeking to know more about the Catholic faith and for Catholics who have not yet received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.

If you are an adult or a young adult 18 years or older and are interested in exploring the possibility of deepening your faith through the Sacraments of Initiation as a disciple of Christ and entering into full communion with the Catholic Church or if you know of someone who might be seeking more information or has not yet received the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist.

Contact Deacon Randy Belice at rbelice@ or call the parish office at (708) 447-1020.


All volunteers working with children and youth are required by the Archdiocese to attend the "Protecting God's Children" class. All participants MUST pre-register at and complete the registration information. The class is held at parishes in the area. This training is required before you volunteer. For more information, go to VirtusOnline.

Meet the Staff

My name is Christine O'Connor, and I am the Business Manager of St. Paul VI Parish. As the Business Manager, I value good stewardship, accuracy, and transparency when accounting for the temporal gifts of our generous parishioners. Strong stewardship of these temporal gifts will allow St. Paul VI Parish to achieve important spiritual missions and goals. I have been a St. Mary Parishioner since my husband and I moved to Riverside in 1999. We have four children who all attended St. Mary School from 3-year-old preschool through eighth grade graduation. I am now a proud member of the newly formed St. Paul VI Parish.

Community Awareness

Today is Respect Life Sunday!

Every October the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is observed as Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning to the end of their lives, and at every point in between. During the month of October, the Church asks us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of every human life.

Join Catholics nationwide in celebrating Respect Life Month! For more information:

A Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life

Dearest St. Joseph, at the word of an angel, you lovingly took Mary into your home. As God's humble servant, you guided the Holy Family on the road to Bethlehem, welcomed Jesus as your own son in the shelter of a manger, and fled far from your homeland for the safety of both Mother and Child.

We praise God that as their faithful protector, you never hesitated to sacrifice for those entrusted to you.

May your example inspire us also to welcome, cherish, and safeguard

God's most precious gift of life.

Help us to faithfully commit ourselves to the service and defense of human life --

especially where it is vulnerable or threatened. Obtain for us the grace to do the will of God in all things.


Copyright ? 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. To order this card (English,

#2115 / Spanish, #2116), call toll-free 866-582-0943. prolife

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

If you or someone you know is experiencing Domestic violence, help is available. Call the 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

Keynote speaker: Justice Robert Thomas

Parish Ministries

ALL SOUL'S DAY Art & Environment Ministry

DIA DE LOS MUERTOS Ministerio de Arte y Medio Ambiente

In honor of All Soul's Day, the Art & Environment

En honor al D?a de Todos los Almas, el ministerio de

ministry will be creating a photo display of deceased Arte y Medio Ambiente crear? una exhibici?n de

loved ones during the month of November.

fotograf?as de seres queridos fallecidos durante el mes

de noviembre.

The photo display will be at both the St Mary and the Mater Christi sites. If you would like to remember loved ones in prayer, please send digital photo images to:

La exhibici?n de fotos estar? en los sitios de St Mary y Mater Christi. Si a ti te gustar?a recuerde a sus seres queridos en oraci?n, env?e im?genes fotogr?ficas digitales a:

StPaulVIArtEnviron@ by October 20th. StPaulVIArtEnviron@ antes del 20 de

We will not be using the past years photos unless Octubre.


No usaremos las fotos de los ?ltimos a?os a menos

que se solicite.

St. Paul VI Ministry of Ushers and Greeters Need Your Help!

We pray the presence of these ushers may make all who enter this church always feel welcome in God's house.

Ushers: ? Extend a warm welcome to all who enter our worship space ? Take up offertory and other special collections ? Direct lines at Communion time ? Assist parishioners during Mass ? Handout items after Mass

Are you over 13 years old, trustworthy, and attend Mass here? We can use your help.

If you are willing to join us, please contact Mr. Bob Keehn 708-447-6869 or Mr. Bert Austin 708-447-4265. Let us know which Mass you usually attend and your contact information.

Mass Schedule

St. Mary Church

Mon - Fri 8:30am Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00am, 10:30am (Parish Center) 5:00pm

Mater Christi Church

Mon - Sat 8:00am Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am

St. Paul VI Parish Bishop Timothy J. Lyne Pastoral Center 40 E Burlington St. Riverside, IL

Phone: 708-447-1020 Web Address: w

Parish Events


Please join us for the first monthly gathering of our new women's group.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6TH - MATER CHRISTI MARIAN ROOM (lower level) 2401 S. 10th Ave., North Riverside

6:30 ROSARY (CHURCH) 7:00 MEETING (MARIAN ROOM) Light refreshments will be served.

Let's come together to learn, to pray & to laugh!

Holy Name Society Monthly Meeting and Mass

Men of the parish, if you haven't been to a Holy Name Society (HNS) Meeting before or if you haven't been to a meeting recently, please consider attending the October meeting of the HNS. All men of the parish are invited to attend our October meeting. It will be held on Friday, October 8, 2021 at the St. Hugh Faith Formation Center in Menarik Hall (lower level). Doors open at 7:00pm with the meeting commencing at 7:30pm. A dinner featuring bratwurst will be served. Please note that social distancing should be observed and unless you are actively eating or drinking, masks should be worn. Thank you in advance.

The Holy Name Mass will be on Sunday, October 10, 2021 at the 9:30am service at the Mater Christi worship site. There will be hospitality after Mass. All men of the parish and their families are invited to pray together with the HNS at that Mass and share in hospitality after Mass. Please note that social distancing should be observed and unless you are actively eating or drinking, masks should be worn. Thank you in advance.

For questions, contact Phil Santoro at phil.santoro2@

The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women

Cordially invite you to the

90th Annual Fall Assembly Breakfast

The Carlisle

435 East Butterfield Road Lombard, IL


2021/2020 Scholarship Recipient

Saturday, October 16 8:30 a.m.

RSVP by October 5th to:

Teresa Hall 708-525-3082 hallrts@

Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of

Vicariate IV

John R. Manz

2020 and 2021 Women of the Year and Women of Distinction

For more information visit: or call (312) 534-8330.

St. Paul VI Parish Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano

Latino Advisory Council Meeting

We invite you to join us for the next meeting to talk about our next steps in promoting our Latino faith and contribution to the parish community.

Friday, October 15 7:00 pm Bishop Lyne Pastoral Center 40 E. Burlington Rd., Riverside

For questions, contact Matthew Brophy mbrophy@ or call 708-447-1020.

Reuni?n del Consejo Asesor Latino

Lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros en la pr?xima reuni?n para hablar sobre nuestros pr?ximos pasos en la promoci?n de nuestra fe latina y la contribuci?n a la comunidad parroquial.

Viernes 15 de Octubre 7:00 pm Centro Pastoral Obispo Lyne 40 E. Burlington Rd., Riverside

Si tiene preguntas, comun?quese con Matthew Brophy mbrophy@ o llamar 708-447-1020.


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