The American FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST Principal SECURED PARTY is the ...

The American FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST ? Principal SECURED PARTY is the TRUSTEE; the artificial son of the living Man known as "Patrick Devine" and this American Trustee is protected by the United States of America and individual State Constitutions.

The Principal BENEFICIARY - SECURED PARTY is the Living American body of Man "Patrick: " born from the Land of the united States of America; who is an of Age American PRINC-I-PALITY, Inheritor, Representative, Creditor, Owner, Executor and Grantor as the Principal Depositor into this Foreign Grantor Trust and is standing upon all of his Rights and Liberties. It is to be noted that the original Grantor of the birthing Inheritance was the "We the People" of the United States of America, as to be known as the King of America.

The DEBTOR per this UCC1 is the PATRICK DEVINE ? FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST under EIN # _____________; an American Trust protected from the UNITED STATES and the STATE Governmental organizations of corporation. The trust is to be operated out of the American Treasury "Special Fund" as a Financial Transmitting Utility. It is to be noted that not only the DEBTOR but no other corporation has Any Lawful claim over the living physical body of the Beneficiary - Secured Party "Patrick".

This UCC1 Debtor, the Foreign Grantor Trust under EIN # _____________ now has the Paramount Claim upon all property and assets of which the Inheritor/Executor/Grantor has assigned to the Foreign Grantor Trust per this UCC1. Therefore any foreign claim against the DEBTOR that attaches or attacks the Secured Party and his assets through false Adhesion Contracts is a Violation of the LAW. All State licensing contracts were setup under deceptive and fraudulent requirements in order that the benefits would be in the favor of the STATE and hidden from the US ESTATE beneficiary. The Original DEBTOR Contracting Instruments with the STATE OF IOWA and UNITED STATES are in FACT used as dual purpose Leasing Contracts of Bondage and Unjust Usury, but they were never properly Ratified and they have caused Harm to the Living Secured Party through False Adhesions using Misnomers, Slander of Title, Embezzlements, Misprisions and Extortion.

Therefore, this UCC filing is to SECURE the Enforcement of the Settlements of Credits OWED by the Corporate Governmental Debtors and associated Sub-Lessees and the removal of all false bondages. This is a Lawful Demand of JUSTICE from the American Custodial Court Trustees by the Principal American Inheritor/Executor/Grantor of this Foreign Grantor Trust.


MISPRISION of felony or treason. The common-law offense of failure to inform the authorities as to a treason or felony that one has witnessed or that has come to his knowledge; the failure to prevent a felony from being committed. 21 Am J2d Crim L ? 7.

EMBEZZLEMENT: A statutory offense, not a common law crime; the fraudulent appropriation or conversion by an agent, an employee, a corporate officer, a trustee, a public officer, or other person acting in a fiduciary capacity or character, of money or property, the possession of which has been entrusted to him by another. 18 Am J1 st Embez ? 2.

EXTORTION. Oppression under color or right; the criminal offense of obtaining money or other valuable thing by compulsion, actual force, or force of motives applied to the will; more technically defined as the unlawful taking by an officer of the law, by color of his office, of any money or thing of value that is not due to him, or the taking of more than is due, or the taking of money before it is due. Bush v State, 19 Ariz 195, 168 P 508; 31 Am J2d Extort ¡ì 1.

MISNOMER. A mistake in a name; the giving of an incorrect name to a person in an accusation, indictment, pleading, or instrument. Culpepper v State, 173 Ga 799, 161 SE 623, 79 ALR 217. A mistake in the name of the plaintiff or defendant in a writ or process. Anno: 124 ALR 86 et seq. A mistake in the name of a party to an action, whether an individual or a corporation. 39 Am Jl st Parties ¡ì 109. A mistake in the designation of a party or parties to a deed. 23 Am J2d Deeds ¡ì 51. In reference to a corporation, something more than a mere variation in words and syllables; such an interpolation, omission, or alteration of words as to constitute a failure to distinguish the corporation from all others. 18 Am J2d Corp ¡ì 144.

MISREPRESENTATION. The statement of an untruth. A misstatement of fact, which, if accepted, leads the mind to an apprehension of a condition other and different from that which exists. 37 Am J2d Fraud ? 2. In application for insurance.-a statement as a fact of something which is untrue, and which the insured states with the knowledge that it is untrue and with an intent to deceive, or which he states positively as true without knowing it to be true, and which has a tendency to mislead, where such fact in either case is material to the risk. 29 Am J Rev ed Ins ? 698.

SLANDER OF TITLE. Words, written, printed, or uttered, which bring or tend to bring in question the right or title of another to real or personal property. 33 Am Jlst L & S ? 344.

RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES. The rule which prohibits the creation of future interests or estates which by possibility may not become vested within a life or lives in being at the time of the testator's death or the effective date of the instrument creating the future interest, and twenty-one years thereafter, together with the period of gestation when the inclusion of the latter is necessary to cover cases of posthumous birth. 41 Am Jl st Perp ? 3.

RULE AGAINST POSSIBILITY ON A POSSIBILITY. The rule of the common law that in the grant or devise of property there could not be a possibility on a possibility, and which applied to prevent a limitation for the life of an unborn person with a limitation after his death to his unborn children to take as purchasers. 41 Am J 1st Perp ~ 5.

RULE AGAINST POSTPONEMENT OF ENJOYMENT. A rule of public policy which FORBIDS unreasonable restrictions on the enjoyment of property. The principle has become established that no restriction on the use and enjoyment of property will be enforced by the courts where the restriction is such that it is inconsistent with the interest or estate which has been granted or devised. 41 Am JIst Perp ? 69.

RULE AGAINST RESTRAINT ON ALIENATION. The principle that since one of the incidents of property is the right to convey it, the law does not permit a grantor or testator to fetter the ownership of grantee or devisee by imposing a restraint on alienation by him, thereby seeking to maintain control over alienation or use of the property. 41 Am Jl st Perp ? 66. A rule giving force to the principle that the conveyance of a title in fee simple carries with it as a necessary incident the right of free and unlimited alienation. 41 Am Jlst Perp ? 79.

RULE AGAINST SUSPENSION OF POWER OF ALIENATION. A rule under statute, distinct from the rule against perpetuities, which prohibits the imposing of conditions in rendering property inalienable beyond a period fixed by the statute. 41 Am J1 st Perp ? 2.

The INHERITOR/EXECUTOR/GRANTOR orders the following property to be transferred to this American Foreign Grantor Trust, that is being held under fraudulently established UNITED STATES and STATE Governmental and Corporate Corporations set-up under the dual names as- Custodial Trust and/or S-Corporations; as both terminologies of the two names are accomplishing the same end result; to deprive of the living American of his Rights and Enjoyments. There were never any valid Trust Documents or Articles of Incorporation as they were just implied on the government or other corporations and therefore there is no documented proof of their existence. The following Claimed property is listed below:

UNITED STATES ? Custodial Trust/S-Corporation of Liability operating for a Profit to the major benefit of the UNITED STATE and STATE Governmental organizations, the Bankers, the Public Utilities and companies; while giving a very minimum usage fee to the Sole Owner:

1. UNITED STATES - Patrick Devine "SSN Account" _____________ and now under an

ESTATE EIN # _____________; a Non-Constitutional Liability and Surety Contract as an

S-Corporation as a Treasury "Trust Fund", which was only to be for 1-seven year leasing

contract period (18 to 25) just like the Selective Service and to be fully terminated at the age of 25 per the Constitution.

STATE OF IOWA - Custodial Trust/S-Corporations of Liability operating for a Profit to the major benefit of the STATE Governmental, the Bankers, the Public Utilities and companies; while giving a very minimum usage fee to the Sole Owner. The STATE OF IOWA has utilized the Custodial Trust and/or S-Corporations under Fraudulent Contracts in order to attach the Assets as collateral for the State's issued Liability Insurance Commercial Policies to reap a governmental beneficiary profit; of which Embezzlement and Extortion has been the two of the State's key enforcement tools used against living American to control him and his property.

1. STATE OF IOWA - Patrick Devine "Certificate of Live Birth" registration # _____________ and IOWA Corporation EIN # _____________ for the year 1949; held as depository in the United States Department of the Treasury as a "Special Fund" account. And attached CHURCH OF ROME "Cestui Que Trust" as a trust fee depository for the usage of the corporation's assets as UNITED STATES Bankruptcy collateral, which was under 3 seven year periods or the initial 21 years of life of the living American.

2. STATE OF IOWA ? "VOTER'S REGISTERED CARD" ? registration #_____________ for Mahaska County and IOWA Corporation EIN # _____________.

3. STATE OF IOWA - DRIVERS LICENSE AND IDENTIFICATION CARD - under both State # and IOWA Corporation EIN #_____________.

4. STATE OF IOWA ? "CERTIFICATE OF TITLE TO A VEHICLE" VIN # _____________ under both State Title # and IOWA Corporation EIN # _____________.

5. STATE OF IOWA ? "CERTIFICATE OF TITLE TO A VEHICLE" VIN # _____________ under both State Title # and IOWA Corporation EIN # _____________.

The UNITED STATES Department of Navy Affiliate - PATRICK PAUL DEVINE - DD 214N Military Service Bounty Honorable Discharge Certificate, as a Military Bounty Commercial Leasing and Asset Discharge Claiming document is an Additional Asset that is now the property of this Foreign Grantor Trust and can be used to claim the Service Royalties per 1041-V's.

IRS Form 8806 has been submitted in order to have the PATRICK DEVINE ? SSN ESTATE per EIN # _____________ acquired by the PATRICK DEVINE ? FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST per EIN # _____________.

IRS Form 966's have been submitted to support the Dissolution process of the above listed STATE OF IOWA Custodial Trust and/or S-Corporations.

The Department of the Treasury is to be ordered to release the Assets held to the TRUSTEE of this Foreign Grantor Trust.

The Department of Transportation Iowa is to be ordered to supply the required exemption Identification both for the individual and the Trust Vehicles.

The Secretary of the United States of America is to be ordered to supply the required American Passport to the Living individual.

By the empowerment of the American Inheritor/Executor/Grantor, it has been requested of the Administrative Office of the Courts of the United States and a United States District Court case 4:12-cv-00554 to perform a Judicial Dissolution of all contracts with the governmental and commercial world of unjust dead usury commerce by Ordering to be Liquidation, Settlement and then have the Residue of PATRICK DEVINE - ESTATE transferred to the TRUSTEE of the American FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST. This is also an Act of Impeachment because the PATRICK DEVINE - ESTATE has been found to be unworthy of holding Inheritor and Executor's Credits. All future liabilities will be settled with the real assets of the FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST and the full faith and credit of the TRUSTEE and the living American beneficiary.

This new UCC filing supersedes all previously filed UCCs under the same Secured Party and Debtor formatting.

Under the penalty of perjury this UCC is acknowledged as Factual and concurred as a fulfillment of the Law and it is thereby Affirmed being correct by the Trustee on behalf of this UCC Principal Debtor: PATRICK DEVINE - Foreign Grantor Trust; an American Trust, void of the corporate commercial controls from the UNITED STATES and the STATE organizations of corporation.


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