Model structure

1. Quantitative characteristics (to be submitted via the online platform)

1. Summary table (according to structure to be set by ANCS)

2. Staff list by research teams (according to structure to be set by ANCS)

3. List of publications and patents (according to structure to be set by ANCS)

4. List of ongoing projects (according to structure to be set by ANCS)

5. List of major equipments and infrastructures (according to structure to be set by ANCS)

2. Self-assessment report for the previous 4 years

1. Administrative structure diagram of the institution


2. General activity report of the institution

The Geological Institute of Romania (GIR) was established by Royal Decree in year 1906, continuing the activity of the Geological Bureau which was in since operation 1882. The main goal of the institute has been ever since and continues to be the geological mapping of the national territory, to which successively added assignments related to agrogeology, geophysics, geochemistry, engineering geology, geological heritage conservation, a. s. o.

The results of the related investigations were published over time in journals edited and published by the Geological Institute of Romania: Dări de Seama/Comptes Rendus, Anuarul IGR, Memorii, etc. The publications and the drafted maps alike underwent a diversification process ensuing the emergence of new methiods and techniques in Earth Sciences, such as remote sensing, environment monitoring, geothermal investigations.

Throughout the more than 100 years of continuous activity, GIR acted as a gravity center of the geological research in Romania by bringing about continuous and balanced development of individual branches of geological sciences, accompanied by public dissemination of the knowledge and information resulting therefrom.

Most of this activity was supported by the most extended coverage in analitical facilities among the geological entities, including universities.

Today as any other time, GIR is able to tackle with any topic in the Earth Sciences, due to its highly qualified staff and mastering information about the whole of the Romanian territory. In order to fulfil it’s assignments as a national geological survey and to harmonize its activity with the European trends set forth by EuroGeoSurveys (The Association of national geological surveys of the Europeean Community) of which is a full member since February 2006, GIR had to shape its activity by developing its expertizing capabilities, its abilities to act as an advisor, as regards the geological domains, of the political and administrative decidents, by informatization of the national geological database, digitization of the geological maps and a more intensive approach of the issues related to environment protection (ambiental geology and geophysics).

The main research and development topics assumed by GIR consist of basic and applied research, technological progress, development of studies and prognoses of public interest regarding:

• resolving the geological structure and evolution of the national territory;

• setting up, editing and printing of gelogical, hydrogeological, geophysical and geochemical maps at various scales over the entire territory of the country;

• identification and outlining of areas hosting mineral resources;

• setting up geological, geophysical, geochemical and remote-sensing methods, procedures and techniques in order to identify mineral resources, geothermal areas, assessment of risk and pollution due to industrial activities, especially in mining and oil-bearing areas.

These activities are augmented by:

• international cooperation activities in the fields of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and remote sensing;

• exerting the responsibilities of a national geological survey by implementing the organization, management and public valuation of the national depository of geological data, preservation and valuation of drill-core samples, of mineral and rock collections and environment monitoring monitoring in mining areas (according to government decision # 1070/2000).

The R&D activities are focused along the following lines:

1. Setting up and updating national geothematic maps and undertaking related complex studies in the field of Earth Sciences, consisting of:

- editing the national geothematic maps and custom maps for mineral resources;

- providing the planning support for geological prospection, exploration and territorial management;

- assessing, monitoring and management of mineral resources

- risk assessment and establishment of regulations for mitigation of natural hazard effects;

- setting up, updating and editing maps at different scales [n various sampling environments, assessing and monitoring pollution degree;

- setting up geothematic atlases and packages in the field of paleontology petrology, petrophysics, mineralogy, minerallized underground waters, ore geology;

- classification of geologic objects and establishment of regional and global comparison and classification;

- investigation of the structure and evolution of the lithosphere on the territory of Romania.

2. Establishment and developing of the national geological fund:

- maintenance, management and digitization of the national geological database.

- editing monograph studies on major structural unit and geological inetrest topics.

- digitization of the setting up processes for maps, models, monographs, atlases and studies.

- integrated digital processing of the geonomic information, correlation with terrain models, editing and setting up Q&A scenarios of the geonomic database.

- setting up a GIS structure and compatibilization of the databases including the potential of national mineral commodities and the national geological data database.

- collection, inventory and systematisation of the collections in the National Geological Museum and the National Drill-Core Depository.

R&D activities carried out in GIR during the 2007-2001 time-span display the following general structure:

a. activities in the Nucleu Program, aimed to preserve and develop basic research activities in the Earth Sciences field (mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, stratigraphy, geophysics, geological mapping, etc.) traditionally carried out by IGR.

b. research in projects of the national R&D programmes (CEEX, CNCSIS, PNCDI 2 – Capacities, Partnerships, Ideas modules);

c. surveys in the National Plan of Geological Investigations of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce ;

d. contract-based research and surveys for private businesses and administration departments;

e. international cooperation activities in the field of Earth Sciences by virtue of bilateral agreements at institutional and government level, and international programmes (FP 7, South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation and CIP ICT-PSP.

Among the main results of the research activity in the period 2007-2011 the following results are noteworthy:

- The digital geological map of Romania, scale 1:50000 – 18 quadrangles;

-The geochemical map of Romania scale 1:1.000.000 –– sector V. Dâmboviţa-V. Argeş;

- Conversion guide and operational flow-chart for conversion of spatial dat from the OCAD application in GIS databases

- GIS database for the geological map, scale 1:1.000.000;

- software application for metadata and data dictionnaries management;

- software application for internet display of geological maps; geological map of Romania scales 1:1.000.000, 1:200000 şi 1:50000;

- geophysical database, GIS-intergrated regional and local geophysical maps web page;

- modelling and hydrogeological parameters assessment of the unsaturated area neighbouring CNE Cernavoda and DFDSMA Saligny

- algorithm and software applicartion for calculation of the 2D spectrum (in wavenumbers) of a seismogram.

- soft ASPECTDS (Spectral Analysis of Seismic Data) – Preliminary processing of seismic data and integral processing for phase velocities analysis of the Rayleigh seismic waves.

- methodological guide for optimal utilization of arc and spark spectra in the 240nm-350nm domain for Cu, Fe, Zn, Al in rock samples.

- rock-magnetic, paleogeomagnetic and magnetic models of the magnetic recording environment represented by the coal measures sampled in quarries and drilliongs in the Dacic Basin;

- processing technology of the high-quality quartz from Cuca – Bucegi, Voineşiţa and Ilova.

- processing flow for the batches containing heavy and abrasive minerals (magnetite, ilmenite, garnet) from the alluvia of Romania and assessment of the possibility of their use;

- establishing the technological flow for secondary recovery of raw-materials from tailings;

- assessment methodology of the spectral features for mining industry waste-dump monitoring and model database;

- evaluation of gas-bearing structures from the Transylvanian Basin for possible reservoirs for geological storage of CO2;

- isotopical composition of the main mineral water sources from the Balvanyos si Malnas areas.

- scientific documentation and promotion of the high-interest geologic sites from natural reserves;

- the geological bibliography of Romania– Pdf electronic editions;

In order to support research activity, constant attention was paid to the development and extension of the research infrastructure with specific analytical equipment, resulting in the following laboratory facilities:

- Radiometry laboratory: Low-background gamma spectrometer equiped with a HPGe detector; Low-background gamma spectrometer equiped with a NaI (Tl) detector, Rn measuring system PYLON AB – 5 ;

- Mineralogy lab equipped with: XRD Bruker D8 Advance; FTIR Spectrometer Bruker Tensor 27 şi Simultaneous thermal analyzer STA 449 C Jupiter;

- GEOECOLAB equipped with: ICP-AAS ZEEnit – 700 Spectrometer and XRF MiniPAL-4. Spectrometer.

Technology transfer in the field of geological research was accomplished by:

- dissemination of geothematic cartographic materials drafted at various scales and designed to meet various needs (road infrastructures, geological exploration for minerals and rocks, mineral and geothermal waters, civil engineering works, aso.)

- research contracts with public and private enterprises and authorities both in Romania and abroad.

Research activity materialized in 20 publications in ISI publications with non-zero impact factor, a a total of 292 publications in books and national and international periodicals.

In the 2007-2011 time span, aside participating in international congresses, conferences, meetings and symposia, GIR organized symposia and workshops with international attendance, such as:

- The 3rd Anniversary Symposium GeObMag (Surlari National Geomagnetic Observatory – 65 years of continous work)(2008)

- „Landslides – The impact on the environment and society” (2008, 2009, 2010);

- “Application of modern analytical methods to investigate the cultural heritage degradation” (2011);

- The 12nd NECLIME Annual Meeting (2011);

- SARMa Consortium Project Meeting (2010);

- THERMOMAP Consortium Project Meeting (2010);

- SARMa National workshop (2010, 2011).

Paralelly, the National Geology Museum was a continuously felt presence in public promotion of the geological sciences, oranizing thematic workshops for pupils and students, conferences, temporary exhibitions, other activities connected to The Night of the Museums, the Night of the Researcher, the Showroom of Research aso.

The personnel policy of GIR targeted towards employing, by competition, of young researchers in the main fields of its activity, especially to properly and timely train personnel able to ensure the continuartion of these research directions.

The emprovement of the quality of the human resources was a continuous concern of GIR, expressed by a significant increase of the number of young reserchers.

Continuing higher-education forms such as master degrees or promotion are constantly supported and stimulated by the institute, including by financial means. Noticeable is the acceptance of some of our doctoral students in the framework of the European Social Fund, Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Priority Axis no.1 "Education and professional training in support of economic growth and the development of the knowledge based society" Major field of intervention 1.5 – “Doctoral and postdoctoral programmes supporting researchi”

For areas of interest requiring recruiting highly qualified personnel, GIR supported own funds training stages for the young personnel, such as:

- resistivity imaging methods (Electrical Imaging Seminar, AGE, Madrid, Spain);

- use of magnetic satellite data and global models at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Physics of the Earth, Section Earth Magnetic Field;

- correlation of satellite data used in global modelling of the magnetic field of the Earth with observatory data at lUniversité Paris Diderot, Paris 7 - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Géophysique spatiale et planétaire, France ;

Constant connections with the universitary environment is ensured by part-time teaching assignements or temporary research positions in research teams of the University in Bucharest.

3. Activity report by team

GeoHaz (E3) is a multidisciplinary team, taking into consideration the specificity of the studies on the effects of land’s instability. In general, are specialists in engineering geology, hydrogeology, geophysics, mineralogy, GIS, etc. This explains the great number of researchers, with different ages and professional degrees, from the list of personal projects. Staff fluctuations (changes) are explained in that some researchers have been retired, were transferred, are in for raising the child, leave obtained research fellowships etc.

From the point of view of expertise, persons which participate in this projects have a high degree of training, with a PhD or doctoral degree; experience in the field addressed by each project is proved by the number of scientific works, of the coordinated projects.

A particular objective is the training of young researchers, the more active involvement in their work, the aquisition and processing of primary information, studies etc.

In addition, this team, or a part of it, get involved in private business contracts offering technical assistance or expertise in the field of engineering geology, hydrogeology, geophysics etc.

Professionalism of team members, as well as their desire to address new methods of study of land’s instability phenomena (and not only), led to co-opting GIR in 2 European research projects, as well as in different consortium that have made and will make other project proposals of this type.

The result of the above-mentioned it’s represented by: 11 projects and contracts conducted in the past 4 years, scientific works (15, 1 ISI) sustained oral and poster, two books (in collaboration), and two projects submitted (1 bilateral and 1 of European funds) in course of evaluation.

The team GIS&database (E2) is working in Geoinformatics field and is focused on the training, specialization and experience of the team leader in these the following: GIS, databases, software and web development, geostatistics, etc.. The specific projects have included various specific stages: database design, implementation, spatial and / or attribute data input, software application development.

The other team members have contributed in the following activities: collecting specific information for database, creation (introduction) of spatial and attribute data, classification of geological objects.

Only for the last four years, the team or its members participated in six national and international projects, some leaded by other teams. The most important achievements can be staggered as follows:

• Analysis, design and implementation of a GIS database for waste dumps research using combined methods (mineralogical, physical, remote sensing);

• Analysis, design and implementation of a GIS database for geological maps at scales 1:1.000.000, 1:200.000 and 1:50.000; it can define the following:

o The GIS database project is a framework for the development of geological maps using GIS technology, database model was made taking into account the latest technologies and the experience of other organizations in the world;

o for implementation the model has been verified by pilot phase for each scale topographic maps;

o have been studied "open source" and commercial technologies with practical implementation to the level of cartography (Quantum GIS GvSIG, ArcGIS, Mapserver, PostgreSQL / PostGIS, VTP, Grass, PHP / MapScript), finally Quantum GIS, PostgreSQL / PostGIS, MapSever and ArcGIS were used;

o two flows have been established for the introduction of spatial data in GIS database: one for data in the OCAD and second format for new data created form analogical support;

o have been established the type and classification models used in the database dictionaries; it have made dictionaries for some initial classification, as well a general dictionary for all sheets of 1:200.000 scale geological map;

o used databases: ArcGIS geodatabase with Access and PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension;

o have been carried out studies and pilot phases for the display of spatial data on the Internet: webGIS and WMS services using ArcGIS Server or Mapserver, PHP MapScript API library;

o one was made an application for metadata management using PHP and MySQL as database;

o have been created symbols, display formats (layouts), shaded relief and 3D presentations.

o the created a model is a framework that allows spatial data entry for geological maps;

o it is necessary to develop this activity by integrating into the GIS database of all spatial data; it can be drown the next few lines of action:

▪ establishing a unique appropriate topographic base;

▪ development of dictionaries by specialized staff;

▪ development of specific software applications;

▪ develop use of internet technology for presentation: webGIS, WMS, WFS;

▪ the use of all methods for standardization of data in accordance with international classifications: IUGS, INSPIRE, etc.

▪ development of methods for interoperability and harmonization of data using GeoSciML;

▪ geometric and semantic harmonisation of geological map sheets.

• Develop software applications to manage attribute data;

• Develop applications and web services for geological mapping, display and query of spatial data on the Internet (using "open source" - Mapserver-PostgreSQL-PHP and commercial - ArcGIS Server technologies);

• Creation of GIS database for mineral resources with goal to create the framework for spatial and attribute information management, and implementation of mineral resources map of Romania at 1:500.000 scale;

• Development of various thematic maps or collections of data required in various projects;

• Publication of articles in professional journals and writing reports on topic of projects.

It is necessary to develop the area by using GIS technology for geological information, mineral resources, hazard, geological monitoring of targets of interest, etc. For this is necessary hardware and software equipment and the increasing the number of professionals specialized in various fields. Is known that over 80% of GIS activity is required for data acquisition, so is necessary to establish and develop a group of specialized operators for the spatial data introducing.

Due to increased use of GIS technology in the Geological Institute of Romania includes virtually all technical departments, it is necessary to create a specialized department to carry out GIS operations to create, manage, save and analyze spatial data. Using server technologies in the database, the storing of all information involve specialized spatial data servers that allow concurrent access, create, manage and secure information in a superior way.

Several conclusions can be drawn to represent milestones in the development of this field:

• GIS technology and databases are used in most areas; virtually all of the research projects from geology field use this type of technology;

• it is necessary to develop new specialists in various fields, as well as group for the management and data creation;

• it is necessary to apply this technology to new areas with direct implications in the current activities of the society;

• Virtually all information should be included in this database, with many advantages in their operation;

• for the development of GIS systems participate various types of specialists from various fields, requiring classification, updating and harmonization of information;

• In the field of geological maps is necessary to update information, use of unique and actual topographic data and effective classification of entities, harmonization of constituent sheets of map;

• It is necessary to use spatial analysis with many advantages for solving various problems or objectives of the research subjects; the response is in the form of tables of information and new thematic maps.

The research team MetPetr (E1) has at the time of submission two senior members (dr. Gavril Săbău, CS I, dr. Elena Negulescu, CS III), a doctoral student (Ramona Nimirciag) and technical personnel (Costel Tănase responsible for thin sections preparation and Petre Macovei for field sampling and logistics). Main specialties of the members are mineralogy, petrology and petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks, geothermobarometry, computation of phase diagrams, and thermodynamic modelling and geochronology. Their expertise is used to manage national and international scientific projects focusing on:

- revealing the internal structure of basement units in the South Carpathians, based on structural mapping and evaluation of mineral assemblages, metamorphic equilibrium conditions and their mutual compatibilities (proj. F2, CF1, 3 listed below);

- building a comprehensive picture of the geodynamic history of complex and multistage Paleozoic terrane-collage involving basement units from the Carpathian-Balkan region (proj. CF2, F3);

- complex researches regarding the intra-continental intermediate-depth earthquakes genesis (proj. F1).

The major geotectonic processes which took place inside the terrestrial crusts were investigated using methods based on atomic scale physics phenomena evaluated through geochemical laboratory techniques. The interdisciplinary nature of the projects is confirmed through use of chemistry fundamentals, math, computer sciences, etc. necessary to understand the intermolecular processes (e.g. intra- and intercrystalline diffusion) and to apply the requested numerical modelling.

The team members are continually seeking for good opportunities for high-standard training and research through international cooperation relationships (e.g. Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie, Stuttgart, Geological Institute of Bulgaria, University of Arizona) and thus contributing to a substantially increased level of knowledge of the structure and genesis of the Romanian South Carpathians while also increasing the international visibility of the Romanian research. Data dissemination was attained through participation in international conferences (e.g. convener of the “High-Pressure Metamorphism in South-eastern Europe”, Session V25/V13A - conveners G. Săbău, Romania and H.-J. Massonne, Germany, Section V Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology, AGU Fall Meeting 2007, San Francisco CA) as well via a number of publications in ISI indexed journals, with high impact factor (e.g. Journal of Petrology).

One of the goals of the research team is improving the research infrastructure. A BXT51 Olympus microscopic system with both transmitted and reflected light, equipped with a digital Olympus CZ-5050 camera and Olympus DP-soft package that allow the on-line storage of pictures of relevant microscopic field and organised in databases was acquired during an institutional partnership between Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie, Stuttgart and GIR financed by AvH Foundation (proj. no.1).

Another important focus is the continuous development of advancement of evolution of the human resources. In 2007 E. Negulescu, one of the team members, completed her PhD with a Magna cum Laude distinction (program financially supported by the AvH foundation). Early stage researchers, like doctoral student Ramona Nimirciag, are involved in project no. 8, playing an active role in carrying out research activities, ensuring that the project stays on track, generally working and training on new methodologies in a highly specialized scientific environment which will ultimately enhance the student's professional development.

Significant (the most important) scientific achievements 2007-2011:

- MetPetr team created 5 geological reports (IGR Archive) and published 19 scientific papers in national and international journals, accumulating 30 citations (according to Web of Science). The CNCSIS (Romania) Prize, sem. I/2009 was awarded for one paper published in Journal of Petrology (Relative AIS 2.435).

- team members participated in national and international research contracts and grants as well as academic co-operations; managed a sub-set of projects within the geological programme of the Romanian Ministry of Industry and of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research (PN, CEEX, PN-II-ID-PCE) and international projects:

1. 2004-2008 Institutional partnership between Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie, Stuttgart and Geological Institute of Romania financed by AvH Foundation: “P-T-t evolution of the pre-Alpine basement units of the South Carpathians”, project manager dr. G. Săbău, doctoral student E. Negulescu.

2. 2006-2008 CEEX INDEGEN “Complex researches regarding the intracontinental intermediate-depth earthquakes genesis from the Vrancea zone”, pr. manager dr.G. Săbău.

3. 2006-2008 CUNGEOL PN 0632 0101 “National Geothematic Maps” - pr. manager dr. G. Săbău.

4. 2009-2011 CUNGEOL PN 21N/2009 “Geological Bibliography of Romania” - project manager dr. G. Săbău.

5. 2008-2011 Inter-academic exchange: “Major tectonometamorphic events in the basement units of the South Carpathian – Balkan orogens”, project manager dr. G. Săbău.

6. 2011 Geological programme of the Romanian Ministry of Economy M.E.C.M.E.A. “Geological synthesis report regarding the non-metallic mineral resources (graphite, talc, asbestos, Al-silicates, garnet) from the South Carpathians, pr. manager dr. E. Negulescu.

7. 2011-2014 PN-II-ID-PCE-2011 “The architecture of Romanian metamorphic basement units: a chronological insight from monazite electron microprobe chemical age determinations”, project manager Gavril Săbău, doctoral student Nimirciag Ramona.

8. 2012-2014 Inter-academic exchange: “Cadomian and Hercynian events in the South Carpathian and Balkan orogens”, project manager dr. G. Săbău.

Relevant scientific results emerging from the previously mentioned projects:

- original data processing methods of microprobe analyses were developed in collaboration regarding derivation of mineral formulae, error assessment, chemical age determinations and Schreinemakers analysis of chemical systems;

- additional information regarding mineral phases known as CCZN-armalcolites, concluding that the material such described in the literature actually represent terms of the crichtonite group or structurally-related novel close-packed oxide phases; first identification of loveringite in Romania in material of this type (Săbău & Alberico, 2007);

- contributions regarding the relationship between growth stages and chemical composition of eclogitic garnet, including unusual zoning patterns, evidence for resorption-driven re-orientation during agglutination of crystal clusters, and regular trends in elemental ratios that can be used to highlight successive growth sections in composite garnet porphyroblasts (e.g. Negulescu et al. 2007; Negulescu, 2009);

- derivation of a precise explicit approximation of the age equation in the U-Th-Pb system, allowing direct calculation of the age from element concentrations and precise tracking of the stepwise propagation of the errors, in order to estimate the errors of individual analyses from the standard errors associated to elemental concentrations (Săbău, 2009a);

- mineral compositions and mineral assemblages that are either unique in Romania or belong to a restricted number of natural occurrences in the world were also identified and described in several units of the Leaota Massif (Negulescu et al., 2009; Negulescu & Săbău, 2009; Negulescu, 2009; Negulescu & Săbău, 2010).

List of the relevant scientific papers emerging from the previously mentioned projects:

Săbău G., Alberico A. (2007) What is CCZN-armalcolite? A crystal-chemical discussion and an ad-hoc incursion in the crichtonite-minerals group. St. Univ Babeş-Bolyai 52(2), 55-66.

Săbău G., Massonne H.-J. (2007) Setting and Paleozoic age of the HP-complexes in the South Carpathians, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V13A-1140.

Negulescu E., Săbău G., Massonne H.-J. (2007) The Origin and Significance of Eclogite and Metagabbronorite Knockers from the Bughea Complex, South Carpathians, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V13A-1141.

Beşutiu L., Atanasiu L., Mitrofan H., Zlagnean L., Radulian M., Popa M., Rogozea M., Săbău G., Negulescu E., Baltreş A., Rus T., Danciu V., Moldoveanu C., Neuner J. (2008) New insights on the structure and dynamics of the intermediate-depth seismic zone located in the bending area of east Carpathians: INDEGEN project. 33 IGC, Oslo.

Negulescu E., Săbău G., Massonne H.-J. (2009) Chloritoid-Bearing Mineral Assemblages in High-Pressure Metapelites from the Bughea Complex, Leaota Massif (South Carpathians). Journal of Petrology 50, No. 1, 103-125. Impact factor: 3.738.

Săbău G., Negulescu E. (2009) Seismic consequences of mineral phase transitions, In: Beşuţiu L. (ed.) INDEGEN - Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea Zone, Ed. Vergiliu, 184-198.

Negulescu E. (2009) Semnificaţia mineralelor şi a asociaţiilor minerale în determinarea istoriei metamorfice a cristalinului masivului Leaota (The significance of minerals and mineral assemblages in deriving the metamorphic history of the Leaota Massif crystalline basement). E-Book, , ISBN 978-973-0-07196-2, 466p.

Săbău G. (2009) Ti-Nb-REE assemblages in the monazite veins at Jolotca, Ditrău alkaline massif. In: Anastasiu N., Duliu O. (eds.) Mineralogy and Geodiversity - Tributes to the career of Professor Emil Constantinescu, Editura Academiei Române - Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 143-153

Săbău G. (2009a) CHIME U-Th-Pb - geochronology: an explicit age formulation as a function of element concentrations Romanian Journal of Mineralogy 84, 68-71.

Negulescu E., Săbău, G. (2009) Mineral diversity in the Leaota Massif: trivial to unique compositions in metamorphic assemblages. Romanian Journal of Mineralogy 84, 75-77.

Negulescu E. (2010) Silicaţii din roci metamorfice. Date cristalochimice şi structurale. (The silicates of metamorphic rocks. Crystal-chemical and structural data). E-Book, ISBN 978-973-0-08871-7, 105 p.

Săbău G., Negulescu E. (2010) Ocurenţa monazitului în unităţile de fundament ale Carpaţilor Meridionali – context şi date chimice. Romanian Geological Society, Annual Conference Bucharest, 5-6 Nov. 2010.

Negulescu E., Săbău G. (2010) Inferring the history of metamorphic rocks using garnet data. A case study from the Leaota Massif. Romanian Geological Society, Annual Conference Bucharest, 5-6 Nov. 2010.

Negulescu, E., Săbău, G. (2011) A low variance mineral assemblage in the Bughiţa Albeştilor eclogites (Leaota Massif, South Carpathians). The 3-rd International Symposium on the Geology of the Black Sea Region – 3-rd ISGB, Bucureşti, 1 - 10 oct.. 2011, Geo-Echo-Marina no. 17, p. 115-120.

Zagorchev, I., Balica, C., Balintoni, I., Kozhoukharova, E., Dimitrescu, R., Săbău, G., Negulescu, E. (2011) New Isotopic Data on the Metamorphic Rocks in SW Bulgaria. The 3-rd International Symposium on the Geology of the Black Sea Region – 3-rd ISGB, Bucureşti, 1 - 10 oct.. 2011, Geo-Echo-Marina no. 17, p. 222-225.

Zagorchev I., Balica C., Balintoni I., Kozhoukharova E., Săbău G., Dimitrescu R., Negulescu E., New isotopic data on the Cadomian age of the Frolosh metamorphic complex and the Struma diorite complex. Geosciences 2011 (in press).

This incomplete team we named “Palaeontology Research Team” include a small number of specialists covering palaeobotany (with fossil wood study, plant mega-remains and imprints, and palinology), micropalaeontology and macropalaeontology (mollusks, vertebrates). In the last five years the members of this team - Iamandei Stanila, Iamandei Eugenia, Paraschiv Valentin, Grigore Dan, Sebe Oana Gabriela si Antoniade Claudia - developed 4 important research projects, some of them recently finished.

1. Modelling of palaeoclimate evolution within Carpathian area based on the Coenophytic Floras in Romania.

2. The geo- and biodiversity of Bicaz Gorges – Hasmas National Park

Integrated study of geological, geographical, biological enrichment of the natural heritage of the park and expanding its boundaries

3. Petrified Forests from Romania described by paleoxylological studies, their paleoclimatic significance and their designation as protected areas

4. Major climatic fluctuations in the Romanian Miocene: palaeobotanic proves.

Their previous activity passed by other projects and themes of research, PhD preparation in this field of interest. A new member appeared Rodica Tita, now postdoc. After a PhD Thesis on mollusks. They participated in scientific events (symposia, conferences), presenting the results of their researches and have published them within national or international scientific journals ISI or BDI indexed.

Regarding the dynamic of the subjects it can be stressed that it was not a simple identification of a fossil taxon, but identification of fossil populations with palaeoclimatic or palaeoenvironmental significance and interpretations of global geological events was done with much interest in the climatic and environmental evolutions in the present days

In this respect the evolution of the research is visible in the last papers of the team, and within the much comprehensive research projects developed in the last years ().

The team members were included in some interdisciplinary projects regarding protected areas, and in an intense educational activity including public conferences, or a complementary geological education to the school people.

So, our team include some experienced researchers (3), some young researchers, postdoc (2) and some young aspirants to PhD (2) dealing with micropalaeontology. In time we try to sustain the scientific activity of the young people, to prepare the tomorrow researchers. Our interest is to stabilize the young researchers in our institution.

If the possibilities to go in field trips for scientific prospection will grow, the young researchers will specialize and the missing of project competition in the last years influenced negatively the evolution of our young colleagues.

The Q-Sint (Quartz Synthesis) team was founded in mid 2009. At that time, the Geological Institute of Romania gains a project whose aim was to elaborate a synthesis on the quartz deposits of Romania, in view of obtaining ultra high purity quartz products. So, this team appears as a necessity to solve this challenge.

The main researches of the team are:

Dr. Daniel Ion – senior researcher, teamleader,

Eng. Constantin Rusu – senior researcher,

Eng. Nelu Floria – senior researcher.

For the complex works that had to be done, many researches, engineers and technical stuff of the Institute were also involved, and still are, in this project. The team was composed of various members from one month to another according to the specific of the work and, at the same time, depending on the possibility of each member to participate, at a time, in this project.

As it was already pointed out, the aim of this project was to inventory and to investigate all the quartz deposits of Romania that could be able to become potential sources to extract ultra high purity quartz. Until the end of the ’80s, only the quartz accumulations used in the glass and fine ceramics industries were better known. Later, the most important results obtained are referring to the new possibilities of re-evaluation of the synmetamorphic quartz which proved to be the raw material for the production of synthetic quartz crystals. This kind of crystals are very useful for the optic and electronic industries. The pure synthetic quartz crystals obtained in the laboratory attest the economic importance of the studied accumulations.

In the whole area of the Romanian Carpathian Orogen (East Carpathians, South Carpathians, as well as Apuseni Mountains), with a complex evolution and structure, several types of genetic quartz can be identified.

The quartz deposits from Romania belong to three genetic types:

- Synmetmorphic quartz;

- Quartz from Pegmatites;

- Quartziferous sands and quartzitic conglomerates.

During these three years were analyzed the synmetamorphic quartz deposits (Cuca-Bucegi, Voineşiţa, Ilova, Uricani, Vârciorova, Mănăstireni) and only a part of the pegmatitic quartz deposits (Lotru-Cataracte, Muntele Rece). This analyze consists of geological, chemical and mineralogical investigations as well as technological tests in view to establish the best processing flowsheet. The results were more than those awaited and at the same time were very encouraging to continue this activity. Therefore, in the forthcoming years the Q-Sint team is ready to approach the synthetic researches for quartz of the other pegmatitic deposits and mostly the quartz of the sedimentary domain, that is to say the quartziferous sands and the quartzitic conglomerates.

At the same time is to be mentioned that the experience gained in this work makes possible the engagement of the team in other similar researches for metaliferous and non-metaliferous resources.

The activity in a big team like RS (Remote Sensing) -GEOMATICS (over 12 persons) started in 2010 (CF3- Eurogeosource) and the main output was contributing, together with other partners in the project, to the development of a mineral resource data model and energy resource data model to be used in the project.

The first step was identifying the different type of users of mineral and energy resource data and analyzing their needs. Another analysis was focused on data providers (i.e. over ten geological institutes in Europe, mining offices, exploration and exploitation license granting agencies etc.) regarding the data format and content, format types and intellectual property rights. Based on the user requirements and data availability in the participating geological surveys it was decided to make up one separate model for mineral resources and one model for energy resources (oil, gas, coal) trying to follow as close as possible the INSPIRE Data Specifications issued by the Technical Working Groups. An exercise was made to map the EuroGeoSource model to the INSPIRE model and on this occasion it was found out that not all codes defined in the INSPIRE Data Specifications for the above-mentioned themes were suitable for the real mineral and energy resource data.

Therefore, comments were made to the Technical Work Groups to add or change codes and/or classification scheme (e.g. alteration types, mineral deposit types etc.). This type of activity is of great importance due to the fact that the countries are obliged by the INSPIRE Directive to implement commonly established standards for data exchange.

Another important activity was focused on transposing the existent mineral and energy resource data from paper maps into a digital GIS format, creating viewable and downloadable web-GIS services and populating a relational Postgre SQL database, which will be harvested for ensuring the required performance of services on the cloud-operating portal.

Our institute is the leader of the Work Package “Awareness, Dissemination and Exploitation” which is responsible with the content updates of the project web page, as well as with the sustainability of the project after its end of life. We take part to every activity and work package in the project, being in the phase of carrying out our web-GIS services for mineral resources.

These services will be a development of the services that had been created for a prototype of geophysical data () and the same technology will also be used within the framework of the ThermoMap project (CF4), where the objective is to estimate very shallow geothermic potential of land for installing ground source heat exchangers. This implies making up a database of soil, climate, surface geology (quaternary deposits) and hydrogeological parameters for the test zone selected in the Constanta county and calculating for three depth levels the heat conductivity and heat capacity. These computed values will be viewable on a GIS portal where various types of users (companies installing heat pumps, universities, local authorities and the general public) will be informed by this Internet tool about the potential of their area of interest for installing ground source heat pumps as an alternative renewable energy source.

Team "GEORESOURCES". The list of the research team members is:

|No. |Surname and first name |Didactic/ scientific |Doctorate |

| | |title | |

|1 |Cioacă Mihaela-Elena |Researcher |yes |

|2 |Munteanu Marian |SR III |yes |

|3 |Marincea Ştefan |SR I |yes |

|4 |Mărunţiu Marcel |SR I |yes |

|5 |Călin Nicolae |Res. Assistant |no |

The team members have undertaken studies on mineral resources (metallic and non-metallic). Since 2009, the team collaborated closely with the GIS specialists, in a process constituting the construction of a digital database of the geological conditions of the mineral resources in Romania. The team members worked in several projects, as shown below.

(1) In the year 2010, the team conducted one project with the title "Synthesis of the geological research for the bauxites in Romania", funded by the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business. The team made a synthesis of the information on the bauxite resources of Romania, with a focus on the resources from the Apuseni Mountains (geological conditions, grade, mineralogical composition).

(2) SARMa project, under the South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme. The project aims to develop a common approach to sustainable aggregates management across the South-East Europe, and ensure a sustainable aggregates supply in the South-East Europe based on fair distribution of costs and benefits of aggregate production, use, waste disposal and recycling, so as to enhance resource and energy efficiency and quality of life. The project ended in 2011.

(3) EuroGeoSource is a project co-funded by the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), under the Policy Support Programme (PSP), Geographic Information Theme. It aims to make a data portal, which allows access by Internet to the aggregated geographical information on oil and gas fields, including prospects and mineral deposits, in order to stimulate investment in new prospects for geo-energy resources, as well as in renewing production at mines undergoing economic decline or closure, contributing this way to the independence of the EU having to import valuable minerals from outside resources. Ten countries from EU participate to the EuroGeoSource project, which The Geological Institute of Romania is the coordinator of the Workpackage 11 “Awareness, Dissemination and Exploitation”. The team members contributed to the organization of the mineral resources database to be used by the portal (identification of the users of the portal, attribute definition, etc) and to the dissemination of the information on the project.

(4) ProMine project started on May 2009 and is carried on by a consortium led by Geological Survey of Finland and composed of 27 partners from 11 EU member states. Considering the fact that, for some strategic metals, EU is totally dependent on import, the efficiency of the overall production chain of minerals and metals in Europe should be enhanced by putting higher quality and added value products on the market. ProMine aims to: (a) develop a pan-European GIS-based database containing the known and predicted metalliferous and non-metalliferous resources, which together define the strategic reserves (including secondary resources) of the EU; (b) calculate the volumes of potentially strategic metals (e.g. cobalt, niobium, vanadium, antimony, platinum group elements and REE) and minerals that are currently not extracted in Europe; (c) to develop new, high value, mineral-based (nano) products; (d) to enlarge the number of profitable potential targets in Europe; (e) to establish a new, cross-platform information group between the European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP-SMR) and other platforms. The team members were involved in the completion and update of the information regarding the primary and secondary ore deposits in Romania.

A recent focus of the team is the investigation of the distribution of platinum group elements (PGE) in the magmatic rocks from Romania. This is meant to fill a gap of knowledge, as there is no published information on PGE in Romania. PGE have multiple uses (in medical industry, in electronics, in nanotechnology, in jewellery and for optical instruments), but the main reason for the keen economic interest in PGE is their extensive use in the automobile industry, by the replacement of lead catalysts (pollutant) with platinum catalysts (not pollutant). Additionally, the distribution of PGE in igneous rocks provides information with regard to the genesis, evolution and metallogenesis of their parental magmas. Therefore, the economic interest in this line of investigation is accompanied by a scientific benefit, with positive implications for the future research for other mineral resources. The team is currently working in two ongoing projects involving PGE investigation:

(5) "Evaluation of the PGE potential of the mafic-ultramafic intrusions in Romania using the experience from the investigation of Panxi area, South-West China". The project is undertaken within the program of bilateral cooperation between China and Romania. It began in April 2011 and will be ended in November 2012. Several mafic-ultramafic intrusions from Romania were sampled and are being analyzed for their PGE contents, in order to identify indications of possible economic accumulations.

(6) “Investigation of the rare elements in the porphyry copper deposits from Romania”. The project is funded by the National Council for Scientific Research. It began in October 2011 and will end in September 2013. The project aims at the investigation of the contents of high-tech elements (REE, PGE, Re, Ti, V, Ga, Ge, Li, In, Te etc.) in several intrusions that contain porphyry copper mineralization (Moldova Nouă, Roşia Poieni, Bucium Tarniţa, Bolcana). This involve mineralogical and petrographic studies, geochemical investigations of the target deposits, study of the spatial distribution of the PGE in the targeted deposits (identification of the possible correlations between PGE and certain mineralogical assemblages and alteration zones), assessment of the transport and precipitation conditions for PGE based on fluid inclusions study, construction of metallogenetic models for each targeted deposit and extrapolation of the results to the scale of the metallogenetic provinces, when possible.

Given the implication of the team members in different projects that imply time-consuming activities, and the increasing interest for the mineral resources in the EU, the addition of new team members is necessary. This will be done by recruiting geology graduates during the next four years and training them in the field of mineral resources.

The team members presented their scientific contributions by the participation with oral presentations and posters at professional meetings (national and international) and by the publication of their results in scientific articles, mentioned in the publication lists.

The main objectives of the GeoMag team are to continuously measure the geomagnetic field and to determine the geomagnetic activity, in order to study the dynamics of the Earth´s magnetic field and its interactions with the Earth system.

Since 1943, the geomagnetic observatory is located 40 km NE of Bucharest, ensuring the continuous of the measurements. The observatory data contributes to the developing global geomagnetic field models (International Geomagnetic Reference Field-IGRF, World Magnetic Model-WMM) in the frame of two international cooperation programs: INTERMAGNET () and MagNetE ( portal/ gfz/Struktur/Departments/Department+2/ sec23/ infrastructure /repeat_ stations/ MagNetE).

The first one, INTERMAGNET is worldwide near-real-time geomagnetic observatory data. INTERMAGNET has, in little more than 10 years, grown into a worldwide federation of institutions running magnetic observatories, and become the de facto professional body representing magnetic observatory operators. The INTERMAGNET objective is to establish a

global network of co-operating digital magnetic observatories adopting modern standard

specifications for measuring and recording equipment in order to facilitate data exchange

and the production of geomagnetic data products in close to real time. The initiative to establish INTERMAGNET was supported by the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and close contact is maintained with the IAGA bodies with interests in magnetic observatory practice, data, data derivatives, and applications.

The second is meanwhile known as MagNetE (Magnetic Network of Europe), and supported by a resolution of IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy). Geomagnetic repeat station surveys have a long tradition in many European countries and they have been carried out independently in the individual countries, either in Romania by GeoMag team. It has been difficult for a long time to use the data efficiently for studies of geomagnetic secular variation of the whole continent. A more homogeneous spatial and temporal distribution of high quality repeat station data was desirable. Therefore, starting with 2003, at the European level, started an exchange of experiences and coordinate the individual European efforts. The result was an initiative to carry out common geomagnetic repeat station surveys in the European countries every two years. As a result of the common efforts, the first map of declination for Europe was presented in May 2011 in Rome.

The scientific investigation of the Earth's magnetic field is the oldest branch of geophysics, and possibly even one of the oldest branches of scientific fields ever. In this Age of Discovery the magnetic field is measured intensively, not only for scientific reasons but for navigation. Today the measurements of the GeoMag team mostly serve to answer basic questions about dynamic processes occurring deep within the Earth, and in near-Earth space, useful for Romanian Aviation Safety. We provide airport geomagnetic (declination) surveys. The personnel are especially suited to perform compass rose surveys to establish the difference between magnetic and true North. In this application, the geomagnetic field is used as a navigational tool.

Geomagnetic variations studies, its spatio-temporal structure, processes and effects on system Earth are another scientific objectives. Earth’s magnetic field has been in existence since the early history of our planet, and it is known to be caused by dynamo action in the liquid outer core. Due to the instability of this process, reversals of the predominant dipolar component, as well as relatively short periods of very weak total fields occur at irregular intervals. Currently the geomagnetic field strength decreases quite rapidly. The dipolar part has dropped by 10 % within the past 300 years. In the northern atlantic region the present rate of decrease is 100 nT/year, that is, 25 % per century. Such rapidly declining field strength may be interpreted as an indication for a forthcoming field reversal, or for a relatively large recent field. Since the magnetic field jointly with the atmosphere shields Earth’s surface against incident high-energy cosmic rays, it is crucial to investigate the spatial structure and the temporal evolution of field reversals, as well as details of geomagnetic variations, their causes and effects on Earth’s atmosphere. This continuous programme aims at a more complete understanding of the spatio-temporal structure of geomagnetic variations in general, and of field reversal periods in particular. Furthermore, associated geodynamical processes are investigated in cooperation with other European research institutes by means of numerical modelling and observations in order to identify the key mechanisms that cause geomagnetic variations, and potential effects on the system Earth will be studied.

Recent results of GeoMag team provide evidence for the existence of variations in induction vectors associated with geodynamic processes. Earthquakes (EQs) and volcanic eruption precursors have an aperiodic temporal regime and appear once or several times prior to their occurrence. The regular periodic variations of induction vector are also observed, and they are a new interesting geophysical phenomenon. These periodic variations must be considered as a background while looking for precursory signals associated with EQs and volcanic activities. Annual and diurnal variations obtained from the processing of synchronous data of many observatories in Southeastern Europe are analized for identifying precursory information.

Research carried out by GeoMag team at the observatory during its seventy years of continuous work has largely contributed to the Romanian geosciences field through remarkable studies in:

• secular variation and normal magnetic field in Romania: bringing the magnetic map making works to the same epoch at a unitary level, at a regional, national or continental scale and comparisons of national reference levels with other European observatories;

• local peculiarities of transient geomagnetic phenomena: geomagnetic data from other observatories are correlated with our geomagnetic recordings with the aim of distinguishing between planetary and regional or local phenomena, as well as the improving of geophysical models of deep structures, or to establish prediction routines and tectonogenetic analyses of seismic movement in Vrancea area or the earthquakes of intramoesic fault;

• international geomagnetic reference field (IGRF), which provides updated models;

• issues regarding convection currents in outer Earth core, the theory of dynamo and mantle and global tectonics;

• establishing the distribution of subsoil electric conductivity and the localization of large conductivity anomalies, correlated with deep geological structure;

• recordings of geomagnetic field in almost 200 stations distributed all over Romania, processed especially for phenomenological studies of geomagnetic field induction in the subsoil by means of magnetotelluric soundings along European corridors;

• providing data for unitary magnetic map of Europe;

• tectonomagnetic studies, applicable in establishing earthquake prediction factors and dynamics of ionosphere electric currents and outer magnetic field;

• establishing the magnetic declination, essential especially around large airports, for air traffic;

• improvement and development of the instruments used in registering and measuring geomagnetic field elements, with multiple use, from geophysical prospecting to archaeology and medicine, as well as the calibration of these instruments under non-magnetic conditions;

Nowadays GeoMag team contributes also at some of the ways in which geomagnetism becomes useful in today’s world:

• establishing global indices describing magnetic activity and finding other new parameters for an objective evaluation of the “magnetic status”, important in the study of inductive effect in electric power transmission systems, of induction in long pipelines, as well as in communication system, satellite damage and tracking;

• quantification of geomagnetic storms which can create overburdens in national energetic system, in high frequency radio communications network, disruption of GPS or strong disturbances in the geomagnetic field with significant and yet incompletely known effect;

At the same time many studies reveal specific connections such as the well-known covariation of sunspot solar activity and geomagnetic disturbances or the possibility that the thermospheric heating by electric currents associated with magnetic storms may cause global modification of the atmospheric pressure and year-to-year changes in growing-season length, rainfall, thunderstorms and in the end, climatic variation in solar-weather relationship. These connections to global weather and with living organisms are future interesting directions for geomagnetic activity predictions at Surlari National Geomagnetic Observatory.

Team acronim: GeoCart


Ion Gheuca, geologist, SRII

Viorel Ilinca, geomorphologist, RA

Ana Vizinteanu, cartographer

Georgeta Dumitrescu, cartographer

Gabriel Baralia, cartographer

Projects description:

In the period 2007-2011 the research team worked in various projects, both scientific and economic which were related to the field geologic mapping. The most important projects are attended by team in term of geologic mapping were for:

- Updating, harmonization and computerization of geological and geophysical maps of Romania (PN 03/2006-2008);

- Fundamental research on framing seismic risk classes of dams located in the Moesian Platform. Probabilistic and deterministic approach – CEEX MENER 713/2006;

- The new geologic map of the Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş National Park in the research project

“The geo- and biodiversity of Bicaz Gorges – Hăşmaş National Park. Integrated studz of geological, geographical, biological enrichment of the natural heritage of the park and expanding its boundaries” (GEOBIOHAZ) – 2009-2011;

- Synthetic geologic maps for many National and Natural Parks from Romania (Măcin Mountains National Park, Iron Gate Natural Park, Balta Brăilei Natural Park, Comana Natural Park and for Buzău Geoparc project) – 2009-2011;

- Updating and digitizing the geological map of Romania (1:50.000 and 1:500.000 scales) - PN 09210101;

- The future A1 Highway route (the sector between Piteşti and Sibiu) for Egis Group Romania (2008);

- Detailed geologic map for the Lower Ciuc Depression for S.C. Tuşnad Ape Minerale (2009).

- Synthetic maps for evaporite rocks (salt, gypsum, and tuff) from the external Carpathians area for Hunt Oil Company of Romania (2011).

Management of geologic maps

The team has also responsabilities regarding the management of geological and hidrogeological maps edited by Geological Institute of Romania and also completion of the geological map sheets which have not been published by now. Achievement of some geological maps is otherwise done by geologists from other departmenst or research team.

The geological maps are made with the help of some cartographic and GIS software like Ocad and ArcGIS.

4. Representative project

Since its foundation, back in 1906, the Geological Institute of Romania had the mission of making the geological map of Romania, at various scales, for a better use of the land and natural resources. On this purpose, the Geological Institute of Romania built teams with mapping experience and varied specializations: sedimentary, metamorphism, magmatism, paleontology, geochronology, etc. A mapping commission was created during the 1970s to ensure the homogeneity and correlation of the symbols and interpretations of the geological information from different sheets.

Based on the mentioned mission and organization, the Geological Institute of Romania edited the geological map of Romania at the scales 1:500,000 (1910-1958) , 1:200,000 (1965-1968) and 1:1,000,000 (1978), the last one being part of an atlas comprising several thematic maps (gravity, geomagnetic, hydrogeological, resources map, soil map etc).

In 1970, the Geological Institute of Romania began the National program of editing the Geological Map of Romania at the scale 1:50,000. Till 1990, 130 sheets of the geological map 1:50,000 were printed, most of them in the Carpathians, where the geology is most complex. After 1990, the mapping program was funded scarcely. Only 5 new sheets were printed and other ca. 100 sheets were edited partially (Fig. 1).

Under these circumstances, the completion of the geological map at the scale 1:50,000 is currently progressing based on the information from other research projects implemented by the Geological Institute of Romania. Concurrently, the Geological Institute of Romania began the vectorization of the geological maps and the creation of GIS databases for the geological maps at scales 1:1.000.000, 1:200.000 and 1:50.000. Model maps for each scale and different software packages were tested in a pilot phase. As a result, Quantum GIS, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, MapSever and ArcGIS were chosen for the conversion of the geological spatial data. Dictionaries for geological terminology and classification are being elaborated. The databases are created using ArcGIS with Access and PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension. For the display of spatial data on the Internet the GIS team employed webGIS and WMS services using ArcGIS Server or Mapserver, PHP MapScript API library. An application for metadata management was created using PHP and MySQL.



Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of the published and not published sheets of the Geological Map of Romania, scale 1:50,000.

The accepted GIS model is a framework that allows spatial data entry for geological maps. The current concern is to integrate all spatial data into the GIS database. This would imply several lines of action:

▪ establishing a unique topographic base for the geological maps at all scales;

▪ creation of dictionaries by specialized staff;

▪ development of specific software applications;

▪ use of the internet technology for presentation: webGIS, WMS, WFS;

▪ the use of all methods for standardization of data in accordance with international classifications: IUGS, INSPIRE, etc.

▪ development of methods for interoperability and harmonization of data using GeoSciML;

▪ geometric and semantic harmonisation of geological map sheets.

▪ Development od software applications to manage attribute data;

▪ Development of applications and web services for geological mapping, display and query of spatial data on the Internet (using "open source" - Mapserver-PostgreSQL-PHP and commercial - ArcGIS Server technologies);

▪ Creation of GIS database for mineral resources with the goal to create the framework for spatial and attribute information management, and implementation of mineral resources map of Romania at 1:500.000 scale;

▪ Development of various thematic maps or collections of data required in various projects;

It is a current concern to integrate GIS technology in all fields of research approached by the Geological Institute of Romania, such as mineral and energy resources, geological hazard, geological monitoring, etc. On this purpose, the Geological Institute of Romania has a program of acquisition of hardware equipment and specialized software and to involve more specialists from various fields of earth sciences and IT. As over 80% of GIS activity is spent for data acquisition, the Geological Institute of Romania planned to establish and develop a group of specialized operators for the input of spatial data.

The activities employed for the development of the GIS system will be undertaken in conjunction with the participation of the Geological Institute of Romania to the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Romania. The Geological Institute of Romania has a leading position for the Theme II-4 Geology and is colaborating with the National Agency for Mineral Resources for the Themes III-20 Energy Resources and III-21 Mineral Resources. The harmonisation of the geological spatial data between Romania and the other countries of the European Union has actually begun by the participation of the Geological Institute of Romania in several international project such as OneGeology, EuroGeoSource and Promine.

3. Institutional development plan for the next 4 years (maximum 15 pages)

1. Scientific SWOT analysis.

1. Strengths

• The status of a national geological survey, stipulated by national legislation, which allows the access to research programs financed by European funds.

• Existing geological database, which sums up the results of more than a century of geologic activity.

• The Geological Institute of Romania administrates the National Drillcore Repository, of crucial importance for the geological studies and for exploration of mineral resources and hydrocarbon deposits.

• Existence of staff with experience and competence for the management and implementation of complex research projects;

• Notoriety of the Institute, recognized and appreciated as a professional authority both in Romania and abroad;

• The Geological Institute of Romania is member of the European Association of Geological Surveys (Eurogeosurveys).

• The Institute has a logistic system suited for complex geological activity;

• Services adequate for documentation, technology transfer and dissemination of results;

• The Geological Institute of Romania administrates and services installations of international recognition, such as the National Geological Museum and National Geomagnetic Observatory;

• The Geological Institute of Romania has the exclusive right to edit and publish the geological and geo-thematic maps.

2. Weaknesses

• Historical financial debts to the state, which preclude the participation of the Geological Institute of Romania in some project competitions.

• Lack of enough funds to attract and keep the best young specialists; migration of highly skilled staff to the private organizations or to better funded public institutions.

• High average age of the research personnel.

• Insufficient technical equipment.

• Lack of official acts to regulate the relations between the Geological Institute of Romania and the National Agency for Mineral Resources. This institutional fracture leads to incomplete information and services acquired by investors and duplication of some activities undertaken by the two institutions.

3. Opportunities

• The need of data harmonisation across the EU creates opportunities of collaboration with the geological surveys from other Eu countries.

• The Geological Institute of Romania can participate to international projects funded by the EU, diversifying the research topics and extending the capacities of managing new projects.

• Increase of the social interest for geological information in areas like the management of water resources and waste, environmental protection, identification and assessment of natural hazards, etc., creates the opportunity if the Institute to extend the volume of work in numerous research fields.

• The Institute can participate in projects focused on the geological hazard and risk assessment concerning landslides, subsidence, land collapse, volcanism, drought, floods, avalanches.

• Qualification and training of the personnel using the EU programs.

• Obtaining certification by the Ministry of Environment and Forests for the study of environmental impact, which would allow the Institute to braden the range of private customers.

• Working with Waste Management Directorate of the Ministry of Environment for the projects concerning brownfields and their reinstatement in the economic circuit.

• Cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and participation in tenders for contracts on stability studies of sea cliffs.

• Participation to the Governmental research strategy - Horizon 2020 Danube, Black Sea Strategy and the creation of international consortia of time to succeed to attract European funds.

4. Threats

• Historical debts to the state budget prevents accessing structural funds.

• The National Drill Core Repository, legally owned by the Agency for Mineral resources, is hosted in an old building located on land currently owned by private enterprises who threat to evacuate the drill-cores, lack of any financing whatsoever for management and maintenance of the Repository.

2. Strategic scientific objectives and directions.

1. Updating and completion of the National Geological Maps. Harmonisation of the spatial geological data with the similar data in the EU countries, in agreement with the regulations of the INSPIRE Directive of the European Community, Theme II-4. All spatial data with geological significance will to be converted in GIS databases and ETRS1989 coordinate system.

2. Development of the research on the mineral and energy resources. Enhancement of the analytical facilities and of the equipment of geophysical investigation.

3. Development of the capabilities of research in environmental geology (slope stability, landslides, hydrogeology); extended collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Regional Development and local authorities.

4. Increased involvement in interdisciplinary research projects, such as the collaboration with archeological institutions (detection of buried constructions and objects, studies of material provenance for archeological artifacts made of stone, ceramic and metal).

5. Some priority research areas:

• Geodata systems and multi-dimensional modeling

• High-tech metal and critical raw materials perspectives;

• Geologic deep-seated repository of dangerous wastes and CO2 geological storage;

• Innovative exploration technologies

• Recycling, new and alternative materials;

• Environmental impact management and measurement.

6. Updating the database of representative geological sites and take the necessary steps to declare new geological protected area and geoparks.

3. The human resource strategy.

As the geological institute of Romania has an aged personnel, an active recruitment policy is envisaged. This is closely related to the access to funding from research projects. The hired young specialists need to be trained by the older staff in order to gain work experience and professional confidence.

On the other hand, the Institute also aims at the institutional strengthening through training programmes and participation of the scientists in national and international Seminars and Workshops. The aim is to deal with and coordinate the activities pertaining to international matters and collaborative programmes.

Several research fields are no longer covered with specialized people (hydrocarbon geology, technical geology, aso). The Institute will hire young geologists who will be sent to specialization courses in Romania and abroad.

An International division will deal with international and EU research programmes and also will serve as the Secretariat of the Institute for the geological programmes in which the institution is participating.

A Technical Consultancy Service will be concerned with all the commercial activities correlated with geological and geophysical projects.

IGR will rise the performances related to engineering geology and will maintain close liaison between the Institute and Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, and National Authority of Scientific Research.

A Training Institute headquarter will be established at Surlari National Geomagnetic Observatory as a Center of Continuous Improvement in Life and Earth Sciences. There, the Institute will conduct different types of training for up to 60 persons at a time, keeping pace with the latest development and trends in Earth sciences and with its own priorities. The training courses will be designed in a sequential manner to develop specialized skills for functioning as competent geoscientists and for shouldering professional responsibilities with confidence. The specialized training programmes will continue on a regular basis to improve the knowledge and expertise of the personnel.

4. Mechanisms for stimulating the appearance of new research directions.

Recruitment and training of the best students on the purpose of hiring them after graduation. This can be achieved by inviting the students to work in the projects contracted by the GIR, to go in field trips together with the specialists from the GIR, to use the future center of excellence and conferences at the Geomagnetic Observatory Surlari, to participate to the professional meetings organized by GIR etc.

5. Financial SWOT analysis.

1. Strengths

• Participation in international projects which attract EU funding.

• Quick ratio at 12.31.2010 = 1.55 ensures coverage of current debts by current assets

• Indebtedness (borrowed capital/own capital) equals 0.

• Turnover speed for client debits equals 20.

2. Weaknesses

• existence of historical debts

Due to the historical debts, non participation to attract Structural Funds and cohesion funds which can be made in 2 ways:

- Project proposals for different Programmes

- Contracting by tender participation organized by Ministries that are eligible to manage cohesion funds, like funds allocated for environment and transportation

• lack of adequate resources for stabilizing young personnel by wages meeting their needs

3. Opportunities

• Growing public interest for geological information underlining environment issues, resource management, assessment of natural hazards, facilitating participation in national and international projects tackling with these topics.

4. Threats

• Historically perpetuated debts towards the state budget.

• increased and inequal competition in getting funds with research and administrative units with constant financing from the state budget

6. Infrastructure: investment plan and strategy.

The National Geological Museum needs to be re-organized according to the new modalities of presentation; the building of the National Geological Museum, built in 1906, need to be consolidated and repaired. The collections exposed in the Museum need to be reorganized and equipped with modern facilities in order to enhance their educational impact.

New equipment and software needs to be acquired in order to increase the capacity of the Institute to diversify its activities and to improve the quality of its services, thus of its commercial competitiveness.

An program of development of the Geomagnetic observatory as a Center of Continuous Improvement in Life and Earth Sciences will be carried out. The feasibility study have been alredy done.

Construction of a new building for the National Drillcore Repository and the relocation of the drillcores. The actual building is degraded and located in an area owned by private persons.

Funds need to be allocated for the electronic access to the scientific literature. Concurrently, the printed versions of the most important journals need to be purchased, in order to maintain the importance of the National Geological Library.

The analytical equipment will be completed with additional accessories and standards to increase the research capabilities of the Institute.

IGR will be proactive in recognizing the strategic role of IT in the present scientific research environment and will implement a robust information infrastructure based on an open, state of the art technology platform. This will help the Institute in automating its business processes and create the premises for the management of the vast volume of geoscientific data gathered over the last 118 years by way of a centralized digital archive and treat these as corporate resource with well-defined access protocol. This solution will facilitate knowledge creation, paperless administration, information management, dissemination of information, revenue generation, and enhance the visibility of the organization and furthermore provide a cost-effective means of sustenance and growth.

Acquisition of a magnetometer, portable seismic station with 24 – 48 channels, GPR.

7. Technology transfer and the attraction of non-public funds.

The Geological Institute of Romania will participate to public-private partnerships for great investment projects: highways, mineral resources exploitation etc.

The Institute will focus on the establishment of key research areas such as geoscience surveys, mineral deposits research, basin analysis and petroleum geology, environmental geology, climate change science, as well as transfer mechanisms and key technology development. The core will be research partnerships which will facilitate sharing of expertise and resources for project delivery in response to the future customers needs for geoscience information and knowledge.

Creation of theme-based geoscientific database in several domains such as: geochemical exploration, ore geology, geophysics, remote sensing, thermometry, natural hazard, environmental geology and rock sample analysis is continuing. The geomagnetic activity database is being continuously updated.

IGR has taken the initiative to call on the expertise of both scientific researchers in geomagnetism (modelers, surveyors, geophysicists) and aeronautical experts (pilots, aircraft operators, and airport managers) to improve aeronautical and airport safety. This technology transfer will unite the two professional groups around a navigation instrument: the magnetic compass and non-public funds will be attracted. In this way, we shall prove how the knowledge of geomagnetism and in particular magnetic declination, can be used to improve aeronautical safety.

8. Strategic partnerships and visibility: events, communications, collaborations.

The Geological institute of Romania will implement a strategy for development and dissemination of geo-scientific information. The projects launched to achieve this goal will include Project , Project IGR.Portal and digital archival of Maps and Unpublished Reports. The objective is to have a repository of all reports in the archive of the Institute in a format overriding the inherent heterogeneity lying within data sets of different projects or methods. Once globally accessible this metadata should be used for scientific and commercial purposes.

The Institute is also a member of the EuroGeoSurveys and will continue to participate to the activities organized in the frame of this professional organization.

The Institute will conclude strategic partnerships with the following institutions:

- Ministry of Environment and Forests, on the following issues: certification for the development of impact studies, geological reports in case of investments that could have a significant impact on soil and groundwater, brownfields rehabilitation, protected areas, forest monitoring based on satellite images, etc.

- Romanian National Administration of Waters, on the following issues: risk management for floods, groundwater resources management.

- The National Agency for Mineral Resources – databases exchanges, studies for authorization of works according to Mining Law, revision and proposals to improve the Mining Law, reporting based on Inspire Directive, etc.

- Ministry of Home Affairs for studies of territorial management, landslides, etc.

- Ministry of Economy for studies of mineral resources and geothermal resources.

- Universities, for exchange of specialists, common projects, conferences, student training, graduate and postgraduate recruitment, etc.

The Institute will apply for projects in the EU’s Raw Material Initiative.

The specialists of the Institute will participate at least at the most important international congresses in geosciences, and will publish their results as scientific articles in ISI-ranked publications.


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