Position: Job Description: Primary Responsibilities


Institution: Rivertree Church (¡°Rivertree¡±)

Title: Executive Pastor

Reporting to: Lead Pastor and Elders

Classification: Full time (Salary and Benefits)

Location: Huntsville, Alabama

Job Description:

The Executive Pastor will serve Rivertree by assisting the Lead Pastor, Elders and Trustees in administering and

executing the Mission, Strategy and Values of Rivertree. This position is operational in nature as opposed to

visionary and strategic. Accordingly, the position focuses on the implementation, execution, and accountability of

the church¡¯s stated Mission, Strategy and Values as opposed to the definition and determination of them.

The primary responsibilities of the Executive Pastor will fall into three categories: 1) Operational Administration, 2)

Staff and Ministry Development, and 3) Strategic Plan Execution and Accountability.

Primary Responsibilities:

1) Operational Administration: ~ 50%

? Manage the day-to-day operations such that Rivertree continues to operate smoothly, effectively and


? Responsibilities include oversight of financials, campus, facilities, technology, communications, human

resources, and benefits management.

2) Staff and Ministry Development: ~ 25%

? Lead, manage and support the Staff and Volunteers so that they are able to meaningfully engage in the

work of the church and maximize excellence in their ministries.

? Responsibilities include team building, oversight and accountability, annual planning/budgeting,

recruitment and onboarding, and human resource policy (including compensation and benefits).

3) Strategic Plan Execution and Accountability: ~ 25%

? Oversee execution of Rivertree¡¯s strategic plan and its annual implementation. Work with the Elders,

Staff and Volunteers to expedite and optimize their designated ministry plans.

? Responsibilities include regular meetings with Elders and Staff, communicating between the various

parties, monitoring the state of the ministry areas and recommending necessary changes, and making

decisions that are in line with the strategic plan and Rivertree¡¯s Mission, Strategy and Values.


? Mature follower of and believer in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.

? Personal life that reflects the Gospel and Rivertree¡¯s Mission, Strategy and Values.

? Four-year college degree plus a Masters level degree.

? Minimum of 10 years experience, preferably a combination of ministry and personnel management.

? Strong verbal and written communication skills.

? Demonstrated ability to lead, manage, and relate to the people within the fellowship.

? Ability to problem-solve and make decisions that are in line with Rivertree¡¯s Mission, Strategy and Values.

? Willingness to provide a stable, long-term commitment to Rivertree.

? Successful completion of StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment.

? Complementary strengths and gifts relative to Lead Pastor and Staff.

? Three solid references, including one pastoral, one vocational, and one personal.

Next Steps:

The Executive Pastor position is extremely important to us, and we welcome you to learn more about it. If you

believe God is calling you to pursue this position, please submit a cover letter and resume to



Our Mission:

? Helping one another know Jesus by sharing the Gospel and our lives. (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

o We are a fellowship who seeks to encourage all people to know Jesus. Therefore, we share the

Gospel and our lives with all people ¨C both those inside the church as well as those outside. This

is who we are and what we do. Changing the world takes on different expressions, but one thing

is always the same ¨C we do it in Jesus¡¯ name because He has rescued us.

Our Strategy:

? Gather

o Primary Environment: Worship Gatherings (Hebrews 10:19-25 and Acts 2:44-47)

o ¡°Gather¡± is encountering God in community. When we meet, we put Christ on display. It is

nothing short of a miracle to have the nations and races under one roof, encouraging one another

and worshipping one God. Christianity is done together.

? Grow

o Primary Environment: Life Groups, Bible studies, Next Generation Ministries (Ephesians 4:12-13

and John 20:31)

o ¡°Grow¡± is encountering God through the revelation of Jesus Christ. The Scriptures give us an

eyewitness account of who Jesus is and what He did. We study the Scriptures to learn more

about Jesus, and experience personal transformation. The Word becomes flesh in you. The

church will never grow corporately beyond the capacity of its members to grow individually.

? Go

o Primary Environment: Life on Mission and Ministry and Mission Teams (Acts 1:8 and James 2:14)

o ¡°Go¡± is encountering God through action. You can't explore the depths of Christianity until you

surrender your life to it. We believe that some things can't be understood until you try them. By

doing, you understand. Being a witness for Christ goes beyond our words but is expressed by

our lives.

Our Values:

? Being Christ Centered

o Knowing Jesus and the Word is the best way we can know God.


Believing People Matter

o Each person bears the image of God, has intrinsic worth, and is made to reflect the glory of God.


Sharing Life Together

o God moves isolated people into a Christ-centered community for the benefit and growth of all.


Serving Others First

o Becoming more like Jesus means that we all learn to put others first and serve.


Pursuing What¡¯s Next

o Rivertree longs to see the Kingdom advance until Christ returns for His Church, so we encourage

each person to move closer to reflecting the complete image of Christ in every area of life.



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