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Female Genital Mutilation: Harmful, Not HelpfulAshley MasonMay 30, 2012Period GMs. CatsosMany women, infants, and girls have been faced with the harsh procedure of female genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is the cutting of parts of the external female genitalia (Castledine). This operation is also known as female circumcision or female genital cutting, which is abbreviated as FGC. Female genital mutilation should be illegal everywhere because it makes women unequal to men, goes against women’s rights, and shows discrimination against women.Female genital mutilation, also known as FGM, is practiced on women in the Middle East. Egyptian mummies have been found with FGM practiced on them (University of Minnesota). It started being used again in the 1950s and has continued ever since (UMN). This practice originated from Islamic and Christian cultures (UMN). Female genital mutilation originated in Islamic cultures due to one of Muhammad’s controversial sayings in the Sunnah mentioning a minor cutting of the female genitalia (Religious Tolerance). The saying is, “'Um Atiyyat al-Ansariyyah said: ‘A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (pbuh) said to her: Do not cut too severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. 1,8” (RT). It is practiced to control women’s sexual drives and cleanse women’s genitalia by removing the clitoris, which is seen as masculine (Castledine). FGM is mostly done during school summer holidays, and the parents of the victim take the victim abroad to get this done (Foreign & Commonwealth Office). Women have been unequal to men for thousands of years because of this one ritual.There are four different types of FGM that can be practiced – clitoridectomy, excision, infibulation, and other (World Health Organization). Clitoridectomy is the partial of total removal of the clitoris and in very rare cases, only the prepuce (WHO). The partial or total removal of the clitoris and labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora, is excision (WHO). Infibulation is done to narrow the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal (WHO). The “other” category of FGM is all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes (WHO). As one can see, FGM is not done the same way; there are many different forms of it that involves taking out or cutting different parts of the female genitalia.To do this procedure, sharp objects are used to cut the genitalia. The objects are often dirty and unsterile (Castledine). Knives, razor blades, and broken glass are examples of objects that may be used (Castledine). Once the procedure has been done, the victim receives stitches to close the wound. The stitches most likely aren’t done with professional medical stitches. Types of seams that are used are cotton thread, silk, domestic sewing thread, and vegetable or nylon fiber (Edna Adan Maternity Hospital). The stitches are usually done with needles. However, just like the stitches, the needles aren’t always professional medical needles. Needles that are used to sew the wound are regular surgical needles, round-bodied or sharp needles that are any size, and domestic sewing needles (EAMH). Old mats, old floor coverings, or sand are usually placed under the victim during the procedure to absorb blood and secretions from the wound (EAMH). This is done so the mess can be cleaned up quickly. The mats and floor coverings are then discarded. The stitches may cover up the wounds, but they will never cover up the violation felt by these girls.Not only does FGM bring excruciating pain, but there are many complications caused by the operation as well. These complications include a hemorrhage, shock, death, chronic pelvic infections, and dysmenorrhea (Castledine). Other complications that can occur are infertility, chronic urinary tract infections, urinary stones, and kidney damage (Castledine). These difficulties are caused by the process being extremely unsanitary. No gloves are worn, and the hands of the person doing the procedure might not be washed (EAMH). Also, the operator allows his or her nails to grow before the procedure is done because the nails are then used as pincers (EAMH). Men don’t even face these horrible side effects during their circumcision.FGM has happened to over 130 million women (Castledine). It is not only practiced in the Middle East, but North African countries, Europe, and even North America as well (Castledine). This operation takes place for any age of a girl when she is newborn to when she is fifteen years old (Castledine). The most common age happens to be seven to ten years old (United Nations Population Fund). However, the average age of girls receiving FGM is decreasing. This is due to the operation being hidden more easily. Younger girls are also less able to resist getting practiced on as opposed to older girls. Almost one-half of the women who have experienced FGM live in Egypt or Ethiopia (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health). The amount of times female genital mutilation has been performed is 130 million times too many.FGM is a cultural practice without formal ties to a faith, but the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health states, “Although many people believe that FGC is associated with Islam, it is not. FGC is not supported by any religion and is condemned by many religious leaders,” (USDHHS). However, Muslims, Christians, and Jews have done this procedure to their girls. Most people think the majority of girls who get cut are Muslims. In some places in the world, they believe parents must have their daughters cut in order to be a better Muslim (USDHHS). Ironically enough, the Sharia protects children and their rights (USDHHS). Even though the Sharia has protection, girls are still stripped of their rights.Muslims, Christians, and Jews using this practice have led to superstitions about FGM being spread around, which are other leading causes to why girls have had this process done to them. Some people say that the clitoris will continue to grow as a girl gets older, therefore causing it to have removal (USDHHS). Other people think that the external genitalia are unclean and can cause the death of an infant during delivery (USDHHS). So, in order to decrease the chance of the death of an infant during delivery, FGM is done. Both of these superstitions have been proven wrong. However, people continue to perform female genital mutilation due to the fact that some people believe they will become a better Muslim.Female genital mutilation goes against many rights. This practice violates the human rights of girls and women, shows inequality between genders, goes against the rights of children, and disrupts the rights to health (WHO). These rights are important because when girls are given these rights, they’re allowed to have freedom and control over themselves. However, they have no freedom or control. It also violates security and physical integrity, promotes torture and cruelty, has an inhuman or degrading treatment, and denies women and girls the right to life (WHO). FGM definitely violates the human rights of girls and women because the operation is mostly done against the girl’s will. Also, men are not forced to become circumcised in any way to control their sexual drives like women are, which shows the inequality between genders. Women and girls are denied the right to life because in some cases, death is a side effect of female genital mutilation. Girls are being discriminated against and don’t have the same rights that men do.Although Christians have performed female genital mutilation, the Catholic Church is against the practice. On October 24, 2009, the condemnation of FGM was offered to Pope Benedict XVI (Desert Flower Foundation, 2009). The condemnation was proposed by Bishop Michael Mabuga Msonganzila, a bishop from Tanzania (Catholic News Service). He saw it constantly being done in his diocese (DFF). To support his argument, he stated, “Women are born with certain body parts for good reason, just as men are. If God wanted those parts missing, why did he create them?” (DFF). The Catholic Church now asks people in the regions where FGM is practiced to use non-harmful procedures on young girls when moving onto womanhood (DFF). Due to the Catholic Church’s actions, some girls can be saved from female genital mutilation.Even though female genital mutilation is widely practiced in the Middle East, it is illegal in at least thirty countries. The United Kingdom is one of them (Foreign & Commonwealth Office). FGM is illegal due to the Female Genital Mutilation Act, which was introduced in 2003 but didn’t come into effect until March 2004 (FCO). The Female Genital Mutilation Act states it is illegal to practice FGM in the UK, states it is illegal to take girls who live in the UK abroad for the procedure even if it’s legal in that country, and has a penalty of up to fourteen years in prison and/or a fine if either of those two happen (FCO). The United Kingdom’s laws against female genital mutilation sets an example for other countries to follow and be inspired by. Other countries that have laws against the practice are Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Ghana, Guinea, Sudan, and Sweden (Do Something). Interestingly enough, February 6 has been declared as the “International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation” by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund (UMN). In 2008, the Women’s Health Organization passed a resolution to eliminate FGM (UMN). Countries that agree with this resolution are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, and Ethiopia (DS). Gambia, Guinea, Kenya, Niger, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda agree as well (DS). Little by little, the world is coming to the realization that this practice should be stopped.A brilliant idea to help make female genital mutilation illegal is for women’s right activists to consult with religious leaders, preferably an Islamic religious leader. A women’s right activist might be able to persuade an Islamic religious leader to show the followers of Islam how bad FGM really is because they know a lot about the subject. Advocacy groups would be a big help with this. An example of an advocacy group that lets out information about this procedure is UNFPA. UNFPA is working towards helping women and girls achieve equality to men and are allowed the same rights. One of the five main goals of UNFPA involves “achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health” (UNFPA). Another advocacy group that is against FGM is the World Health Organization, also known as WHO. The World Health Organization has three focuses to work on eliminating this process. Advocacy is the first focus. WHO has developed publications for efforts all over the world to end female genital mutilation (WHO, 2012). Research is the second focus. The World Health Organization has researched how female genital mutilation can be eliminated, how it was started, and how to take care of the women and girls who have been affected by it (WHO). Guidance for health systems is the third focus. WHO has worked on training professionals in the medical field on how to care for women who have experienced female genital mutilation in order to restore their peace and heal their wounds, both physically and mentally (WHO). A third advocacy group involved in getting rid of FGM is FORWARD. FORWARD is a group in the UK that has worked to remove female genital mutilation and provide support for women who have faced female genital mutilation (FORWARD). This group encourages women to speak up for themselves and use the rights they have. FORWARD also holds campaigns in the UK and Africa. These advocacy groups are three of many groups that work to fight against FGM. Their continuous work to inform others of female genital mutilation and can inspire others to go against this practice, too. It’s important to get the followers of Islam to stop practicing female genital mutilation because some Muslims believe that it is supported by the Sharia when in reality, it isn’t. In the Middle East, people look up to religious leaders for advice and social direction. Therefore, if religious leaders state and show that female genital mutilation is not supported in Islamic texts and will not make a person a better Muslim if they get their daughters cut, many people will stop doing it. These religious leaders can then talk about this in mosques, on television, and in religious schools where this problem will be seen by thousands of people.Persuading parents, especially mothers, that female genital mutilation is wrong and getting young girls and women to speak up about their experience with FGM would be a big help in making it illegal. If mothers were to be persuaded that female genital mutilation is not okay whatsoever, that would be a huge step. Mothers have a big say when it comes to female genital mutilation because they’re the decision makers. Therefore, the operation won’t get done if the mother is against it. Girls and women who have gotten female genital mutilation done to them should speak up and let the world know. They should tell how unsanitary it was, how painful it was, and how unnecessary it was. The girls and women should especially go into detail about all of the side effects they have gotten, which are now disabilities for them. These disabilities never would’ve come if they never got the procedure done. Also, they should state all of the rights female genital mutilation violates and goes against. If a large amount of girls speaks up, people will really be able to see how awful female genital mutilation is and how it really affects them.A third solution to this problem would be to give all of the facts to parents, religious leaders, governments, students, and everyday citizens about female genital mutilation. Many people are unaware of this practice because it doesn’t occur everywhere in the world. If people who are ignorant of this problem received information about it, they could help to spread the word to make it illegal. Also, as said before, stating the effects of FGM would be a good way to make people realize that it is dangerous and should not be practiced.Although some countries have laws against FGM, other countries should make laws about it, too. Governments can look at laws about female genital mutilation in other countries for ideas. The Female Genital Mutilation Act in the United Kingdom would be a good law to look at because it hits all aspects that are needed to eradicate female genital mutilation. It makes it illegal to practice FGM in the UK, makes it illegal to take girls who live in the UK abroad for the procedure even if it’s legal in that country, and has a penalty of up to fourteen years in prison and/or a fine if either of those two happens. Other countries should abide by that law and make laws similar to that one with the practice being illegal in their own countries. Also, government leaders that run a government in which female genital mutilation is illegal can help persuade other government leaders where female genital mutilation is legal in their country to make laws.Female genital mutilation should be illegal everywhere because it makes women unequal to men, goes against women’s rights, and shows discrimination against women. Women, infants, and girls from the Middle East have been affected by this procedure. This procedure puts girls’ lives in danger and violates the rights that they are born with and have. If female genital mutilation was stopped, there would be so many possibilities ahead for the future. Women and girls would feel like they had their own freedom and control. No discrimination or equality between genders would be evident, and girls would no longer have to face such a cruel process.ReferencesCastledine, Jacqueline. "Female Genital Mutilation." Female Genital Mutilation. Mount Holyoke College, 1997. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. <;."Catholic Church Condemns FGM | Desert Flower Foundation." Desert Flower Foundation. Desert Flower Foundation, 29 Oct. 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. <;."Female Genital Cutting Fact Sheet." . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health, 15 Dec. 2009. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. <;."Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) | Female Circumcision | Women and Children | Edna Adan University Hospital." Edna Adan University Hospital, Somaliland, East Africa. Edna Adan Maternity Hospital. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. <;."Female Genital Mutilation." Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 2011. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. <;.“Female genital mutilation.” World Health Organization. World Health Organization, February 2012. Web. 19. Mar. 2012. < ;."Laws on Female Genital Cutting." Do Something. Do Something. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. < Gender Equality." Mutilation/Cutting: UNFPA. UNFPA, 2012. Web. 22 May 2012. <, B.A. "Debates about FGM In Africa, the Middle East & Far East." FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION FEMALE (CIRCUMCISION) IN AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST AND FAR EAST. Religious Tolerance, 7 July 2007. Web. 22 May 2012. <, Leyla. “Female genital mutilation.” Global Health Pathway, University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota, 2 Feb. 2012. PDF."What We Do." FORWARD: Our UK and African Programmes Present and past. FORWARD. Web. 22 May 2012. <, Cindy. "CNS STORY: Bishop Asks Synod for Initiation Ritual That Respects Girls' Bodies." CNS STORY: Bishop Asks Synod for Initiation Ritual That Respects Girls' Bodies. Catholic News Service, 26 Oct. 2009. Web. 22 May 2012. <;. ................

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